Title: Sociological Viewpoint
1Sociological Viewpoint
- The Beginnings of Sociology
- Sociological Perspectives
- The Origins of Sociology
- Sociological Theory
- Current Perspectives
2Sociologys Purpose
- This course will lend you the ability to
understand and apply knowledge about our social
world as well as visualize how a scientific
approach can be used to study social issues.
3Seeing the Strange in the Familiar
- Emile Durkheims study of suicide in the late
1890s found the following more likely to commit
suicide - Why?
- Men
- Protestants
- The wealthy
- The unmarried
4Sociologys Purpose
- What social institutions are Americans between
the ages of 14-18 a part of?
5Sociological Perspective
- Sociology views society from the viewpoint of an
observer, Focusing on social interaction and
social phenomena.
6Sociological Perspective
- This perspective gives a person the ability to
see the invisible workings of society. - Instead of wondering why somebody did something
YOU can understand the what invisible forces
pushed them. - It also exposes the judgments we all succumb to.
As Americans Is the way we live - Better?
- The right way?
- More civilized?
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8Sociological Perspective
- Why are white people more likely to graduate from
9Sociological Imagination
- When you develop this perspective you at the
same time develop a Sociological Imagination. - The ability to see the connection between the
larger world and your own life.
Nowadays men often feel that their private lives
are a series of traps. They sense that within
their everyday worlds, they cannot overcome their
troubles, and in this feeling, they are often
quite correct What ordinary men are directly
aware of and what they try to do are bounded by
the private orbits in which they live their
visions and their powers are limited to the
close-up scenes of job, family, neighborhood in
other milieux, they move vicariously and remain
spectators. And the more aware they become,
however vaguely, of ambitions and of threats
which transcend their immediate locales, the more
trapped they seem to feel.
10- Underlying this sense of being trapped are
seemingly impersonal changes in the very
structure of continent-wide societies. The facts
of contemporary history are also facts about the
success and the failure of individual men and
women. When a society is industrialized, a
peasant becomes a worker a feudal lord is
liquidated or becomes a businessman. When classes
rise or fall, a man is employed or unemployed
when the rate of investment goes up or down, a
man takes new heart or goes broke. When wars
happen, an insurance salesman becomes a rocket
launcher a store clerk, a radar man a wife
lives alone a child grows up without a father.
Neither the life of an individual nor the history
of a society can be understood without
understanding both. - Yet men do not usually define the troubles they
endure in terms of historical change and
institutional contradiction. The well-being they
enjoy, they do not usually impute to the big ups
and downs of the societies in which they live.
Seldom aware of the intricate connection between
the patterns of their own lives and the course of
world history, ordinary men do not usually know
what this connection means for the kinds of men
they are becoming and for the kinds of
history-making in which they might take part.
They do not possess the quality of mind essential
to grasp the interplay of man and society, of
biography and history, of self and world. They
cannot cope with their personal troubles in such
ways as to control the structural transformations
that usually lie behind them.
11- The sociological imagination enables its
possessor to understand the larger historical
scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life
and the external career of a variety of
individuals. It enables him to take into account
how individuals, in the welter of their daily
experience, often become falsely conscious of
their social positions. Within that welter, the
framework of modern society is sought, and within
that framework the psychologies of a variety of
men and women are formulated. By such means the
personal uneasiness of individuals is focused
upon explicit troubles and the indifference of
publics is transformed into involvement with
public issues. - Excepts from C.Wright Mills The Sociological
Imagination published 1959
12Sociological Imagination
- Take the issue of race relations
- How does is race viewed at the societal level in
the U.S., and how do you view race from your
13- Consider marriage. Inside a marriage a man and a
woman may experience personal troubles, but when
the divorce rate during the first four years of
marriage is 250 out of every 1,000 attempts, this
is an indication of a structural issue having to
do with the institutions of marriage and the
family and other institutions that bear upon
14As A Science
- Science a body of systematically arranged
knowledge that shows the operation of general
laws. - carried out by the .
- Scientific Method a process by which a body of
scientific knowledge is built through
observation, experimentation, generalization, and
15Science As A Method
- Empiricism the view that generalizations are
valid only if they rely on evidence that can be
observed directly or verified through our senses. - Sociology would more likely study divorce rates
instead of personal reasons for divorce
16Social Sciences
- Sociology is one of a hand full of social
sciences academic disciplines that apply
scientific methods to studying human behavior. - However, instead of focusing on physical
properties it attempts to understand people
through theory. This makes soc. And the social
sciences soft sciences.
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18Social Sciences
- Other social sciences include
- Anthropology Which focuses on past cultures or
the origin of culture. - Economics Focuses on economic factors such as
the production and consumption by people. - 3. Political Science Studies the organization of
governments and the basis of politics.
19Social Sciences
- Other social sciences include
- 4. History Sets it sights on the study of past
events. - 5. Education studies pedagogy the science of
understanding how people learn. - closely related but significantly different are
- Behavioral Sciences
- Psychology looks to study and understand the
behaviors, thought processes, and cognitive
abilities of individuals.
