Ch.6 Phylogenetic Trees - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ch.6 Phylogenetic Trees


... that E E' and c is a valid coloring for H. In other words, any edge present in ... M, with a character set defining a coloring c, admits a perfect phylogeny if and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ch.6 Phylogenetic Trees

Ch.6 Phylogenetic Trees
  • Phylogenetic Trees
  • Character State Matrix
  • Perfect Phylogeny
  • Binary Character States
  • Two Characters
  • Distance Matrix
  • Additive Trees
  • Ultrametric Trees
  • Agreement (Isomorphic) between Phylogenies

Phylogenetic Trees (Phylogenies)
  • Explain the evolutionary history of todays
    species (Figure 6.1)
  • A hypothesis do not have enough data about
    distant ancestors of present-day species
  • Characteristic
  • Leaf an object or a set of objects, Interior
    node hypothetical ancestor objects
  • Unrooted tree
  • Classify input data for phylogeny reconstruction
    into main categories
  • Character state matrix
  • Distance matrix

Character State Matrix
  • Character have following features
  • Independent inheritance
  • Homologous
  • Character state matrix
  • A matrix M with n rows (objects) and m columns
  • Mij denotes the state the object i has for
    character j
  • Each row is the state vector for an object

Difficulties to create a phylogeny from a
character state matrix
  • Convergence or parallel evolution
  • Objects that share the same state are genetically
    closer than objects that do not
  • Reversal
  • Gains and losses of the character
  • ? assume convergence or reversal should not
    happen, or their number should be minimized
  • Ordered or unordered, directed

Perfect Phylogeny Problem
  • For each state s of each character c, the set of
    all nodes u (leaves and interior nodes) for which
    the state is s with respect to c must form a
    subtree of T
  • Characters are compatible
  • If a set of objects defined by a character state
    matrix admits a perfect phylogeny

Perfect Phylogeny Problem
  • How many different trees can we build for n
  • Consider only unrooted binary trees

Binary Character States
  • Two phases algorithm (runs in time O(nm))
  • Decide whether the input matrix M admits a
    perfect phylogeny
  • Construct one possible phylogeny
  • Assume that state 0 is ancestral and state 1 is

Deciding perfect phylogeny
  • A rooted tree T is a perfect phylogeny for input
    matrix M, if
  • Every character in input matrix M there
    corresponds an edge in T, and this edge marks the
    transition from state 0 to state 1 for that
  • Edges are labeled by their respective characters
    and root has character state vector (0, 0, , 0)

Deciding perfect phylogeny
  • Definition 6.1 For each column j of M, let Oj be
    the set of objects whose state is 1 for j. Let Oj
    be the set of objects whose state is 0 for j
  • Lemma 6.1 A binary matrix M admits a perfect
    phylogeny if and only if for each pair of
    character i and j the sets Oi and Oj are disjoint
    or one of them contains the other

Deciding perfect phylogeny
  • Example Table 6.2
  • O1 B, D, O2 B, O3 D
  • O4 A, C, E, O5 A, C, O6 C
  • Lemma 6.1 for decision phase takes O(nm2)
  • Figure 6.5 Algorithm Perfect Binary Phylogeny
    Decision -gt O(nm)

Deciding perfect phylogeny
  • if Lij ? Llj for some i, l and both Lij and Llj
    are nonzero then
  • return FALSE

Construction perfect phylogeny
  • Figure 6.6 Algorithm Perfect Binary Phylogeny
  • Running time O(nm)

Unordered binary character
  • The majority state becomes 0 and the other 1
  • If equal frequency, choose either one to be 0 and
    the other to be 1

Two characters
  • Allow characters can be unordered and have an
    arbitrary number of states, but restrict on the
    maximum number of characters two
  • Definition 6.2 A triangulated graph is an
    undirected graph in which any cycle with four or
    more vertices has a chord, that is, an edge
    joining two nonconsecutive vertices of the cycle
  • Theorem 6.1 To every collection of subtrees T1,
    T2, , Tl of a tree T there corresponds a
    triangulated graph and vice versa

