Introduction to Engine Knocking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Engine Knocking


Clean Diesel is diesel fuel put through a process where pressure is used to remove the majority of its sulfur content . It is also called as Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Engine Knocking

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What is knocking
  • In an engine , when the fuel remaining after
    normal combustion ignites explosively by high
    pressure and temperature produced from normal
    combustion ,rather than spark from spark plug ,
    it causes knocking or detonation.

This explosive release of energy is what causes
the characteristic "knocking. It creates the
characteristic metallic "pinging" Sound.
Causes of knocking
  • The main driver for knock is ignition timing. As
    the ignition is advanced - the spark is fired
    earlier in the engine operating cycle - the
    pressure and temperature during the combustion
    event become higher, thus making knock more
  • Happens when fuel burn ignites irregularly and
  • Usage of fuel with low octane rating
  • Poor design of engine and due to their own
    structural problem

Diagramatic explanation
  • Under ideal conditions the common internal
    combustion engine burns the fuel/air mixture in
    the cylinder in an orderly and controlled
    fashion. The combustion is started by the spark
    plug allowing required time for the combustion
    process to develop peak pressure at the ideal
    time for maximum recovery of work from the
    expanding gases.

  • The pressure due to expanding gases in combustion
    chamber rises smoothly to a peak, as nearly all
    the available fuel is consumed, then pressure
    falls as the piston descends. Maximum
    cylinder pressure is achieved a few crankshaft
    degrees after the piston passes TDC, so that the
    increasing pressure can give the piston a hard
    push when its speed and mechanical advantage on
    the crank shaft gives the best recovery of force
    from the expanding gases.

  • When unburned fuel/air mixture beyond the
    boundary of the flame front is subjected to a
    combination of heat and pressure for a certain
    duration, detonation may occur. Detonation is
    mainly the instantaneous, explosive ignition of
    at least one pocket of fuel/air mixture outside
    of the flame front. A local shockwave is created
    around each pocket and the cylinder pressure may
    rise sharply beyond its design limits. If
    detonation is allowed to persist under extreme
    conditions or over many engine cycles, engine
    parts can be damaged or destroyed.

  • If the shockwaves created due to knocking have
    enough intensity and/or over a long enough period
    of time , these shockwaves and excessive
    pressure and temperature can cause engine damage
    including (going from minimal to destructive).
  • Erosion and pitting of the piston and/or cylinder
    liners ,resulting in small wear particles which
    may enter the engine lubrication/oil system ,plug
    the catalysts, and/or possibly block valves from
    closing completely. The wear may not be unlike
    water pump cavitations' damage.
  • Actual holes punched or burned in the pistons.

  • Reducing air and coolant temperatures is always
    good for suppressing knock (colder air is also
    more dense, allowing the engine to take in a
    greater mass of air.)
  • The strategy for reducing knock - and so allowing
    more ignition advance (and hence more torque) -
    is to use a fuel with a higher octane rating.
    Higher octane fuels contain more components such
    as benzene that are resistant to self-ignition,
    and less of components such as n- heptane that
    self-ignite relatively easily.

  • There are two ways to meet the demand of modern
    high-performance engines for fuels of high octane
  • The first one is to produce artificial petrol
    that are rich in branched-chain alkanes.
  • Another method is to add an anti-knock agent to
    petrol. The most commonly added compound is
    tetraethyl lead (CH3CH2)4Pb. When burned, this
    lead compound produces small particles of lead
    oxide which tend to combine with the free
    radicals produced in the chain reaction of
    combustion. This slows down the reaction and
    makes it smoother.

  • To prevent lead from accumulating in the engine,
    1,2-dibromoethane (CH2BrCH2Br) is added to
    petrol. The formation of lead bromide is volatile
    and is swept away in the car exhaust.
  • The exposure of lead in air leads to serious
    effect. Lead is a neurotoxin, or nerve poison. It
    can cause damage in the central nervous system
    (brain and nervous system), especially in young

  • The addition of tetra-ethyl-lead (TEL) a soluble
    salt added to gasoline was common until it was
    discontinued for reasons of toxic pollution.
  • Lead dust added to the intake charge will also
    reduce knock with various hydrocarbon fuels.
    Manganese compounds are also used to reduce knock
    with petrol fuel.
  • . Steam will suppress knock even though no added
    cooling is supplied.
  • Certain chemical changes must first occur for
    knock to happen, hence fuels with certain
    structures tend to knock easier than others.
    Branched chain paraffins tend to resist knock
    while straight chain paraffins knock easy.

  • Gasoline mixtures that are rich in straight-chain
    alkanes such as heptanes ignite very readily and
    explode rapidly. This causes 'knocking' and
    inefficient combustion.
  • Combustion of branch-chain alkanes like
    2,2,4-trimethylpentane (iso -octane) is much
    smoother and more controlled.

Advantages of unleaded petrol
  • Many countries are now phasing out the use of
    leaded petrol.
  • The production of unleaded petrol involves
    cracking, isomerisation and reforming reactions
    to generate high-octane petrol.
  • Unleaded petrol also contains an important
    additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE,
    octane rating 118).

