NANC%20Safety%20Valve%20IMG - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... the months to exhaust (MTE) or utilization requirements established by the FCC. ... Test codes not fully utilized could be consolidated to make clean code ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NANC%20Safety%20Valve%20IMG

NANCSafety Valve IMG
  • January 19, 2005

  • During the November 4, 2004 NANC, Qwest made a
    presentation on the current safety valve process
    and provided information indicating that a
    majority of seventy recent safety valve requests
    took more than 10 days to process as recommended
    by the FCC in the Third Report and Order
    (FCC-01-362 58-66). The average time was 35
    days, with a minimum or 3 days and maximum of 313
  • Because numbering resource safety valve requests
    are usually made to either respond to a specific
    customers request for numbering resources or for
    a Location Routing Number (LRN) for additional
    switch capabilities in a rate center, a delay in
    obtaining the resources can be customer

  • The NANC created an action item for a Safety
    Valve Issue Management Group (IMG) to determine
    scale and scope of the safety valve problem and,
    if a change is recommended, propose modifications
    to the safety valve process to minimize the
    customer impact of delayed safety valve waivers.
    Report at next NANC meeting.

Safety Valve Meetings Conducted
  • December 7, 2004
  • January 5, 2005
  • January 6, 2005
  • January 14, 2005

  • On December 28, 2001, the FCC issued the Third
    Report and Order and Second Order on
    Reconsideration in CC Docket No. 96-98 and CC
    Docket No. 99-200 (FCC-01-362). Paragraphs 58-66
    discussed safety valve requests. Paragraphs 65
    and 66 outlined when a safety valve request was
    appropriate and established an expected time
    frame for action of 10 business days. (Although
    we do not establish a specific time limit for
    states to act on these requests, we believe that,
    in most instances, 10 business days from receipt
    of a request that the state determines to be
    sufficiently detailed and complete will be
    sufficient time to review and act upon safety
    valve requests).
  • In the ordering clause of the Third Report and
    Order and Second Order on Reconsideration in CC
    Docket No. 96-98 and CC Docket No. 99-200
    (FCC-01-362), 47CFR52.15 (g)(4) states . . .
    The state commission also may overturn the
    NANPAs decision to withhold numbering resources
    from the carrier based on its determination that
    the carrier has demonstrated a verifiable need
    for numbering resources and has exhausted all
    other available remedies.

  • A service provider has initially made an
    application for the numbering resources (specific
    customer request or LRN) and is denied by the
    NANPA/PA because they do not meet the months to
    exhaust (MTE) or utilization requirements
    established by the FCC.
  • The service provider then makes a safety valve
    request to the state regulator to over ride the
    requirement for MTE or utilization requirements
    of its current inventory.

Variable Impacting State Response Time
  • From the information available to the IMG, it
    appears that the method, and therefore time
    frame, of addressing safety valve issues varies
    on a state-by-state basis. Some of the variables
    that would impact the response times are
  • Method of handling safety valve requests docket
    vs. administrative
  • Staffing resources
  • Sensitivity to numbering issues

Specifics Regarding Response Times
  • Response time from State Commissions varies and
    can impair the carriers ability to meet their
    commitment to the customer. Of the states
    providing information
  • One carrier reports that response times for
    decisions range from 5 to 313 calendar days
  • Another carrier reports response times from 3 to
    60 calendar days
  • All of the above cases resulted in commission
  • Some Commission staffs stated that 10-15 of the
    applications they received from carriers other
    than those identified above are rejected, denied,
    or the submitting carrier is encouraged or
    directed to withdraw the application.

  • Recognition be given to those states that are
    actively engaged in numbering resource issues and
    responding to safety valve requests in a timely
  • Carriers should continue working with the
    individual states that are not responding in a
    timely manner to safety valve requests.
  • Carriers should bring issues of this type to the
    attention of any regional operating groups for
  • The NARUC members of NANC should bring the issue
    of timely responses to service providers requests
    back to NARUC for discussion.
  • The safety valve process should be modified to
    include a period of time in which a state
    regulator must take some positive action
    (approve, deny, or take ministerial action). If
    such action is not taken, the service provider
    may reapply to NANPA/PA with appropriate
    documentation for the automatic assignment of the
    requested resources

