Title: Learning
1Learning Using Library 2.0
- Starr Hoffman
- Librarian for Digital Collections
- University of North Texas Libraries
San Antonio Public Libraries Staff Development
Day 10.08.2007
2What Is Library 2.0?
- Using social technologies to expand library
photo sharing
social networking
social software
video sharing
- Library 2.0 technologies
- Ways libraries are using them
- How to learn Library 2.0
- Ideas to get you started
4Blogs and RSS
- Blog (from web log)
- Popular blogging software
- Blogger
- LiveJournal
- Xanga
Blog Geeky Artist Librarian Hosted by
Blogger http//geekyartistlibrarian.blogspot.com
5Blogs and RSS
- orange icon indicates an RSS feed
- RSS news feeds
- RSS-published comics
- RSS feeds for digital collections
- for recently added items
- for search query results
Bloglines account (Blog and RSS
aggregator) http//www.bloglines.com
UNT Digital Collections search results RSS
feed http//digital.library.unt.edu/browse
- Features
- simple formatting
- collaborative work
- manage projects
- document workflows
- share documents
- Popular wiki software
- Pbwiki
- MediaWiki
Wikipedia http//www.wikipedia.org/
Library Success wiki http//www.libsuccess.org/
7Social Networking
- Features
- Comments, email, instant messaging
- Groups centered around interests
- Post photos, video
- Popular sites
- MySpace
- Facebook
- LinkedIn
- Ning
- SecondLife
Facebook account http//www.facebook.com
8IM (instant messaging)
- Popular IM clients
- YahooIM
- Operate several accounts
- Meebo
- Trillian
Trillian (accessing YahooIM) http//www.ceruleanst
Meebo (embedded chat reference window) Lander
University, Jackson Library http//www.lander.edu/
9Bookmarking / Tagging
- Popular bookmarking software
- del.icio.us
- Backflip
del.icio.us account http//del.icio.us/mithdara/
10Photo and Video Sharing
- photo-sharing sites
- Flickr
- Snapfish
- video-sharing sites
- Youtube
Flickr account http//flickr.com/photos/geekyartis
Youtube video (ALA Book Cart Drill
Teams) http//www.youtube.com/watch?vM6U_0Rg3A4s
11...And More!
- Mashups
- Twitter
- LibraryThing
- Tag clouds
- Zotero
- etc
12Why Use Library 2.0?
- Expanding the core mission of libraries serving
our users. - serving users
- Using their ways
- In their environment
- Before they search for information
13How Are Libraries Using Library 2.0?
- Use blogs to power their website
- enable comments
- let users subscribe to your library content
Ann Arbor District Library website http//www.aadl
.org (created using multiple blogs)
14How Are Libraries Using Library 2.0?
- Use wikis for your librarys subject guides
- easy, quick for non-techies to update
- let patrons contribute content
Biz Wiki (business subject guides) Ohio
University, Alden Library http//www.library.ohiou
15How Are Libraries Using Library 2.0?
- Slam the Boards event
- answer questions posted on forum websites
- meet patrons in their own environment
- http//answerboards.wetpaint.com/page/SlamtheBoa
16How Do I Learn Library 2.0?
- Remember the mantra
- Just try it. Make time.
- Quick easy
- 15 minutes a day
- Try one new thing a day
- Teach yourself
- Learning Library 2.0 self-course
- http//plcmclearning.blogspot.com/
- Five Weeks to a Social Library resources
- http//www.sociallibraries.com/course
17How Do I Use Library 2.0?
18Free Ways to Try Library 2.0
- Ideas to get you brainstorming..
- Blogger / LiveJournal account
- post about upcoming library events
- have librarians alternate blogging
- have "guest experts" write about library
collections - point out library services
- post about library projects
19Free Ways to Try Library 2.0
- More ideas...
- Flickr account
- document library events and displays
- up to 200 photos for free 25/year for unlimited
photos - MySpace and Facebook pages
- for your library and/or for individual librarians
- put your username on the library website, or on
your business cards - PBwiki account
- share content, collaborate
- create a FAQ or subject guide
- save training documents and programs
20Want More?
- My Wiki
- http//geekyartistlibrarian.pbwiki.com
- Links to
- Resources for learning Library 2.0
- Todays presentations
- Todays handouts
- Contact Me!
- Starr.Hoffman_at_unt.edu
- http//geekyartistlibrarian.blogspot.com