Title: Dias nummer 1
1Successful Immigrant Entrepreneurs in
A presentation of an analysis of 30 best practice
immigrant enterprises in Greater Copenhagen with
special emphasis on methodology and deciding
criteria for best practice
2Successful Immigrant Entrepreneurs in
- Presentation of the research and methodology
- Presentation and discussion about deciding
criteria - Presentation of some of the results from the
research and a few business examples
3Research aims and focus
- The aim of the research has been to gather
knowledge about how immigrant entrepreneurs
create successful businesses. This knowledge
about possible ways to success and about skills
and strategies used by successful entrepreneurs
can be used in our advising of the many lesser
successful immigrant entrepreneurs. - The main research focus has been
- 1. Are there any common denominators regarding
successful immigrant entrepreneurs skills,
strategies and praxis? - 2. In what ways do these common skills,
strategies and praxis distinguish the - successful entrepreneurs from the
lesser successful? - 3. To what extend are the successful immigrant
entrepreneurs creating enterprises - with good working conditions for
employees as well as for the selves?
4Research questions and themes
- Choice of sector and type of business?
- Access to start-up capital and capital infusion?
- Strategies and tools used in the daily management
as well in future development of the enterprise? - Degree of innovativeness of the
enterprise/business concept? - What type of network do they participate in and
have access to? - Advisory sources from where do they get advice?
- Educational background and the degree of match
between educational career and type of
enterprise? - Prior working experience and the degree of match
between former career and type of enterprise? - Knowledge about Denmark, Danes and Danish
language? - Motivational factors for becoming self-employed?
- Personnel recruitment methods and profile and
nationality of employees?
5Informants and methodology
- Successful immigrant entrepreneurs/enterprises
- 30 successful immigrant entrepreneurs have
answered a questionnaire. Of these 15 have been
in-depth interviewed. The qualitative in-depth
interview have in most cases been combined with a
visit to the actual enterprise. - Employees
- 6 employees have been interviewed about their
job, their background, how they got the job,
their evaluation of their job and the enterprise
regarding working conditions and future
self-development and career possibilities within
the enterprise. - Experts and other persons with special knowledge
within the field - EVUs business advisors have been interviewed
about their knowledge and experience with both
successful and unsuccessful immigrant
entrepreneurs. Further more there have been
carried out interviews with Amin Bahar
coordinator in a network for ethnic business men
and Malene Kier HR manager for 7-Eleven
6Informants and methodology
- Authorities
- There has been carried out interviews with
relevant authorities within areas such as
taxation, working condition and environmental
issues about their experiences with greater
immigrant enterprises as well as immigrant
enterprises in general. -
- Desk research and statistics
- There has been carried desk research of reports,
analysis and other publications about immigrant
entrepreneurs. Very little has been written about
successful immigrant entrepreneurs in Denmark as
well as internationally! -
- General statistics about conditions and
characteristics of immigrant entrepreneurs has
been compared with data from the research to find
out in what ways the successful entrepreneurs are
distinct from the general image of immigrant
7Deciding criteria
- Immigrant entrepreneurs
- Successful entrepreneurs
8Deciding criteria
- Immigrant entrepreneurs
- Persons who own a company or were key persons in
the start up process and who are not born in
Denmark - or whos parents are not Danish
citizens born in Denmark. - Further more the research only includes
immigrant entrepreneurs from non Western
countries that will say countries without the
EU, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway
and Switzerland. - This is also the target group
of the EVU project. -
- Note! It is political interesting that
immigrants in the public debate in Denmark are
mostly only immigrants from non-western
countries. This is also reflected in projects and
reports on immigrant entrepreneurs. In Sweden for
example much research about the subject also
includes immigrants from western countries. Since
immigrant entrepreneurs from neighbouring
countries are often doing well immigrant
entrepreneur becomes a positive word, where in
Denmark it has many negative connotations. -
9Deciding criteria
- Successful (immigrant) entrepreneurs
- We chose a combination of classical business
success criteria as in benchmarking models and
sociological/anthropological criteria. - Typical benchmarking criteria
- - Hard Economic growth, effectiveness pr.
working hour, lawfulness etc. - - Soft Customer relations, innovation,
communication between management and - employees.
- Sociological/anthropological criteria
- - Based on Entrepreneurs own ambitions and
expectations to his/hers enterprise. - - Integrational aspects Does work in and with
the enterprise facilitate or impede - social inclusion. For example Much work in
immigrant businesses is not qualifying - for future career in mainstream businesses.
