Introduction to Time Series Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Time Series Analysis


Multiple regression analysis with time series data can also lead to the problem ... The variable has a constant mean at all points in time ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Time Series Analysis

Introduction to Time Series Analysis
Regression vs. Time Series Analysis
  • In regression analysis, we estimate models that
    attempt to explain the movement in one variable
    by relating it to a set of explanatory variables
  • Time series analysis attempts to identify the
    properties of a time series variable and use
    models to predict the future path of the variable
    based on its past behavior
  • Example How do stock prices move through time?
    Fama (1965) claimed that they identify with the
    random walk process

Regression vs. Time Series Analysis
  • Multiple regression analysis with time series
    data can also lead to the problem of spurious
  • Example Suppose we estimate the following model
    with time series data
  • The estimated regression may turn out to have a
    high R-sq even though there is no underlying
    causal relationship
  • The two variables may simply have the same
    underlying trend (move together through time)

A Simple Time Series ModelThe Random Walk Model
  • How can we model the behavior of financial data
    such as stock prices, exchange rates, commodity
  • A simple model to begin with is the random walk
    model given by
  • This model says that the current value of
    variable y depends on
  • The variables value in the previous period
  • A stochastic error term, which is assumed to have
    mean zero and a constant variance

A Simple Time Series ModelThe Random Walk Model
  • What does this model imply about a forecast of a
    future value of variable y?
  • According to the model
  • Therefore, the expected future value of variable
    y is
  • given that the expected value of the error term
    is zero

A Simple Time Series ModelThe Random Walk Model
  • Implication The best forecast of the future
    value of variable y is its current value
  • If variable y follows a random walk, then it
    could move in any direction with no tendency to
    return to its present value
  • If we rewrite the random walk model as follows
  • then we refer to a random walk with a drift,
    meaning a trend (upward or downward)

White Noise Process
  • Suppose that the variable y is modeled as follows
  • where ?t is a random variable with mean zero,
    constant variance and zero correlation between
    successive observations
  • This variable follows what is called a white
    noise process, which implies that we cannot
    forecast future values of this variable

Stationarity in Time Series
  • In time series analysis, we attempt to predict
    the future path of a variable based on
    information on its past behavior, meaning that
    the variable exhibits some regularities
  • A valuable way to identify such regularities is
    through the concept of stationarity
  • We say that a time series variable Yt is
    stationary if
  • The variable has a constant mean at all points in
  • The variable has a constant variance at all
    points in time
  • The correlation between Yt and Yt-k depends on
    the length of the lag (k) but not on any other

Stationarity in Time Series
  • What type of a time series variable exhibit this
  • A variable that moves occasionally away from its
    mean (due to a random shock), but eventually
    returns to its mean (exhibits mean reversion)
  • A shock in the variable in the current period
    will be reflected in the value of the variable in
    future periods, but the impact diminishes as we
    move away from the current period
  • Example The variable of stock returns of Boeing
    exhibits the properties of stationarity

Boeings monthly stock returns (1984-2003)
Stationarity in Time Series
  • A variable that does not meet one or more of the
    properties of stationarity is a nonstationary
  • What is the implication of nonstationarity for
    the behavior of the time series variable?
  • A shock in the variable in the current period
    never dies away and causes a permanent deviation
    in the variables time path
  • Calculating the mean and variance of such a
    variable, we see that the mean is undefined and
    the variance is infinite
  • Example The SP 500 index (as opposed to the
    returns on the SP index which exhibit

The SP 500 Index Exhibits Nonstationarity
The Returns on the SP 500 Exhibit Stationarity
The Impact of Nonstationarity on Regression
  • The major impact of nonstationarity for
    regression analysis is spurious regression
  • If the dependent and explanatory variables are
    nonstationary, we will obtain high R-sq and
    t-statistics, implying that our model is doing a
    good job explaining the data
  • The true reason of the good model fit is that the
    variables have a common trend
  • A simple correction of nonstationarity is to take
    the first differences of variables (Yt Yt-1),
    which creates a stationary variable

Testing for Nonstationarity
  • A common way to detect nonstationarity is to
    perform a Dickey-Fuller test (unit root test)
  • The test estimates the following model
  • and test the following one-sided hypothesis

