Title: This is Rotary
1This is Rotary
2Rotary is an International Organization
- There are 530 districts in over 160 countries
throughout the world. - Our club, lt club namegt is in District ltdistrict
numbergt which is comprised of ltnumber of clubsgt
clubs with ltnumber of membersgt members. - The district covers ltarea e.g., counties,
states/provinces, citiesgt
3- Rotary International is governed by a president
and a board of directors elected from all over
the world.
2002-03 Rotary International President Bhichai
Rattakul Bangkok, Thailand ltupdate yearlygt
- Annually each district elects a district governor
- but each club is autonomous.
4In the beginning
- The first Rotary club was organized in Chicago in
1905, by Paul P. Harris.
- The club, with four members, met in rotation at
the offices of the members - thus the name
Rotary. - There are approximately 1.2 million members in
over 30,000 clubs worldwide.
5Women in Rotary
- ltInsert statistics about women in your districtgt
Each year about lt womengt of the District
ltdistrict numbergt club presidents are women.
6Service Above Self
- Rotary was not long to recognize that fellowship
alone would not keep a group together there
needed to be a purpose. - The first service project was public restrooms in
downtown Chicago, IL, USA. - Rotary became the worlds first service
7The Rotary Club of ltinsert club namegt
8The Rotary Club of ltclub namegt Projects
- Once a year, we identify possible projects.
- Committee prioritizes list to match club
goals - Board of Directors decides on cut-off point.
- ltclub namegt sponsors as many of these projects as
9The Rotary Club of ltclub namegt Projects
10The Rotary Club of ltclub namegt Projects
11The Rotary Club of ltclub namegt Projects
Major fund-raisers are
12The Rotary Foundation
- World Peace through Understanding
13Volunteers in Action
Insert photos
- ltlist volunteersgt
- ltlist volunteersgt
Insert photos
14The Rotary Club of ltclub namegt Exchanges
- Group Study Exchanges
- Teams of one Rotarian leader and four
non-Rotarian business or professional young
people visit the district for four to six weeks. - ltclub namegt Rotarians have hosted visiting teams,
been team leaders and sponsored team
members. - ltclub namegt is a major participant in the
districts GSE program.
15Paul Harris Fellows and Benefactors
- Many ltclub namegt Rotarians and spouses are
benefactors of the Permanent Fund. - Over ltnumbergt members and partners are Paul
Harris Fellows. - Many now donate a small amount each week when
paying for their meals.
16The Rotary Club of ltclub namegt Exchanges
- Rotary Youth Exchange Program
- 16-18 year olds are exchanged world-wide.
- Part of a 7,000 students/year program.
- Rotarians host these young people in their homes
for three to five months. - Students become part of the family.
- ltclub namegt has hosted students from ltlist
countriesgt. - We have sent students to ltlist countriesgt.
17The Rotary Club of ltclub namegt Rotaract Clubs
- Our club sponsors the ltinsert namegt Rotaract Club
- Describe Rotaract program
- Describe age and qualifications of Rotaractors.
- Describe projects and programs of your Rotaract
18The Rotary Club of ltclub namegt Interact Clubs
- Our club sponsors the ltinsert namegt Interact Club
- Describe Interact program
- Describe age and qualifications of Interactors.
- Describe projects and programs of your Interact
19Object of Rotary
- The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster
the ideal of service as a basis of worthy
enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and
20Object of Rotary
- First. The development of acquaintance as an
opportunity for service
21Object of Rotary
- Second. High ethical standards in business and
professions the recognition of the worthiness of
all useful occupations and the dignifying by
each Rotarian of his or her occupation as an
opportunity to serve society
22Object of Rotary
- Third. The application of the ideal of service by
every Rotarian to his or her personal, business
and community life
23Object of Rotary
- Fourth. The advancement of international
understanding, good will, and peace through a
world of fellowship of business and professional
people united in the ideal of service.
24We implement the Object of Rotary through the
Four Avenues of Service
25- Club Service ltCommittee chairpersons namegt
- Those things that a Rotarian does to help make
successful the running of the local club. - Vocational Service ltCommittee chairpersons
namegt - The promoting of the ideal of service
throughout the business and professional world. - Community Service ltCommittee chairpersons
namegt - Urges every Rotarian to participate in all
activities that make the community a better place
in which to live. - International Service ltCommittee chairpersons
namegt - Encourages and fosters the advancement of
understanding and good will among people of the
26Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of
ltclub namegt are the four directors - ltdirectorgt, ltdirectorgt, ltdirectorgt, ltdirectorgt
President ltnamegt President-elect ltnamegt Secre
tary ltnamegt Treasurer ltnamegt A new board is
elected to take office on 1 July of each year.
All positions in Rotary are one year terms that
change on 1 July .
27Awards for ltClub Namegt
- ltClub Namegt has received many accolades over the
past few years. Here are a few - ltlist awardsgt
- ltlist awardsgt
28THE FOUR-WAY TESTof the things we think, say or
- 1. Is it the TRUTH?
- 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- 3. Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER
FRIENDSHIPS? - 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
29The Privileges in Rotary
- in your community
- in neighboring cities and towns
- throughout ltcountrygt
- around the world
30The Privileges in Rotary
- The privilege of GIVING SERVICE to
your community. - The privilege of DEVELOPING INTERNATIONAL
GOODWILL and understanding. - The privilege of helping BUILD HIGHER ETHICAL
STANDARDS within your vocation - ltlist additional privilegesgt
- through the common bond of Rotary.
31Your Obligations in Rotary
- Participation
- To be a Rotarian you must give of your time and
talents - in community work
- in fellowship and social functions
- in club and district activities.
32Your Obligations in Rotary
- Attendance
- Attendance at the weekly meetings is a benefit of
Rotary. A minimum of 60 is expected. - You can easily maintain your attendance levels by
making up at another Rotary club meeting,
participating in club service projects, and
33Your Financial Obligations
- Initiation Fee ltamountgt
- Annual Dues ltamountgt /year
- Meals ltamountgt /week
- Social Events ltamountgt /year
- Other (explain) ltamountgt
- There are two types of membership in a Rotary
club - Active
- Honorary
35- Welcome to the
- Rotary Club of
- ltClub Namegt