Title: The viewpoint culture
1The viewpoint (culture) ??(??)
- Premise 1 ?? 1
- Recorded information on what happened has value
???????????????? - Premise 2 ?? 2
- We may convert that information to practical,
structured reliability-centered knowledge1
???????????????, ??????????? - Premise 3 ?? 3
- Manage that knowledge using a dynamic, continuous
improvement process ????????????, ???????
1 Knowledge the ability to make good,
verifiable maintenance decisions. ?? ?
2What do we need on the work order for reliability
analysis? ??????????????????
1 Potential failure has no or relatively minor
consequences ????, ?????? 2 Functional failure
has consequences resulting from loss of function
????, ????? 3 Suspension a renewal of a failure
mode / component for reasons other than FF or PF
3Living RCM data warehouse search/audit functions
4Events table ???
7The CBM decision agent applies a decision
8Savings due to optimization?????????
9CBM Performance Assessment?????????
11?????,?? ??????
Good Engineering, Maintenance Reliability
Engineering knowledge, judgment, and experience
BI-Cycle Living RCM software
IFS Maintenance System????
12The project has five steps???????
- Management seminar / support ?????? / ??
- Team selection ?????
- Team education ?????
- Conduct the pilot ??????
- Summarize and report achievements ???????
See http//www.omdec.com/wiki/tiki-index.php?page