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Lecture 1.b


IS are crucial to the success of modern business organization, and new systems ... Integrated development environment (IDEs) for specific programming languages, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Lecture 1.b

Lecture 1.b
ITEC 2010 Systems Analysis and Design, I
  • Introduction to Systems Analysis. Basic

Prof. Peter Khaiter
III. Systems Analysis and Design. Systems Analyst
  • 1. The analyst as a business problem solver
  • IS are crucial to the success of modern business
    organization, and new systems are constantly
    being developed to make businesses more
    competitive. The key to successful system
    development is thorough systems analysis and
  • Def. Systems Analysis (SA) is the process of
    understanding and specifying in detail
  • what the information system should do.
  • Systems Design (SD) is the process of
    specifying in detail how the many
  • components of the information system
    should be physically implemented.
  • Systems Analyst (SAn) is a business
    professional who uses analysis and design
  • techniques to solve business problems
    using information technology and who
  • develops IS.
  • Developing IS is not just about writing
    programs. IS are developed to solve problems for
    organizations, and systems analyst is often
    thought of as a problem solver rather than a
    programmer (see Figure 1-12).

The analyst as a business problem solver (contd)
FIGURE 1-12 The analysts approach to problem
The analyst as a business problem solver (contd)
  • To thoroughly understand the problem, the
    analyst must learn everything possible about it
    who is involved, what business processes come
    into play, what data need to be stored and used,
    what other systems would be affected when solving
    this problem. Then the analyst needs to confirm
    for management that the benefits of solving the
    problem outweigh the cost.
  • If solving the problem is feasible, the analyst
    develops a set of possible solutions and decides,
    in consultation with management, which possible
    solution is the best alternative overall.
  • Once the systems analyst has decided which
    alternative to recommend and management has
    approved the recommendation, the details must be
    worked out. These details include databases, user
    interface, networks, operating procedures,
    conversion plans, and, of course, program
    modules. After that, the actual construction of
    the system can begin.
  • Systems analysts need a great variety of
    special skills. First, they need to be able to
    understand how to build ISs, and this requires
    quite a bit of technical knowledge. Then, they
    have to understand business they are working for.
    Finally, the analyst needs to understand quite a
    bit about people and the way they work.

2. Required skills of the system analyst
  • Technical Knowledge and Skills
  • No one person can be an expert at all types of
    technology there are technical specialist to
    consult for the details. But a systems analyst
    should understand the fundamentals about
  • Computers and how they work
  • Devices that interact with
    computers, including input devices, storage
    devices, and output devices
  • Communications networks that connect
  • Databases and database management
  • Programming languages
  • Operating systems and utilities

Required skills (contd)
  • A systems analyst also needs to know a lot about
    tools and techniques for developing
  • systems.
  • (1) Tools are software products that help develop
    analysis or design specifications and completed
    systems components. Some tools used in system
    development include
  • Software packages such as Microsoft Access and
    PowerBuilder that can be used to develop systems
  • Integrated development environment (IDEs) for
    specific programming languages, such as Sun Java
    Workshop or Microsoft C
  • Computer-aided system engineering (CASE) tools
    that store information about system
    specifications created by analyst and sometimes
    generate program code
  • Program code generators, testing
    tools,configuration management tools, software
    library management tools, documentation support
    tools, project management tools, and so on.

Required skills (contd)
  • (2)Techniques are used to complete specific
    system development activities. They include
  • Project planning techniques
  • System analysis techniques
  • System design techniques
  • Systems construction and implementation
  • System support techniques.
  • Business Knowledge and Skills
  • An analyst should understand business
    organization in general. It may include the
    following examples
  • What activities and processes do organizations
  • How are organizations structured?
  • How are organizations managed?
  • What type of work goes on in organization
    finance, manufacturing, marketing, customer
    service, and so on?
  • It is also important to understand a specific
    company, that is
  • What the specific organization does?
  • What makes it successful?
  • What its strategies and plans are?
  • What its traditions and values are?

Required skills (contd)
  • People Knowledge and Skills
  • An analyst spends a lot of time working with
    people. It is critical that analyst understand
  • How people think?
  • How people learn?
  • How people react to changes?
  • How people communicate?
  • How people work?
  • Integrity and Ethics
  • A systems analyst gets an access to information
    in many different parts of an organization. It
    might be
  • very private information, such as salary,
    health, job performance.
  • confidential corporate information about
    products, strategic plans or tactics
  • top-secret information involving government,
    police, army, etc.
  • A systems analyst is expected to have the
    integrity to keep this information and to uphold
    the highest ethical standards. Any appearance of
    impropriety can destroy an analysts career.

3. The Environment Surrounding the Analyst
  • Types of Technology Encountered
  • Most students are familiar with personal
    computers. But not all business functions can be
    realized with desktop. IS in the real-world
    range from small desktop systems to huge database
    systems with thousands of users spread over
    hundreds of locations. We could mark out the
    following types of IS
  • Desktop systems
  • Networked desktop systems that share data
  • Client-server systems
  • Large-scale centralized mainframe systems
  • Systems using Internet, intranet, and extranet
  • The changes in technology are very rapidly. Thus,
    it is so important to upgrade knowledge and
    skills continually.

