Commercial Item GSA Schedule Contracting

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Commercial Item GSA Schedule Contracting


Add a definition of 'certified cost or pricing data'' to make the terms and ... Retain current definition of Cost or Pricing Data ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Commercial Item GSA Schedule Contracting

Commercial Item / GSA Schedule Contracting
  • June 4, 2009
  • Christopher B. Pockney
  • Government Contract Services
  • 202-327-5865

  • The Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994
    mandated the use of commercial items
  • Jump started the Acquisition Reform movement
  • Significant benefits for DoDexpanded use of
    commercial products, reduced administration for
    Govt. industry, exploited use of advanced RD
    in commercial technologies
  • DoD and Congress have proposed changes that alter
    many of the commercial acquisition reforms
  • At DoDs request, the House and Senate proposed
    changes to commercial item procurement for FY
  • DoD has published proposed FAR changes for
    additional cost data (uncertified) for commercial
  • DoD drafted a legislative proposal for FY 2009
    Def Auth that would revise FASA commercial item

Commercial Item Procurementthe Downhill Slide
  • FY 1999 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
  • Definition of non-governmental purposes
  • Legislative erosion of commercial item provisions
  • FY 2003 NDAA, SEC. 817 defined exceptional
    circumstancesalso, applied it to all CAS
  • FY 2005 NDAA, SEC. 818 required cost or pricing
    data for non-commercial mods to commercial items
    greater than 500K or 5 of total contract price
  • FY 2006 NDAA, SEC. 803 requires advance
    notification to Congress for purchasing a major
    weapons system as a commercial item (e.g. C-130J)
  • Recent developments regarding commercial item
  • 2007 NDAA Sec. 802- technical data rights for
    program sustainment Sec. 842- Specialty
    metals-no commercial item exception included
  • DoD IG Report Sept. 29, 2006 Commercial
    contracting for the acquisition of defense
  • DoD IG Report Sept. 15, 2006 Hamilton
    Sundstrands commercial contracts for
    non-competitive spare parts
  • GAO Report Sept 2006 DoD contracting efforts
    needed to address AF commercial acquisition risk
  • DPAP Policy Letter March 2, 2007 Must document
    better commercial item determinations May 31st
    revision to PGI 215.4

Getting to Services Acquisition Reform
  • SARA National Defense Authorization Act for
    Fiscal Year 2004 (Public Law 108-136)
  • Created definition of commercial item
  • Established preference for commercial items
  • Created FAR Part 12 procedures
  • Changed TINA rules
  • Created commercial financing
  • TM Contacts
  • Refined definition of commercial item
  • Changed TINA rules
  • CAS Exemption

SARA Section 1423 Panel (2007)
SARA 1423 Presidential Panel
  • Big disappointment to most observers.
  • Recommendations are not consistent with the
    expectations of those who supported the inclusion
    of Section 1423 in SARA.
  • Hope of many was that the Panels work would
    provide new emphasis and focus to the effort of
    moving the commercial practices of the federal
    government toward a more commercial-like
    acquisition process.
  • Instead, most of the recommendations of the Panel
    related to commercial practices take a step
    backward, away from the reforms of the FASA and
    Clinger-Cohen Act and subsequent incremental

Mr. Shay Assad, Director, Defense Procurement
and Acquisition Policy
  • Balance between Partnerships and Contractor
  • Maintain Arms-Length Relationships
  • Dont Lose Objectivity
  • At the end of the day we are held accountable to
    the war fighter and taxpayer.

Mr. Shay Assad, Director, Defense Procurement
and Acquisition Policy
  • Cost or Pricing Data
  • In the last 12 years, trend was not to get cost
    or pricing data. We need to get the data to do
    analysis and ensure fair and reasonable prices.
    Three years from now, no one will care whether a
    contract was awarded in 30 or 60 days, they will
    care whether the price you paid was reasonable.
  • Price is more important than early award.

