Title: The Changing Market Place
1The Changing Market Place
Ethical, Profitable, Sustainable Growth
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3Channel Choices
- Organized Urban Retail
- Rural Initiatives
- E Commerce
- Mobile Commerce
4Media Choices
- Conventional Media getting more specialized, In
Movie, Re-emergence of Radio - Experiential Marketing
- Festivals, Special Day Celebrations, Events,
- Web, Blogs, Email
- Mobile, Mobile Internet, SMSes
5Product Choices
- Mobile Phones and Digital Cameras
- Eating Out, Packaged Food
- Homes
- Foreign Travel
6Price Choices
- Plastic Money
- Mobile Money
- Finance Options
7Nation of Shopkeepers to a Nation of Shoppers
- Save now and Consume later to Affordable
Indulgence - 12 million shopkeepers
- Youth
- Working Women
- Power of the retailer
- Population 1,095,351,995 (July 2006 est.)
- Age structure (2006 est.) 0-14 years 30.8
(male 173,478,760/female 163,852,827) 15-64
years 64.3 (male 363,876,219/female
340,181,764) 65 years and over 4.9 (male
27,258,020/female 26,704,405) - Median age (2006 est.) total 24.9 years male
24.9 years female 24.9 years
9Changing demographic profile
Rich (Above Rs215000) Consuming
(Rs45000-215000) Climbers (Rs22000-45000)
Aspirants (Rs16000-22000)
10The Indian Retail Market
GDP US 691 Bn
Private Consumption US 460 Bn (64)
Public Spending US 71 Bn (11)
Gross Capital Formation US 160 Bn (25)
Retail US 258 Bn (56)
Non-Retail US 152 Bn (44)
Urban US 98 Bn (38)
Year 2004-05 Source NAS, Govt of India
Rural US 160 Bn (62)
11Private Consumption Growing Faster Than The
- US 157 Bn (About Rs 690,000 Crores) consumption
to be added in the next five yrs.
12India Today is..
India today is
13Multiplier Effect on Retail
A multiplier effect on retail
- Large structural shift taking place
- Rising disposable incomes and better access to
consumer finance - Stable inflation scenarios, lower incentives to
Brands profusion
Working women
14Changing Consumer Psyche
15Youth has no Guilt of Consumption
16Growing Urbanization
17Into the spending mode..
18Urban Poor
- SEC C, D E comprise of 33 million plus urban
Households (54) - If able to innovate and create capacity, this is
a significant market worth approximately Rs.
250,000 crores - Rural households would be at least 5 times more.
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20Women will come into their own..
- India has the worlds largest number of
professionally qualified women. - India has more female doctors, surgeons,
scientists and professors than the United States.
- India has more working women than any other
country in the world. This includes female
workers at all levels of skill from the surgeon
and the airline pilot to bus conductors and
menial labourers.
21Working Women
- The level of influence that women exert on
purchase decisions is directly proportion to
their increased financial independence - This figure is lower only for the food and
grocery where men play a larger role in working
women families - Even then it is interesting to note that certain
male centric categories especially home
entertainment is still dominated by men making
the decisions more often than women.
22More Change in the offing
23Media Reach
24Retail Catchments
Over 44 million people entered Pantaloon formats
last year. The number is expected to be 80
million, 160 million and 300 million in the next
three years this represents 30 of Indias
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26Consumer Goods
27Processed Foods
28Agri Related
29Blogs are making their own impact
- Just search for Rashmi Bansal blog in Google and
it will yield over 59,000 results and search for
Gaurav Sabnis blog to stumble upon over 66,000!! - India Daily commented upon the silence of
newspapers on the IIPM scam. Maybe, they are no
sure what to do now, so publishing crap to
downplay Indian bloggers. They are making a huge
impact on the student community in India with
their blogs unearthing the IIPM scam. - There are hundreds of thousands of bloggers from
India at this moment and they have impacted the
Indian psyche well. The IIPM scam was unearthed
following Indian bloggers initiative.
30E Commerce
- Most e-commerce sites have been targeted towards
the NRI's with Gift delivery services, books,
Audio and videocassettes e.t.c.. - Major Indian portal sites have also shifted
towards e-commerce instead of depending on
advertising revenue. - The web communities built around these portal
sites with content have been effectively targeted
to sell everything from event and movie tickets,
the grocery and computers.
31E Revolution
- Indian Banks too have been very successful in
adapting EC and EDI Technologies to provide
customers with real time account status, transfer
of funds between current and checking accounts,
stop payment facilities. Speed post also plain to
clone the federal express story with online
package status at any moment in time . - The stock exchanges coming online providing a
online stock portfolio and status with a fifteen
minute delay in prices. The day cannot be far
when with RBI regulations we will able to see
stock transfer and sale over the Net with
specialized services like swab and etrade. - 'Digital signatures' and verification processes
over the Internet may not be far behind.
32Internet Users Country Ranking
33Mobile Subscribers
Source iSuppli, compiled by DigiTimes.com, April
34M Commerce Target Market
- 38.5 million Internet Users
- 45 million credit card and debit card users
- 100 million mobile phone users
- 440 million bank accounts in India
- 1 billion worth of online commerce
- 5 billion retail commerce
- 10 billion worth of credit card transactions
35M-Commerce - The Commerce of Convenience
- Telecom leaders like Reliance and Airtel have
taken the lead in offering m-commerce services.
From bill payments to airline and railway
ticketing to booking movie tickets and other
random services, they offer it all. - M-Commerce in India is on a huge growth path and
hybrid m-commerce service providers such as
Paymate now offers innovative services
never-heard-of before.
36Passengers Traveling
As many as 1,421,007 foreign tourists visited
India during January-March this year as against
1,242,282 in the first three months in 2006.
37The Rural Story
- The rural India offers a tremendous market
potential. A mere one percent increase in Indias
rural income translates to a mind-boggling Rs
10,000 crore of buying power. - Nearly two-thirds of all middle-income households
in the country are in rural India. And close to
half of Indias buying potential lies in its
villages. - Increasing brand awareness
38E - Chaupal
- Taking the Internet to the villages and
empowering rural India with information at the
click of a button is what best describes ITC's
much acclaimed initiative - e-Choupal - ITC's unique web based initiative offers farmers
of India all the information, products and
services they need to enhance farm productivity,
improve farm-gate price realisation and cut
transaction costs. With the e-Choupal farmers can
access latest local and global information on
weather, scientific farming practices as well as
market prices at the village itself through this
web portal - all in Hindi. It also facilitates
the supply of high quality farm inputs as well as
purchase of commodities at their doorstep
39Loans EMIs
- We are slowly becoming comfortable about
borrowing - 11 of the sample said that pay EMIs, thats
still low by international standards - East and west are relatively low on credit buying
- Highest proportion of EMI payers were from the
Cities of south like Bangalore, Chennai, Madurai,
and cities Chandigarh, Jaipur and lucknow,
ranging from 14-24
40Reasons for taking a loan
- Top reasons were buying a home and vehicle
41Some Ownership numbers
- Arrived veterans are the highest in most
lifestyle categories of personal use such as car,
house, vacations abroad etc. Balance seekers come
next. - Average ownership age is decreasing esp. for home
and vehicle ownership
42Strengthening Retail PowerBrand Vs Retailer
- Overall brand loyalty scores are way above
Retailer Loyalty scores, this being most
prominent for Appliances and electronics category - But the fact that retailer loyalty exists in
significant numbers and scores over the
indifference to brand/retailer statement, shows
that retailers have begun to make a mark, and
today are more than the commoditized shops of
yesteryears, with a definite brand identity of
their own
43Thank you