Title: Orientalism in the Harem
1Orientalism in the Harem
2Ingres, La Grande Odalisque, 1840
3Delacroix, Odalisque Went to Algeria in 1832-3
4Renoir, Odalisque, 1870
5Matisse, Odalisque, c. 1920
6Ingres, 1840
7Bridgman, The Siesta
8Dicksee, Leila (1892)
9Francisco Mavroera y Manovens, Harem Beauty
10Lewis, 1860s
11Liotard, La Sultane Lisante (The Sultana reading)
12Pavel, Odalisque
13Fortuny, Odalisque, 1862
14Vargas, 1916
15Boucher, Odalisque Brune, 1750s
16Ingres, Turkish Bath, 1862
17Gerome, A Moorish Bath
19Gerome, At the baths, 1870s
20Gerome, Turkish Baths
21Gerome, Harem Pool
22Gerome, Turkish Baths
24Ernst, Turkish bath
25Ponsan, The Massage, 1883
26(No Transcript)
27Gerome, An Almeh
28Costa, Turkish Odalisque
29Vernet-Lecomte, Berber Woman
30Bridgman, Algerian Girl
31Diaz, Oriental Woman and her Daughter, 1862
32Dicksee, The Enchantress
33Bridgman, Harem Girl
34Tissier, An Algerian and her Slave
35Delacroix, Algerian Women at Home, 1834
36Fabbi, Girls of the Harem
37Bridgeman, Harem Afternoon
38Bridgman, Harem Fountain
39Lewis, Harem Life
40Lewis, The Reception
41Ernst, The Favorite
42Ladies of the Harem
43Yvon, In the Harem, 1872