Global Nitrogen Cycle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Global Nitrogen Cycle


Smil, 1998 Scientific American ~200 million tons of N are applied each year ... PAN can dissociate again to form NO2, thus it can act as a transport agent of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Global Nitrogen Cycle

Global Nitrogen Cycle
SOS 6456March 28, 2006
  • Nitrogen chemistry (forms and characteristics)
  • Biological N transformations
  • Anthropogenic N fixation
  • Atmospheric chemistry
  • Global N cycle
  • Human impacts
  • Eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems
  • N saturation of terrestrial ecosystems
  • Climate forcing
  • Stratospheric chemistry and ozone
  • Smog
  • Acid rain

Nitrogen Chemistry
  • Nitrogen has 5 valence electrons and N-compounds
    can take on oxidation state ranging from 5 to -3
  • Because the radius of a nitrogen atom is small
    relative to other elements (0.070 nm), nitrogen
    atoms come close enough together to form very
    strong bonds.
  • nitrogen atoms can gain eight valence electrons
    by sharing three pairs of electrons with another
    nitrogen atom forming N2
  • This N-N triple bond is very strong with a bond
    dissociation enthalpy of 946 KJ/mol
  • Lithium is one of a few elements that will react
    with N2 at low temperature
  • 6 Li(s) N2(g) 2 Li3N(s)

Nitric Acid HNO3
  • Nitric acid is a very strong acid and exists in
    the atmosphere in gas, aerosol and droplet forms
  • In nature, HNO3 is produced in the troposphere by
    reaction of NO (more later)
  • Much of the nitric acid produced in the world is
    manufactured via a high-temperature catalytic
    oxidation of ammonia. This process consists of
    three main steps
  • ammonia oxidation
  • nitric oxide oxidation
  • absorption
  • When reacted with a base, nitrate salts are
  • NH3(g) HNO3(s or g) ? NH4NO3(s or aq)
  • There are numerous other nitrate salts which are
    typically have high-melting pts, are colorless
    and very soluble in water (e.g. KNO3 and NaNO3)

Nitrogen Oxides NO2 and NO
  • Nitrogen oxides, or NOx, are a group of highly
    reactive gases, all of which contain nitrogen and
    oxygen in varying amounts
  • examples of nitrogen oxides include nitric oxide
    (NO) and dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3)
  • Nitrogen oxides form when fuel is burned at high
  • Primary manmade sources of NOx are
  • motor vehicles
  • electric utilities
  • industrial, commercial, and residential
  • NOx can also be formed naturally (more later
  • NO2 in the air can often be seen as a
    reddish-brown layer over many urban areas due to
    its light absorbance at 680 nm
  • NO2 is a regulated criteria pollutant because it
    is the most common N form in the air that is
    generated by human activities
  • NO2 can irritate the lungs and lower resistance
    to respiratory infections

Nitrous Oxide N2O
  • N20, is also known as dinitrogen oxide or
    dinitrogen monoxide and
  • Is a colorless non-flammable gas
  • While similar in structure to CO2 it is less
    reactive and less soluble in water
  • Nitrous oxide is present in the atmosphere where
    it acts as a powerful greenhouse gas and is a
    primary control on O3 in the stratosphere
    (tropospheric residence time 150 years)
  • The N20 molecule is a linear chain of a nitrogen
    atoms bound to a oxygen atom. It can be
    considered a resonance hybrid of
  • N-NO and N N - O-
  • N20 is produced by both natural and human-related
  • Agricultural soils
  • Animal manure
  • Sewage treatment
  • Fossil fuel combustion
  • Acid production
  • Biological sources in soil and water,
    particularly in wet tropical forests

Dinitrogen N2
  • N2 is considered the most stable molecule of N,
    however in the presence of O2 and water it is
    thermodynamically unstable and will form NO3-
  • This reaction is however very very slow given the
    high activation energy required to break the NN
  • N2 has low solubility in water, yet it is the
    most abundant N species in the ocean why?
  • LN2 is produced industrially by liquefaction and
    distillation of air
  • Engineers are working on cars powered by LN2
  • LN2 conversion from liquid to gas expands the
    volume of the nitrogen 700 times and can be used
    to drive an air motor much like burning gasoline
    drives an internal combustion engine

Reduce Nitrogenous Compounds
  • Amines
  • R-NH2 are organic derivatives of ammonia where an
    alkyl group replaces one of the Hs
  • The simplest amines are methylamines CH3-NH2,
    (CH3)2-NH and (CH3)3-N
  • Simple, polar amines are soluble in water, basic
    and participate in hydrogen bonding
  • With larger R groups, amines take on the
    properties of organic molecules and become less
    soluble in water
  • Amides
  • Urea NH2-CO-NH2 is an important N exchange
    between animals (excretion) and plants (uptake
    via breakdown in NH3
  • Animal wastes and fertilizer are major
    anthropogenic sources of urea to the atmosphere)