  • Hence, gasoline mixtures rich in branch-chain
    alkanes are more efficient in burning and less
    likely to cause knocking

Fuels with high octane numbers burn smoothly and
efficiently in high performance engines.
Petrol Engines and Knocking
The isomerisation plant produces branching chain
alkanes which improve the octane number of fuels.
  • We measure the problem using the octane number.
    The higher the number, the better the fuel. A
    fuel with a low octane number is likely to cause
    knocking. One with an octane number over 100
    should be fine.
  • There are two main ways of increasing the octane
    number of petrol (i.e. improving it).
  • Use alkanes with branching chains rather than
    straight chains.
  • Use aromatic alkanes (with rings)
  • These alkanes are produced on the site using the
    isomeriser and the reformer,blended into the
    petrol at the end is constantly monitored for
    its octane number.

Octane rating
  • Octane rating of a spark ignition engine fuel is
    a measure of the resistance to detonation or
    knocking compared to a mixture of iso -octane
    (2,2,4-tri methyl pentane, an isomer of octane)
    and n- heptane. It is a numerical representation
    of the antiknock properties of motor fuel,
    compared with a standard reference fuel, such as
    isooctane, which has an octane number of 100.
  • Octane rating does not relate to the energy
    content of the fuel .It is only a measure of the
    fuel's tendency to burn in a controlled manner,
    rather than exploding in an uncontrolled manner.

Types of octane ratings
  • RON (Research octne number) - The most common
    type of octane rating used worldwide is
    the Research OctaneNumber (RON). RON is
    determined by running the fuel in a test engine
    with a variable compression under controlled
    conditions, and comparing the results with those
    for mixtures of iso-octane and n-heptane.
  • MON (Motor octane number) - There is another
    type of octane rating, called Motor Octane
    Number (MON), which is a better measure of how
    the fuel behaves when under load as it is done at
    900 rpm instead of the 600 rpm of the RON . MON
    testing uses a similar test engine to that used
    in RON testing, but with a preheated fuel
    mixture, a higher engine speed, and variable
    ignition timing to further stress the fuel's
    knock resistance.

  • AKI (Anti-knock index) - In most of the
    countries , RON is used. But in the United States
    , Canada and some other countries, the average of
    the RON and the MON is used, which is called
    the Anti-Knock Index (AKI). It may also sometimes
    be called the Road Octane Number (RdON), Pump
    Octane Number (PON), or (RM)/2.
  • Depending on the composition of the fuel, the MON
    of a modern gasoline will be about 8 to 10 points
    lower than the RON. So, the octane rating shown
    in the United States is 4 to 5 points lower than
    the rating shown elsewhere in the world for the
    same fuel. 

Compression ratio
  • One of the strokes in engine working is the
    compression stroke, where the engine compresses a
    cylinder-full of air and gas into a much smaller
    volume before igniting it with a spark plug. So ,
    The octane rating of gasoline actually tells you
    how much the fuel can be compressed before it
    spontaneously ignites by high compression and
    pressure. The amount of compression of air-fuel
    mixture is called the compression ratio of the
    engine i.e. the ratio of initial volume of
    gas-air mixture to the final volume of the same.

  • I conclude that compression ratio of your engine
    determines the octane rating of the gas or fuel
    you must use in the engine. A fuel with a higher
    octane rating can be run at a higher compression
    ratio without detonating. 
  • So, higher the compression ratio , more will be
    the energy output of the engine. That's why
    higher should be the octane rating so that fuel
    can resist more compression before ignition.

  • Now a days the scenario of fuel production
    utilization has been undergoing a tremendous
  • The utility of fossil fuels has been increasing
    at a very high rate .
  • The utility now a days is in such that the
    existing fuel resources doesn't serve for a much
    longer time. The time for which they will serve
    us are as shown

Resource Consumption (in MTOE) of total energy Reserve (in MTOE) Available for use(years)
Oil ,Liquid petroleum products 3507 35.7 1,51,984 43
Natural Gas 2122 21.2 1,56,706 74
Coal 2342 23.4 5,01,172 214
Total 7971 80.3 8,09,862
  • In addition to this even the flue gasses obtained
    by these fuels create lots of damage to the
    ecosystem. The systems that developed naturally
    over millions of years does take few days to get
    ruined . So we need to start a serious search for
    the alternatives to the existing fuels
  • Few things are to be kept in mind
  • (1) Cost of production  utilization
  • (2)  Eco friendliness
  • (3)  Efficiency of fuel produced
  • So we need to focus on Green fuels And find

  • What fuel can we use that will not completely
    destroy our atmosphere, and or environment ?
  • The answer would be unanimously

  • The fuels that are likely to serve our purpose
  • (1) Electric (2)
    Hybrid     (3) Natural gas (4)
    Hydrogen    (5) Fuel cells  (6)
    clean diesel (low sulfur)   (7) Biodiesel (B100)
     (8) Ethanol (E85.)
  • Each of the mentioned fuels will be weighed out
    according to the amount of pollution they do and
    do not contribute to the atmosphere

