Title: Biodiesel Fuel Quality and Proper handling
1Biodiesel Fuel Quality and Proper handling
Hoon Ge Edward Gorr
2National Biodiesel Board
- Represents the biodiesel industry as the
coordinating body for research and development in
the US. - Founded in 1992 by state soybean commodity
groups. - NBBs membership is comprised of state, national,
and international feedstock and feedstock
processor organizations, biodiesel suppliers,
fuel marketers and distributors, and technology
3History of Biodiesel
4Machinery Exhibit 1900 Worlds Fair
- Rudolph Diesel demonstrated his compression
ignition engine, which at the request of the
French Government, ran on peanut oil.
- Jeffrey Howe
5History of Biodiesel
- Vegetable oils were used in diesel engines until
the 1920's when engines began using diesel fuel
6History of Biodiesel
- Energy crunch of the 1970s stimulated biofuels
research but federal research monies disappeared
in the 1980s.
- First literature use of the term biodiesel is
found in a Chinese paper published in 1988. The
next paper using that term appeared in 1991.
7Biodiesel 101
8Biodiesel Defined
- Biodiesel, n. -- a fuel comprised of mono-alkyl
esters of long chain fatty acids derived from
vegetable oils or animal fats, designated B100,
and meeting the requirements of ASTM D 6751. - Biodiesel blend, n. -- a blend of biodiesel fuel
meeting ASTM D 6751 with petroleum-based diesel
fuel designated BXX, where XX is the volume
percent of biodiesel.
9Definition of Biodiesel
- Chemically
- Mono Alkyl Ester
- Functionally
- Surrogate for petroleum distillates
- Nomenclature
- B100 100 pure Biodiesel, AKA neat
- B20 20 Biodiesel 80 petroleum diesel
105 Most Common Methyl-Esters in Biodiesel
11Making Biodiesel
- (Catalyst)
- 100 pounds 10 pounds 10 pounds
100 pounds - Triglyceride Alcohol Glycerin
Mono-Alkyl Esters - __________________________________________________
_________ - Soy oil Methanol
Biodiesel - - Raw Vegetable Oil is NOT Biodiesel!
- - Other biomass products arent Biodiesel
- - Must meet ASTM D 6751
12Biodiesel Raw Materials
- Oil or Fat Alcohol
- Soybean Methanol (common)
- Corn Ethanol
- Canola
- Cottonseed Catalyst
- Sunflower Sodium hydroxide
- Beef tallow Potassium hydroxide
- Pork lard
- Used cooking oils
13 Other Ingredients
- Alcohol
- Methanol is primary choice
- Ethanol is possible
- Isopropyl, any alcohol can be used in the
reaction - The decision to be made is the cost of the
material, the reaction time/vessel sizes, the
cost/capability to recover the excess - Catalyst
- Sodium Methylate is primary choice
- Potassium Methylate is possible
- NaOH/KOH, while they can be used introduce water
to the reaction - Fixed catalysts are being developed for
efficiency in process - No catalyst is required, but the yield is low,
inefficient process
14The Biodiesel Reaction
In the presence of a catalyst
- Vegetable Oil
- or
- Animal Fat
- (100 lbs.)
- Methanol or
- Ethanol
- (10 lbs.)
Biodiesel (100 lbs.) Glycerine (10 lbs.)
15Important Biodiesel Parameters
- Removal of Glycerin
- Insured through total and free glycerin tests
- Europe has a percent ester spec but ASTM chose
not to do - Will cause injector coking, filter plugging,
sediment formation - Shortens shelf life
- Removal of Catalyst
- Insured through sulfated ash test
- May cause injector deposits and/or filter plugging
16Important Biodiesel Parameters
- Removal of Alcohol
- Insured through flash point or GC tests
- May cause premature injector failure, safety
concern - Removal of Free Fatty Acids
- Insured through acid number test
- Will cause fuel system deposits and effect fuel
pump and filter operation
17Biodiesel Attributes
- High Cetane (avg. over 50)
- Ultra Low Sulfur (avg. 2 ppm)
- High Lubricity, even in blends as low at 1-2
- High Energy Balance (3.2 to 1)
- Low Agriculture Inputs Soybeans
- 78 Life Cycle CO2 Reduction
- Renewable, Sustainable
- Domestically Produced
- Reduces HC, PM, CO in existing diesel engines
- Reduces NOx in boilers and home heating
18Biodiesel ASTM D6751
- Property ASTM
Method Limits Units - Calcium Magnesium, combined EN 14538
5 max ppm (ug/g) - Flash Point (closed cup) D 93
93 min.
