Title: The Future of RHIC
1The Future of RHIC
- Quark Matter 2005, Budapest
- Samuel Aronson, BNL
- August 8, 2005
- Past present 2000 - 2005
- Near-term future 2006 - 2012
- Longer-term future 2013 - 2020
2- 7 coupled accelerators
- Nucleus nucleus collider from 20-200GeV/nucleon
- Symmetric or asymmetric species
- Polarized p-p collisions up to 0.5TeV
- Both capabilities unique world-wide
3RHIC a Uniquely Flexible High Luminosity
(Nucleon-pair luminosity A1A2L allows comparison
of different species)
RHIC nucleon-pair luminosity delivered to PHENIX
Luminosity increased by 2 orders of magnitude in
4 years.
Luminosity increased by 2 orders of magnitude in
4 years.
4Integrated luminosity 100 GeV/u
b0.85m (0.89m)
access equipment failures
b2.6m b3.0m
power dip access
access snowstorm
calendar time at store 52
Cu-cu cross section measured at 2.6 barn
5Summary of RHIC Runs 1-5
Delivered Luminosity (Physics Weeks)
6RHIC Program Accomplishments
- Five spectacularly successful annual runs
- Physics discoveries a new state of matter,
perfect liquid - Scores of refereed papers, thousands of citations
- Machine performance meeting and exceeding goals
- Recently published peer-reviewed retrospectives
on the first 3 years of heavy ion physics - Nuclear Physics A757 (in print today 8 August
2005) - Online
- Where are we in the discovery phase?
- Large new AuAu and CuCu samples (Runs 4 5)
- Many new results from these here in Budapest
- Weve learned we can do definitive studies of QCD
at very high energy density in the laboratory! - These measurements tell us the following about
the matter produced at RHIC - Energy density gt 15 GeV/fm3, T 200 MeV
- Sufficient to induce phase transitions
- Consistent with production from initial state
with gluon saturation - Extraordinary parton energy loss
- Opaque to partons, transparent to leptons and
photons - Thermalizes extremely rapidly, highly collective
motion - Consistent with zero viscosity hydrodynamic
models - Perfect liquid
- Consistent with a strongly coupled plasma of
quarks gluons
8A vision of the future of RHIC QCDLab
- Discoveries at RHIC ? Compelling QCD questions
- The nature of confinement
- The structure of quark-gluon matter above TC
- The low-x and spin structure of hadronic matter
- Compelling questions ? evolution of the Facility
- 10-fold increase in luminosity (to 40 x design)
- e-cooling _at_ full energy
- New detector capabilities
- 50-fold increase in lattice gauge computing power
applied to finite temperature QCD - eRHIC e-A and polarized e-p collisions, new
9Compelling questions
- The nature of confinement
- What is the nature of the phase transition?
- Is chiral symmetry restored?
- The structure of quark-gluon matter above TC
- How does the thermodynamic character of the
collision evolve so rapidly from the initial
state? - What are the properties of the medium?
- The low-x and spin structure of hadronic matter
- Is the initial state a Color Glass Condensate?
- What is the spin structure and dynamics inside
the proton?
10Key measurements
- Hard probes (high pT, heavy quarks) sensitive to
how the medium is created - jets
- hidden charm bottom
- open charm bottom
- Electromagnetic probes (real virtual gs)
information about the mediums early properties - Low-mass ee- pairs
- Thermal radiation
- Polarized protons
- W-production at ?s500GeV
11Near and mid term 2006-2012
- The big science questions for the field in this
period are clear - The bulk of US heavy ion effort will be directed
to evolving and operating RHIC - LHC will begin to produce results some time in
this period
12RHIC Upgrade overview
A. Drees
X upgrade critical for success O upgrade
significantly enhances program
13Detector Upgrades Timeline
Strawman schedule depends on funding (TBD)
EBIS construction
RHIC II construction operation
RHIC Accelerator Detector RD
TOF and VTX construction Muon trigger Small
upgrades HBD, FMS, DAQ
Next Generation Detector Upgrades STAR
Forward/Inner Tracker System PHENIX Inner Tracker
and Nosecone Cal Other approaches?
Target for presenting a plan to DOE January
LHC Heavy Ion Program
14RHIC vs. LHC
- LHC is not a replacement for RHIC - they
complement each other - Collision Energy
- RHIC probes high energy density at y0. The
initial state (CGC) is probed at forward rapidity
(low x) - LHCs higher energies make high pT jets and heavy
quarks more accessible. CGC is accessible at all
rapidities - Dedicated, flexible facility
- RHIC provides exploration vs. system size and
energy, in hot and cold nuclear matter p-p in
the same detector. EBIS will expand the A-range
and extend to U - At RHIC QCD is the prime objective
- Unique capabilities with a future
- Unique spin program aimed at some of the biggest
hadron physics problems. There is a path forward
leading to a polarized DIS collider facility
(eRHIC) - Issues for the US in the LHC era
- The US program has great momentum and excellent
teams to do the physics and train the next
generation - Just beginning to reap the benefits of a massive
investment (people equipment) - The US RHI community will also work at LHC
15Long term 2013-2020
- Added eA and polarized ep capabilities
- New detector, augmented user community
- AA, pA, polarized pp still available
- Construction possible 2012-2014
16Scientific Frontiers for eRHIC
- Partonic matter under extreme conditions
- Large A at RHIC very high gluon
densities - Saturation/Color Glass Condensate
- Role of partons in nuclei
- Confinement in nuclei
- Hadronization in nuclear media
- Nucleon structure and spin
- Role of quarks gluons in nucleons
- Issues of confinement, low-x DVCS
17eRHIC at BNL
- High energy, high intensity polarized e? (and e)
beams to collide with existing heavy ion and
polarized proton beams - A new detector for e-p e-A physics
- Precision tool to probe fundamental and
universal aspects of QCD
Ee 10 GeV (5-10 GeV) TO BE BUILT Ep
250 GeV (50-250 GeV)
EXISTS EA 100 GeV/A ( 10-100 GeV/A)
18eRHIC Other DIS Facilities
- First polarized DIS collider new kinematic
region - Variable energy, high luminosity Lep 1033-34
cm-2 sec-1 - Polarization of e,p and light ion beams 70
- Ion species from p to U ? high gluon densities
19eRHIC design concepts
Standard ring-ring design Alternative
linac-ring design
simpler IR design multiple IRs possible Ee 20
GeV possible more expensive
Schematic HERA-III type detector concept
20RHIC priorities and challenges
- e-cooling enabling technology for the RHIC
luminosity upgrade and for eRHIC - RD getting funding from a variety of sources
- New opportunities to make it cheaper and simpler
- Some major hurdles for QCD Lab
- Convince the community and NSAC LRP of science
- Establish priority relative to other future NP
facilities - Funding construction operating are not cheap
- Great opportunity, but will require a lot of work
on many fronts
21QCD Lab
A. Drees, A. Deshpande