Title: Biodiesel as Blending Component for Diesel Fuel
1Biodiesel as Blending Component for Diesel Fuel -
its Application and Benefits
R.K.Malhotra IOC RD Centre
Biodiesel Conclave 5th Nov., 2005 India
Habitat Centre, New Delhi
- Properties of biodiesel and blends
- Engine and vehicle performance with
- biodiesel blends
- Mass emissions with biodiesel blends
- Effect of Cat converter on emission
- performance with biodiesel blends
- Particulate speciation and numbers
- Conclusions
3Properties of Commercial Diesel Vs Biodiesel
4Typical Physico-chemical Properties of Biodiesel
5Effect of Biodiesel Blending on Diesel Properties
- Cetane number increases Better combustion,
lower emission - Lubricity improves Protection to fuel
injection equipment - Lower Flash point More safety
- Kinematic Viscosity Higher but within range,
better - protection to fuel injection equipment
- Low Sulphur content Lower SO2 and Particulate
emission - CFPP Slightly higher cold weather
performance may be - affected
- Storage stability and material compatibility
could be of - concern need further investigation.
6Effect of Biodiesel on Lubricity
Addition of even 2 Biodiesel helps in
significant improvement of lubricity of Diesel
7Starting time with neat Diesel and Bio diesel
-blend (B20)
Startability found poorer in sub-zero conditions
8Performance results on a Multicylinder Engine
Biodiesel blends (B20) Diesel
Torque found to improve in some cases
9Smoke Vs RPM
10Fuel Economy Vs. Vehicle Speed
11SFC Vs. Vehicle Speed
12Smoke Vs. Vehicle Speed
13Mass Emission Results on Bio-diesel Blends
CO Particulates reduce with Biodiesel
14Mass Emission of Carbon Monoxide, g/km
with Diesel B20 Blends
CO substantially lower with Biodiesel use of
Cat Convertor
15Percentage Reduction of CO Mass Emissions with
and without Catalytic Converter Bio-diesel
16Mass Emission of Oxides of Nitrogen, g/km with
Diesel B20 Biodiesel Blend
Oxides of Nitrogen increase with Biodiesel
17Mass Emission of Particulate, g/km with Diesel
B20 Biodiesel Blend
Particulates decrease with Biodiesel Cat
18Total Aromatics and PAH Distribution in
Particulate Matter
Total aromatics in particulates lower with
Biodiesel. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons found
further lower.
19Particulate Number Concentration for Diesel and
B20 while driving as per Indian Driving Cycle
Small size particles found lower with Biodiesel
- Bio-diesel blending in Diesel improves most of
the - Fuel properties
- Engine Vehicle performance found comparable
- except the cold startability in sub-zero
conditions - Mass emissions of carbon monoxide and
particulates - found lower with Biodiesel blends, but NOx
increased - Catalytic converter along with Biodiesel helps
further - reductions of CO particulates
- Small size respirable particles and PAH found
- lower with Biodiesel blends, reducing
carcinogenicity - mutagenicity
21Thank you