Title: Dias nummer 1
1Secure Multiparty Computation goes Live Peter
Bogetoft, Dan Christensen, Ivan Damgård, Martin
Geisler, Thomas Jakobsen, Mikkel Krøigaard, Janus
Nielsen, Jesper Nielsen, Kurt Nielsen, Jacob
Pagter, Michael Schwartzbach, Tomas
Toft Barbados, 2009 Ivan Damgård Århus University
2- January 14, 2008
- 1200 Danish Farmers trade production rights for
sugarbeets via an electronic auction. - As a result, 25.000 tons worth of production
rights change owner - The market price at which trading occurs is
computed by 3 servers, based on encrypted bids
that are never decrypted. - First large-scale application of Secure
Multiparty Computation.
3- Some Background
- About 5000 Danish farmers produce sugarbeets. A
farmer owns a contract, a production right,
allowing him to produce a certain quantity of
beets. - Beets are delivered to Danisco, the only Danish
sugar producer. -
- Recently EU drastically reduced support for
production, as a result urgent need to move
production to places where it pays best. - Hence need for a nation wide-market where
production rights can be traded. - Decision use a double auction.
4Double Auction Some commodity is traded. Many
sellers, many buyers. Each bid from a seller is a
list of numbers At each possible price per
unit, I want to sell this much similar for
buyers. Send to auctioneer. For each possible
price, auctioneer add up bids to find total
supply, and total demand in the market at that
Market clearing price
Demand goes down, supply up with increasing
price, so can find solution by binary search
number of comparisons logarithmic in number of
Everybody gets to sell or buy the quantity they
were willing to sell or buy at the mcp.
5Privacy of Bids Who should be auctioneer? In
the sugar beet case, privacy of bids is crucial.
Bids reveal private information about a farmers
economy. In survey, 75 said it was important to
them that bids were confidential. Information on
farmers ecomic situation can be misused by
Danisco ? Danisco cannot be auctioneer Farmers
could do it themselves? No, Danisco wants some
control, some farmers owe Danisco money,
contracts act as security. Besides, farmers do
not all trust each other.. Hire a consultancy
house to be auctioneer? No, too
expensive Solution chosen do an electronic
double auction, with virtual auctioneer,
implemented by Danisco, DKS (farmers
organization) and the SIMAP research project,
using multiparty computation.
6- Multiparty computation, intuition
- m input clients I1,...,Im and n servers P1, P2,
, Pn - Usually m large, n small (ex. m1500, n3)
- Player Ii submits input xi in appropriately
encrypted form - By collaborating, P1,..Pn compute y f(x1,,xm)
for some function f. Must be be done securely,
i.e., - All learn the correct value of y
- Nothing except y is made public. In particular
no input is decrypted, and no Pi gets access to
any information on the inputs. - P1,.., Pn implement a virtual trusted party
7- Computation needed
- Lots of additions to find total demand/supply at
each price. - Some comparisons to do binary search for market
clearing price. - Comparison results can be public, follow anyway
from value of market clearing price. - Protocols Used
- Based on Shamir Secret sharing modulo a
sufficiently large prime p (65 bits in our case).
Notation c means c, secret shared. - Addition and multiplication easy using standard
tools - Comparison a bit harder..
8Comparison ctd Problem hard to go from c to
c0, c1,, cn where ci is ith bit of
c. Observation from Damgård et al TCC 07
much easier go from c0, c1,, cn
to c since Shamir secret sharing is linear -
just multiply by 2-powers and add. Suppose we
know a,b are at most t-bit numbers. Algorithm 1.
Generate random shared 0/1 values r0,., rv,
compute r, where r r0 2 r1
2vrv v chosen so r gtgt a,b 2. Compute and open
T r 2t a b (statistically secure since r gtgt
a,b). 3. Remaining problem if we subtract
bit-wise shared number r from the public T, will
bit no. t be set? Hence enough to do a linear (in
t) number of binary operations. In paper
technique to do this in logarithmic number of
9How to deliver inputs The obvious idea client
secret shares each input number and encrypts all
shares intended for Pi under his public
key Communication becomes linear size in number
of servers, to encrypt B bits, must send O(nB)
bits In paper Technique to encrypt shares such
that only an additive overhead depends on number
of servers, need to send O(n) O(B) bits.
10Implementation Architecture
SIMAP web-server
Encrypted bid
Submitting bids
11Implementation Architecture
SIMAP web-server
Encrypted bid
Submitting bids
12Performance 1
13Performance 2
14- Why Multiparty Computation?
- If some party has access to the private data in
the clear, everone has to agree on a security
policy who is allowed access, and when? Who is
held responsible if data leaks and what are the
consequences? - Difficult negotiations because parties have
conflicting interests, could have halted the
entire project. - Nobody wanted the responsibility of having to
store the bids in clear. - These concerns seem more important than fear of
malicious attack by the opponent gt security
against malicious attacks seems less important. - With multiparty computation, bids are kept
protected at all times, hence easier to
communicate security policy to the farmers. - An MPC based software solution can be developed
and scrutinized once and cost can be amortized
over several applications. In contrast, having a
consultancy house be trusted party costs a fee
every time.
15Use secure hardware instead? This is also a
single trusted party solution! Even if hardware
protection cannot be broken, security depends on
how the hardware box is administrated,
maintained, backed up etc. Hence we still need
to agree on a common security policy. Seems more
natural for players to use hardware to improve
their own security
16In Conclusion.. Applications of MPC can be
realized with the efficiency and functionality
that is required in real life. Ability of MPC to
keep private data secret to everyone, really is
useful in practice. More applications? I think
yes, but give it time! Compare to Digital
signatures invented in 1977, first nation-wide
system in Denmark started 2 years ago! More
info on research projects, see www.sikkerhed.alexa
ndra.dk/uk/projects/simap.htm New spin-off by the
SIMAP people www.partisia.com
17Attacks External attacks need to handle those,
but similar issues and solutions as lots of other
applications.. Attacks by bidders Can protect
against malicious bidders, we decided the risk
was too low to motivate cost. Attacks by parties
doing the computation No party seriously
suspected others of a malicious attack, BUT not
acceptable to give all the bids to the opponent
AND nobody wanted the responsibility of dealing
with the private data. Would lead to earlier
mentioned problems with agreeing on security
policy etc. Hence we went for semi-honest