Title: Parents Open Evening Welcome
1- Parents Open Evening - Welcome!
- Home/School Agreement
- E-Safety Rules
- School Equipment
- PE/Swimming
- Behaviour
- Homework
- Success for All Programme
- Study Buddies
- Cross Curricular topic work
- Creative Partnerships
- Healthy Schools Award
- School Library
- Holidays
- School Prospectus
- Contact with the office
- Extended School Opportunities
- Mellor Vision Statement
2- Home/school Agreement
- These are now to be kept by parents/carers. A
separate slip is sent out with the home/school
agreement for you to sign and return to school. - Please be aware that signing the slip gives
permission for - your child to attend events at Cross Corners
during the course - of the school day
- digital images of your child to be taken and used
in publicity for - Creative Partnership activities and display on
the schools digital - notice board and website
3- E-Safety Rules
- Please read the schools e-safety rules with your
child and sign and return the e-safety agreement
to school. - Please be aware that signing the agreement gives
permission for - your childs work to be electronically published
- appropriate images of your child to be published
on the school - website but without their name
- your child to access the Internet at school
4School Equipment It is important that children
come to school with the correct school equipment,
including PE kit, swimming kit, school
bag/backpack and pencil case. We also ask all
parents to support the schools dress code
policy. If in doubt of the dress code or school
equipment required please refer to the school
website, digital notice board or collect a flyer
from the office.
5- PE/Swimming
- Please ensure that your child does not wear
jewellery on days when they take part in PE or
swimming, as staff are unable to look after
valuables for children. - Children are required as part of the national
curriculum to take part in swimming. If there is
a medical reason why your child is unable to swim
then a doctors note should be obtained and handed
in to your childs class teacher. - In exceptional circumstances, when a child brings
a note about the following they may be excused
from swimming - a cold or viral infection
- a physical injury
- a fungal or contagious infection
- menstruation
6Behaviour We aim to establish good relationships
and behaviour within a secure caring environment.
We emphasise the ways in which we can create a
positive atmosphere stressing the need for mutual
respect. We use a set of rewards and sanctions to
ensure consistency across the school. Rewards
include special mentions, table and team points
and vouchers, stickers and peer support. Our
consequences for behaviour follow a series of
steps and range from a verbal warning, entry into
the incident book, letter home, detention and
finally, as a last resort exclusion. A copy of
our rewards and sanctions can be seen on our
parents notice board.
7Homework All children in Key Stage 2 receive
homework each week. This consists of reading for
20mins per night, spelling practice, completion
of a maths activity from their fun with maths
booklet and completion of science homework as
required by the class teacher. In addition,
homework challenges are set weekly and provide
children the opportunity to develop their
thinking skills and creativity. Homework
journals inform parents/carers of the homework
set, provide a record for staff as to whether
homework has been completed and serve as a
reminder of work to be done for children. These
are checked by school staff on a weekly basis.
Further information regarding our homework
policy and procedures can be found on the school
website. www.mellor.leicester.sch.uk
8Success for All This year we are adopting the
Success for All Programme as part of our
continuing drive to raise oracy, reading and
writing standards. Children are now grouped
according to their current reading ability and
will receive targeted lessons, aimed at
accelerating their progress in reading and
writing. Pupils will be assessed every eight
weeks and regrouped on the basis of these
assessments. The Success for All Programme
consists of two parts Roots and Wings.
Underpinning the Programme is a philosophy of
collaborative learning, where children are
encouraged to take responsibility for their own
and others learning. Roots The Roots programme
provides children with rich opportunities for
developing their speaking and listening skills
while at the same time introducing a rigorous
phonics programme as recommended by the Rose
Review. The phonics programme is set within a
broad and rich language curriculum that takes
full account of the speaking, listening, reading
and writing requirements of the literacy
9Wings The Wings programme consists of a series
of reading and writing modules, designed to
progressively develop childrens skills in
reading, analysing, responding to and writing
texts from different genres. Again, this
programme is set within a broad and rich language
curriculum that takes full account of the
speaking, listening, reading and writing
requirements of the literacy framework. All year
1 children start on the Roots Programme. Children
throughout the rest of the school will be
grouped according to ability.