- The Beginnings of Sociology
- Sociology as a field developed in the late 18th
century/early 19th century. - Rapid change because of the Industrial Revolution
led to the study of social conditions - Growth of cities
- Declining power of the church
- Growth of manufacturing
- Growth of urban and transient populations.
- Development of never before seen urban issues and
- also people are starting to question their
rulers and forms of government. - American Revolution
- 2. French Revolution
22Early Sociologists
- Early sociology grew in France, Germany, and
England and produced numerous sociologists. - Auguste Comte
- Considered Founder of Sociology
- Focused on social order and social change
- Cited social statics processes that keep
society together ex marriage - social dynamics- social processes
- that cause change-ex education
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24Early Sociologists
- Herbert Spencer
- Influenced by Charles Darwin
- Society is a set of parts that work together to
form something bigger - That it is natural for societies to change even
violently - View was coined Survival of the Fittest
- and became known as Social Darwinism
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26Early Sociologists
- Karl Marx
- Believed society is influenced by its economy.
- Society is divided into (2) classes- the
proletariat (workers)-the bourgeoisie
(capitalists) - The imbalance between the two always lead to
conflict. - Society would eventually lead into a classless
society. - Conflict is the primary cause of social change.
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28Early Sociologists
- 1. Emile Durkheim
- First sociologist to apply scientific methods to
the study of society. - Saw society as a set of parts that make up a
larger system. - Everything in society has a function.
- Renowned for his study of suicide.
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30Early Sociologists
- Max Weber
- Interested in separate groups within society.
- Focused on how society effects the individual.
- Applied the process of Verstehen (the meanings
people give to their actions) - Employed the concept of ideal type ( the
examination of a particular element of society
ex schools)
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33- A theory possible explanations of why certain
factors in society influence each other.
34Theoretical Perspectives
- the perspectives of sociology are based on many
theories. - A theory possible explanations of why certain
factors in society influence each other. - Theories are outlined by paradigms or frameworks
for questions to be answered - The theoretical perspectives take these theories
and their frameworks and attempt to apply them to
social life.
35Structural-Functional Approach
- Looks at society as a set of interrelated parts
that work together to produce a stable social
system focus on functions and dysfunctions - This understanding presumes that most people
agree on what is best for society and work
towards achieving it. Ex work (almost all people
work in diff. jobs which ensures that society
functions smoothly.) - think of human society as a great machine with
each person and component of society as a gear
moving with each other
36TIMEOUT...think of Pink Floyd's timeless musical
- As with anything some things do not function
properly Dysfunctions elements of society that
have a negative effect. - Some functions are Manifest or intended
- Some functions are Latent or unintended
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40Social-Conflict Perspective
- Focuses on the elements of society that promote
competition and change - Interest lies in the conflicts that arise for the
struggle for power Which can include - violent riots
- Wars
- the war of the sexes or the struggle between
worker and owner. - Conflict between minority and majority
41Conflict Perspectives
- The basis lies in the theory that resources such
as power and money are limited so there is always
a struggle for it - Those who agree with this perspective agree that
conflict and change are inevitable amongst
42Conflict Perspectives
- Educational Examples
- Vocational Schools Courses v. College
Preparatory Schools Courses - 2. Inner City Schools v. Suburban Schools
43Abbott v. Burke
- (1990)The NJ Supreme Court rules in Abbott v.
Burke (Abbott II) that inadequate and unequal
funding denies students in urban districts a
thorough and efficient education and requires the
State to equalize funding between suburban and
urban districts for regular education and to
provide extra or "supplemental" programs to "wipe
out disadvantages as much as a school district
44Symbolic-Interaction Perspective
- This perspective narrows its sight on how people
interact with one another, and how and why people
commit certain actions in other words how do
people make sense of and navigate their social
world? - The cornerstone of this outlook is understanding
that the components, systems, and facets of
society are developed, maintained and changed by
the interaction of people. - This approach takes a narrowed micro-level
viewpoint towards society.
45Symbolic-Interaction Perspective
- That is, human beings live in a world of symbols,
attaching meaning to virtually everything, from
the words on this page to the wink of an eye.
Reality, therefore, is simply how we define our
surroundings, our obligations toward others, and
even our own identities. - P. 17 Sociology
46Interactionist Perspective
- All of the things we surround our lives with are
symbols - Ex Cars, clothes, jewelry, tattoos, flags,
business suits, combed hair are all symbols that
say something about us to others. - to study all of these components the
interactionist perspective many different
47Interactionist Perspective
- Ethnomethodology the study of how people create
and share their understandings of social life. - 2. Dramaturgical the study of social life as if
it was a theater. -
48Symbolic Interactionism
- all of these sub-categories of the
interactionist approach focus on. - Definition Concerned with the meanings that
people place on their own and one anothers
behavior. - a PVHS senior giving directions to a freshman
- a teacher giving a student the bathroom pass
- the principal signing a form giving consent for a
teacher to take a day off - a policeman waiving a motorist past an accident
- the possibilities and implications are endless
49- .Next Up..
- What methods does sociology employ to study and
research people and society?