Title: Ultra-Peripheral Collisions in STAR: Current Results and Future Prospects
1Ultra-Peripheral Collisions in STAR Current
Results and Future Prospects
Spencer Klein, LBNL (for the STAR Collaboration)
- What are ultra-peripheral collisions?
- Impact Parameter tagging and multiple
interactions - STAR r0 Results at 130 GeV/nucleon
- Preliminary r0 and ee- Results from 200 GeV
- UPC Future Prospects
- Conclusions
2Coherent Interactions
- b gt 2RA
- no hadronic interactions
- ltbgt 20-60 fermi at RHIC
- Ions are sources of fields
- photons
- Z2
- Pomerons or mesons (mostly f0)
- A 2 (bulk) A 4/3 (surface)
- Fields couple coherently to ions
- Photon/Pomeron wavelength l h/pgt RA
- amplitudes add with same phase
- P? lt h/RA, 30 MeV/c for heavy ions
- P lt gh/RA 3 GeV/c at RHIC
- Strong couplings --gt large cross sections
3Unique Features of Ultra-peripheral collisions
- Very strong electromagnetic fields
- g --gt ee- and g --gt qq
- Multiple production
- Coherent Decays
- Unique Geometry
- 2-source interferometer
- Nuclear Environment
- Particle Production with capture
- Large s for e-
4Specific Channels
- Vector meson production
- gA -- gt r0, w, f, J/y, A
- Production cross sections --gt s(VN)
- Vector meson spectroscopy (r, w, f,)
- Wave function collapse
- Multiple Vector Meson Production Decay
- Electromagnetic particle production
- gg -- gt leptons,mesons
- Strong Field (nonperturbative?) QED
- Za 0.6
- meson spectroscopy Ggg
- Ggg charge content of scalar/tensor mesons
- Ggg is small for glueballs
ee-, qq,...
Za 0.6 is Ng gt 1?
5Exclusive r0 Production
- One nucleus emits a photon
- Weizsacker-Williams flux
- The photon fluctuates to a qq pair
- The pair scatters elastically from the other
nucleus - qq pair emerges as a vector meson
- s(r) 590 mb 8 of sAuAu(had.) at 200
GeV/nucleon - 120 Hz production rate at RHIC design luminosity
- RHIC r, w, f, r rates all gt 5 Hz
- J/y , Y, f, w, copiously produced, U a
challenge - The LHC is a vector meson factory
- s(r) 5.2 b 65 of sPbPb (had.)
- 230 kHz r0 production rate with calcium
6Elastic Scattering with Soft Pomerons
- Glauber Calculation
- parameterized HERA data
- Pomeron meson exchange
- all nucleons are the same
- s A2 (weak scatter limit)
- All nucleons participate
- J/y
- s A 4/3 (strong scatter limit)
- Surface nucleons participate
- Interior cancels (interferes) out
- s A 5/3 (r0)
- depends on s(Vp)
- sensitive to shadowing?
Y 1/2 ln(2k/MV)
7Shadowing Hard Pomerons
- If pomerons are 2-gluon ladders
- P shadowing (gluon
shadowing)2 - Valid for cc or bb
- ds/dy s depend on gluon distributions
- reduces mid-rapidity ds/dy
- Suppression grows with energy
- s reduced 50 at the LHC
- colored glass condensates may have even bigger
effect - high density phase of gluonic matter
No shadowing
HERA param.
Leading Twist Calculation Frankfurt, Strikman
Zhalov, 2001
Y 1/2 ln(2k/MV)
8Multiple Interactions
- Za 0.6
- Ng gt1 quite likely
- Multiple Interactions
- Photon emission is independent
- S. N. Gupta (1950)
- (Mostly) different interactions factorize
9Nuclear Excitation
- Nuclear excitation tags small b
- Multiple photon exchange
- Mutual excitation
- Au decay via neutron emission
- simple, unbiased trigger
- Multiple Interactions probable
- P(r0, b2R) 1 at RHIC
- P(2EXC, b2R) 30
- Non-factorizable diagrams are small for AA
10Photonuclear Interaction Probabilities ds/dy
- Excitation r0 changes b distribution
- alters photon spectrum
- low ltbgt --gt high ltkgt
r0 with gold _at_ RHIC
Exclusive - solid X10 for XnXn - dashed X100 for
1n1n - dotted
Baltz, Klein Nystrand (2002)
11gg with nuclear breakup
dN/dy for f2(1270) gold at RHIC
- Impact parameter tagging similar for gg
- f2(1270) cross sections
- Breakup non-negligible
- Tagging is less dramatic than for photoproduction
- s(XnXn), s(1n1n)/s(tot) smaller
- rapdity distributions less different
XnXn breakup
no breakup
12gg --gt mm- w / nuclear breakup
- Smaller ltbgt
- harder photon spectrum
- harder Mmm spectrum
- s(XnXn), s(1n1n)/s(tot) ratio smaller than
f2(1270) - smaller avg. mass
gg --gt mm- gold at RHIC
XnXn nobreak
XnXn breakup
13Polarized Photons
- Electric fields parallel to b
- photon linear polarization follows b
- not spin
- Use 1 reaction to determine the polarization, to
study a 2nd reaction - Correlated Decay angles
- Use r0 -- gt pp- as analyzer
- pp- plane tends to parallel photon pol.