Testing for Nonstationarity
  • If the estimate of ?1 is significantly less than
    zero, then we reject the null hypothesis that
    there is nonstationarity (meaning that variable Y
    is stationary)
  • Note The critical values of the t-statistics for
    the Dickey-Fuller test are considerably higher
    than those in the tables of the t distribution
  • Example For n 120, the critical t-statistic
    from the tables is near 2.3, while the
    corresponding value from the Dickey-Fuller tables
    is 3.43

Characterizing Time Series VariablesThe
Autocorrelation Function (ACF)
  • The ACF is a very useful tool because it provides
    a description of the underlying process of a time
    series variable
  • The ACF tells us how much correlation there is
    between neighboring points of a time series
    variable Yt
  • The ACF of lag k is the correlation coefficient
    between Yt and
  • Yt-k over all such pairs in the data set

Characterizing Time Series VariablesThe
Autocorrelation Function (ACF)
  • In practice, we use the sample ACF (based on our
    sample of observations from the time series
    variable) to estimate the ACF of the process that
    describes the variable
  • The sample autocorrelations of a time series
    variable can be presented in a graph called the
  • The examination of the correlogram provides very
    useful information that allows us to understand
    the structure of a time series

Characterizing Time Series VariablesThe
Autocorrelation Function (ACF)
  • Example Does the ACF of a stationary series
    exhibit a certain pattern that can be detected by
    studying the correlogram?
  • For a stationary series, the autocorrelations
    between two points in time, t and tk, become
    smaller as k increases
  • In other words, the ACF falls off rather quickly
    as k increases
  • For a nonstationary series, this is usually not
    the case, as the ACF remains large as k increases

Correlogram and ACF of SP Index Variable
  • Note that as the number of lags (k) increases,
    the ACF declines, but at a very slow rate
  • This is an indicator of a nonstationary variable
  • Compare this result with the graph of the level
    of the SP Index shown previously

Correlogram and ACF of Returns on the SP Index
  • An examination of the correlogram of the variable
    of returns on the SP index shows that this
    variable exhibits stationarity
  • The ACF declines very rapidly, meaning that there
    is very low correlation between observations in
    periods t and tk as k increases

Characterizing Time Series VariablesThe
Autocorrelation Function (ACF)
  • To evaluate the quality of information from the
    correlogram, we assess the magnitudes of the
    sample autocorrelations by comparing them with
    some boundaries
  • We can show that the sample autocorrelations are
    normally distributed with a standard deviation of
  • In this case, we would expect that only 5 of
    sample autocorrelations would lie outside a
    confidence interval of ? 2 standard deviations

Characterizing Time Series VariablesThe
Autocorrelation Function (ACF)
  • Given that the correlogram shows values of
    autocorrelations, these values cannot lie outside
    the interval ? 1
  • As the number of time series observations
    increases above 40-50, the limits of the
    confidence interval given by the standard
    deviations become smaller
  • In practical terms, if the sample
    autocorrelations lie outside the confidence
    intervals given by the correlogram, then the
    sample autocorrelations are different from zero
    at the corresponding significance level

Correlograms and Confidence Intervals for Sample
From Sample Data to Inference About a Time Series
Generating Model
Sample Data
Sample Autocorrelations
Population Autocorrelation
Generating Model
Linear Time Series Models
  • In time series analysis, the goal is to develop a
    model that provides a reasonably close
    approximation of the underlying process that
    generates the time series data
  • This model can then be used to predict future
    values of the time series variable
  • An influential framework for this analysis is the
    use the class of models known as Autoregressive
    Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models
    developed by Box and Jenkins (1970)

Autoregressive (AR) Models
  • In an AR model, the dependent variable is a
    function of its past values
  • A simple AR model is
  • This is an example of an autoregressive model of
    order 1 or an AR(1) model
  • In general, an autoregressive model of order p or
    AR(p) model will include p lags of the dependent
    variable as explanatory variables

Autoregressive (AR) Models
  • Is it possible to conclude that a time series
    follows an AR(p) model by looking at the
  • Example Suppose that a series follows the AR(1)
  • The ACF of the AR(1) model begins with the value
    of 1 and then declines exponentially
  • The implication of this fact is that the current
    value of the time series variable depends on all
    past values, although the magnitude of this
    dependence declines with time
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