Title: Irelands Energy Balance
1Irelands Energy Balance
- Martin Howley
- Oslo City Group
- New Delhi 5th 7th February 2007
- Why have an energy balance?
- What type of balance units, layout etc?
- Level of detail
- Data collection collation
- Balance construction
- Industry Disaggregation
- Transport Disaggregation
3Why have an Energy Balance
- Supply demand accounting framework
- Validate flows from supply to consumption
- Shows several dimensions at once
- Inputs, outputs, fuels, sectors
- Check for consistency between top-down and
bottom-up - Aggregation of different fuel and energy sources
in common energy units - Defines boundaries of the economic sectors
- End-use mapping of energy activities in the
sectors - Identify problem areas
4National Energy Statistical System
5Macro Energy Flow
Primary Energy Input
6Energy Flow in 2005
7What type of Balance
- Commodity Balance
- Expressed in physical units eg tonnes, litres
etc - Energy Balance
- Expressed in common energy units TJ, GWh,
tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), etc - Common energy units allows for the aggregation of
energy quantities from different fuels or energy
sources - What format?
- Eurostat
8Old Balance Format
9Data Collection
- Questionnaires to main suppliers
- Oil, gas, solid fuels, renewables, electricity
generators suppliers - Data collected in physical units
- tonnes, litres, cubic metres, TJ
- Collation/aggregation sheets for each fuel or
energy type - Results in high level aggregation of energy use
10Aggregation sheet example
12New Balance Format
13New Balance Format
14More detail on fuels
15More sectoral detail
- If possible have more than one data source
- top-down and bottom up
- Confidentiality is a major issue
- Response rates
- Statistical differences
- More complete transformation output section
17Sub-sectoral allocation - Industry
- Until recently based on a 1990 disaggregation
- What information is already being collected or is
available? - Annual Census of Industrial Production
- Questions on energy expenditure
- 1998, 2001 and from 2004 onwards energy
expenditure questions by individual fuel - Problem is to convert from expenditure to energy
quantity - Good price data essential
18Sub-sectoral allocation - Industry
Census of Industry Production expenditure by fuel
Price data
Emissions trading data
Derived energy use by fuel and sub-sector
of derived fuel used by sub-sector
Industry fuel use disaggregated using derived
192004 Expenditure data - CSO
202004 Expenditure data expressed as energy
212004 derived energy quantities as percentages
22Sub-sectoral allocation - Industry
Sub-sectoral consumption allocated based on
pro-rata of spend by the sub-sectors on the
individual fuels recorded by CSO in the Census of
Industrial Production
23Sub-sectoral time series - Industry
24Transport Disaggregation
- Overall quantities of petrol, diesel and
electricity were known - Energy use by most modes of transport not known
- Some pieces of the jigsaw were known
- Rail
- Public Bus Passenger Services excise rebate
- Air kerosene, aviation gasoline
- Almost all petrol (gasoline) used by private car
but also some taxis, small commercial vehicles
and lawn mowers etc
25Transport problems and questions
- How to split diesel consumption between private
cars and goods carriage - Whats the effect of fuel tourism?
- Whats driving transport energy growth private
car growth or freight growth? - Car Transport - are purchasing trends (bigger
cars) offsetting technical improvements in car
engine efficiency? - Car Transport are we really driving much more
than in other EU Member States?
26Jigsaw Pieces
National Car Test
Fuel Tourism
Private cars tested after 4 years and every 2
years thereafter. Taxis tested every year.
Before 1995 N.I. prices lower than Republic.
Environment Ministry all island model.
Over 3 million tests since 2000.
27National Car Test Analysis - Private Petrol Car
28Private Diesel Car Mileage
29Model Energy Use in Private Cars
Annual Mileage by engine size and fuel
Fuel Efficiency of new cars by engine size
Fuel Efficiency inflated by 20 for on-road
Petrol Diesel consumption in private cars
30Transport Energy Modal Split
- Irelands 2005 Energy Balance
- http//www.sei.ie/getFile.asp?FC_ID1966docID73
- Historic Balances
- http//www.sei.ie/getFile.asp?FC_ID1976docID901
- Energy in Ireland 1990 2005
- http//
659 - Energy Statistics 1990 2005
- http//
659 - Energy in Transport
- http//www.sei.ie/getFile.asp?FC_ID1859docID934
32Irelands Energy Balance