Title: Welcome to the Year 7 Information Evening
1Welcome to the Year 7 Information Evening 20th
October 2008
2Student Monitoring and Reporting Working together
to support your childs learning
3- Throughout the year, subject teachers
- mark and assess students work
- discuss with them how to improve
- help them set targets
4- As a parent, you can help by
- checking the Diary each week to see homework and
notes from teachers - looking at exercise books regularly
- discussing the work with your child, What do
they need to do to improve? - Help them to arrange a Homework routine
- Personal Organisation make sure they pack their
bag correctly
5- Each term, you will receive a report
- Autumn Term 14th November
- Spring Term 27th February
- Summer Term 5th June
6Each subject teacher gives a score for
- Attitude To Learning (ATL) 1 - 6
- This represents things like motivation, focus and
contribution in lessons, personal organisation,
taking responsibility for their own learning.
Full descriptions are in the Diary. - 4 OK 5 good 6 excellent
7- Current Performance (CP)
- The National Curriculum Attainment level they are
currently working at in each subject. For
example, - 4- just within that level
- secure
- 4 approaching the next level
8- Following the report the tutor
- holds a 15-minute review meeting
- contacts parents by email, telephone or perhaps
note in diary - The tutor supports and monitors the students
progress through five years
9Role of the Student Support Assistant
- Signing in if you miss registration / signing out
if you have an appointment during school time. - Dont know what your next lesson is/how to find a
new classroom? - Need to phone home.
- Lost something.
- Need a new pass bus.
- Forgot your diary and need a day slip.
- Need a Holiday request form or copy of any other
letter. - Report to the House office if you are feeling
unwell at break or lunch. - Most importantly
- If you have a problem/question you can always pop
to the House office for a chat and your SSA can
10- Parents Consultation Evening
- Wednesday 25th March 2009
- but please dont wait until then if you wish to
11- Lets keep talking and working together to help
your child achieve his/her potential. - We value your support.
- Thank you!
12- English (3)
- Maths (3)
- 1 of these will be for Numeracy
- Science (3)
Year 7 Curriculum Core Subjects
13Other Subjects
- Drama (1)
- Humanities (5 a week) Geography (2), History
(2), RE (1) - Modern Languages (3)
- All students do French until November then
tested. - From this, some will do Dual Languages and some
will concentrate on 1 language. - Duals will be placed in either a French with
German or a French with Spanish class. -
- Music (1)
14- Art (1)
- Information Technology (1)
- Technology (2)
- A termly rotation of the following subjects
- Food, Textiles, Graphic Products, Design Multi
Media, Healthy Lifestyles and Product Design. - Physical Education (2) (In gender groups)
15MFL Dual - Single - Spanish
Groups set in year 8-9 Humanities
Maths - Enrichment/support
PE sets later in KS3
Key Stage Three Journey
Vocational experience of courses available in
Ethics Modular GCSE starts in Yr 9 for all
Accelerated Science is a Year 9 option for
some. Science support sets in Y9
Media Studies Yr 9 GCSE option within English
16- Subject-specific questions
- If you want to know more about your childs
progress in a particular subject, please do not
hesitate to make contact with a teacher - by email
- by phone
- via a note in the Diary
17- Yr 7 Trips Warwick Castle 5th November, the
Calais Trip 26th June 3rd July and many more! - Yr 7 Conference Days - Puberty and
Relationships and Personal Safety - Music
- Sport
- Drama
- Subject Based
- Homework Club
- After school bus
Extra Curricular - Opportunities for all
The Fabulous Year 7 Camp 15th June
18Information Evening 20th October 2008