Ammonia NH3
  • Ammonia is a strong base
  • Ammonia comprises the bulk of reduced N in the
    atmosphere, existing primarily as aqueous or
    aerosol ammonium ion with lesser amounts of
    gaseous NH3
  • At the turn of the 20th century there was a
    shortage of naturally occurring N fertilizers
    which prompted chemists to look for ways of
    combining N2 with hydrogen to form ammonia
  • Germany was preparing for World War I and
    especially needed reduced nitrogen compounds for
    production of explosives (ammonium nitrate)
    this lead to the discovery of the Haber process
  • Millions of metric tons of ammonia are
    manufactured each year for fertilizer production
    by the Haber-process
  • N2 3H2 ? 2NH3

Fritz Haber won the Nobel Prize in 1918 for the
discovery of the reaction named after him Haber
is also remembered for contributions he made to
the studies of electrolysis of solid salts,
Bunsen flames and energy loss from engines,
motors and turbines He has been vilified for
developing the use of chlorine gas during WWI a
weapon he thought would help bring a swift
victory and thus limit overall suffering Others
took a dimmer view including his wife who,
tormented by her husbands actions, committed
Industrial N Fixation The Process
  • In 1909 Haber discovered the conditions under
    which N2 and H2 would react
  • medium temperature (500C)
  • high pressure (250 atmospheres, 351kPa)
  • Fe catalyst
  • This process produces an ammonia yield of
    approximately 10-20
  • The Haber process was subsequently developed into
    an industrial process by C. Bosch
  • The reaction between nitrogen gas and hydrogen
    gas to produce ammonia gas is exothermic,
    releasing 92.4kJ/mol of energy at 298K (25C)
  • H2 used in the process was produced by high
    temperature decomposition of water at first and
    is now obtained by reforming light petroleum
    fractions or methane by adding steam

CH4(g) H2O(g) Ni 700C ?CO(g) 3H2(g)
2CH4(g) O2(g) 4N2(g) Ni? 2CO(g) 4H2(g)
4N2(g) CO(g) H2O(g) FeO catalyst ?H2(g)
CO2(g) CO2 is then removed using a base so that
only N2 and H2 gases remain N2 3H2 ? 2NH3
Ramifications of Industrial N fixation
Smil, 1998 Scientific American
200 million tons of N are applied each year 50
is incorporated into cultivated plants providing
about 40 of plant N uptake Crops provide 75
of N in proteins consumed by humans Therefore
about 1/3 of protein in humanitys diet depends
on synthetic N fertilizer
Key Biological N Transformations
  • N-fixation
  • NH3 assimilation
  • Nitrification
  • Assimilatory nitrate reduction
  • Ammonification
  • Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium
  • Denitrification

  • Biological N-fixation was the ultimate source of
    N in living organisms prior to industrial
    fertilizer production and fossil fuel combustion
  • What organisms fix N?
  • Where does this occur?
  • Why does the process take so much energy?
  • How do organisms overcome this energy hurdle?

Ammonia Assimilation
  • After N-fixation the NH3 or NH4 produced can
    follow what two pathways
  • 1.?
  • 2.?
  • 3. What forms of N do plants use?
  • 4. Which form is most energy efficient?

  • Nitrification consist of two energy yielding
    steps what are they and which one produces more
  • ?
  • ?
  • Which bacterial genus is involved in each step?
  • Are these autotrophic or heterotrophic organisms?

Assimilatory Nitrate Reduction
  • Nitrate can serve as a terminal electron acceptor
    under anaerobic conditions or it can be reduced
    and assimilated into an organism
  • 1. When is this process most likely to occur
  • 2. Why would an organism conduct this type of
  • Answer
  • Organisms can get NH2 from pre-existing
    molecules, NH3 and NH4, (most energy-efficient
    route) or they can synthesize amino groups within
    their cells by assimilatory nitrate reduction
  • This is a common scenario for plants, fungi and
    various prokaryotes since under aerobic
    conditions nitrate is often available while
    ammonia is not
  • Nitrate is reduced by series of enzymes
    (dehydrogenases) to an amino group
  • NO3?NO2 ? NH2OH ? NH3 ? R-NH2
  • Note Dissimilatory nitrate reduction (aka
    denitrification) occurs during anaerobic
    respiration. In DSR nitrate is used as an
    external electron acceptor, which forms a variety
    of reduced products ranging from nitrite to
    dinitrogen gas. These are discarded as wastes,
    rather than assimilated into cell's organic
    molecules as they are in ANR

  • What is this process?
  • What types of bacteria are typically involved?

  • What is the major significance of
  • Balances N-fixation and removes N from
    biosphere. Helps maintain N-limitation of
    terrestrial ecosystems
  • What organisms conduct denitrification and under
    what conditions?
  • Usually facultative anaerobes
  • Predominantly
  • Pseudomonas spp.
  • Bacillus spp.
  • What are the end products of this process?
  • Compounds ranging from NO2 to N2
  • What are there typical proportions?
  • Typically N2 comprises 80-100 of the products
    of denitrification on a world-wide basis

Routes for Anthropogenic N Fixation
  • Intentional
  • Production of NH3 and HNO3 fertilizers
  • Planting of N-fixing crops like legumes and
    clover to replenish farmlands
  • Unintentional
  • Production of NO, from atmospheric N2 and O2
    during high temperature combustion of fossil
    fuels and biomass

