Title: Time Series
1Time Series
- Math 419/592
- Winter 2009
- Prof. Andrew Ross
- Eastern Michigan University
2Overview of Stochastic Models
3But first, a word from our sponsor
- Take Math 560
- (Optimization)
- this fall!
- Sign up soon or it will disappear
- Look at the data!
- Common Models
- Multivariate Data
- Cycles/Seasonality
- Filters
5Look at the data!
6Atmospheric CO2
Years 1958 to now vertical scale 300 to 400ish
7(No Transcript)
8Ancient sunspot data
9Our Basic Procedure
- Look at the data
- Quantify any pattern you see
- Remove the pattern
- Look at the residuals
- Repeat at step 2 until no patterns left
10Our basic procedure, version 2.0
- Look at the data
- Suck the life out of it
- Spend hours poring over the noise
- What should noise look like?
11One of these things is not like the others
- The upper-right-corner plot is Stationary.
- Mean doesn't change in time
- no Trend
- no Seasons (known frequency)
- no Cycles (unknown frequency)
- Variance doesn't change in time
- Correlations don't change in time
- Up to here, weakly stationary
- Joint Distributions don't change in time
- That makes it strongly stationary
13Our Basic Notation
- Time is t, not n
- even though it's discrete
- State (value) is Y, not X
- to avoid confusion with x-axis, which is time.
- Value at time t is Yt, not Y(t)
- because time is discrete
- Of course, other books do other things.
14Detrending deterministic trend
- Fit a plain linear regression, then subtract it
out - Fit Yt mt b,
- New data is Zt Yt mt b
- Or use quadratic fit, exponential fit, etc.
15Detrending stochastic trend
- Differencing
- For linear trend, new data is Zt Yt Yt-1
- To remove quadratic trend, do it again
- Wt Zt Zt-1Yt 2Yt-1 Yt-2
- Like taking derivatives
- Whats the equivalent if you think the trend is
exponential, not linear? - Hard to decide regression or differencing?
16Removing Cycles/Seasons
- Will get to it later.
- For the next few slides, assume no cycles/seasons.
17A brief big-picture moment
- How do you compare two quantities?
- Multiply them!
- If theyre both positive, youll get a big,
positive answer - If theyre both big and negative
- If one is positive and one is negative
- If one is bigpositive and the other is
18Where have we seen this?
- Dot product of two vectors
- Proportional to the cosine of the angle between
them (do they point in the same direction?) - Inner product of two functions
- Integral from a to b of f(x)g(x) dx
- Covariance of two data sets x_i, y_i
- Sum_i (x_i y_i)
19Autocorrelation Function
- How correlated is the series with itself at
various lag values? - E.g. If you plot Yt1 versus Yt and find the
correlation, that's the correl. at lag 1 - ACF lets you calculate all these correls. without
plotting at each lag value. - ACF is a basic building block of time series
20Fake data on bus IATs
21Properties of ACF
- At lag 0, ACF1
- Symmetric around lag 0
- Approx. confidence-interval bars around ACF0
- To help you decide when ACF drops to near-0
- Less reliable at higher lags
- Often assume ACF dies off fast enough so its
absolute sum is finite. - If not, called long-term memory e.g.
- River flow data over many decades
- Traffic on computer networks
22How to calculate ACF
- R, Splus, SAS, SPSS, Matlab, Scilab will do it
for you - Excel download PopTools (free!)
- http//www.cse.csiro.au/poptools/
- Excel, etc do it yourself.
- First find avg. and std.dev. of data
- Next, find AutoCoVariance Function (ACVF)
- Then, divide by variance of data to get ACF
23ACVF at lag h
- Y-bar is mean of whole data set
- Not just mean of N-h data points
- Left side old way, can produce correlgt1
- Right side new way
- Difference is End Effects
- Pg 30 of Peña, Tiao, Tsay
- (if it makes a difference, you're up to no good?)
24Common Models
- White Noise
- AR
- MA
- Kalman Filter
- Exponential Smoothing, trend, seasons
25White Noise
- Sequence of I.I.D. Variables et
- meanzero, Finite std.dev., often unknown
- Often, but not always, Gaussian
26AR AutoRegressive
- Order 1 YtaYt-1 et
- E.g. New (90 of old) random fluctuation
- Order 2 Yta1Yt-1 a2Yt-2 et
- Order p denoted AR(p)
- p1,2 common gt2 rare
- AR(p) like p'th order ODE
- AR(1) not stationary if agt1
- EYt 0, can generalize
27Things to do with AR
- Find appropriate order
- Estimate coefficients
- via Yule-Walker eqn.
- Estimate std.dev. of white noise
- If estimated agt0.98, try differencing.
28MA Moving Average
- Order 1
- Yt b0et b1et-1
- Order q MA(q)
- In real data, much less common than AR
- But still important in theory of filters
- Stationary regardless of b values
- EYt 0, can generalize
29ACF of an MA process
- Drops to zero after lagq
- That's a good way to determine what q should be!
30ACF of an AR process?
- Never completely dies off, not useful for finding
order p. - AR(1) has exponential decay in ACF
- Instead, use Partial ACFPACF, which dies after
lagp - PACF of MA never dies.
- ARMA(p,q) combines AR and MA
- Often p,q lt 1 or 2
- AR-Integrated-MA
- ARIMA(p,d,q)
- dorder of differencing before applying ARMA(p,q)
- For nonstationary data w/stochastic trend
- Seasonal ARIMA(p,d,q)-and-(P,D,Q)S
- Often S
- 12 (monthly) or
- 4 (quarterly) or
- 52 (weekly)
- Or, S7 for daily data inside a
week - ARMAXARMA with outside explanatory variables
(halfway to multivariate time series)
34State Space Model, Kalman Filter
- Underlying process that we don't see
- We get noisy observations of it
- Like a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), but state is
continuous rather than discrete. - AR/MA, etc. can be written in this form too.