Evolution of Cost or Pricing Data for Commercial
(2005-036) LEGISLATION 1994 FASA
? SEC. 815
Recent Commercial Item Related Policy Memoranda
from DoD
  • Proper Use of TM Contracts. March 20, 2008.
  • Determining Fair and Reasonable Prices. May 31,
  • Waivers under the Truth in Negotiations Act.
    March 23, 2007.
  • Commercial Item Determinations. March 2, 2007.
  • Plan for Restricting Government Unique Clauses on
    Commercial items. March 17, 2008.
  • Annual Report to Congress for commercial item
    exemptions from the Truth in Negotiations Act and
    exceptional case waivers from TINA and CAS.
    September 10, 2007.

TM Contracts
  • TM Contracts least preferred contract type.
  • Only use when not possible to award another type.
  • Assessment by HCA if over 10 of obligations are
    IDIQ TM.

Source DoD Memo March 20, 2008 Proper Use of
Time-and-Material Contracts
Fair And Reasonable Prices
  • Emphasizes obtaining Cost or Pricing Data if TINA
  • If not, obtaining whatever information or data
    is necessary to determine a fair and reasonable

Source DoD Memo May 31, 2007 Determining Fair
and Reasonable Prices
TINA Waivers
  • TINA waivers must meet an extremely high
  • It is DOD policy to apply this waiver authority
    only to situations where the government could not
    otherwise obtain the needed product or service
    without the waiver.
  • TINA waiver should not normally be granted to
    contractor business segments that normally
    perform government contracts subject to TINA or
    simply because the waiver could allow the parties
    to execute the contract at an earlier date than
    if TINA was applied.
  • Example Commercial business offers a
    non-commercial item that is essential to DoDs
    mission but is not available from other sources,
    and the company refuses to accept the TINA

Source DoD Memo March 23, 2007 Waivers under
the Truth in Negotiations Act.
Commercial Item Determinations
  • Commercial Item Determinations
  • Must be documented in writing
  • Included in the contracting file
  • Particular care used in documenting
  • Modifications of a type
  • Item only offered for sale, lease
  • or license to the general public but
  • not actually sold, leased or licensed.
  • When price history is lacking, refer to FAR
    Subpart 15.4.

Source DoD Memo March 2, 2007 Commercial Item
Proposed TINA Change
  • DoD Legislative Proposal
  • Change TINAs commercial item exemption
  • Available, as usual, for qualifying contracts,
    subcontracts, or modifications except
  • For sole source items
  • When PCO determines commercial sales data
    insufficient to determine a fair and reasonable
    price and
  • Contractor must submit Cost or Pricing Data if
    the business segment has submitted Cost or
    Pricing data on at least one contract award or
  • The language is not clear as to exposure to
    subcontractors that do not have a prime contract.

Proposed FAR ChangesTINA
  • Revision of the definition of cost or pricing
  • Change the term information other than cost or
    pricing data'' to data other than certified cost
    or pricing dataany data, including cost or
    pricing data and judgmental information necessary
    for the contracting officer to determine a fair
    and reasonable price or cost realism, where
    certification is not required.
  • Add a definition of certified cost or pricing
    data'' to make the terms and definitions
    consistent with 10 U.S.C. 2306a and 41 U.S.C.
    254b and more understandable to the general
    readerthat has been required to be submitted
    and has been certified, or is required to be
  • Retain current definition of Cost or Pricing Data
  • Clarify the need to obtain data other than
    certified cost or pricing data when there is no
    other means to determine fair and reasonable
    pricing during price analysis.
  • Source FAR Case 2005-036 FedReg April 23, 2007
    (Volume 72, Number 77) Page 20092-20104

Issues with Proposed Rule FAR Case 2005-036
Definition of Cost or Pricing Data
  • Blurs differentiation between certified and
    uncertified cost or pricing data. Current
    definitions of certified data and information
    other than cost or pricing data are well
  • Adds audit and records requirement for data other
    than cost or pricing data.
  • Incorrectly assumes commercial firms have systems
    capable of providing cost data or would be
    willing to develop such systems. No definition of
    what cost data is required in support of
    commercial items. Would result in tina-like
    audits of commercial items.
  • Adding judgmental information is more than
    required by TINA
  • Changing information to data conflicts with
    the intent to establish price reasonableness
    based on sales information rather than cost data.
  • Expands data to cost data or any other
    information the contracting officer requires.

