United Methodists - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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United Methodists


In December 1784, the Christmas Conference of preachers was held in ... Four Articles of ... Twenty-Four Articles of Faith and the articles of the Confession ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: United Methodists

United Methodists
  • Written by
  • Wendell Hannaford and Megan Gring

Quick Facts
  • Founder John Wesley British
  • Founded 1739 in London England (The Methodist
  • United Methodist Church founded on April 23rd,
    1968 in Dallas Texas.
  • This was result of many schisms and divisions
    within the church uniting.
  • Size The Church's latest reported numbers (from
    1998) claim a total of approximately 9,752,303
    members worldwide. Of these, 8,411,503 are
    members residing inside the United States. These
    figures represent both clergy and lay members,
    with lay members accounting for 9,705,250 of the
    total number
  • Ultimate Concern To spread Gods love through
    the sanctification process.

Brief History of John Wesley
  • Born on June 17th, 1703 in Epworth Rectory
    England to Susana and Samuel Wesley.
  • Attended Oxford University where he was a
    leader/founder, along with brother Charles
    Wesley, of the Holy club.
  • Were dubbed Methodists because of their
    methodical approach towards religion.
  • Was an ordained Minister of the Church of
  • Sent to the Americas with Charles to perform
    missionary work in converting individuals to the
  • Came in contact with the Moravians.
  • Enraptured by their commitment and love of God.
  • Underwent a religion conversion which led to the
    development of the Methodist Church

History of Wesley Contd
  • Began several small-faith restoration groups
    within the Anglican church called United
  • However he did not wish to form a new church.
  • Though he always claimed to be committed to the
    Anglican Church, he still underwent extreme
    criticisms from many in the community.
  • Sent Richard Wright, Francis Asbury, Richard
    Boardman, and Joseph Pilmore to the Colonies to
    help Methodism in America be able to prosper.
  • First conference held was in 1773 by Francis
    Asbury, determining the organizational structure
    of the NRM.
  • Took on the name Methodist Episcopal Church led
    based on Welseys General rules which were
    established in England in 1744.

History of the Church and its formation
  • In 1769, Richard Boardman, Joseph Pilmore,
    Francis Asbury and Richard Wright were sent to
    America to help formally organize the Methodist
  • 1773 marked the first organized meeting of
    Methodist preachers.
  • 10 individuals attended and laid down the
    foundation for the movement.
  • They based the organization on Wesleys teachings
    and emphasized a strict discipline among its
    followers and instituted regular conferences to
    be held.
  • In December 1784, the Christmas Conference of
    preachers was held in Baltimore at Lovely Lane
  • Decided upon the future course that the movement
    would undergo and became known as the Methodist
    Episcopal Church. Set the General rules
  • The Methodist Episcopal Church published its
    first Discipline (1785), adopted a quadrennial
    General Conference, the first of which was held
    in 1792, drafted a Constitution in 1808, refined
    its structure, established a publishing house,
    and became an ardent proponent of revivalism and
    the camp meeting. (http//karchives.umc.org/interi
  • In 1800, the United Brethren in Christ was formed
    by Martin Boehm and in 1803 the Evangelical
    Association was formed by Jacob Albright
  • These two churches united in 1964 and then united
    with The Methodist church in 1968 to form the
    United Methodists.

History of the Church Contd
  • Many divisions occurred within the organization
    of the church based mostly on differences in
    theologies and pro/anti-slavery issues.
  • 1816, Richard Allen, an emancipated slave and
    African Methodist preacher broke away from the
    Methodist Episcopal Church and formed the African
    Methodist Episcopal Church.
  • African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church was also
    formed for likewise reasons in 1821.
  • The Methodist Episcopal Church underwent a major
    split around the beginning of the American Civil
  • The General Conference of 1844 had a major debate
    over the issues of slavery
  • A Plan of Separation was formed by slave holding
    states during this conference which led to the
    division of the Methodist Episcopal Church North
    and South.
  • In May of 1845, the southern states formed their
    own organization and developed their own
    discipline and hymnals

History of the Church Contd
  • The second World War brought about the beginning
    of the union for the United Methodist Church.
  • The Evangelical Church and the United Brethren in
    Christ churches united to form the Evangelical
    United Brethren Church on November 16th, 1946
  • Were able to unite because of a mutual concern
    for church union against war issues to strengthen
    their stance.
  • The War also brought about many institutions
    being formed
  • World Council of Churches, founded in 1948, and
    the National Council of Churches, founded in
    1950. These assemblies provided a means for their
    members to engage in cooperative mission and
    other ministries. (http//karchives.umc.org/inter
  • In 1939, The Methodist Protestant Church, The
    Methodist Episcopal Church North and South united
    as the Methodist Church
  • This was mad possible due to an agreement reached
    by all three branches on racial theological and
    laity issues.
  • Bishop Reuben H. Mueller of the Evangelical
    United Brethren Church and Bishop Lloyd C. Wicke
    of the Methodist Church formed the United
    Methodist Church in 1968 at the General
    Conference held in Dallas, Texas.

  • Twenty-Four Articles of Religion
  • basic statements of beliefandthe standards for
    preaching within the Methodist movement
    (Foundational Documents of The United Methodist
  • Wesleys Sermons
  • Wesleys own understanding of the Christian faith
    and his ideas of how a person is supposed to
    carry out this faith in their everyday life.
    Used to try and help members understand the true
    meaning of the faith.
  • Wesleys Notes on the New Testament
  • Wesleys own insight in interpreting the Bible
    and through these notes helping his followers
    better understand the Bible
  • The Bible
  • Primary authority beliefs are based off of

Role of the Doctrines
  • The doctrines are used as a foundation of the
    United Methodist Church in which all other
    beliefs are based off of.
  • The Twenty-Four Articles of Faith and the
    articles of the Confession of Faith are both used
    to teach the followers the main beliefs of the
    religion as well as provide a basis of how to
    preach the religion and spread it to others.
  • Both Wesleys sermons and his notes upon the New
    Testament are used to help the followers
    interpret and understand the Christian faith and
    the Bible.

Religious Influences
  • The Methodists have a large influence from the
    Christian faith present in their religion.
  • These similarities are
  • There is a God
  • God being split into 3 persons
  • The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • Beliefs concerning Jesus
  • He was human is the Son of God risen from
    death and Jesus is our Savior
  • Beliefs concerning The Holy Spirit
  • Is God with us empowers us to live obediently
    and comforts us when we are in need and stray
    from our faith.
  • Beliefs about human beings
  • God created humans and humans can accept/reject
    relationship with God

Secularization and the Church
  • Examples of Secularization
  • Wesley reformed his movement and made it into a
    church which was done to please the followers.
  • Less tendency to stress emotionalism and more
    emphasis on the decision of a trustful and
    obedient will.
  • Belief about homosexuality
  • They welcome all people into their church now.

Evidence of Conversion Models
  • The Rational Choice Model
  • The United Methodist Church has changed some of
    its beliefs so as to become more likable to a
    larger amount of people and to compete with other
    churches for members.
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