- State evolution (vector) St F St-1 ht
- Observations (scalar) Yt H St et
35ARCH, GARCH(p,q)
- (Generalized) AutoRegressive Conditional
Heteroskedastic (heteroscedastic?) - Like ARMA but variance changes randomly in time
too. - Used for many financial models
36Exponential Smoothing
- More a method than a model.
37Exponential Smoothing EWMA
- Very common in practice
- Forecasting w/o much modeling of the process.
- At forecast of series at time t
- Pick some parameter a between 0 and 1
- At a Yt (1-a)At-1
- or At At-1 a(error in period t)
- Why call it Exponential?
- Weight on Yt at lag k is (1-a)k
38How to determine the parameter
- Train the model try various values of a
- Pick the one that gives the lowest sum of
absolute forecast errors - The larger a is, the more weight given to recent
observations - Common values are 0.10, 0.30, 0.50
- If best a is over 0.50, there's probably some
trend or seasonality present
- Exponential smoothing no trend or seasonality
- Excel/Analysis Toolpak can do it if you tell it a
- Holt's method accounts for trend.
- Also known as double-exponential smoothing
- Holt-Winters accounts for trend seasons
- Also known as triple-exponential smoothing
- Along with ACF, use Cross-Correlation
- Cross-Correl is not 1 at lag0
- Cross-Correl is not symmetric around lag0
- Leading Indicator one series' behavior helps
predict another after a little lag - Leading means coming before, not better than
others - Can also do cross-spectrum, aka coherence
- Suppose a yearly cycle
- Sample quarterly 3-med, 6-hi, 9-med, 12-lo
- Sample every 6 months 3-med, 9-med
- Or 6-hi, 12-lo
- To see a cycle, must sample at twice its freq.
- Demo spreadsheet
- This is the Nyquist limit
- Compact Disc samples at 44.1 kHz, top of
human hearing is 20 kHz
42The basic problem
- We have data, want to find
- Cycle length (e.g. Business cycles), or
- Strength of seasonal components
- Idea use sine waves as explanatory variables
- If a sine wave at a certain frequency explains
things well, then there's a lot of strength. - Could be our cycle's frequency
- Or strength of known seasonal component
- Explainscorrelates
43Correlate with Sine Waves
- Ordinary covar
- At freq. Omega,
- (means are zero)
- Problem what if that sine is out of phase with
our cycle?
- Also correlate with a cosine
- 90 degrees out of phase with sine
- Why not also with a 180-out-of-phase?
- Because if that had a strong correl, our original
sine would have a strong correl of opposite sign. - Sines Cosines, Oh Mycombine using complex
45The Discrete Fourier Transform
- Often a scaling factor like 1/T, 1/sqrt(T),
1/2pi, etc. out front. - Some people use i instead of -i
- Often look only at the frequencies
- k0,...,T-1
46Hmm, a sum of products
- That reminds me of matrix multiplication.
- Define a matrix F whose j,k entry is
- exp(-ijk2pi/T)
- Then
- Matrix multiplication takes T2 operations
- This matrix has a special structure, can do it in
about T log T operations - That's the FFTFast Fourier Transform
- Easiest if T is a power of 2
47So now we have complex values...
- Take magnitude argument of each DFT result
- Plot squared magnitude vs. frequency
- This is the Periodogram
- Large value that frequency is very strong
- Often plotted on semilog-y scale, decibels
- Example spreadsheet
48Spreadsheet Experiments
- First, play with amplitudes
- (1,0) then (0,1) then (1,.5) then (1,.7)
- Next, play with frequency1
- 2pi/8 then 2pi/4
- 2pi/6, 2pi/7, 2pi/9, 2pi/10
- 2pi/100, 2pi/1000
- Summarize your results for yourself. Write it
down! - Reset to 2pi/8 then play with phase2
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
- Now add some noise to Yt
- Value at k0 is mean of data series
- Called DC component
- Area under periodogram is proportional to
Var(data series) - Height at each pointhow much of variance is
explained by that frequency - Plotting argument vs. frequency shows phase
- Often need to smooth with moving avg.
50What is FT of White Noise?
- Try it!
- Why is it called white noise?
- Pink noise, etc. (look up in Wikipedia)
51Filtering part 1
- Zero out the frequencies you don't want
- Invert the FT
- FT is its own inverse! Not like Laplace
Transform. - This is frequency-domain filtering
- MP3 files filter out the freqs. you wouldn't
hear - because they're overwhelmed by stronger
52Filtering part 2
- Time-domain filtering example spreadsheet
- Smoothing moving average
- Filters out high frequencies (noise is high-freq)
- Low-pass filter
- Detrending differencing
- Filters out trends and slow cycles (which look
like trends, locally) - High-pass filter
- Band-pass filter
- Band-reject filter (esp. 12-month cycles)
- Time-domain filter's freq. response comes from
the FT of its averaging coefficients - Example spreadsheet
- This curve is called the Transfer Function
- Good audio speakers publish their frequency
response curves
54Long-history time series
- Ordinary theory assumes that ACF dies off faster
than 1/h - But some time series don't satisfy that
- River flows
- Packet amounts on data networks
- Connected to chaos fractals
- Enders Applied Econometric Time Series
- Kedem Fokianos Regression Models for Time
Series Analysis - Pena, Tao, Tsay A Course in Time Series
Analysis - Brillinger lecture notes for Stat 248 at UC
Berkeley - BrillingerTime Series Data Analysis and Theory
- Brockwell Davis Introduction to Time Series
and Forecasting
561 real way, 2 fake ways