Atmospheric Chemistry of N
  • Atmospheric exchange of N2 via biological
    fixation and denitrification dominate the
    biosphere-atmosphere cycle
  • However, cycling of less abundant N species
    between the biosphere and atmosphere are still
    critically important to global biogeochemical
  • Lets review some of the most important
    homogeneous (gas-gas) and heterogeneous
    (gas-liquid-solid) reactions

Atmospheric N Reactions 1
  • Photochemically produced odd electron species
    (radicals such as OH, H-O2 and R-O2) are
    responsible for most of the oxidizing reactions
    of N species in the atmosphere
  • Remember
  • O3 hv ? O2 O (1D electronic state)
  • O H2O ? 2 OH or
  • O CH4 ? OH CH3 
  • Termolecular process
  • O2 O M ? O3 M
  • Where M is a third body that carries away some of
    the vibrational energy generated by the
    exothermic reaction thereby stabilizing the
    products of the reaction in the atmosphere M is
    usually N2 or O2

Atmospheric N Reactions 2
  • Some tropospheric oxidation reactions worth
  • OH is the primary oxidizer in the atmosphere and
    is responsble for oxidizing
  • CH4 and hydrocarbons to CH2O, CO and CO2
  • CO to CO2
  • NO to NO2
  • NO2 to HNO3
  • Example 1 coupled oxidation of methane and NO
  • OH CH4 ? H2O CH3 (methyl radical)
  • M CH3 O2 ? CH3O2 (methylperoxy radical )
  • CH3O2 NO ? NO2 CH3O (methoxy radical)
  • CH3O O2 ? CH2O HO2 (hydroperoxy radical)
  • HO2 NO ? NO2 OH

OH is regenerated thus it acts as a catalyst for
the reaction
Atmospheric N Reactions 3
  • Example 2 - oxidation of CO to CO2
  • OH CO ? CO2 H 
  • H O2 ? HO2
  • HO2 NO ? OH NO2 
  • Example 3 oxidation of NO2 to HNO3
  • NO2 OH M ? HNO3 M
  • HNO3 is then removed from atmosphere via wet or
    dry deposition as acid deposition

Atmospheric N Reactions 4
  • Example 4 coupling of NO oxidation to ozone
  • NO2 hv ? NO O (hv lt 410 nm wavelength.
    NOgt 30 ppt)
  • O O2 M ? O3 M
  • These reactions can be reversed by the rapid
    reaction of NO with ozone
  • The rate if the forward and reverse reactions are
    dependant on the concentration of NOx (NOx
    NO NO2) and light intensity
  • On sunny summer days ozone production is high,
    however, continued production of NO at night can
    consume O3
  • This fact often causes night-time ozone levels in
    urban areas to be lower than in downwind rural
    areas with no mobile NO sources
  • Ozone negatively impacts the process of
    photosynthesis by reducing the amount of carbon
    dioxide plants are able to process

Ozone in National Parks is Higher than in the
Photochemical Smog And The Role of VOCs
  • Example 5
  • A frequent constituent of smog is the powerful
    eye irritant PAN, peroxyacetylnitrate
  • It is formed from acetaldehyde, CH3CHO, a product
    of the photo-oxidation of ethane and other
    hydrocarbons plus natural emissions from trees
    (e.g., Blue Ridge Mts)
  •                 CH3CHO OH H2O CH3CO
    (acetic acid radical)
  •                  CH3CO O2 CH3COO2
    (peroxyacetyl radical)
  •                CH3COO2 NO2 CH3COO2NO2 
  • PAN can dissociate again to form NO2, thus it can
    act as a transport agent of NO2 to remote areas
    far from the pollution source (remember our
    discussion of atmospheric organic nitrogen AON?)

Stratospheric N Reactions
  • Stratospheric O3 is formed by the same reactions
    as in the troposphere, however concentrations are
    much higher due to greater O levels due to
    higher UV light
  • Under natural conditions stratospheric O3
    production is balanced by radical destruction
  • O3 X ? XO O2
  • XO O ? X O2
  • Where X is any radical NO, H etc.
  • e.g.
  • O3 NO ? NO2 O2
  • NO2 O ? NO O2
  • The major source of stratospheric NO is the slow
    upward diffusion of N2O through the tropopause
    and its photolysis and reaction with O
  • N2O hv ? N2 O
  • N2O O ? 2NO
  • When and where can NO actually conserve Ozone?

Heterogeneous Atmospheric N Reactions
  • Heterogeneous processes are involved in the
    atmospheric N cycle in the following ways
  • Gas particle conversion
  • Gas uptake by cloudwater and precipitation
  • Exchange of N-gases between the ocean and
  • Exchange of N-gases between soils and the
  • In the atmosphere precipitation is the most
    important means to remove NH4 and NO3- ions
    since these N species are very soluble in water
  • For ammonia and ammonium the condensed phases,
    liquid and solid, makeup about ? of the
    atmospheric burden whereas for nitrate about ? is
    in the gas phase

For next time
  • Finish Chapter 12
  • Do problems 12-1, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5, 12-6, 12-8
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