Title: Welcome to Y10 Preparing for Success Evening
1Welcome to Y10 Preparing for Success Evening
- Welcome and introductions Kath Bowstead
- Expectations of Y10 Rebecca Hibberd
- Supporting your child Kath Bowstead
- Extended Learning Rebecca Hibberd
- Supporting Achievement in Maths Gabby Shields
- Mentoring Andy Hodgson
- Supporting your child Kath Bowstead
- Eunice Newton Headteacher
- Josie Sanigar Deputy Headteacher
- Rebecca Hibberd Deputy Headteacher
- Kathleen Bowstead Assistant Headteacher- Y10
- Jenny Hudson Year Manager - Y10
- Gabby Shields Faculty Leader - Maths
- Welcome and introduction Kath Bowstead
- Expectations of Y10 Rebecca Hibberd
- Supporting your child Kath Bowstead
- Extended Learning Rebecca Hibberd
- Supporting Achievement in Maths Gabby Shields
- Mentoring Andy Hodgson
- Supporting your child Kath Bowstead
At Aston we are committed to providing high
quality learning and teaching, enabling everyone
to reach their full potential, whatever their
age, ability, gender or ethnicity. We believe
that every person is unique and we work together
in an inclusive environment of mutual respect and
consideration, valuing everyones
contribution. Through our partnership with the
local and wider community we aim to support our
young people in successfully taking their place
in society.
With your commitment we will make a difference
6KS4 Examination Results Summer 2009 Y11
5 A - C 76 5 A - G 96 BEST EVER
RESULTS High numbers remaining at Aston Sixth
7Targets Y102011
- 5 A - C (including Maths English) 65
- 5 A - C 74
- 5 A - G 96
- 5 A - G (including Maths English) 95
- 1A - G 100
8Key Stage 4 Target Setting
Minimum Acceptable Grade (MAG) A A B C F G
Baseline Data End of KS3 Assessment NC Level
8 NC Level 7 NC Level 6 NC Level 5 NC Level 4 NC
Level 3
Aspiration Grade (ASP) A A A B C D
9(No Transcript)
10Where are we now- Y10?
ECDL 85 out 119 Passed
PE A 4 A 9 B 2 No other Grades All passes at
MATHS Module 3 Worth 27 A 9 A 23 B 31 C 51
English Language and Literature POLISH GERMAN
ALAN Passes Level 2 - 4 Passes Level 1 - 3
11With your commitment we will make a difference
- We have the high expectations of all our students
- We fully embrace Every Child Matters
- Aston is part of a learning community committed
to the 5 Rs
12Every Child Matters Improving the life chances
of all
Aston 1670 Students Y10 288
22,500 schools
13Learning Community
THE ROSCARS TEAM Jack Ward, Isaac Thornton,
Nathan Morrit, Warren Johnson, Nathan Hewitt,
Miranda Vasiatis, Jessica Hall, Rebecca Zon,
Chloe Jackson, Shannon Curley and Samantha
THE ROUNDERS TEAM Jack Simmonite, George Ellis,
Alex Nicholson, Adam Powell, Nathan Morrit,
Callum Shepperd, Alicia Johnson, Maddison
Bell, Chloe Askwith, Rebecca Zon, Rebecca
Dronfield and Rebecca Madey.
14Learning Community
WINNERS Lucy Machin and Ceara Barker
15Learning Community
ATHLETICS CHAMPIONS 2009 Nathan Morritt, Lucy
Hodgson And Isabelle Tongue
These are just a few There are more.
17The Importance of YOU?
- In order the four top influences on
educational success - Economic security
- Family
- Neighbourhood
- School
18What can Parents/Carers do?
19Key Factors For Success
- Attendance
- Punctuality
- Equipment
- Uniform
- Behaviour
- Extended Learning
- Praise and Support
20Raise Your Childs Attendance-Raise Chances!
21What doesGood attendance mean?
Missing pieces missing learning Days off gaps
in learning (missing pieces)
22Your child has 90 attendance..
- Is that good?
- What does this mean?
23Is this GOOD?Are you right?
- 90 attendance ½ day missed every week!!
- (Would your boss like you to be off work this
much??). Thats practically part time!
Absent half a day every week
24Lets looks a little closer..
- 1 school year at 90 attendance
- 4 whole weeks of lessons MISSED!!! BIG GAP
38 school weeks
Absent for 4 weeks
2590 attendance over 5 years of secondary school.
26HOLIDAYS IN TERM TIME!Mind the Gap!!!Whilst you
are away for 1 week.You will miss about
5 hours of English
- 10 hours of PE, geography, history, design and
technology, Information technology
10 hours religious education, music, art
10 hours of science
- Dont take holidays in term time!
27(No Transcript)
28What could your childs potential earnings look
Graduate degree 15.01 per hour
GCSEs 9.02 per hour
no qualifications 7.44 per hour
Potential Earnings average per hour
29Every lesson COUNTS
- Avoid taking holidays in school time.
- Know routines of the school day to avoid issues,
e.g. have you got your PE kit? - Get everything ready the night before e.g.
uniform, ELT, Coursework - Get to bed at a reasonable time. Set an alarm
clock rushing is unsettling - Allow plenty of time to travel to school
- Catch up with missed work, missed day doesnt
mean missed work. - Dont get sent out of lessons. Excellent
30The Evidence is Clear
- Students who do not attend school regularly do
not achieve their full potential
31At Aston, we will help ALL students to achieve
their maximum potential
and parents/carers play a crucial role
32MANAGEthe distractions
33Distractions for boys!
