Title: Regional Energy Demand Responses to Climate Change
1Regional Energy Demand Responses to Climate Change
- Anthony D. Amato
- Environmental Policy Program
- School of Public Affairs
- University of Maryland
- October 23, 2002
2Climate Change Assessments
- Majority of climate change assessments
- Mitigation assessments Energy sector
- Impact/Adaptation assessments Non-energy
3Interactions of Energy and Climate
4Climate-Sensitive Energy Use
Residential- 56 of energy is used for
space-conditioning Commercial - 40 of energy
is used for space-conditioning Industrial - 6
of energy is used for space-conditioning
5Climate Climate Change Impacts on Energy Demand
6Research Question
Will climate change alter societal demand for
energy in Massachusetts?
7Research Question
Will climate change alter societal demand for
energy in Massachusetts?
- Policy-focused assessment
- Fine spatial scale (state-level)
- Energy Specific (electricity heating fuels)
8Monthly Electricity Use in Massachusetts
9Energy Use-Temperature Relationship
10Energy Use-Temperature Relationship
11Electricity Use and Temperature in Massachusetts
12Heating Fuel Use and Temperature in Massachusetts
13Degree-day Methodology
Degree-days are a common accounting practice used
to estimate energy use as a function of heating
degree-days (HDD) and cooling degree-days (CDD).
Methodology presumes V-shaped energy
use-temperature relation. Derived components of
HDD and CDD allow for separate estimation of the
effects of heating and cooling on energy
use. Majority of assessments assume a balance
point temperature of 65F.
14Statistical Methodology
Step 1. Evaluate using a statistical model the
historic climate sensitivities of residential and
commercial demand for electricity and heating
fuels using degree-days. Per Capita Energy Use
B1Constant B2Trend B3Heating Degree-days
B4Cooling Degree-days Step 2. Use projections
of future climate developed to estimate potential
future energy demand responses.
15Residential Electricity and Heating Fuels -
Sample Results -
16 Residential Electricity - Sample Results -
17Electricity - Sample Projections -
18Energy Use-Temperature Relationship
19Research Objectives
- Objectives
- Estimate sensitivity of energy demand to climate
in Massachusetts. - Project potential changes in energy use to
climate change, assuming no planned adaptation. - Based on these findings
- Assess potential for planned adaptation to
reduce energy use. - Identify effective adaptation strategies.
20Some Larger Questions
- Do adaptive-responses of energy users to climate
change need to be incorporate mitigation policies
and objectives. - Emission reduction targets and base year.
21Changes in Degree-days in US