Degrees C - Alcohol Control (One of the following must be
met) - Methanol Content EN14110 0.2 Max
volume - Flash Point D93 130 Min Degrees
- Water Sediment D 2709 0.05 max. vol.
- Kinematic Viscosity, 40 C D 445 1.9 - 6.0
mm2/sec. - Sulfated Ash D 874 0.02 max. mass
- Sulfur
- S 15 Grade D 5453 0.0015 max. (15)
mass (ppm) - S 500 Grade D 5453 0.05 max. (500)
mass (ppm) - Copper Strip Corrosion D 130 No. 3 max.
- Cetane D 613 47 min.
- Cloud Point D 2500 Report Degrees C
- Carbon Residue 100 sample D 4530 0.05 max.
mass - Acid Number D 664 0.50 max. mg KOH/g
- Free Glycerin D 6584 0.020 max. mass
19ASTM - D6751 (B100)
- Review your fuel analysis to ensure incoming fuel
meets agreed upon specifications - If either the biodiesel or generic diesel fuel
fails to meet the agreed specification, notify
your fuel supplier immediately - Retain samples (quart) minimum should analytical
work be required to evaluate future issues
21U.S. CO2 Emissions
22Transportation Emissions Increasing
23Biodiesel CO2 Cycle
24Reduction in Emissions
25EPA HD Emissions Averages
Emission Type B100 B20 B2
Total Unburned Hydrocarbons -67 -20 -2.2
Carbon Monoxide -48 -12 -1.3
Particulate Matter -47 -12 -1.3
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) 10 2 .2
26Historical Overview of NOx Issue
- Up until early in 2005 it was widely accepted
that B20 caused a small, 2, increase in NOx - Conclusion of EPA review published in 2002
- Based in large part on data acquired by McCormick
and coworkers, Sharp and coworkers, etc. - In February of 2005 we tested 3 vehicles that
showed NOx reduction - Subsequent review of EPAs analysis showed that
nearly half of the data reviewed were for one
engine model - Subsequent tests with a range of engine models
are finding changes in NOx that range roughly
from about 5 to -5 - Varies with engine model
- Average change is zero
- Dataset is NOT representative of in-use vehicles
27NOx Emissions, Chassis Data
- Bus Chassis Dynamometer Testing
- Using B20 in City Suburban Heavy Vehicle Cycle
- Cummins ISM 2000 Engine.
- Unexpected NOx REDUCTION of 5 with statistical
confidence of gt99. - NOx emission changes are caused by differences in
test cycles and engine technology.
Graph taken from NREL website http//www.nrel.gov
28Supply and Demand
29Biodiesel Demand
30Heating Oil Market
- Almost as much heating oil is sold in the
Northeast as on highway diesel fuel - 5.1 billion gallons vs. 5.5 billion gallons
- Heating oil industry is attempting to remake
itself as more environmentally friendly and
renewable - Could provide a good winter outlet for biodiesel
- Work is being done to integrate into Underwriters
Laboratory certification
31If Every Trucker Used B2
The industry would utilize 761 million gallons of
B100 annually.
32Fuel Availability
- Fuel available through direct shipment from over
1,956 petroleum distributors nationwide - Over 1,234 retail filling stations nationwide
- 648 locations are semi-truck accessible
- Movement towards biodiesel at the terminal over
158 terminals nationwide
33Distribution Locations
34Biodiesel Production Capacity
35Production Locations (9/7/07)
36Size of Current Plants
165 Plants
Construction Capacity 1.38 billion gallons per
year Average Plant Size 16.3 million gallons per
37Biodiesel Plants Under Construction and Expansion
38Size of Plants Under Construction Expansion
- Construction Capacity 1.89 billion gallons per
year - Average Plant Size 18.7 million gallons per year
39Production Capacity by State (9/7/07)
40Production Capacity Trends
- The industry is tending towards larger facilities
- Vegetable oil facilities are larger than recycled
cooking oil plants - Plants capable of handling multiple feedstocks
are becoming more common - Production capacity does not equal production for
several reasons - Some facilities are just starting up
- Some facilities choose to run less than 24/7
- Some facilities have no effectively
debottlenecked their systems to maximize their
output - Some facilities overestimate their capacity
41Blending ULSD and Biodiesel
42ULSD and Biodiesel
- Biodiesel is slightly heavier than petroleum
diesel with a gravity value of 0.88 versus 0.85. - Biodiesel should be introduced after diesel fuel
and should be agitated in the tank during splash
blending procedures. - Storage and blending of B100 should be maintained
at 10 degrees F above the B100s cloud and pour
point to blend successfully. - Blends will not separate in
- the presence of water.
