Title: Learning
2Adaptation to the Environment
- Learninga process that produces a relatively
enduring change in behavior or knowledge due to
past experience - Conditioning--the process of learning
associations between environmental events and
behavioral responses
3Learning Processes
- Classical conditioning
- Operant conditioning
- Observational learning
4Ivan Pavlov (18491936)
5Pavlovs Dogs
- Digestive reflexes and salivation
- Psychic secretion
6Classical Conditioning
7Neutral StimulusBell
- Does not normally elicit a response or reflex
action by itself - a bell ringing
- a color
- a furry object
8Unconditioned StimulusFood
- Always elicits a reflex action an unconditioned
response - food
- blast of air
- noise
9Unconditioned ResponseSalivation
- A response to an unconditioned stimulusnaturally
occurring - Salivation at smell of food
- Eye blinks at blast of air
- Startle reaction in babies
10Conditioned StimulusBell
- The stimulus that was originally neutral becomes
conditioned after it has been paired with the
unconditioned stimulus - Will eventually elicit the unconditioned response
by itself
11Conditioned Response
- The original unconditioned response becomes
conditioned after it has been elicited by the
neutral stimulus
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13Classical Conditioning Factors
- Stimulus generalization
- Stimulus discrimination
- Extinction
- Spontaneous recovery
- The attempt to understand observable activity in
terms of observable stimuli and observable
responses - John B. Watson (1913)
- B. F. Skinner (1938)
15John B. Watson and Little Albert
- Conditioned emotional responses
- Generalization
- Extinction
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18Classical Conditioning and Drug Use
- Regular use may produce placebo response where
user associates sight, smell, taste with drug
effect - Classically conditioned responses may be one
explanation for the characteristics of withdrawal
and tolerance
19Cognitive Aspects of Classical Conditioning
- Reliable and unreliable signals
- Actively process information
- Robert Rescorla
20Evolutionary Perspective
- Conditioned taste aversions
- Internal stimuliassociate better with taste
- External stimuliassociate better with pain
- Biological preparedness
- John Garcianot all neutral stimuli can become
conditioned stimuli
21Early Operant Conditioning
- E. L. Thorndike (1898)
- Puzzle boxes and cats
22Edward L. Thorndike ( 18741949)
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24B. F. Skinner (19041990)
25B. F. Skinners Operant Conditioning
- Did not like Thorndikes term satisfying state
of affairs - Interested in emitted behaviors
- Operantvoluntary response that acts on the
environment to produce consequences
26Operant Conditioning
Reinforcementthe occurrence of a stimulus
following a response that increases the
likelihood of the response being repeated
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- Primarya stimulus that is inherently reinforcing
for a species (biological necessities) - Conditioneda stimulus that has acquired
reinforcing value by being associated with a
primary reinforcer
- Presentation of a stimulus following a behavior
that acts to decrease the likelihood that the
behavior will be repeated
30Problems with Punishment
- Does not teach or promote alternative, acceptable
behavior - May produce undesirable results such as
hostility, passivity, fear - Likely to be temporary
- May model aggression
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32Operant Conditioning Terms
- Shaping
- Extinction
- Spontaneous Recovery
- Discriminative Stimulus
- Schedules of Reinforcement
33Discriminative Stimuli
- Environmental cues that tell us when a particular
response is likely to be reinforced
34Reinforcement Schedules
- Continuousevery correct response is reinforced
good way to get a low frequency behavior to occur - Partialonly some correct responses are
reinforced good way to make a behavior resistant
to extinction
35Partial SchedulesRatio
- Ratio schedules are based on number of responses
emitted - Fixed ratio (FR)a reinforcer is delivered after
a certain (fixed) number of correct responses - Variable ratio (VR)a reinforcer is delivered
after an average number of responses, but varies
from trial to trial
36Ratio Responses
- FRhighest level of responding
- VRhigh rate with few breaks
37Partial SchedulesInterval
- Interval schedules are based on time
- Fixed interval (FI)reinforcer is delivered for
the first response after a fixed period of time
has elapsed - Variable interval (VI)reinforcer is delivered
for the first response after an average time has
elapsed, differs between trials
38Interval Responses
- FIsteady schedule with scalloped look,
responses drop off right after reinforcer - VIsteady, consistent schedule of response
39Contemporary Views of Operant Conditioning
- Cognitive mapterm for a mental representation of
the layout of a familiar environment - Latent learninglearning that occurs in the
absence of reinforcement, but is not demonstrated
until a reinforcer is available - Learned helplessnessphenomenon where exposure to
inescapable and uncontrollable aversive events
produces passive behavior
40Biological Predispositions
- Animal training issues
- Instinctive driftnaturally occurring behaviors
that interfere with operant responses
41Classical Conditioning vs. Operant Conditioning
42Observation Learning
- Observation
- Modeling
- Imitation
- Albert Bandura and the BoBo doll study
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44Famous last words???
Do what I say, not what I do This will teach
you to hit your brother Why do you do that, you
know you get in trouble for it