10Deciding criteria
- Turnover and personal income
- - Turnover should be stabile or growing.
- - The enterprise should provide the entrepreneur
a personal income with a min. of - 22.000 a year (before tax).
Im not in it for the money. To manage your own
company is like having a child. Youll do
anything to see it grow up and become healthy and
strong. My motivation for doing this is not to
get a great salary. We, the three owners, only
receive an average salary and we dont get big
great manager cars. Id rather invest the money
in the company. For me the best thing is the
process of starting up and developing the
11Deciding criteria
- Business activities should be part of the formal
economy -
- - Accounting, payment of VAT, conditions of
employment etc. should follow official - legislations and agreements.
- - The enterprise should be legal in general
terms - saying that we havent looked at - minor breaches of law, which are in many
occasions the result of lack of knowledge. -
- The lawfulness of the enterprise was selected as
a criteria for two major reasons - Talking best practice entrepreneurship illegality
is problematic since basing a livelihood mainly
on illegal activities/goods provides little
socioeconomic security and rarely facilitates
inclusion in mainstream society. Informal economy
might provide the first step out of socioeconomic
isolation and deprivation. But here, again, the
definite success criteria must to be able to
enter the mainstream economy. - The public and the media has put much attention
to immigrant entrepreneurs participation in
informal economy in Denmark. We wanted to show
best practice cases the positive side of
immigrant entrepreneurship where nobody could
put a finger on anything.
12Deciding criteria
- Years of existence
- - Some enterprises were chosen because they have
had a stabile turnover for several - years.
- - Some enterprises were chosen because they have
experienced remarkable growth - but maybe only have existed few years.
- - Minimum was 2 years of existence.
13Deciding criteria
- Entrepreneurs own expectations and criteria for
being successful - Examples some have ambitions of creating big
enterprises with high growth rates and many
employees. For others success is just to make a
living being able to work with things they like.
Others again are directly explicitly about not
letting the enterprise grow too big.
14Research results
- Size and sector
- Many smaller and medium sized ethnic enterprises
but no really big ones. The most successful
ethnic entrepreneurs in Copenhagen has a 7-16
million yearly turnover and 30 to 50 employees. - Most successful ethnic entrepreneurs seems to be
operating in sectors like whole sale and service
(cleaning, travel agencies, business consulting,
interpretation etc.)
15Research results
- Education and work experience
- Most of the successful ethnic entrepreneurs are
well educated. 32 have a masters degree or the
like. Only very few have only primary schooling. - In general the entrepreneurs educational career
matches the type of enterprise they start up. 74
think their educational skills are important in
their managing of their enterprise. - Most of them had had several years of (relevant)
working experience when starting up their own
enterprise. Often within the same sector as they
choose to start up. - From their prior jobs they have brought with them
important experience, sector knowledge and a
network of suppliers and customers.
16Research results
- Class based vs. ethnic resources
- The successful ethnic entrepreneurs are in the
managing of their enterprises mainly using their
class based resources such as education, working
experience and mainstream business skills and
tools. - During the start up process, however, they have
often used more ethnic based resources. Family
and co-ethnics have in the beginning often been
primary sources to capital, labour, suppliers and
customers. - Around 2/3 are actively using their ethnical
background in their business concept (examples to
come next slides) - Conclusion For the great part of immigrant
entrepreneurs the way to success goes via a
combination of actively using their ethnic
resources and managing their company using
mainstream skills and class based resources.
17Business examples
- Anadolu
- Whole sale of meat and catering products
18Business examples
- Atlantis Travels
- Luxury, diving and other tailor made travels
mostly to Egypt.
19Business examples
- Truemax
- Scandinavia's largest and leading 3D academy
20Business examples
- Stefanos Deli
- Combined deli, café and organic grocery store.
21Business examples
- Le Le nha hang
- Vietnamese restaurant with a trendy urban
concept. -
22Research Results
- Biggest barriers seems to be mental!
Interviewed successful ethnic entrepreneurs
think that the biggest barriers for many ethnic
entrepreneurs are mental. Too few have the
courage to count on unique and untraditional
ideas when starting up enterprises. They dont
believe in own skills and many simply dont think
it is possible to get success as an immigrant
entrepreneur in Denmark!