Title: H2P Overview
1H2P or H2P(R) Limiting pandemic influenza impact
via community-level actions Meeting of the
ASEAN Technical Working Group on Pandemic
Preparedness and Response 22-24 June 2009 I
Bangkok, Thailand
2H2P An initiative
USAID-funded initiative with the singular goal
-limiting excess mortality during a pandemic
- United Nations agencies OCHA, WHO, WFP, UNHCR,
IOM - The CORE Group
- InterAction
- AI.COMM (Academy for Educational Development)
- International Federation of Red Cross Red
Crescent Societies, through National Societies
3H2P A Federation programme
Overall objective Strengthen humanitarian
response capacity to address community needs in
an influenza pandemic, particularly in areas of
public health, food security and livelihoods
- Specific objectives
- Capacity and competency of relevant staff and
volunteers and civil society organizations are
strengthened - Preparedness plans and mechanisms for national
societies and civil society organisations are
developed - Well functioning coordination mechanisms are
4H2P Assumptions
- Country capacity will be exceeded
- Vaccines and antivirals will not be available in
adequate quantity - Substantial mortality will also be due to
illnesses other than influenza - Time required for action will be limited
- Funding will be available for response but.
- Limiting impact will be dependent on
community-level actions
5H2P Project deliverables
- Off the shelf tools and guidelines on public
health, food security, livelihoods adapted,
field-tested and pre-positioned at strategic
locations - Ready-to-go trainers, leaders prepared to
conduct just-in-time trainings to community
volunteers and responders - H2P preparedness and response plan tested,
disseminated, country-wide inter-agency plan for
rolling out off-the-shelf capacity service
continuity plan - Resource map inventory of organisations with
roles, services essential for pandemic response - Coordination, partnership among civil
society/NGO, national authorities, UN agencies,
6H2P Projects Approach
- At district level
- Pre-position tools, guidelines,
- materials
- Prepare trainers
National headquarters
Provincial branches
At country level A country-wide roll out plan
map of partners and resources
District branches
To be done now!
- Upon trigger (Phase 4?) Based on country-wide
plan, roll out - - Of the shelf tools, guidelines
- Just in time trainings
- Volunteer mobilisation
Volunteers/ responders
7Possible first responder roles during a pandemic
- Educate public to prevent spread of flu and other
illnesses -- flu fighting behaviours - Home care for those sick with flu
- Home care for those sick with other illnesses
- Bring food, non-food items
- for quarantined
- households
- Link sick or needy people
- to health system,
- community care and
- government
8Key content of public health messagesfor
households and communities
Family, household level
Community, district level (Depending on pandemic
- Keep distance
- Wash hands
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Isolate the ill
- Educate families on NPI
- Close schools
- Limit /delay public gatherings
- Advice on travel, transport
- Train community workers in infection control
- Educate families on home care
- Assist the neediest, sickest households
- Manage cases in community, including use of
antibiotics - Continue care for selected conditions (TB, HIV),
if feasible
- Care for those sick with flu, including flu-like
illnesses - Rest
- Fever medications
- Fluids
- Nutrition
- Care-seeking
Cross- cutting
What is influenza pandemic? Best sources of
information, guidance and help.
9H2P training and planning package for first
responders, leaders
District level trainers composition varies from
one country
Introduction, planning
Community representatives
Health responders
District officials, leaders
What is pan flu?
Spreading prevention messages
Infection control for health responders
Home care for ill
Community mitigation
10H2P planning timeline
Preparedness Getting ready
Trigger Response phase
Response phase Handling the crisis
Announcement - PI is spreading globally
Pandemic influenza is coming or in the country
- Adapt curriculum
- Create training plan
- Prepare trainers
- Maintain until trigger
- Train community reps, leaders, health responders,
- Just in time trainings
- Adapt trainings/needs
- Follow-up, supervise
- Disseminate updated information, guidance
- Start implementing district, community-level
- Continued plan implementation
- Monitor, evaluate
- Update structure, plan as needed
- Create district, community-level response
arrangements - Maintain until trigger
11H1N1 National society response
- Contribute to national response
- Coordination with national authorities, bodies
- Prevention, mitigation campaigns household,
community, school-based - Reproduction, distribution of communication
materials - Human resource augmentation
- Pharmaceutical, medical supply support
- Enhance preparedness and response
- Activation of focal persons, task forces
- Updating of plans, protocols, BCP
- Guidance to branches on coordination, community
activities, staff/volunteer protection and safety
12Thank you!
www.pandemic preparedness.org www.ifrc.org/what/h
ealth/ relief/influenza.asp