Title: G53BIO - Bioinformatics Phylogenetic Trees
1G53BIO - BioinformaticsPhylogenetic Trees
- Dr. Jaume Bacardit
- http//www.cs.nott.ac.uk/jqb/G53BIO
Examples from D.A.Krane M.L. Raymers
Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics and from
D.W. Mounts Bioinformatics Sequence and Genome
- Introduction and motivation
- Types of trees
- Algorithms to construct trees
- Fitch-Margoliash
- Neighbour-Joining
- Sources of information
- Phylogeny has the goals of working out the
relationships among species, populations,
individuals or genes (taxa in a general sense) - The results of phylogenetic analysis are usually
presented as a collection of nodes and branches.
That is, a tree - In such tree, taxa that are closely related in an
evolutionary sense appear close to each other,
and taxa that are distantly related are in
different (far) branches of the trees - Phylogenetic trees are also important for
multiple sequence alignment - Various
- Types of tree exists
- Sources of information to generate the trees
- Ways to generate the trees
4- Trees are usually bifurcating but it is also
possible to have multifurcating trees - Interpretation
- At some point in the past an ancestral population
gave rise to more than 2 lineages or - Insufficient/erroneous data impedes the
discrimination of the true nature of the tree
thus coalescing various branches into one
multifurcating one. - Not only the topology of the trees convey
information, also the relative sizes of the
branches - Scaled trees branch length are proportional to
the differences between pairs of neighbouring
nodes. - Additive trees these are scaled trees in which
the physical length of the branches connecting
two nodes is an accurate representation of their
accumulated differences - Unscaled trees only convey kinship information
5- Phylogenetic Trees can be
- Rooted A single node is designated as root and
it represents a common ancestor with a unique
path leading from it through evolutionary time to
any other node - Unrooted tree specifies only the nodes
interrelations but says nothing about the
direction in which evolution occurred. - Roots can be artificially assigned to unrooted
trees by means of an outgroup. - An outgroup is a species that have unambiguously
separated early from the other species being
considered - Example comparing Humas and Gorilas, Baboons
could be used as outgroups and the root would be
placed somewhere along the branch conecting
Baboons to the common ancestors for Humans and
6Rooted trees
Unrooted trees
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8Number of Rooted VS Unrooted Trees
- NR (2n -3)!/ 2(n-2) (n 2)!
- NU (2n 5)!/ 2(n-3) (n 3)!
- But only one of these represents the true turn of
events! - Most phylogenetic trees generated with molecular
data are thus referred to as inferred trees.
9Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic
meant (UPGMA)
- The oldest tree reconstructions method (1960)
- Requires a distance matrix, e.g.
10- E.G. dAB represents the distance between species
A B, while dAC is the distance between taxa A
C, etc - UPGMA
- Cluster the two species with the smallest
distance putting then into a single group. Assume
that in the example dAB is the smallest, hence a
new group (AB) is created. - Recalculate the distance matrix with the new
group (AB) against C and D - d(AB)C 0.5 (dACdBC)
- d(AB)D 0.5 (dADdBD)
- With the new distance matrix repeat 1 until all
species have been grouped.
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15Fitch-Margoliash Algorithm
- Main idea
- Sequences are first combined into groups of three
and used to calculated branches length. - Sequences are added progresively
- Branch lengths are assumed to be additive
- Then join all sequences in pair, assess their
inferred distances and calculate a percentage
squared error - Repeat with different initialisation until
finding a good (small error) tree
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18Fitch-Margoliash Algorithm
- From the distance matrix find the closest pair,
e.g., A B - Treat the rest of the sequences as a single
composite sequence. Calculate the average
distance from A to all of the other sequences and
B to all of the other sequences - Use these values to calculate the distances a and
b between A and the joining common node to B and
the same for B. - Take A and B as a single composite sequence AB,
calculate the average distances between AB and
each of the other sequences, and make a new
distance table from these values. - Indentify the next pair of most closely related
sequences and proceed as in step 1 to calculate
the next set of branch length. - When necessary substract extended branch lengths
to calculate lengths of intermediate branches. - Repeat the entire procedure starting with all
possible pairs of sequences A and B, A and C, A
and D, etc - Calculate the predicted distances between each
pair of sequences for each tree to find the tree
that best fits the original data
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D and E are the closest sequences
a 4 b 6 c 29
Now lets recompute the complate distance matrix
b is not just for that segment, it represents the
complete distance from the connecting node to the
C and DE are the closet sequences
a 9 b 10 c 31
Now lets recompute the complate distance matrix
Now we are in thee trivial case of 3 sequences
b is not just for that segment, it represents the
complete distance from the connecting node to the
a 29.5 b 10 c 12
This time we got the perfect tree. However, this
is not always the case. The algorithm should be
repeated with different initial pairings (who are
A and B) and then compare the difference between
the actual and predicted distnaces (from summing
the length of the branches)
23Neighbour Joining Algorithm
- Similar to Fitch-Margoliash except that sequences
are paired based on the effect of the pairing on
the sum of the branch lengths of the tree. - The general Neighbour Joining algorithm can be
downloaded from ftp.virginia.edu/pub/fasta/GNJ
24The Algorithm
- 1. The distances between pair of objects are used
to calculate the sum of the branch length for a
tree that has no preferred pairing of sequences.
25- Decompose the star-like tree by combining pairs
of sequences. Using the same example as before
this gives
26- Each possible sequence pair is chosen and the sum
of the branch lengths of the corresponding tree
is calculated. For the example S_AB67.7,
S_BC81, S_CD76, S_DE70 plus six other
possibilities. - Choose the one with the lowest sum, in this case
S_AB. - Once the choice is made calculate the brachn
lengths a,b and the average distance from AB to
CDE using FM method - a d_AB (d_ACd_ADd_AE)/3
(d_BCd_BDd_DE)/3/2 - (22 39.7 -41.7)/2
- 10
- b d_AB (d_BCd_BDd_BE)/3
(d_ACd_ADd_AE)/3/2 - (22 41.7 39.7)/2
- 12
27- 6. Like in Fitch-Margoliash method A new
distance table with A and B forming a single
composite sequence is produced and the algorithm
is iterated from the beginning to find the next
sequence pair and the next branch lengths.
28Sources of information
- So far, all methods shown computed the distance
matrix between species from a set of aligned
sequences (DNA or Protein) - There are many more sources of information
- Complete genomes
- Restriction sites
- Non-coding DNA regions
29Tree of life constructed from all species for
which their complete genome has been sequenced
- There are several methods to compute phylogenetic
trees, and sources of information - Need to be familiar with several of them to
appreciate their differences - There are various guiding mechanisms to choose
how to build the trees based on likelihood
functions and information theory - Get familiar with Phylip package as it is a
standard one - Other programs exist