Church History: Chapter 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Church History: Chapter 2


... at the traditional Jewish feast, Pentecost. Acts ... Christian feast of Pentecost: becomes the birthday of the church. The ... Circumcision also ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Church History: Chapter 2

Church History Chapter 2
  • A Church of Converts
  • Widening the Circle of Jesus Followers

The Original Circle Those who walked with Jesus
  • Church began with Apostles and disciples who were
    closest to Jesus
  • Jewish in beliefs
  • Read Acts 1.12-26. Who are the 13 Apostles?

The Apostles Short Bios
Simon Peter
  • Name changed to Peter by Jesus
  • Means rock in Aramaic
  • the church was built this first leader
  • Hot-tempered, out-spoken, illiterate, angry
    moods, denied Jesus
  • Married, fisherman
  • Martyred by crucifixion upside down

  • brother of John
  • Called by Jesus the Sons of Thunder
  • hot-tempered, passionate, out-spoken
  • sons of Zebedee
  • beheaded by Herod Agrippa I
  • only martyred apostle mentioned in the Bible

  • Brother of Simon Peter
  • Fisherman
  • First of all Apostles to be called
  • 11 relationshipsin the background
  • Most thoughtful, least contentious
  • Martyred by lashing to an X shaped cross died
    after 2 days.preaching to passer-bys

  • Younger brother of James son of Zebedee
  • Zeal, ambition, and explosiveness of his brother
  • Died natural death near the end of the 1sr
    centuryoutlived others
  • Patriarchal role
  • the Beloved the one most loved.

  • Greek name.Jewish name never given in the Bible
  • Probably a fisherman also
  • Only mentioned in Johns gospel
  • By-the-book, practical, pragmatic, process person
  • One of the earliest martyrs
  • Stoned to death in Phrygia (Asia Minor) 8 years
    after James

  • Also known as Nathaniel
  • Came from Cana in Galilee
  • Introduced to Jesus by Philip
  • Student of Old Testament (Torah) scripture
  • Can anything good come out of Nazareth? Mt 1.46
  • Pure heart not a hypocrite, authentic and
  • Faithful until the end
  • Martyred by being tied in a sack and tossed into
    the sea (or crucified) 2 traditions told

  • None more notorious a sinner than Matthew
  • Referred to as Levi
  • Tax collector.despised and vilified banned from
    the Temple and worship
  • Knew the OTquotes more than Mk, Lk, Jn combined
  • Became humble with great faith
  • Martyred burned at the stake

  • Brooder and worrywart anxious and pessimistic
  • Has a twin who is never mentioned
  • Devoted to Christ example of strength to the
  • Took gospel to as far away as India (said to be
    buried there near Madras, India
  • Martyred by being run through with a spear (one
    who wanted to see the spear mark of Jesus)

James, son of Alphaeus
  • Only his name is mentioned in scripture
  • Is NOT the James who pens the epistle
  • His mother, Mary, is a disciple and one of the
    woman who go to the tomb to prepare Jesus body
    for burial
  • Stayed in the background
  • Gospel to Syria and Persia (Iran)
  • Martyred by either stoning or beaten to death or

Simon, the Zealot
  • Member of the Zealots a political party
    extremists, militant outlaws terrorists
  • Firey, zealous temperament
  • Believed to have been paired with Judas Iscariot
  • Simon became a believer.Judas did not
  • Took the gospel north and preached in the British
  • Martyred but no reliable record as to how

Judas, Son of James
  • Judas means Jehovah leads
  • Tender hearted, gentle, compassionate
  • Not much known about Judas also known as Lebbaeus
  • Took gospel north to region of todays Turkey
  • Martyred by being clubbed to death

Judas Iscariot
  • Remained an unbeliever
  • The only one of the Apostles who did not come
    from Galilee
  • Solitary figure outsider who may have
    self-justified his treachery
  • Treasurer of the group.helped steal money/funds
  • Not attracted to Jesus on a spiritual levelwas
    looking for a leader to overthrow the opposition

Judas Iscariot, continued
  • Chief priests gave Judas 30 silver pieces to
    betray Jesus.the price of a slave
  • Brought a full cohort of soldiers (about 600
    armed men) to arrest Jesusand then kissed him to
    point him out.
  • Death Matthew and Acts describe his death hung
    himself on a tree with an overhang over jagged
    rocksrope or tree branch broke and Judas fell
    onto the rocks He burst open in the middle and
    his entrails gushed out.

Witnesses to Jesus Death and Resurrection
  • Last Supper Passover ritual meal celebrating
    the first Eucharist
  • The Passion of Christ
  • The empty tomb encountered
  • Appearance on the road to Emmaus
  • Appearance in the upper room again before Thomas
  • Encounter along the shore while the apostles
  • Crucial event for the church!!

  • Apostles/disciples frightened after the Ascension
  • Gathered at the traditional Jewish feast,
  • Acts 2 1-4
  • Jesus Spirit or the Holy Spirit transformed the
    disciples heralds of the Good News
  • Christian feast of Pentecost becomes the
    birthday of the church

The Circle Expands
  • Acts 2 38-39.immediately after the disciples
    are filled with the Spirit, Peter converts 3000
  • Newly baptized did not consider themselves as
    converts from Judaism to Christianity
  • Christian not used for another 10 years
  • The Way taught in synagogues/private homes
  • Messiah was fulfillment of the OT teachings which
    they knew

Problems with Authorities
  • Peter, John, and disciples talked about Jesus
  • Claimed Jesus was the Messiah and would give the
    people freedom
  • Able to cure the sick
  • This Jesus would not go away
  • Began persecuting the Christians
  • Christians fled to the countryside
  • Jews being persecuted by Jews

