Title: Welcome to S5/6 Options Evening Information Session
1Welcome to S5/6 Options Evening Information
2Senior school at Meldrum Academy
- High quality learning and teaching
- Wide range of courses and levels on offer
- Flexibility in the courses through college links
and arrangements with other schools - Considerable personal support
- Wide range of events, programmes, competitions
and extra curricular activities - Opportunities to give something back
3Some important points
- The majority of S5 students are above statutory
school leaving age. - Positive choice to stay on at school.
- Post 16 students are senior pupils with
responsibility of setting tone of school. - Students are expected to be responsible for
themselves and the decisions they make
4What will this mean for S5 students?
- The 5 Expectations still apply.
- Increased responsibility and trust.
- Revised school uniform.
- Good use of study time.
- Whole school/community contribution.
- Pressure of two term dash.
- Pace of study and far higher demands to undertake
personal study
5What does this mean for S6 Students?
- The 5 Expectations still apply
- Responsibility for a high level of conduct
including attendance. - Key role in setting and sustaining school ethos.
- Major opportunities for positions of
responsibility in the school e.g. Prefects,
Captains/committees/buddies etc - Good use of private study time
- Whole school/community contribution.
6Role of parents/carers with post 16 pupils.
- Continuation of positive partnership with the
school e.g. Parents Evenings/Reports/ - Support for parents/carers will continue as
before from the school - Pastoral Care link - Kept fully informed by the schoole.g. We will
discuss our concerns together. Early Warning
Reports on progress.
7Senior Student Agreement
- An agreement will be drawn up and agreed with
pupils. - It will recognise the rights of being a senior
student - It will identify the responsibilities of being a
senior student. - It will be agreed by the pupil, Pastoral Care
teacher and Head Teacher. - Advice from this years experience will help
shape the final design of this years agreement.
8Points to Consider
- Do I plan to stay on for the whole year, until
Christmas or for two more years? - Leaving S5
- Leaving S6
- What job, course or career am I aiming for?
- What are the entry requirements?
- If I am a Christmas leaver. What does this
mean? - What is exceptional entry to college
9Course progression in S5/6
10- Some examples of the ways which you may be able
to progress in many subject areas are - If you achieve Foundation level in English, you
- might move on to Intermediate 1 in English.
- If you achieve Intermediate 1 in Maths, you
might - move on to Intermediate 2 in Maths.
- If you achieve a Credit level in French, you
might - move on to Higher French.
11(No Transcript)
12S5 / S6 OptionsMarch 2012
13The Course Choice Process
- Options Booklet
- PSE programme
- ICT e.g. http//planitplus.net
- Options booklet
- Careers Adviser
- College preparation
14The Course Choice Process
- Information from subject teachers
- Why study the subject
- What the course involves
- How work will be assessed
- Prior qualifications
- Support from PT Pastoral Care
- Discuss all possible options including jobs /
15S5 Timetable commitment
- 5 courses 5 periods per week
- PSE 1 period per week
- Recreational PE Option
- Self Study
16S6 Timetable commitment
- Sixteen Points minimum
- Advanced Higher 6 Points
- Higher - 4 points
- Intermediate 1 / 2 - 4 points
- Recreational PE 1 points
- Sports Leadership Award 2 points
- House Captain 1point
- Prefect - 1point
- Whole school responsibility 1 point
- 1 period of PSE
17The Options Form
ADVANCED HIGHER Graph Communication History Community Sports Leader/ Level 2 Award Biology Modern Studies Music Art Design Chemistry French Music Maths Spanish NC Drama English Physics ADVANCED HIGHER
HIGHER Art and Design Biology History Info Systems Maths Physics Modern Studies Accounting Human Biology Chemistry English 1/2 yr English (1yr) Media Studies Music Art Design English (1yr) English 1/2 yr Geography History Music Politics Physics Business Management Chemistry Drama English 2/2 yr (1yr) Maths Physical Education Spanish RMPS Art and Design Computing Biology English 2/2 yr (1 yr) French Graphic Communication Maths HIGHER
INTERMEDIATE 2 / NATIONAL 5 Art and Design Biology English (National 5) Graphic Communication History Info Systems Maths Accounting English (National 5) Hospitality Media Studies Modern Studies Music Art Design Chemistry Geography History Music Woodworking Skills Int 2 Energy (Girls only) Business Management Maths Physical Education Physics Spanish Administration Art and Design NC Drama Computing French Maths INTERMEDIATE 2 / NATIONAL 5
INTERMEDIATE 1 Art and Design English History English Media Studies Modern Studies Music Art and Design Chemistry Geography Music Woodworking Skills Business Management Maths Personal Finance Award Spanish Administration Art Design NC Drama INTERMEDIATE 1
19Young applicants in schools scheme (YASS) in
- A Higher Education success story
20YASS What is it?
- A partnership between The Open University and
schools - A high quality, genuine HE experience
- Courses at first year university level (SCQF7)
- For students in S6
- An opportunity to stretch motivated and able
students - Study alongside Highers and/or Advanced Highers
in S6
21Learning Benefits
- Adding breadth and depth to school curriculum
- Enriching academic profile
- Developing learning skills
- Supporting academic and career choices
- Encouraging independent learning
- Building confidence
- Assisting the transition from school to university
22Student Comments
- The module has given me an insight into the
subject area and I think I will look like a more
enthusiastic applicant when it comes to
university admission applications as I have taken
time to study a relevant subject on top of school
work - YASS seemed more interesting and relevant than
the other column options available to me it is
more apt for my choice of university studies - I now have the ability to study outwith school
and study a subject which cannot be offered in
school, at university level - quotes from case studies with YASS students
studying in 11/12
23Teacher Comments
- Its getting them to work in a different way and
to be more responsible for their own learning.
Its also enabling them to tackle a piece of work
that crosses boundaries. Thats something they
will come up against later on. - Its important in S6 that you keep the pupils
engaged there is a danger that they dont do
enough. - Its an excellent opportunity for progression for
young people with good study skills to go beyond
Higher courses. - It allows us to support the subject choices of
pupils who cant get their subject of study in
24Who are YASS students?
- Students who are
- Able
- Motivated
- Committed
- Interested
- Able to meet deadlines
- Mature
- Not just the top 5
25Examples of modules
- An introduction to law in contemporary Scotland
(W150) - Human genetics and health issues (SK195)
- Molecules, medicine and drugs (SK185)
- Elements of forensic science (S187)
- Digital photography creating and sharing better
images (T189) - Sustainable Scotland (T123)
26Supported Open Learning
- Individual support from tutor or study adviser
- Multi-media/blended learning
- Choice of when and where to study
- Structured calendar (with deadlines!)
- Continuous assessment
- End of module assessment (EMA) or exam
27Structure of modules and average hours of study
Points at SCQF Level 7 Duration Weekly workload
10 8 - 20 weeks (dependent on course) 6 8 hours
15 15 weeks 8 - 10 hours
30 6 / 9 months 8 12 hours
60 9 months 14 16 hours
- Time management
- 6-16 hours study per week
- Workload
- Alongside S6 study
- Students will
- Have responsibility for own learning
- Develop critical thinking and research skills
- Tackle challenging new topics
- Broaden knowledge of existing topic
- Work alongside adults
29Getting Started
- Go to the YASS website to find out more about the
modules www.openuniversity.co.uk/yass - Read the course descriptions carefully dont
choose a course by its title! - Look at the start dates and number of credit
points involved - Talk to the YASS school co-ordinator if you are
interested in taking a module