Two characters
  • Definition 6.3 An intersection graph for a
    collection C of sets is the graph G that we get
    by mapping each set in C to a vertex of G, and
    linking two vertices in G by an edge if the
    corresponding sets have a nonempty intersection
  • Definition 6.4 Given a graph G (V, E) with a
    coloring c on V, we say that G can be
    c-triangulated if there exists a triangulated
    graph H (V, E), such that E ? E and c is a
    valid coloring for H. In other words, any edge
    present in E but not in E must link two vertices
    with different colors

Two characters
  • Theorem 6.2 A character state matrix M, with a
    character set defining a coloring c, admits a
    perfect phylogeny if and only if its
    corresponding SIG can be c-triangulated
  • Theorem 6.3 A character state matrix M with only
    two characters admits a perfect phylogeny if and
    only if its corresponding SIG is acyclic

Reconstruction algorithm for two characters
  • Running time O(n)
  • Test for acyclicity -gt O(n)
  • Reconstruction of the perfect phylogeny -gt O(n)

Parsimony and Compatibility
  • Real character state matrices are unlikely to
    admit perfect phylogenies
  • Experimental data always carries errors
  • The assumptions (no reversals and no convergence)
    sometimes are violated
  • Two approach
  • Parsimony criterion
  • Allow reversal and convergence events, but to try
    to minimize their occurrence
  • Compatibility criterion
  • Find a maximum set of characters that are
    compatible -gt exclude characters that cause such

Algorithms for Distance Matrices
  • Problem of reconstructing trees based on
    comparative numerical data between n objects,
    distance matrix M
  • Consider two problems
  • Reconstructing Additive Trees
  • Reconstructing Ultrametric Trees

Reconstructing Additive Trees
  • Metric space
  • A set of objects O such that to every pair i, j ?
    O and associated a nonnegative real number dij
    with the following properties
  • dij gt 0 for i ? j,
  • dij 0 for i j,
  • dij dji for all i and j,
  • dij dik dkj for all i, j, and k (the triangle
  • M and T are additive
  • Tree must have n leaves
  • Leaves are nodes with degree one the others with
    degree three
  • All edges in the tree have nonnegative weight
  • The weight of the path between any two leaves i
    and j must be equal to Mij

Reconstructing Additive Trees
  • Lemma 6.2 A metric space O is additive if and
    only if given any four objects of O labeled i, j,
    k, and l such that
  • dij dkl dik djl dil djk
  • If M is additive, T is unique (algorithm runs in
    time O(n2))
  • Real-life distance matrices are rarely additive
    due to errors in the distance measurement
  • Obtain a tree that is as close as possible to an
    additive tree
  • Approaching the problem that is tractable

Reconstructing Ultrametric Trees
  • Given two distance matrices, Ml and Mh,
    reconstruct an evolutionary tree such that the
    distances measured on the tree fit between
    these two input matrices (sandwich constraints,
  • A tree is ultrametric when it is additive and can
    be rooted in such a way that the lengths of all
    leaf-root paths are equal -gt the objects being
    studied have evolved at equal rate from a common

Reconstructing Ultrametric Trees
  • link of a and b in MST T (a, b)max
  • The largest-weight edge in the unique path from a
    to b in T
  • Definition 6.5 The cut-weight of an edge e of
    the minimum spanning tree of Gh is given by

Reconstructing Ultrametric Trees
  • Reconstruction algorithm -gt runs in time O(n2)
  • Compute a MST T of Gh
  • Construction of R
  • Compute CW(e)
  • Build ultrametric tree U

Agreement between Phylogenies
  • In practice it occurs quite often that two
    different methods applied on the same data yield
    different trees (in the topological sense)
  • Definition 6.6 We say that a tree Tr refines
    another tree Ts whenever Tr can be transformed
    into Ts by contracting selected edges from Tr.
    Two trees T1 and T2 agree when there exists a
    tree T3 that refines both

  • Two trees T1 and T2 are isomorphic when there is
    an one-to-one correspondence between their nodes
    such that for every pair u, v of corresponding
    nodes, u ? T1 and v ? T2, the objects contained
    in leaves below u are the same as the objects
    contained in leaves below v
  • Binary Tree Isomorphism
  • Figure 6.21 runs in time O(n)
  • General case (leaves contain several objects)
  • Figure 6.22 runs in time O(n)
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