Title: Pan American Health Organization
1 Biannual Meeting of the CARMEN Network General
Assembly Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 13-14 November
2003 Lucimar Coser Cannon Raul Murillo Karla
- Pan American Health Organization
- Pan American Sanitary Bureau
- Regional Office for the Americas for the
- World Health Organization
2C A R M E N Conjunto de Acciones para la
Reduccion Multifactorial de Enfermedades No
transmisibles Integrated Noncommunicable
Disease Prevention
- Pan American Health Organization
- Pan American Sanitary Bureau
- Regional Office for the Americas for the
- World Health Organization
3- PAHO, as the CARMEN Network Secretariat,
translates the demands of the countries into
action. - Disseminates information
- Advocates and markets for NCD prevention
- Mobilizes resource
- Supports the development, and implementation of
national plans - Provides administrative support
- Looks for integration with affinity areas and
4Report of the Secretariat
- What have we done?
- What are we doing?
- What do we need to do?
5What have we done?
- CARMEN Brochure
- Glossary of frequently used terms
- Virtual Communication tools
6What have we done?
- Fact Sheets
- Networks and Coalitions in collaboration with the
Ohio State University (20) Modified and
translated into Spanish - World Health Report 2002
- Policy Observatory
- Public Policies
- Global Forum on NCD Prevention and Control
7Third Meeting of the CARMEN Network Directing
- New members Peru and Panama
- Collaborative members
- The Americas Network for Chronic Disease
Surveillance - The Physical Activity Network of
- the Americas
- The Produce for Better Health Foundation 5 A
Day for Better Health
8Third Meeting of the CARMEN Network Directing
- Group discussion topics
- The development, implementation, and evaluation
of CARMEN Programs and Projects - The CARMEN Virtual Community
- Management of the CARMEN Network
- Detailed Report Available
9Third Meeting of the CARMEN Network Directing
- After requested by participants, the Secretariat
- Developed Terms of Reference for its Listserv,
Newsletter, and Bulletin Board - Updated the How to Join the Network fact sheet
- Developed a draft of the Networks Plan of Action
2003/2004 - Worked with the CARLI Sub-regional Network to
develop a proposal for CARMEN Network Management
10Joint Statement Between PAHO and NHLBI for
collaboration in CVD Prevention and Control in
the Americas
- Purpose to provide technical support for the
implementation of new guidelines and tools that
can be adapted to low-resource settings for
maximum effectiveness - NHLBI is a WHO/PAHO collaborating center in CVD
research and is one of the largest and oldest CVD
research institutes in the world.
11What are we doing?
- Working to develop the CARMEN School in
collaboration with SLU and the Catholic
University of Chile - Meeting with MoH of prospective member countries
- Maintaining all legislation and country
information in order to be an updated clearing
house of information
12What do we still need to do?
- Develop specific ToR for potential CARMEN
collaborating centers - Develop a database on working groups in the
Network - Create a directory of all the initiatives taking
place in the Region - To further develop CARMEN School
- LAB certification
- Financial constraints
- Lack of integration
- Turf issues
- Keep our virtual community update
- Prompt answer to members demands
- Include, maintain and extend NCD prevention in
the agenda (internal, regional and international) - CARMEN Network must be
- Scientifically sound
- Dynamic
- Collaborative (Solidarity)
- And ????
15Portfolio of Special Projects