43Blending Options (Splash)
- The biodiesel and diesel fuel are loaded into a
tank separately with relatively little mixing
occurring as the fuels are placed in the tank.
- The tank is usually the actual delivery truck.
- The delivery truck movement as well as the
physical drop at the end users site provides
adequate agitation to successfully blend the
44Blending Options (In-Tank Blend)
- Biodiesel and diesel fuel are loaded separately,
or at the same time through different incoming
sources, but at high speeds which sufficiently
mix without the need for additional mixing,
recirculation or agitation. - Similar to splash blending but not dependent on
delivery activity to continue mixing procedures.
45Blending Options (Bottom Loading)
- B20 is frequently blended in bottom loading tank
trucks - Biodiesel loaded first, followed by diesel fuel
where mixing begins. - Putting B100 into a cold empty truck can cause
the B100 to gel which prohibits mixing properly
46Blend Options (In-Line Blend)
- Biodiesel is added to a stream of diesel fuel as
it travels through a pipe or hose in such as way
that the biodiesel and diesel fuel become
thoroughly mixed by the turbulence encountered in
the pipe.
47Why Blend Biodiesel into ULSD?
- Compatible with the compression ignition platform
and with diesel fuel itself - Greatly enhances lubricity of ULSD
- Compatible with 2007 diesel engine catalysts
- Aids with ULSD conductivity issues
- Reduces harmful emissions
- Power and performance virtually unchanged
- Seamless transparent with existing petroleum
infrastructure, (liquid not gaseous) - Promotes national energy security
- Renewable, non-toxic, green blend stock option
49ULSD Lubricity
- Sulfur compounds are natural lubricants in
diesel. - ULSD regulations are causing major concerns with
diesel engine performance. - ASTM lubricity requirement effective Jan 1, 2005
for diesel fuels. - ASTM D 6079
- -High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)
- -Wear Scar Maximum 520 micrometers
50Biodiesel Adds Significant Lubricity to ULSD
The average lubricity of Biodiesel blends compare
to lubricity additives.
Effects of Biodiesel on the Lubricity of Diesel
52Cold Weather Operability
53CFPP Testing of ULSD Bio Blends
Sample Description CFPP F, Base Fuel CFPP F w/ Additive
ULSD -2 -22
B11 ULSD (3x) 1 -20
B20 ULSD(4x) 3 -17
B5 ULSD -1 -18
B2 ULSD -2 -20
B2 ULSD -2 -22
542007 Engines
552007 Model Year Engines
- EPA regulations require reduced sulfur in diesel
fuel for 2007 model year engines - 80 of highway diesel fuel must be ULSD (lt 15ppm
sulfur) beginning june1, 2006 - Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filters
- can eliminate 99 of solid particles
- (soot metals) and eliminate
- gt90 of semi-volatile
- hydrocarbons.
- Source EPA
56Diesel Particle Filters (DPF)
- Diesel particle filters (DPF) are found in all
2007 model year diesel vehicles. - What possible advantages or disadvantages may
result from using biodiesel blends in these
engines? - The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
has conducting a study in order to define these
effects on DPFs.
57Indicators of DPF Performance
- Filter regeneration rate increased significantly
when using blends as low as B5. Lower
particulate temperature and less particulate
input contributed.
Biodiesel Effects on Diesel Particle Filter
Performance. National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, March 2006.
58Materials Compatibility
- B100 may adversely affect some elastomers such as
natural or nitrile rubbers over time. - Most elastomers used after 1993 are compatible
with B100 (Viton/Teflon). - Blends (B20) effect is less, or non-existent.
- Normal monitoring of hoses and gaskets for leaks
is sufficient with B20. - Consult with your parts supplier or
- mechanical engineering partners.