- Study VM production angles, single spin
asymmetries in gA, etc.
(transverse view)
14Polarized Photons
- Electric fields parallel to b
- photon polarization follows b
- Use 1 reaction to determine the polarization, to
study a 2nd reaction - Correlated Decay angles
- Use r0 -- gt pp- as analyzer
- pp- decay plane often parallels photon pol.
- reasonable analyzing power
- Study VM production angles, single spin gA
asymmetries, etc.
- 2 indistinguishable possibilities
- Interference!!
- Similar to pp bremsstrahlung
- no dipole moment, so
- no dipole radiation
- 2-source interferometer
- separation b
- r,w, f, J/y are JPC 1- -
- Amplitudes have opposite signs
- s A1 - A2eipb2
- b is unknown
- For pT ltlt 1/ltbgt
- destructive interference
No Interference
r0 --gt pp- pT (GeV/c)
16Entangled Waveforms
- VM are short lived
- decay before traveling distance b
- Decay points are separated in space-time
- no interference
- OR
- the wave functions retain amplitudes for all
possible decays, long after the decay occurs - Non-local wave function
- non-factorizable Yp p- ? Yp Yp-
- Example of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox
17Interference and Nuclear Excitation
- Smaller ltbgt --gt interference at higher ltpTgt
r0 prod at RHIC
J/Y prod at the LHC
Solid - no breakup criteria Dashed lines 1n1n and
XnXn breakup
18Multiple meson production
- P(r0) 1 at b2RA
- w/ Poisson distribution
- P(r0r0) (1)2/2 at b2RA
- 106 r0r0 /year
- Enhancement (ala HBT) for production from same
ion (away from y0) - Vector meson superradiance
- toward a vector meson laser
- Dp lt h/RA
- Like production coherence
- Large fraction of pairs
- Stimulated decays?
Production with gold at RHIC
b (fermi)
19Angular Correlations in r0r0
- r0 polarization follows the photon
- r0r0 should have parallel polarization
- pp- planes should be highly correlated
(transverse view)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22r0 Analysis
- Exclusive Channels
- r0 and nothing else
- 2 charged particles
- net charge 0
- Coherent Coupling
- SpT lt 2h/RA 100 MeV/c
- back to back in transverse plane
- Backgrounds
- incoherent photonuclear interactions
- grazing nuclear collisions
- beam gas interactions
- upstream interactions
- out-of-time events
23Triggering Strategies
- Triggering is the hardest part of studying UPCs!!
- Ultra-peripheral final states
- 1-6 charged particles
- low pT
- rapidity gaps
- small b events
- tagged by nuclear breakup
24Peripheral Trigger Data Collection
- Level 0
- hits in opposing CTB quadrants
- Rate 20-40 /sec
- Level 3 (online reconstruction)
- vertex position, multiplicity
- Rate 1-2 /sec
- 2000 prototype
- 9 hours of data -gt 30,000 events
- 2001 early production
- few weeks -gt 1.5M events
25Exclusive r0
- 2 tracks in interaction region
- vertex in diamond
- reject cosmic rays
- non-coplanar qlt 3 rad
- peak for pT lt 150 MeV/c
- pp and p-p- give background shape
- pp- pairs from higher multiplicity events have
similar shape - scaled up by 2.1
- high pT r0 ?
- asymmetric Mpp peak
Signal region pTlt0.15 GeV
r0 PT
26Minimum Bias Dataset
- Trigger on neutron signals in both ZDCs
- 800,000 triggers
- Event selection same as peripheral
- pp and p-p- model background
- single (1n) and multiple (Xn) neutron production
- Coulomb excitation
- Giant Dipole Resonance
- Xn may include hadronic interactions?
- Measure s(1n1n) s(XnXn)
Signal region pTlt0.15 GeV
r0 PT
ZDC Energy (arbitrary units)
27Direct p p- production
- The two processes interfere
- 1800 phase shift at M(r0)
- changes p p- lineshape
- good data with gp (HERA fixed target)
- pp- r 0 ratio should depend on s(pA)s(rA)
- decrease as A rises?
