Title: The Future of the Watershed Approach Rapid Watershed Assessment
1The Future of the Watershed Approach Rapid
Watershed Assessment
- The Big Picture
- Dan Lawson
- Branch Chief, Conservation and Watershed Planning
- November 2005
2The Future of the Watershed ApproachRapid
Watershed Assessment
- Session Objectives
- Gain an awareness for the overall future
direction of the watershed approach - Understand rapid watershed assessments and their
role within the watershed approach - Identify where you may be able to assist the
agency in successfully implementing rapid
watershed assessments within the watershed
3USDA Natural Resources and Environment Legacy
- Over the next four years NRCS will be focusing on
these following NRE Legacy Goals - Cooperative Conservation
- Farm Bill
- Healthy Watersheds
4Healthy Watersheds Legacy Goal
- Restructure the delivery of NRCS programs at
the watershed level to better integrate a wide
range of NRCS programs, and better coordinate
with non-NRCS conservation efforts.
5Four Objectives under Healthy Watersheds Goal
- Use a watershed approach to integrate the
activities of NRCS programs - Assess, plan, design, and implement practices and
programs with a watershed perspective - Continue to reward enhancement efforts through
CSP - Demonstrate environmental impacts of practices
and programs with reporting capabilities by
6Development of Legacy Goal Action Plans
- Teams assembled to address each goal
- Specific tasks
- Responsibilities
- Timelines
- Healthy Watersheds Team
- Addressed the four objectives under the watershed
7Development of the FY 2006 Business Plan
- Key elements from the Legacy Goals have been
incorporated into the FY 2006 Business Plan
8FY 2006 Business Plan - Healthy Watersheds
- Establish clear direction and guidelines for
implementing the watershed approach - Ensure that internal employees and external
partners are fully aware of the watershed
approach - Provide efficient and effective implementation of
conservation practices and programs addressing
priority resource concerns on a watershed scale
9FY 2006 Business Plan - Healthy Watersheds
- Demonstrate conservation benefits and
environmental outcomes along watershed boundaries - Use rapid watershed assessments to evaluate
resources to determine the size, scope, and value
of natural resource needs
10What is Rapid Watershed Assessment?
- Chris Hamilton
- National Watershed Planner
- Conservation and Watershed Planning Branch
11(No Transcript)
12Definition of Terms
- Watershed Resource Profile
- Rapid Watershed Assessment
- Resource Planning
13Watershed Resource Profile
- A descriptive set of data portraying the
significant natural resource features of the
14Rapid Watershed Assessment
- An evaluation of watershed resources to determine
the size, scope, and value of natural resource
15Resource Planning
- The act of establishing goals, policies, and
procedures for solving natural resource problems.
16(No Transcript)
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18Rapid Watershed Assessment vs. River Basin and
PL-566 Planning
- Rapid Watershed Assessment
- Rapid
- Flexible
- Provides a platform for delivery of Farm Bill
programs - Planning intensity based on resource need
- Follows routine Environmental Evaluation
procedures, provides a platform for Environmental
- River Basin/PL-566 Planning
- Longer time to completion
- Bureaucratic
- Must conform to Principles and Guidelines for
Federal funding - Pre-determined level of planning intensity
- Requires Environmental Impact Statement
19Benefits of the Watershed Approach and Rapid
Watershed Assessment
- Facilitates program integration
- Provides transparency to our cooperators
- Increases partner participation in planning
- Facilitates assessments of workload and costs
- Provides a setting and context for adaptive
management and monitoring - Provides useful information for all aspects of
20Proposed Next Steps
- Incorporate into Cooperative Conservation
Partnership Initiative and Conservation
Innovation Grants - Communicate the vision internally and externally
- Develop rapid watershed assessment methodology
and guidance - Conduct pilot efforts in States
- Share lessons learned from State experiences