59Materials Compatibility
- Biodiesel and biodiesel blends will form high
sediment levels when in contact with the
following metals - -Brass, Bronze, Copper, Lead, Tin and Zinc
- Biodiesel is compatible with
- -Mild and Stainless Steel, Aluminum
60Biodiesel Position with OEMs
- Original Equipment Manufacturers
- B100 Must Meet ASTM D 6751
- Most OEM HQs have B20 experience
- Wont void warrantee
- Problems caused by the fuel are the
responsibility of the fuel supplier - Want to see additional experience in the field
- Higher blends OKd based on experience of OEM and
their technology
62- No matter where you are in the supply chain both
you and your staff are responsible for ensuring
optimum storage environments for your fuels - The three basic ways which fuel may become
contaminated are air, water and the fuel itself
Clean Tanks
63Exposure to Air
- Enters through vent pipes and contains large
amounts of moisture. - Generally displaces the fuel as tank is emptied.
- It is not practical to keep air from entering the
tank. - Will increase the oxidation of fuel.
- Do not store fuels for long periods of time in
partially empty tanks without stabilizers. - Consider desiccant dryers.
- Free water in the fuel system accelerates
corrosion and fuel degradation, it can also
create a fertile growing place for bugs. - Poor tank design has made complete removal of
water impossible. - Enters mostly as condensation from air. Vents
and seals that are poorly
constructed or
maintained can
allow water to
infiltrate the
storage tank.
65Exposure to Fuel Contaminants
- Stored fuel will degrade forming insoluble
materials. - Insolubles will plug filters, foul injectors and
form combustion system deposits which promotes
fuel system corrosion. - Fuel can bring in contaminants during the
delivery process, sand, dirt etc. - Lack of housekeeping practices will absolutely
increase operational headaches.
66Maintaining Your Fuel Quality
- Begin by specifying ASTM designed fuels, 6751 and
975 - Reference cold weather performance and other
special needs prior to ordering - Be proactive with general housekeeping practices
- Maintain optimum storage conditions
- Execute a quarterly fuel analysis program to
ensure good preventative measures.
67Steps to Maintaining Fuel
- Store Fuel in Clean, Dry Dark Environment
- Keep Tank Topped off to eliminate head space
- Monitor hoses, fill/vapor caps, gaskets for leaks
- Storage in on-site tanks should be limited to
less than 6 months. - Once a year send your fuel to lab to be tested
for microbial contamination
68Tips for Biodiesel Handling
- In the winter months, its important to use
appropriate additives to ensure good
winter-weather operability. - If any biodiesel is spilled, it is important to
clean it up quickly. Pure biodiesel may remove
paint from equipment.
69Tips for Biodiesel Handling
- When switching from diesel fuel to biodiesel
blend, it may be necessary to change the fuel
filter an extra time or two.
70Quality Issues
71Biodiesel Issue
- Monoglyceride Build-up (rare)
- Monoglyceride is one substance that can
precipitate out of fuel if the glycerin levels
are too high in the biodiesel used in the blend
72Other Issues We have SeenParaffin Wax
- High level of paraffin material could be from the
way ULSD is processed. - When the temperature of the fuel is at or below
its cloud point, paraffin material will
precipitate out and collect on the bottom of the
tank. - Paraffin build-up does not come from biodiesel
Icing of the filter
Since the temperatures of engines are warm, any
moisture picked up within the engine can be
brought back to the fuel lines. This moisture
can freeze overnight in low ambient temperatures.
73Sediment/Rust build-up
- Some of the filters had solid sediment within the
folds and solid particles in the filter casing. - Sediment present in the fuel or rust particles
from within the engine can collect over time and
plug the filter even when there are not
necessarily problems with the fuel.
Because many newer engines run at higher
temperatures, there may be a black asphaltene
type material collecting on the filter. This
phenomenon has been seen all around the country,
often in newer engines.
74Microbial Growth
- Several filters showed high content of live
microbial organisms or a build-up of dead
microbial material. The filters with microbial
contamination often had an odor different from
the normal fuel smell. -
- The lack of sulfur in biodiesel and ULSD aids in
the build-up of such organisms since sulfur is a
key component of many biocides and is a natural
inhibitor of bacterial and fungal growth.
75What Are Microbes?
- Microbes are bacteria or fungus that live and
propagate in fuel. - They live at the fuel/water interface.
- The hydrocarbons in the fuel provide the food and
the water provides the oxygen. - This environment is needed for living,
- growth, and reproduction.
76Where Do They Come From?
