Title: Agenda
- Eligibility
- Scenarios
- Retiree Return to Work
- Forms
- Open Discussion
3Membership Eligibility
Three steps
to successful eligibility management
- You are responsible for the initial
determination of an employees eligibility for
membership - Retirement Status Form
- Position Eligibility Worksheet
- New Hire Pyramid
7TRS Plan 1
- Member
- Person who has established membership and has not
withdrawn their contributions - Former Member
- Person who has established membership and has
withdrawn their contributions
10TRS Plan 1 Members
- Report all TRS Plan 1 members regardless of
position on the TRS transmittal from the first
day of employment
11TRS Plan 1 Former Members
Hired into a faculty position
- A former member of TRS Plan 1 is treated as if
they have never been a member of TRS - If the individual is eligible for HERP coverage
they must join HERP immediately - Less than full-time contracts that are not
eligible for HERP provide quarterly substitute
report - RCW 41.32.013
12TRS Plan 1 Former Members
Hired into a non-teaching position
- Eligible Position
- Report in HERP if appropriate
- Or
- Report in PERS until TRS Plan 1 membership is
reestablished (payback withdrawn TRS Plan 1
member contributions) - Ineligible Position
- Report in HERP if appropriate
- Do not report on transmittal until TRS Plan 1
membership is reestablished
13TRS Plans 2 and 3
A position is eligible if it normally requires
five or more months of at least 70 hours of
earnable compensation during September through
August of the following year
- Eligible Position
- Report in appropriate System/Plan
- Ineligible Position
- Provide a quarterly report if they are working in
an ineligible position and not contributing to
HERP - RCW 41.32.013
- The initial determination of eligibility must be
based on the position - Job share
- Employees in an ineligible position cannot be
members - Employees working in more than one ineligible
position may be eligible for membership - Eligibility can also be determined by the person
A position is eligible if it normally requires at
least five months each year in which regular
compensation is earned for at least 70 hours per
- New Position
- Meets eligibility definition for two consecutive
years - Existing Position
- Meets eligibility definition during at least one
year in any two year period
Exempt from Membership
- Independent Contractors
- WAC 415.02.110
- Contractor Questionnaire
- Current members of Higher Education Retirement
Plans (HERP) - Student and spouse of student
- WAC 415-108-520
18PERS Options
- New Member Plan Choice
- Transfer Option
- Membership Chosen
19New Member Plan Choice
- New to PERS on or after March 1, 2002
- Member has up to 90 days to make their plan
choice between PERS Plan 2 and PERS Plan 3 - Member defaults to PERS Plan 3 at the end of 90
days - WSIB
- Rate option A, 5
- 90 Day Report
20(No Transcript)
21New Member Plan Choice
- Report member in PERS Plan 2 on the first
transmittal - Unless member chooses a plan before payroll
cutoff - Begin date
- Choice date
- Submit plan choice record via the transmittal
after the Member Information Form (MIF) is
received - Plan choice date (the date member signed the
form) - Plan choice code
- 2C
- 3C
- 3D
23Transfer Option
- Established PERS Plan 2 membership prior to March
1, 2002 - Option to transfer to PERS Plan 3 in January
- Report in PERS Plan 2
- Plan transfer code
- 3X
24Membership Chosen
- Member chose PERS Plan 2
- Report member in PERS Plan 2
- May never transfer to PERS Plan 3
26Membership Chosen
- Member defaulted into PERS Plan 3
- Report member in PERS Plan 3
- 90 days to choose investment program and
contribution rate - Default
- Rate option A, 5
- Report only employer contributions until MIF is
received or member defaults - Member contributions from date of choice/default
28Plan 3 Lost Earnings
- If employer misses a deduction, deduct double on
the next reporting period - Potential for lost earnings
- Be consistent with application
- Employer or member can notify DRS
29PERS Plans 1 and 2TRS Plan 2
- A member of PERS Plans 1, 2 or TRS Plan 2 who
have withdrawn their contributions are treated as
if they have never been a member of PERS or TRS - If the individual is eligible for HERP coverage
they must join HERP immediately
30PERS and TRS Plans 3
- A member of Plan 3 who has withdrawn their
contributions is still considered a member of
PERS or TRS - Plan 3 withdrawn members can still have rights to
a Defined Benefit - WAC 131-16-031
- If the individual is eligible for HERP coverage
and working in an eligible position (PERS/TRS)
give them a choice - WAC 131-16-031
- Page 9
32Position Management
- Determine what positions you have
- Assign each position a unique identifier
- Numbering systems
- Track each position
- Determine the positions eligibility by reviewing
the number of hours worked under each unique
- All determinations of position eligibility should
be documented - Numbering system
- Position Eligibility Worksheet
- Determinations must be kept and maintained in a
separate file for 60 years - Per established archival retention schedule
- Payroll register and timesheets
34Periodic Review
35Periodic Review
- A person receiving a lifetime, defined benefit
Accrual Date
- Accrual date is set when a member is eligible to
- Member must complete the following steps
- File an application with DRS
- Terminate employment with all public employers
- Sever all contractual agreements for future
- Most retirees are limited in the amount of hours
