Title: Consumer Credit of Des Moines
1Consumer Credit of Des Moines
- Established in 1987, we have
- Helped over 100,000 families
- Find peace of mind through
- Money management and
- Debt reduction.
- Tom Coates
Iowas Largest Credit Counseling Agency
2Consumer Credit of Des Moines
- ? See Over 500 New Clients
- ? Serve Over 7000 Existing Clients
- ? Send Over 4 Million to Creditors
Iowas Largest Credit Counseling Agency
3Personal Bankruptcy Filings, 1980-2001Data US
Courts, SMR Research
Excludes small number of filings in U.S.
territories after 1989
4More Consumer Debt Than Ever!
- ? Not counting the medical, utility, child
support, or alimony debts, we still get a
consumer debt pile totaling 9.32 trillion as
year 2000 came to a close. Thats nearly double
the 4.76 trillion in consumer debt in 1990. - ? Consumer incomes rose over the same period, but
not nearly as much as debt rose. In 1990,
according to the commerce department, the average
adult earned 18,667. By 2000, that had risen to
542.9 of Households Nearly Flat Broke
- Percent of US Households With Less Than
- 1000 Non-Retirement Liquid Assets
- 1988 - 33.6
- 1993 - 36.5
- 1995 - 37.8
- 1997 - 42.9
- Todays Projection 45 or more of all
households have virtually no liquid savings and
represent families living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Source SIPP Research
6Personal Savings Rate, 1980-2001It keeps Getting
of Disposable Income Saved
Data Commerce Dept. BEA
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
9Consumer credit as a percentage of personal
income has never been so high!
July 2003
Source Commerce Dept., Federal Reserve
10Eating the HouseHousehold debt as a percentage
of household assets is at a record
Q2 2003
Source Federal Reserve
11New Home Sales
Source The Survival Report www.agorafinancial.c
12Housing Market Ratings History USA 1995 2005
Moderately Affordable
Severely Unaffordable
Number of Markets
Seriously Unaffordable
Moderately Unaffordable
Source The Survival Report www.agorafinancial.c
13The Credit Card Payment Trap
5000 _at_ 20 Interest 100 Monthly
Payment Payoff 9 Years 5000 Principle 5800
1420,000 Car at 9 Interest
5 Years 415 mth 24,000 3 Years 636 mth
Identifies If Affordable Eliminates Being
Upside-Down Develops Reserve
100 Costs 16.67 434 APR 200 Costs 27.38
362 APR
100 _at_ 24 APR .92 200 _at_ 24 1.84
16Saving for Retirement
Age 25 65 2000 Year _at_ 8 606,487
Age 35 65 2000 Year _at_ 8266,427
17Gambling Statistics
- Counties with casinos have 16 higher rate
- of personal bankruptcy. SMR Research
- 19 of Iowa bankruptcies discharged
- primarily gambling debt. ISU Study
- Nearly ½ of casino revenue from problem
- pathological gamblers. 2003 U of Il Study
18Gambling Statistics
- 80 of Iowa casino patrons come from within
- a 40 mile radius
- 3 years after a casino opens, crime costs
- increase over 60 per county resident per year.
- For every 1 of net casino revenue there is a
- cost shift of 2 to all of us. Prof. John
Kindt, U of Il
19Budget Sheet Front Section
20Budget Sheet Middle Section
21Budget Sheet Back Section
22FICO (credit) Scores
Credit Score Range
675 Ave.
How They Are Figured
23The higher your FICO scores the less you can
expect to pay for your loan. For example, on a
216,000 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage
A person with a FICO score of 760 or better will
pay 228 less per month for a 216,000 30-year,
fixed-rate mortgage than a person with a FICO
score of 620 thats a savings of 2,736 per