Status The final rule has been approved by both
Councils and is now in legal review.
Sequentially, the rule will be forwarded to OFPP
and to OIRA for approval.
Undoing FASA and FARA
  • Alternative 1 (Feb 2007) to 52-212-4 when a TM
    contract is awarded
  • Inspection and Acceptance
  • Government can inspect contractors and
    subcontractors plants.
  • Government will accept or reject services and
    materials at place of delivery, presumptive
    delivery is 60 days unless accepted earlier.
  • NLT 6 month, Government may require replacement
    or correction of defects at hourly rate less
    profit (presumed 10).
  • Failure to correct defects may result in
    Government charging increased cost to the
    contractor or termination for cause.
  • Government may require remedy of correction or
    replacement without cost if the failure is due
    to Fraud, lack of good faith, or willful
    misconduct or the conduct of contractors
    employees selected or retained by managerial
    personnel who had grounds to believe the employee
    was habitually careless or unqualified.

Section 805 2008 NDAA
  • Procurement of Commercial services.
  • Services that are not sold competitively in
    substantial quantities in the marketplace, but
    are of a type offered for sale and sold
    competitively and in substantial quantities in
    the commercial marketplace, may be treated as
    commercial items for purposed of TINA only if the
    contracting officer determines that the offeror
    submitted sufficient information to evaluate
    reasonableness of price.
  • Information Submittedprices paid for the same or
    similar commercial items under comparable terms
    and conditions by both government and commercial
  • The contracting officer may request a contractor
    to submit information regarding the basis for
    price or cost if the information is not
    sufficient to determine price reasonableness
    including information on labor costs, material
    costs, and overhead rates.

Section 805 2008 NDAA
  • Time-and-Materials/Labor Hour Contracts for
    Commercial Services may be used only for
  • Services procured for support of a commercial
  • Emergency repair services
  • Any other commercial services only to the extent
    that the head of the agency concerned approves a
    determination in writing by the contracting
    officer that--
  • The services to be acquired are commercial
  • The offeror of the services has submitted
    sufficient information to support the price
  • Such services are commonly sold to the general
    public through use of time-and-materials or
    labor-hour contracts and
  • The use of a time-and-materials or labor-hour
    contract type is in the best interest of the
  • Definition Services offered and sold
    competitively, in substantial quantities, in the
    commercial marketplace based on established
    catalog or market prices for specific tasks
    performed or specific outcomes to be achieved and
    under standard commercial terms and conditions.

Section 815
  • Clarification of rules regarding the procurement
    of commercial items 10 USC 2379 major weapon
  • Adds requirement that an offeror has to submit
    sufficient information to evaluate the
    reasonableness of the price of the system.
  • Contracting officer must make a determination of
    commerciality and that sufficient information on
    price reasonableness is available. Contracting
    officers may request information regarding labor
    costs, material costs and overhead costs if the
    information on prices is not sufficient to
    determine price reasonableness.
  • For subsystem, components or spare parts, to be
    purchased as commercial items, contracting
    officers may require offerors to submit prices
    paid for the same of similar items under
    comparable terms and conditions by both
    government and commercial customers or
    information regarding labor costs, material costs
    and overhead costs if the information on prices
    is not sufficient to determine price

SEC. 815 Key Provisions (cont.)
  • Information is similar to existing TINA
    language and FAR 15.402 pricing policy
  • Technical Data Amendment- elimination of
    presumption that technical data for commercial
    items is developed at private expense is modified
    by reinstating the presumption for COTS items
  • Terms general public and nongovernmental entities
    do not include federal, state, local or foreign