The Environment (contd)
  • Typical Job Titles and Places of Employment
  • In fact, many different people do systems
    analysis and design work. They may have various
    job titles
  • Programmer analyst
  • Business systems analyst
  • End-user analyst
  • Business consultant
  • Systems consultant
  • System support analyst
  • System designer
  • Software engineer
  • System architect
  • Sometimes systems analysts might also be called
    project leader or project manager.

The Environment (contd)
  • Places of Employment
  • Not all analysts work directly for the company.
    It may be different work arrangements, including
  • Programmer analysts working for the company
  • Systems analysts working for the company
  • Independent contractors
  • Outsource provider employees
  • Consultants
  • Software development firm employees

The Environment (contd)
  • Typical Job Ad Systems Analyst Distribution
  • We are the worlds leading manufacturer of
    womens apparel products. Our organization in the
    Far East has openings for a Systems Analyst
  • Requirements
  • Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Business
    Administration or closely related field with 5
    () years of working experience
  • In-depth understanding of Distribution and
    Manufacturing concepts (Allocation,
    Replenishment, Floor Control, Production
  • Working knowledge of project management and all
    phases of the software development life cycle
  • Experience with CASE tools, PC and Bar Code
  • Working knowledge of AS/400 and/or UNIX
    environment with the languages C, RPG400 and/or
    COBOL are desirable
  • The successful candidate will provide primary
    interface for all user problems, answer technical
    questions and requests within the applications
    development group work with user areas to
    establish priorities and provide recommendations
    and directions for process improvement through
  • Please forward your resume, along with salary
    expectations to

4. The Analysts Role in Strategic Planning
  • A systems analyst is not only someone who solves
    specific business problems by developing or
    maintaining IS. The analyst might also be
    involved alone with senior managers in strategic
    management problems. It happens in several ways
  • Special Projects
  • The analyst may be working to solve a problem
    that affects executives (e.g. designing an
    executive information system)
  • The analyst may be involved in business process
    reengineering a technique that seeks to alter
    the nature of work done in a business function
    with the objective of radically improving
    performance. Therefore, the analyst might be
    asked to participate in a study of existing
    business processes and procedures and then to
    propose IS solution that can have a radical
  • Strategic Planning Processes
  • A strategic plan typically covers five or more
    years in the future. It serves to answer
  • fundamental questions about the company (e.g.
    where is it now, where does it want to be, what
    does it have to do to get there)
  • A typical strategic planning process can take
    months or years and involve many people in the
  • Once set, the strategic plan drives all the
    organizations processes

The Analysts Role (contd)
  • Information Systems Strategic Planning
  • The information systems strategic planning is one
    of the major components of the strategic plan.
  • In most organizations today, nearly all planned
    changes involve new or improved information
    systems. Very often, the IS themselves drive the
    strategic plan. In the Internet era, many new
    companies have come to existence (Amazon.com,
    eToys.com, etc) and many others have changed the
    way they compete.
  • Usually at the recommendation of the chief
    information systems executive, top management
    will authorize a major project to plan the IS for
    the entire organization.
  • A consulting firm might be called to help with
    the project. Consultants can offer experience
    with strategic planning techniques and train
    managers and analysts to complete the planning
  • Many documents and existing systems are reviewed
    to create a model of the organization in terms of
    the business functions it performs alone with
    another model that shows the types of data the
    organization uses.

The Analysts Role (contd)
  • Based on these two models, an application
    architecture plan is created
  • a description of the integrated information
    systems needed for the organization to carry out
    its business functions. After that, the team
    outlines the sequence of steps needed to
    implement the required systems.
  • Then, the team creates a technology architecture
  • A description of the hardware, software and
    communications networks required to implement
    planned IS.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • an increasing number of organizations are
    applying an approach called enterprise resource
    planning by which an organization commits to
    using an integrated set of software packages for
    key information processing (e.g. PeopleSoft).
    Software vendors such as PeopleSoft offer
    package solutions for companies in specific
    industries. To adopt an ERP solution, the company
    must carefully study its existing processes and
    information needs and then determine which ERP
    vendor provides the best match.

IV. Running Case Study Rocky Mountains
Outfitters (RMO)
  • We will be using a system development project for
    a company named Rocky Mountain Outfitters (RMO)
    as a continuing example.
  • Overview of the RMO
  • Began in 1978 as dream of John and Liz Blankens
    of Park City, Utah
  • First started as direct mail-order sales to
    customers using a small catalog (see Fig. 1-13)
  • By the early 2000s has grown to a large
    regional sports clothing distributor in the Rocky
    Mountain and Western states a line of casual and
    active wear was added. The current catalog offers
    extensive selection (see Fig. 1-14)
  • RMO now employs over 600 people and has almost
    100 million annually in sales
  • Mail order is still the major source of revenue
    at 60 million
  • In the early 1990s, a phone-order operation was
    added now it accounts for 30 million in sales.
  • RMO was one of the first clothing distributors
    to provide a simple Web presence (on-line
    catalog, but placing the orders only by mail or
    by phone)
  • In the late 1990s, considered to move to B2C
    (business-to-consumer) e-commerce.