34Distractions for girls!
35A Parents/Carers guide Study Support
- Provide the environment for Study
- A quiet comfortable room
- Access to books and materials
- Away from the TV and other distractions
- Keep an eye on your child's social calendar
- Working in a job outside school can be a
distraction and it takes up time - A balanced diet the burger and chips problem
- Try to encourage exercise All work and no play
36Coursework For Parents/Carers
- Coursework is an important component of all
courses - Between 20 and 60 of the final grade can be
gained from coursework marks - Show an interest in the tasks set and offer
assistance by - Discussing your childs approach to planning and
meeting deadlines - Helping to locate necessary resources
- Proof-reading draft materials
- Checking Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar,
Readability, Relevance
37ExpectationsFor example English
- All English coursework to be completed by the end
of December in Y10 - All deadlines must be met
- Full attendance and punctuality is essential
- All students expected to achieve at least a grade
C regardless of set - In order to achieve at least a C in the exam
coursework should be grade B - Opportunities to redraft and intervention lessons
will be provided
38How can you help?
- Support your child to
- Meet all deadlines
- Complete all coursework to a high standard
- 100 attendance
- Be fully prepared for all lessons
- Encourage them to have a positive approach to
39Year 10 GCSEs
- Your child will be entered for GCSE exams in Year
10. These may include - RE
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Functional Skills
- French
- Spanish
40Strategies for success
- Coursework completed to target grade
- Subject support
- Mock exams
- Mentoring
- Monitoring progress
- Extended learning task
- Parent support
41Extended Learning
42The purpose ofextended learning tasks
- ELT is set to-
- Encourage students to develop the skills needed
for independent learning. - To consolidate, reinforce and extend the skills,
knowledge and understanding developed in the
classroom. - To enable students to meet the demands of
coursework and assignments. - To prepare students for school and public
43The role of parents
- Most students will complete their ELT at home.
- Providing a suitable quiet space to work.
- Discuss the ELT with your child, showing an
interest. - Check the planner and sign the planner. What are
the deadlines? - Positive praise for completing ELT.
44Extended Learning Tasks
- Tasks should be carefully differentiated to meet
the learning needs of students. - Students can be asked to do written work, do a
drawing, make a model, go on a visit, listen to
something, etc. - Students should always indicate which tasks in
their exercise books are ELT tasks by writing ELT
in the margin and dating the work.
46Preparing for Success
47AQA GCSE Mathematics
- Specification B (Modular) 4307
- Module 1 Handling Data (18)
- Module 3 Number some Algebra (27)
- Module 5 Algebra and Shape, Space Measures
(55) - www.aqa.org.uk
- Module 1 Handling Data
- Friday 13th November (pm)
- Module 3 Number
- June of Y9
- Re-sit opportunity March 2nd 2010
- Module 5 Algebra and Shape, Space Measures
- November of Y11
49Module 1 Handling Data
- Friday 13th November (pm)
- 18 of final GCSE
- Written paper
- 2 x 30 minutes
- Section A Calculator
- Section B Non-calculator
- Make the most of lessons
- ELTs are exam focused
- www.mymaths.co.uk
- User name aston, password pound
- Revision guide
- Practice paper packs
- Own calculator
51On the Day of the Exam
- Be there
- Be on time
- Be calm
- Answer every question
- Check your solutions and are they realistic
52Y10 Mentoring
53MENTORING Please support this intervention
- To raise achievement and ensure all students
achieve their potential - Every student has a mentor and will have an
initial individual appointment - Trained mentors group tutors and senior staff
55Responsibilities of mentor
- Main point of contact in school
- To promote regular dialogue between Student
Subject staff Parents Mentor - To maintain contact with Heads of Faculty and
discuss student progress
56Discussion points at mentor appointment
- Career aspirations
- Target grades and monitoring grades
- Any problems with work
- Any issues outside lessons affecting their work
- Attendance issues
- Coursework deadlines
- Progress with revision and preparation for exams
- Important events in calendar e.g. revision
57Helping your child succeed
- Monitor their progress
- Give them lots of support and encouragement
- Keep the Y10 exams high profile and tell them why
their success is so important for the future - Make sure they attend, are punctual, have
completed all work set, are well organised and
ready to work - Working together by keeping in touch. We need to
work in partnership if our young people are to
succeed and achieve their potential
58Key Dates for Y10
59ELT for parents
- One of the best ways of learning is to teach it
to someone else. Get your child to teach you
something - Find out about learning and memory techniques -
be a learner too! - Be your childs coach identify their script and
help them to change it eg what did you find
challenging form the learning day, lets work on
it together
60How do I get onto SAMLEARNING?
- Centre ID S26AC
- User ID
- your date of birth followed by your initials eg
031095FB - Password first time same as user ID
61Student Login Details
- Centre ID based on school postcode and initials.
- User ID and Password are initially the same and
based on students date of birth and initials. - Format is DDMMYYFS
62Emotions and revision
- Positive attitudes good revision
- Good stress good revision
- Bad stress bad revision
63Why invest in learning ?
- Secure a place post-16 on the course of choice
- Achieve potential satisfaction confidence
- Employability knowledge society
- Increase Life choices Life chances
64Home / School Communication
- Telephone
- E mail
- (staffs name_at_aston.rotherham.sch.uk)
- Notes in student planners
65Question and Answer Session
- Preparing For Success Evening - 2
- November 2009