Title: Diapositiva 1
1New years Eve is a great night because a year
finishes and another begins. We have 12 grapes
when the clock strikes twelve
2Saint Esteban
The day after Christmas we celebrate Sant
Esteve, a day of peace and rest.
This day we eat canalons done with the chicken
that we ate on Christmas Day. Sant Esteve is
not as important as Christmas Day but we also eat
all together with our families.
3On January 6th, people, mainly children, open
their presents and have a good meal. For
desserts, we have a special cake called el
Tortell de Reixos. Inside the cake, there are a
figure of a king, it means you win the crown, and
a dried bean, which means you pay for the cake.
4Christmas Day is a day to be with your family.
We prepare great meals to fill our bellies and
have a good day. For lunch we usually have soup
(Sopa de de Nadal or Sopa de Galets),
chicken, and very good desserts.
5Els Reis
- On 5th January we
- celebrate the Three Wise
- Men day, Els Reixos in
- Catalan. There is a big
- parade with the three
- kings, the camels and their
- page boys. That night
- children get more
- presents.