RMO Case Study (contd)
FIGURE 1-13 Early RMO catalog cover (Spring 1978).
RMO Case Study (contd)
FIGURE 1-14 Current RMO catalog cover (Spring
RMO Case Study (contd)
  • Invited consulting firm recommended focusing on
    two key strategic issues
  • Supply chain management
  • Customer relationship management
  • Supply chain management (SCM) is a process that
    integrates product development, product
    acquisition, manufacturing, and inventory
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) is
    processes that support marketing, sales, and
    service operations involving direct and indirect
    customer interaction
  • Organization and location
  • The RMO is still managed on a daily basis by
    John (as president) and Liz (as vice president of
    merchandising and distribution)
  • Other top managers are William McDougal, vice
    president of marketing and sales, and JoAnn
    White, vice president of finance and systems. The
    systems department reports to JoAnn
  • Fig.1-15 shows the RMOs organizational
    structure, Fig.1-16 shows the RMO locations.

RMO Case Study (contd)
FIGURE 1-15 Organizational structure of the RMO.
RMO Case Study (contd)
FIGURE 1-16 The RMO locations.
RMO Case Study (contd)
  • Information Systems Department at RMO
  •   Headed by Mac Preston, an assistant vice
  • Includes nearly 50 employees (see Figure
  • Organized into two areas
  • System support (director Ann Hamilton)
  • Includes telecommunications, database
    administration, operations and user support
  • System development (director John MacMurty)
  • 4 project managers, 6 systems analysts and 10
    programmer analysts.

RMO Case Study (contd)
FIGURE 1-17 RMO IS Department staffing.
RMO Case Study (contd)
  • Existing Systems
  • Small mainframe computer runs various tasks . The
    existing information technology includes
  • Retail store system (a package with
    point-of-sale processing and overnight batch
    inventory update with the mainframe, implemented
    8 years ago)
  • Office systems (a local area network with
    office software, Internet access and e-mail
    services , implemented 3 years ago)
  • Merchandising/Distribution (a mainframe
    application using COBOL with DB2 database,
    implemented 12 years ago)
  • Mail Order (a mainframe application using
    COBOL, implemented 14 years ago)
  • Phone Order (a modest Windows application
    developed using VB and Oracle database,
    implemented 6 years ago)
  • Human resources (an in-house application for
    payroll and benefits running on the mainframe,
    implemented 13 years ago)
  • Accounting/Finance (a mainframe package,
    implemented 10 years ago)

RMO Case Study (contd)
  • The Information Systems Strategic Plan at RMO
  • The strategic thrust of RMO is to build more
    direct customer contact. One strategy is to
    expand the phone-order capability, and the
    another one is to add direct customer access
    through the Internet. This strategic plan
    resulted in the following decisions
  • Technology Architecture Plan
  • Distribute business applications across
    multiple locations (move business applications to
    client-server architecture)
  • Move towards conducting business via the
    Internet (first supporting supply chain
    management, next supporting direct customer
    ordering on the Web site, and finally supporting
    additional customer relationship management (CRM)
    functions that link internal systems and
  • Eventually move to intranet solutions for
    business functions such as human resources,
    accounting, finance and information management)

RMO Case Study (contd)
  • Application Architecture Plan
  • Supply chain management (SCM) implement system
    that integrate product development, product
    acquisition, manufacturing, and inventory
    management in anticipation of rapid sales growth.
    Custom development.
  • Customer Support System (CSS) implement an
    order-processing and fulfillment system that
    integrates with the SCM systems to support the
    three order-processing requirements mail order,
    phone order and direct customer access via the
    Internet. Custom development.
  • Strategic information management system (SIMS)
    can extract and analyze SC and CS information for
    strategic and operational decision making and
    control. Package solution.
  • Retail store system (RSS) integrates store
    management system with the CSS. Package solution
  • Accounting/finance purchase a package solution
    with the client-server architecture
  • Human resources purchase a package solution as
    intranet application
  • Time frames are presented in Figure 1-18.

RMO Case Study (contd)
FIGURE 1-18 The timetable for RMOs application
architecture plan.
RMO Case Study (contd)
  • The Customer Support System
  • The application architecture plan detailed some
    specific objectives for the CSS, such as
  • Customer inquiries/catalog requests
  • Order entry
  • Order tracking
  • Shipping
  • Back ordering
  • Returns
  • Sales analysis
  • The memo on CSS is shown in Fig. 1-19.

RMO Case Study (contd)
  • Chapter 1 The World of the Modern Systems
    Analyst (covered today)
  • Next lecture Chapter 2 The Analyst as a
    Project Manager
  • Lecture notes available at class web site
    (downloadable as PowerPoint slides)

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