28r0 lineshape
ZEUS gp --gt (r0 pp- )p
STAR gAu --gt (r0 pp- )Au
ds/dMpp (mb/GeV)
ds/dMpp (mb/GeV)
Fit to r0 Breit-Wigner pp- Modified Soding
approach Interference is significant pp-
fraction is comparable to ZEUS
ee- and hadronic backgrounds
Many other fits are possible
29dN/dy for r0(XnXn)
Soft Pomeron, no-shadowing, XnXn
- r ds/dy are different with and without breakup
- XnXn data matches simulation
- Extrapolate to insensitive region
After detector simulation
30Cross Section Comparison
Baltz, Klein Nystrand (1999/2002)
- Normalized to 7.2 b hadronic cross section
- Systematic uncertainties luminosity, overlapping
events, vertex tracking simulations, single
neutron selection, etc. - Exclusive r0 bootstrapped from XnXn
- limited by statistics for XnXn in topology
trigger - Frankfurt, Strikman Zhalov predict 50 higher
cross sections - Good agreement
- factorization works
31The 2001 data
- 200 GeV/nucleon
- higher cross sections
- much higher luminosity
- Production triggers
- Minimum Bias data
- 10X statistics
- Topology Data
- 20X statistics
- Higher STAR B field
- 0.5 T (2001) vs. 0.25 T (2000)
- lower acceptance for low pT particles
- shorter interaction region
- sz 25 cm
- Physics
- precision r0 lineshape, pT spectra and helicity
distribution - s(ee-) and theory comparison
- 4-prong events (r(1450/1700)?)
32Minimum Bias r0 at 200 GeV
- 70 of minimum bias data processed so far
- 1.7 million triggers
- higher purity than 2000
- Analysis same as for 2000 data
r0 PT
r0 PT
ZDC Energy (arbitrary units)
33Minimum Bias r0 at 200 GeV
Mpp (GeV)
34200 GeVExclusive r0
Signal region pTlt0.15 GeV
- Almost same analysis as 130 GeV
- smaller interaction diamond
- 1.5 million triggers
- improved trigger --gt higher efficiency
- B0.5T increases trigger threshold
- fewer low Mpp pairs
- still under investigation
- Same modified Mpp Soding fit
r0 PT
35gg --gt ee-
red - e e- pairs
- Minimum bias trigger
- 200 GeV
- B0.25T
- small fraction of data
- Select electrons by dE/dx
- in region plt 140 MeV/c
- Select identified pairs
- pT peaked at 1/ltbgt
- Different from photoproduced pp
P (GeV/c)
Pair Pt (GeVc)
36STAR Near Future possibilities
- VM interference measurements
- 2-prong meson decays
- r0 at higher pT
- J/Y (needs more data)
- wider r0 rapidity distribution (using FTPCs)
- 4-prong meson spectroscopy
- r0
- r0r0
37Future Possibilities RHIC LHC
- Criteria
- Interesting Physics
- At least vaguely experimentally realizable
- More multiple vector meson production
- correlated decays?
- Photoproduction of open charm/bottom/top
- Pair production with capture
- pp diffraction meson spectroscopy and hard
38Photoproduction of Open Quarks
- gA --gt ccX, bbX
- sensitive to gluon structure function.
- Higher order corrections problematic
- Ratio s(gA)/s(gp) --gt shadowing
- removes most QCD uncertainties
- max 10 at RHIC, 20 at LHC
- Experimentally feasible (?)
- high rates
- known isolation techniques
- Physics backgrounds are gg--gt cc, gg --gt cc
- gg cross section is small
- gg background appears controllable by requiring a
rapidity gap
QQ--gt open c,b
Production occurs in one ion
Klein, Nystrand Vogt, 2002
39Electron Production w/ Capture
- gg -- gt ee-
- Electron is bound to nucleus
- Probe of atomic physics
- non-perturbative
- s uncertain, 100-200 barns
- Focused 78Au beam
- RHIC Rate 10,000 particles/sec
- beam 40-80 mW
- easy to measure
- LHC rate 1M particles/sec
- beam 10-40 W
- can quench superconducting magnets
- limits LHC luminosity w/ Pb
- Could extract as external beam
Za 0.6 is Ng gt 1?
40pp Diffraction
- Mostly double-Pomeron interactions
- at SPS significant Reggeon component
- use Roman pots to measure momentum transfer from
diffracted protons
Coupling nuclear form factor
41Meson spectroscopy with pp
- CERN WA91/102 discovered pt filter
- meson type depends on momentum transfers
- low dpt selects exotics (non qq)
- at RHIC
- much smaller Reggeon component
- polarized beams
- study spin structure of Pomeron meson
production - very little theoretical guidance
42Hard diffraction at RHIC
- Study jets, W,Z production ala CDF
- CDF, D0 find s(D)/s(ND) 0.01
- good rates
- polarized beams
- spin structure of Pomeron
- probe quark content (for W,Z)
- compare pp vs. pp
43Physics Recap
- RHIC is a high luminosity gg and gA collider
- The strong fields and 2-source geometry allow
many unique studies - Coherent events have distinctive kinematics
- Ultra-peripheral collisions allow for many
studies - Measurement of s(VA)
- Vector meson spectroscopy
- A measurement of the r0 pT spectrum can test if
particle decay triggers wave function collapse - multiple vector meson production
- Tests of strong field QED
- Studies of charge content of glueball candidates
- STAR has observed three peripheral collisions
processes - Au Au -- gt Au Au r0
- Au Au -- gt Au Au r0
- Au Au -- gt Au Au ee-
- The cross sections for r0 production are in
agreement with theoretical models - Interference between r0 and direct pp- is seen
- Ultra-peripheral collisions is in its infancy
- It works!!!
- Were learning a lot about techniques
- come back next year for many more results!