Dissenting Viewpoint
  • Some NARUC representatives on the IMG could not
    support this modification of the safety valve
    process. The concern is that such action limits
    the delegated authority of states and may not
    take into consideration the administrative
    process of an individual state or the competing
    demands for state regulators' time and attention.
    Additionally, they could not support the
    automatic assignment of requested resources in
    the event a timely response is not made to a
    carrier request. Safety valve requests are to be
    closely construed pursuant to direction from the
    FCC in its order. Lastly, in paragraph 62 of the
    3rd RO on numbering resource optimization, the
    FCC discussed, and discarded, self certification
    in regards to safety valve requests. The
    dissenting representatives believe that the FCC
    clearly set forth in its order at paragraph 66
    that application by the carrier to the FCC is the
    appropriate action in the event a timely response
    is not made by a state. Any modification of the
    FCC order is best handled by petition to the FCC
    in order to afford full notice and comment to
    affected parties.

  • The Safety Valve IMG proposes the creation of a
    self-certification checklist for service
    providers requesting a safety valve and a
    two-phased implementation of an action clock
    for states when a safety valve is received. The
    checklist will only apply in the event that the
    NANPA/PA is allowed to automatically process

Self Certification Checklist
  • Many service providers already have an internal
    checklist that is used during the process of
    developing requests for numbering resources. If a
    safety valve application included, in addition to
    the current documentation package, a checklist
    from the service provider, the level of effort
    required for a state regulator to make an initial
    determination of the request should be reduced.
    If the state regulator failed to take action
    within the designated time frame, the checklist
    would be part of the documentation required for
    the NANPA/PA to assign the requested resources.
  • A checklist should enable NANPA/PA to make the
    assignments if the guideline/procedures direct
    since the current CFRs (47CFRCh1 52.15) state
    where NANPA conducts code assignments consistent
    with existing CFRs, published industry
    guidelines, and Commission orders.
  • An example of a possible checklist is provided as
    Attachment 1.

Phase One Action Clock
  • If a state regulator failed to take action
    (approve, deny, or take other ministerial action)
    within 30 calendar days of receipt of a safety
    valve request, a service provider could reapply
    to the NANPA/PA and get assignment of the
    requested resources.

Phase Two Action Clock
  • Currently NANPA and PA process applications
    within 10 business days and 7 calendar days
    respectively. Add to this the proposed 30
    calendar days for a regulator to take action and
    a service provider could potentially have to wait
    44 calendar days to be assigned resources if a
    state does not engage in the safety valve
    process. In Phase Two, states that chose not to
    be involved in the safety valve process could
    formally opt out of the action clock. In those
    states the NANPA/PA would not have to wait for
    the state regulatory clock to time out before
    assigning the requested resources. If a states
    position changes in the future, it could withdraw
    the opt out status. (Consensus could not be
    reached Both New York and Michigan dissent.)

Implementation Issues Not Addressed
  • Should the proposal be implemented, it was not
    identified who would track which states had opted
    in or out.
  • Details regarding how state inaction will be
    tracked were not identified
  • The NANPA and the PA raised several issues
    regarding the impact to their processes which the
    group recognized as being of concern, but agreed
    not to address at this juncture.

Other Issues
  • INC proposed that carrier requests for LRNs be
    fast-tracked if they must be put through the
    safety valve process. The Safety Valve IMG does
    not believe this is necessary.
  • New switch orders usually have a longer lead-time
    than customer requests.
  • Same process as outlined above could be followed
    except that instead of a customer letter the
    carrier provides evidence of new switch (e.g.,
    vendor switch order or new CLLI).

  • Implementation of these recommendations could be
    made through various methods. One path is to have
    the Industry Numbering Committee (INC)
    incorporate a standard checklist into its
    guidelines, and to reference the action time
    clock parameters with direction for NANPA/PA to
    proceed with assignment if clock times out.

Self-Certification Checklist Example
  • .The following items represent possible items
    for a self-certification checklist and is not
    considered to be all-inclusive.
  • If there are multiple switches in same rate
    center, consider moving resources between
  • Numbers currently in Aging status could be pulled
    out to meet need
  • Test codes not fully utilized could be
    consolidated to make clean code available for
    assignments to customers
  • If holding pristine or lightly-contaminated
    blocks in inventory, consider exchanging with
    previously donated like-for-like blocks in pool
  • In mandatory or voluntary pooling rate centers
    the available blocks in the pool should be
    evaluated for use instead of applying for a full
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