10Study Buddies We are pleased to be running Study
Buddies for the third year with our Year 6 pupils
and their families. This involves parents and/or
other family members supporting and sharing in
their childs learning both at school and at
home. We run a weekly session where study
buddies work together to discuss, plan and
produce a piece of work. Staff provide input and
support during this process and offer feedback on
work completed. Our study buddy sessions will
take place in our new community ICT suite every
Wednesday between 5pm and 6pm starting on 10th
October. Sessions will focus on writing,
reading, maths and science.
11Cross Curricular topic work By now you will have
received our curriculum guides for parents. These
have been designed to make you more aware of the
topic work and trips your children will be
undertaking this half term. This year Science,
History, Geography, RE, and Music will be taught
as discreet subjects, but using art, drama and
many other creative techniques to allow children
to make connections across their learning.
12Creative Partnerships Our school has been
successful in being selected for a creative
partnership project lasting for two years. We
are working with a theatre company called Soft
Touch, and we have also being given money to buy
in other artists to support the childrens
learning. Cross Corners Cross corners is our
space for the sports and the arts. It offers
many opportunities for artistic enrichment both
during and outside of school hours for children
and adults.
13Healthy Schools Award The Healthy Schools Award
was obtained in the Summer Term 2006.
Accreditation was given for our team building,
pastoral support, work with parents, lunchtime
activities, after school activities, behaviour
support, healthy eating policy and school
council. We ask you to continue to support us,
particularly in providing your child with healthy
packed lunches and snacks and taking part in
community learning projects in order to support
your child at school. Remember the more you
learn the better placed you are to help your
child with their learning. Adult Learning at
Mellor Our home school liaison officer will be
inviting parents and carers to attend courses
focussing on how to support your own and your
childs learning. Establishment of our community
ICT suite now also means increased access for the
community to ICT resources. Watch out for further
details of our adult computing course due to
start on Wednesday 10th October.
14Supporting the school library Book vouchers can
now be purchased from the office. Instead of
buying sweets for celebrations we are encouraging
parents to buy a book voucher that will either
buy a book or go towards the cost of a library
book. Your childs name will go into the front
of the book and a card of thanks will be sent out
to parents.
15- Taking holidays in term time.
- School is an important part of the lives of your
children. It is where they begin to develop new
skills, make friendships and it helps prepare
them for their future. When a child misses
school they can miss out on these vital
opportunities. Missing a day of school every
week means that a child will miss the equivalent
of over 7 ½ weeks per school year. - Schools may only grant up to 10 days a year for
holidays and the head teachers consent must be
obtained. - New LA guidance dictates that if a holiday is
taken without the permission of your childs
school, a fixed penalty notice may be issued in
the form of a fine of - 50 per parent per child if paid in full within
28 days - 100 if paid in full after 28 days but within 42
days - More information regarding this issue is
available from the office.
16School prospectus Our school prospectus provides
general school information and can be obtained
either from the office or in a printable format
from the school website.
17Contact with the school office Please ensure
that all personal information is updated via the
school office so that we have the appropriate
information to hand in the case of an
emergency. In the case of split families where
parents live at more than one address. Please
inform us of this to enable us to send relevant
school information and reports to all appropriate
addresses. If you wish to speak to a class
teacher, please make an appointment through the
office. Class teachers have a set time aside
each week when they will be available for
18- Extended School Opportunities
- At Mellor we are pleased to offer the following
extended school opportunities - Breakfast club
- Studio club
- Extra curricular clubs
- Cross corners clubs
- Holiday schemes
- Further information on all of these can be found
in the school newsletter and digital notice board.
19Mellor Vision Statement Mellor A quality
learning environment which develops learners to
take control of their own learning.