they can work and still received their pension
from DRS - Employers are responsible for correct reporting
of compensation and hours - Retirement Status Form
- Verify status via MRV
- RCW 41.50.139
- LEOFF Plan 2 Retirees may choose between two
options - Become an active member and temporarily suspend
their LEOFF retirement benefit - Remain retired and continue to receive their
LEOFF retirement benefit
- All retirees must be reported to DRS
- Report under Plan 0
- Report in system applicable to their current
position - Report appropriate begin and end dates
- Report appropriate type code
- Eligibility rules are the same for all positions
- Contributing to HERP
- 97 for TRS
- 99 for PERS
- Need email to set flag if contributing to HERP
- 98 Eligible Position
- Compensation and hours required
- 99 Ineligible Position
- Compensation and hours are optional
- Members cannot have an agreement to return to
work prior to their retirement accrual date - Most retirees must have at least a 30 day break
in service from their accrual date - Retirees benefits are suspended if they work
over their annual limit - DRS notifies both member and employer
- Benefits re-start upon separation or beginning of
new calendar year
TRS Plan 1 retirees
- From July 22, 2007 forward can work up to 1,500
hours per fiscal year without any reduction in
benefit - Must have at least a 45 day break in service
- Employer must document a justifiable need to hire
the retiree pursuant to a writing policy - Must be hired through the employers established
process - Employer keeps a record of the hiring process and
decisions made for access by DRS when necessary
PERS Plan 1 retirees
- Prior to August 01, 2003 can work up to 1,500
hours per calendar year without any reduction in
benefit - Must have at least a 30 day break in service
- Employer must document a justifiable need to hire
the retiree pursuant to a writing policy - From August 01, 2003 forward can work up to 867
hours per calendar year without any reduction in
TRS and PERS Plan 1 retirees have a lifetime
limit of 1,900
- Employer must document a justifiable need to hire
the retiree pursuant to a written policy - Must be hired through the employers established
process with approval by your highest authority - Employer must keep a record of the hiring process
and decisions made for access by DRS when
All other Retirees
- Can work up to 867 hours per calendar year
without any reduction in benefit - Must have at least a 30 day break in service
- Calculations for benefit limits are based on the
hours reported with type code 98 - Report B codes for months with no compensation
and hours - Employer contributions are due on retirees who
exceed 867 hours - Invoice will be sent the first of the following
month back to the first hour of employment
- Hours associated with the following types of
compensation are counted against the annual limit - Actual hours worked
- Vacation/sick leave used
- Paid Holiday
- Vacation and personal leave cash outs do not
count against the annual limit
Must have justifiable need, use the established
hiring process, and keep all records.
54Scenario A
The Department of Health hires the following
person into a half-time eligible position in the
Licensing and Certification Section.
55(No Transcript)
56Scenario A
Report system/plan?
PERS Plan 2
57Scenario B
The Department of Revenue hires the following
person into an eligible position in the Property
Tax Department.
Revenue Dept of
59Scenario B
Report system/plan?
PERS Plan 3
60Scenario C
The Department of Licensing hires the following
person into an eligible position for the
Information Services Department.
Licensing Dept of
62Scenario C
Report system/plan?
LEOFF Plan 2 retirees must choose between two
- Become a member of PERS and temporarily suspend
their LEOFF retirement benefit - Remain retired and continue to receive their
LEOFF retirement - Must complete the LEOFF Plan 2 Retiree
Re-employment Form
63Scenario D
DSHS hires the following person into an eligible
position in the Budget Department.
65Scenario D
Report system/plan?
TRS Plan 1
66Scenario E
The State Parks and Recreation Commission hires
the following person into an eligible position to
work as a Park Aide.
Parks Recreation Commission
68Scenario E
Report system/plan?
New Member Plan Choice
PERS Plan 2
70Retirement Status
- Employers must elicit information from all new
employees (RCW 41.50.139) - Employer keeps this form
71Member Information
- New to PERS
- Plan 2 transferring to Plan 3
- Plan 3 returning to eligible employment choosing
a new rate - Member signs and returns form to employer within
90 days of begin date - Employer mails original form to DRS only if
Section 2 is required
72Beneficiary Designation
- Used to document beneficiary information in case
of death - Separate 150,000 death benefit option
73Plan 3 Change of Investment Program
- Used to document members change of investment
program - Member signs and returns form to employer
- Employer keeps this form
74LEOFF 2 Retiree Re-employment
- Used for LEOFF 2 RRTW in an eligible position
- Excludes LEOFF positions
- Member must choose between 2 options
- Member signs and returns form to employer
- Employer mails original to DRS
75Notification of Death
- Used to notify DRS if a member, beneficiary or
retiree has passed away - Employer mails original form to DRS
76Contacting DRS
- DRS Web Site
- http//www.drs.wa.gov
- E-mail
- drsemployer_at_drs.wa.gov
- Telephone
- Local 360-664-7200 (option 2)
- Toll free 1-800-547-6657 (option 6 then option 2)
- Fax
- 360-753-1090
77Thank You