  • Followers were persecuted, imprisoned, and
  • Stephen was the first Christian martyr who died
    by stoning
  • Set the stage for further persecutions and
    executions.about 1 million Christians killed

Paul The Link between Jewish Christians and the
Wider World
  • Saul fierce protector of Orthodoxy Judaism
  • From Tarsus in now Turkey
  • Was familiar with Greek and Roman ways and spoke
  • Accustomed to Roman ways.Roman name was Paul
  • Had Roman citizenship

Paul continued
  • Lover of Jewish Law
  • Taught in the synagogue
  • Persecuted many Christian Jews to protect the
    Jewish Law
  • Went north to Syria after refugees
  • Zealot defender of the Jewish ways

The Road to Damascus
  • Acts 22.6-11. great lightSaul, Saul, why are
    you persecuting me?..go to Damascus there you
    will be told everything that has been assigned to
    you to do.
  • After 3 days of being blindedAnanias visits Paul
  • Cured of blindness both physical and spiritual

  • Proclaimed Jesus as Messiah
  • Baptized by Ananias
  • Experienced a conversion
  • Rebuilds his lifepossibly tent maker in Saudi
    Arabia where he also studied and prayed
  • Paul (name changed after conversion) was
    changedsame amount of energy into heralding the
    Good News

Gentile Converts
  • Followers fleeing persecution spread the news of
  • Samaritans were baptized
  • Peter and John traveled to Samaria
  • Healed the sick
  • Brought a dead woman back to life
  • Baptized Gentiles (non-Jews)
  • Peter one of first to bring the Good News to the

Jews vs Gentiles Controversy
  • Baptizing Gentiles was believed to be wrong by
    some Jews
  • They didnt follow Jewish laws
  • Were not the Chosen People
  • Did not practice circumcision

Peters Response
  • God told him that no one was unclean
  • Growing in the belief that Jesus salvation was
    for ALL peoplenot just Jews
  • Following Jesus example of being with everyone
  • Apostles were commissioned to go to the whole
  • Controversy quieted did not resolve

Pauls Mission
  • Spent 3 years after conversion in the desert
  • Started preaching in Damascus
  • Orders to arrest him.escapes
  • Met Peter and James / spent time w/ them in
  • A marked man
  • Returns to Tarsus for several years

  • Jewish Christians go to Antioch to avoid
  • 3rd largest city in the Roman empire
  • Gentiles attend synagogue but do not convert
    because of stringent and obscure laws the Jews
  • Mixed Gentile Jewish community

Controversy Reappears
  • Refugees from Jerusalem talk about Jesus
  • Inspire conversion to The Way
  • Controversy whether to welcome Gentiles into the
  • Barnabas sent from Jerusalem to find out what was
    happening in Antioch
  • Found the community united in Jesus
  • The term Christian is used to describe this
    unique community.1st time term is used.

Charity and Unity Among Christians
  • Barnabas asks for Pauls help in ministering to
    the Antioch community
  • Antioch community sends Paul and Barnabas to
    Jerusalem w/ food and money
  • Jerusalem benefits from charity and compassion by
    other Christians.
  • Servicecharitybeginning

Pauls 1st Journey
  • Left Antioch after it became solidly established
  • Barnabas and Paul travel throughout the Roman
    Empire spreading Gospel
  • Greeks, Romans, Jews
  • Island of Cyprus gt seaport towns of Asia Minor gt
    Iconiumgt Lystra (Acts 13-14)

Pauls 1st Mission continued
  • Some Jews accept the messagemany do not
  • Crowds often turned violent
  • Chased out of town.beaten, stoned, left for dead
    (Acts 1419)
  • Gentiles did not have to convert to Judaism
  • Mixed communities formed own worship
    groups.distinct from the synagogues
  • Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch

Adherence to Jewish Law Questioned
  • The Way would be open to Gentiles
  • Gentile Christians not Jewswhat laws would they
    be obligated to keep?
  • Meals sign of unityhowever, Gentiles didnt
    adhere to Jewish dietary laws
  • Peter eats with the Gentile Christians breaks
    law that forbids Jews to eat with Gentiles

  • Circumcision also controversial law.
  • Jerusalem Christians maintained that all
    Christians had to observe all Jewish Law,
    including circumcision
  • Not a controversy in Antiochcity of faith in
  • Jerusalem group biblical laws more important
    than faith in Jesus
  • Jerusalem community turns against Paul as well as
  • Antioch sends Paul to talk with Jerusalem on
    their behalf

The Council of Jerusalem
  • Acts 15
  • Council of Jerusalem held to discuss Gentiles
    observation of Jewish Law
  • Held in 50 CE
  • First official church council
  • Paul and Barnabas present work done on 1st
    Journey among the Gentiles

  • Another group argued that all Gentiles to follow
    all Jewish law
  • Peter speaks and asks why are you putting God
    to the test by placing on the neck of the
    disciples a yoke that neither our ancestors nor
    we have been able to bear? (Acts 15.10)
  • James, head of Jerusalem, provides solution
  • Acts 15.28-29 ..abstain from what has been
    sacrificed to idols and from blood and from what
    is strangled and from fornication.
  • Did not have to follow complete Jewish Law or be

Conflict resolved.
  • Division in Christian community repaired
  • Free to convert Gentiles
  • criteria for being a Christian defined belief
    in Jesus Christ, which did not include adherence
    to Jewish Law
  • Gentiles soon outnumbered Jews
  • Congregations developed non-Jewish identity
  • all of you are one in Jesus Christ. (Galatians
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