SEC. 815 vs. FASA
  • FASA describes a 3-step approach
  • Market Research
  • Commercial item determination
  • Solicit under FAR Part 12
  • Sec. 815 combines the commerciality determination
    and pricing. If price reasonableness cannot be
    determined, the item is not commercial and TINA

National Defense Authorization Act For 2008
  • SEC 822 extension of authority for use of
    simplified acquisition procedures for certain
    commercial items
  • Extend the authority of the Department of Defense
    to use simplified acquisition procedures for the
    acquisition of certain commercial items. (FAR

National Defense Authorization Act For 2008
  • SEC 826 Market Research
  • Require the Secretary of Defense to take certain
    steps to ensure that the Department of Defense
    and its prime contractors conduct appropriate
    market research before making purchases for or on
    behalf of the Department. Directs the Secretary
    to work to develop market research tools to
    assist Contracting Officers and prime contractors
    in performing market research

2009 NDAA Procurement Policy Update
  • 2009 NDAA signed October 14, 2008
  • Significant Sections include
  • Sec. 823 Revision to the application of Cost
    Accounting Standards
  • Sec. 841 Ethics safeguards related to contractor
    conflicts of interest
  • Sec. 842 Information for Dept. of Defense
    contractor employees on their whistleblower
  • Sec. 844 Report on use of off-shore subsidiaries
    by defense contractors
  • Sec. 845 Defense industrial security
  • Sec. 863 Requirements for purchase of property
    and services pursuant to multiple award contracts
  • Sec. 868 Minimizing abuse of commercial services
    item authority
  • Sec. 871 Access of Government Accountability
    Office to contractor employees
  • Sec. 872 Database for Federal Agency contract and
    grant officers and suspension and debarment

Sec. 863 Requirements for purchase of property
and services pursuant to multiple award contracts
  • Requires revision of the FAR to enhance the use
    of competition in the use of multiple award
    contract vehicles
  • Requirements include
  • Competition requirements apply to all purchases
    above the simplified acquisition threshold
  • Expanded notice requirements to all offerors
    under the multiple award contract
  • Limitation on purchases if notice was not given
    to all offerors, unless at least 3 offers were
    received or determination in writing that they
    were no other qualified bidders
  • Disclosure on FedBizOpps of sole source orders,
    including the justification

Sec. 868 Minimizing abuse of commercial services
item authority
  • Mandates revision of the FAR within 6 months for
    procurement of commercial services
  • Regulations shall ensure that
  • Services not sold offered and sold competitively
    in substantial quantities in the competitive
    marketplace, but of a type that are, may be
    treated as commercial items only if the
    contracting officer determines in writing that
    the offeror has submitted sufficient information
    to evaluate the reasonableness of the offered
  • If information on prices paid is insufficient to
    determine price reasonableness, the contracting
    officer may request relevant information on cost,
    including labor, material and overhead rates.
  • This implications of this provision should be
    considered in the light of FAR Case 2005-036
    Definition of Cost or Pricing Data

SEC 872 Database for Federal Agency contract and
grant officers and suspension and debarment
  • Requires GSA to establish a database on integrity
    and performance of contractors and grantees
    receiving any award over 500,000.
  • Database to include information for the most
    recent 5 year period on
  • Most Civil, criminal or administrative
    proceedings in connection with Federal awards
    that resulted in convictions, findings of fault
    or liability, or fines, penalties, damages or
  • Each contract or grant terminated for default
  • Each Federal suspension or debarment, including
    the administrative agreements to resolve a
    suspension or debarment proceeding
  • Non responsibility determinations by Federal
  • Requires review of the database before award of a
    contract above the simplified acquisition
    threshold, documented in the contract file
  • Requires timely notification of contractors when
    information is added, including the right to
    submit comments related to the information
  • FAR will be amended to require contractors with
    contracts over 10 million to submit the
    information for the database and update it
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