- Air
- Contains airborne microorganisms, yeast and mold
spores, and dirt particles that can enter through
tank vents. - Water
- Water, unless sterilized, can contain a variety
77Treatment and Prevention
- Biocides
- Three major groups Fuel soluble, Water soluble,
and Universally soluble. - Need to be EPA registered and compatible with the
lubricant. - Preventing Fuel Contamination
- Preventing contamination from air and water
requires proper tank maintenance and cleaning
78Biocide Universally Soluble
- Stable in both fuel and water.
- Primarily fuel soluble with sufficient water
solubility to perform in both phases. - Can be transported throughout the fuel system and
be effective against biofilms and bottom water
microbes. - Contains sulfur.
- Relatively expensive.
79Preventing Contamination Tank Cleaning
Clean Tanks
- Can be expensive and disruptive.
- Needs to be used in conjunction with a biocide
treatment. - The biocide should be used after the tank is
clean, then fuel should be added (to eliminate
microbes collected on the bottom of the tank). - As a preventative measure, it is important to
keep tanks as full of fuel as possible, and to
keep the amount of air in the tank minimal.
80Renewable Fuel Standard and RINs
81How it all began
- Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct05) provides for
a renewable fuels requirement.
The RFS Program took effect September 1, 2007
82Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs)
- RINs are generated by renewable fuel producers
and importers and assigned to batches that they
transfer - Represent volumes of renewable fuel produced.
- RINs are the tools obligated parties utilize to
demonstrate compliance with their annual
renewable fuel volume obligations.
83RIN Codes
- The Renewable Identification Number (RIN) is a
38-character numeric code in the format - KYYYYCCCCFFFFFBBBBBRRDSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE
- K RIN assignment code (1assigned,
2unassigned) - YYYY Year batch is produced/imported (when it
leaves the facility) - CCCC Company registration ID
- FFFFF Facility registration ID
- BBBBB Producer assigned batch number
- RR Equivalence Value for the renewable fuel
- D Renewable type code (1cellulosic
2non-cellulosic) - SSSSSSSS RIN Block Starting Number
- EEEEEEEE RIN Block Ending Number
84Equivalence Values
- The Equivalence Value indicates how many
gallon-RINs can be generated for each gallon of
renewable fuel - The EPA has specified the Equivalence Value for
several renewable fuels using volumetric energy
content in comparison to ethanol (adjusted for
renewable content) - Corn-ethanol 1.0
- Cellulosic biomass ethanol 2.5
- Biodiesel (alkyl esters) 1.5
- Renewable diesel 1.7
- Biobutanol 1.3
85Compliance by Marketers/Producers
- Biodiesel Producer or Importer
- Must attach RINs to volumes of fuel and transfer
those RINs for any blends greater than B80
(on-road) - An assigned RIN cannot be transferred to another
party without simultaneously transferring a
volume of renewable fuel to that same party. - ("Transfer" means a change in ownership, not
custody Change in custody but not ownership has
no RIN responsibilities)
- At the end of each quarter
- Cannot own any more assigned RINs (with K 1)
than gallons of renewable fuel (adjusted for its
Equivalence Value)
Sum of assigned gallon-RINs
Volume of renewable fuel owned X Equivalence
Value per volume
- This requirement ensures that, at least
quarterly, RINs have been transferred with volume
and obligated parties have opportunities to get
87Quarterly Reporting
- RIN Generation Report
- Each facility owned by a renewable fuel producer
must report information pertaining to the RINs
generated and attached to a batch produced or
imported. - RIN Transaction Report
- Any transaction where biodiesel produced is sold
to a second party will need a separate report
submitted to document change of ownership
transactions - (including providing registration information
for 2nd party) - RIN Activity Report
- Summary report for RIN related activity during a
quarter for RINs owned by the reporting party.
Includes status (assigned or separated) volumes
of renewable fuel owned at the end of a quarter
current year RINs owned at start of quarter etc.
88Annual Reporting
- Attest Engagement
- Annual attest engagement completed by a CPA or
certified internal auditor to verify the accuracy
of the information contained in the reports
submitted to EPA by covered entities. - Due Date Attest Engagements are due May 31st of
the year following compliance year. (Ex. May 31,
2009 for compliance year 2008).
89Registration with the EPA
- Any entity that owns or intends to own biodiesel
with RINs attached is required to register with
the EPA. - Registration with the EPA is required prior to
owning fuel with RINs attached. - www.epa.gov/otaq/regs/fuels/rfsforms.htm.