  • The advantages of an electric ran vehicle can be
    summed up in four words
  • Being that they are operated purely on battery,
    they give out no emissions or other toxins
    usually associated with modes of transportation.
    As far as being green and the lesser evil of most
    fuels, electric is the least damaging fuel to the

  • Unlike a gas engine, it takes a lot longer to
    charge an electric car and it can be a hassle
    when making long road trips.
  • For numerous reasons such as, not every gas
    station is equipped with compatible equipment to
    fuel electric cars, if your car stalls from a low
    battery it is harder to transport electric, than
    a gallon of gas. 
  • In addition, the price of electric fueled
    vehicles is quite expensive and the price to
    convert your mobile can range from
    5,000-10,000. Not to mention your electric bill.

  • A hybrid is a VEHICLE  that uses two sources of
    fuel, some use gas combined with electric, solar
    or water.
  • Since it is also using other sources of fuel it
    gives got less emissions than an engine solely
    using gasoline.  
  • In addition, some hybrid cars you can get up to
    50 per gallon.  This means on long drives or road
    trips you could drive well over 500 miles before
    you would need to stop and get gas.  

  • Hybrid cars are also very affordable where some
    are priced brand new from just 12,000 and up. 
  • When a hybrid battery is drained or just stop
    working, it can cost around 5,000 to replace
  • In addition, hybrids have a lighter body weight
    to compensate for its heavy engine where in case
    of accident it can be extremely dangerous for the

  • It burns clean as well as releases 70 less
    carbon dioxide than fossil fuel, making it a lot
    cleaner than traditional fuel.Natural gas has a
    higher heating value as well as is less expensive
    than traditional fuels.
  • It cannot be recycled, the world can only produce
    so much which in time natural resources can run
    out. In addition, the price to recover remaining
    natural gas due to flow, access etc, is expensive

  •  Hydrogen or water powered vehicles, even though
    they are not yet on the market, or even close to
    being completely developed as far as the other
    fuels mentioned in this report, hypothetically
    there would be many advantages. 
  • Emissions would be close to none, which is
    beneficial to our environment. Everyone would be
    able to afford  to fuel their vehicle
  • It has not been developed for mass production. In
    addition, unemployment would sky rocket due to no
    need for gas stations, or any other gas
    related  occupations. As well as we can only
    assume that, the purchase price of purely watered
    power vehicles would be very pricey.

  • A fuel cell is like a battery in a sense, but
    instead it combines hydrogen and oxygen to
    produce electricity.  Although it is a chemical
    process, it does not involve heat.
  • It does not involve any moving parts, so
    traditional mechanical complications are
    minimal. Fuel cell emissions only emit water and
    it is very quite during operation.

  • It is expensive to make as it relies on the use
    of platinum . Platinum even though already in
    use throughout the market is a natural resource
    and is bound to run out eventually, especially if
    we increase our dependency on using this rare
  • In addition, with changing technology mechanics
    will slowly find themselves out of a job as well
    as other vehicle maintenance services

  • Clean Diesel is diesel fuel put through a process
    where pressure is used to remove the majority of
    its sulfur content . It is also called as Ultra
    Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD).
  • It reduces 90 of emissions content, compared to
    traditional diesel energy.
  • This promotes cleaner air as well as complies
    with EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) quality
    standards  and regulations. 

  • This type of fuel is also compatible with all
    diesel-fueled engines.
  • The potential purchase price is more expensive as
    well as current availability is limited .
  • In addition, this type of fuel is susceptible to
    eating through engine seals as well as during
    cold weather its liability decreases.

  • Biodiesel Fuel is diesel fuel consisting of oils
    derived from animal fat and recycled cooking
    grease.ADVANTAGES -
  • It can be made from home.  Most diesel engines
    can utilize biodiesel fuel as well as it emits
    less air pollutants and greenhouse gas.In
    addition, it is also biodegradable, non-toxic as
    well as is a lot safer to handle compared to
    traditional diesel. 
  • The disadvantages of biodiesel fuel is that B100
    gets 10 less fuel economy then tradition diesel
    as well as it also not suitable for really cold
    weather conditions.

  • E85 or ethanol is a mixture consisting of 85
    ethanol and 15 gasoline.ADVANTAGES -
  • E85 emits less air pollutants than traditional
    gasoline, also it is resistant to engine fuel
    mixture detonation or in laymen, engine knock.
  • E85 is also not as expensive compared to 
  • Only certain cars can run this fuel, such as
    flex-fuel cars, trucks, SUVs.
  • In addition, not every gas station carries E85,
    as well as your vehicle will have lower gas
    mileage and  as of now producing, the mixture is

  • Relevant to the above explained contexts,
    scenarios and inferences it is evident that we
    can reduce engine knocking and its after effects
    using the green fuels.
  • We conclude measures are to be taken at war foot
    lines to improve the quality of these fuels.
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