Title: Consensus Building
1Consensus Building
2A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus
but a molder of consensus. Martin Luther
King, Jr.
3Consensus Building Exercise Instructions First,
individually rank from 1 (most important) to 10
(least important) each of the environmental
problems listed below. Next, discuss your
rankings with the person sitting next to you and
reach a new consensus on these rankings dont
be too concerned with minor differences, but
argue the case for your rankings, and in the time
allotted reach a mutual consensus. Now, repeat
the process with another group (i.e., reach a
four-person consensus). As time permits, well
repeat this process with larger and larger
4What differences between you and your peers were
the most important obstacles to reaching a
consensus in your rankings? What sacrifices would
you be willing to make (or have already) in
support of the environment? _____ Recycle and
compost waste _____ Adjust thermostat to reduce
energy demand _____ Alter diet and food
purchasing choices _____ Write to congressional
delegation in support of environmental
legislation _____ Contribute time or to
environmental NGO _____ Cut down on air
travel _____ Drive less and carpool whenever
possible _____ Volunteer in community for an
environmental cause _____ Use mass transit (bus,
train, subway) whenever possible _____ Work
international on environmental problems _____ Non
e of the above Other ideas