90Additional RFS Resources
- Renewable Fuel Standard Regulations
- Compliance Help Information www.epa.gov/otaq/renew
ablefuels/index.htm. - PMAA is working with their state associations in
an effort to disseminate information to their
member marketers as quickly as possible to help
educate them on their compliance requirements.
92BQ-9000 Quality Assurance Program
Specifies requirements for a quality assurance
program where an organization needs to
demonstrate its ability to provide product that
meets ASTM D 6751 and applicable regulatory
requirements, and to address quality assurance
through the effective application of the
93NBB Fuel Quality Policy
- The National Biodiesel Board is a strong
proponent of ASTM D-6751. - The National Biodiesel Board created the National
Biodiesel Accreditation Commission in 2000 and
charged it with developing a certification
program for quality biodiesel producers and
marketers. The resulting certification program is
BQ-9000. - NBB will encourage active enforcement of D6751 by
the IRS, the EPA, the US Department of
Agriculture, and individual state Weights and
Measures Bureaus.
94Fuel Quality
- Fuel quality is of the utmost concern and
importance to the biodiesel industry. - ASTM D 6751 is the specification for biodiesel
fuels irrespective of the feedstock source and/or
processing method. - BQ-9000 Assures cradle-to-grave fuel quality
95Who and What are Accredited
- Two accreditations possible for companies
- BQ-9000 Accredited Producer
- BQ-9000 Certified Marketer
- BQ-9000 accredits companies, not fuel
- There is no such thing as 'BQ-9000 Biodiesel'
- BQ-9000 does, however, help insure that biodiesel
produced and sold will meet D 6751
96Benefits of BQ-9000
- Provides the biodiesel users (individuals,
fleets, government agencies, etc.) with a feeling
of confidence - Improved consistency saves biodiesel producers
and marketers time and money by minimizing
problems with out of specification fuel - Your competitive position within the industry is
strengthened as you gain a market advantage
through recognition of quality
97BQ-9000 Initial Registration
- Complete the Application
- Submit Quality Manual
- Pay 1000 application fee
- Provide proof of EPA Registration
98BQ-9000 Accreditation
- The Commission reviews the application
- and application materials
- Applications considered administratively complete
shall be accepted for processing - and audit.
- 2,500 Certification Audit Fee
99BQ-9000 Accreditation
- Auditor is assigned, establishes the audit
schedule with applicant. - Desk audit to verify written compliance
- On-site audit to verify compliance.
- The Commission reviews results of audits, votes
on the companys status. - If applicant passes audit, Commission grants
accreditation for 2 years.
100Accreditation Timeline
Avg. Length (days) Accreditation Step
Quality Manual, Application Audit Fees Received
7-10 Quality Manual from NBAC to Auditor
10 Desk Audit
180 Set Onsite Audit Date Resolve Desk Audit Issues (scheduled 6 months from implementation date of all elements of quality system)
1.5 Registration Audit
30 Resolve Nonconformances
10 Final Report Recommendations
10-21 NBAC Meets Approves
249-263 Total
102Accredited Producers (19)
103Certified Marketers (9)
104BQ-9000 Information Through the NBB
www.biodiesel.org www.nbb.org
Find information on the requirements for the
program and a list of accredited
producers/marketers on the NBB website.
105Biodiesel Resources
106Educational Resources
- BEN Biodiesel Education Network
- Web-based resource specifically for petroleum
marketers - Partnership between NBB/PMAA
- www.pmaa.org
- www.biodiesel.org
107NBB Resources www.biodiesel.org
- Technical Library
- Biodiesel Bulletin
- Informational Resources
- Technical Resources
- Educational Videos Available
- On-line Database Spec Sheets
108Other Biodiesel Resources
- www.bbibiofuels.com
- Biodiesel Magazine
- A MUST HAVE magazine
- Biodiesel Industry Directory On-Line
109Biodiesel Help-line
- Established to
- Provide triage for fuel problems
- problems not adequately addressed by
distributors/producers - Diagnose/analyze/assist with problems from
- customers
- fleets
- fuel distributors
- Provide assistance through chemical analysis
- Through the use of third party Lab
- Help provide assistance to users to ensure the
image/integrity of Biodiesel is maintained.
110Contact Information
- The National Biodiesel Helpline is
- For when you cannot get help elsewhere.
- Not meant for General guidance issues.
- You should always begin by asking your fuel
supplier, they will most likely be able to answer
your question more accurately.
800-929-3437 952-473-0182