Title: Parking Improvements For Downtown Campus
1Parking Improvements For Downtown Campus
2Short-Range Improvements For Summer 2008
- Create additional spaces for disability parking
near the VTI Building. - Create additional parking for faculty and staff
on campus by expanding the faculty/staff parking
lot near the Broadway Building. - Continue conversation with U of L related to
parking under I-65. - Continue conversation with TARC to negotiate an
arrangement to allow faculty/staff/students to
ride TARC.
3Parking for Early Childhood Education Center and
Disabled Parking
4Access to VTI from new parking circle
5Area to be modified to contain 2 disabled parking
spots for faculty/staff
6Dumpster to be moved to this area
7Visitor lot could be folded into Broadway
faculty/staff lot
810 plus spots in student parking will be added to
faculty/staff parking
9Wasted space will be modified to create 2 parking
10Gate would be moved
11Medium-Range Improvements
- Modify parking in Gray Street faculty/staff
parking lot. - Modify parking in main student lot.
- Continue other improvements such as security
cameras, emergency phones, lighting, signage, and
landscape. - Review class scheduling to move classes from peak
hours in morning to less populated times in
12Gray Street Parking Lot
Lot could be modified to add faculty/staff spaces
13Gray Street Parking Lot
14Gray Street Parking Lot
15Gray Street Parking Lot
16Gray Street Parking Lot
17Gray Street Parking Lot
18Main Student Parking Lot
Minimum requirements for a parking lot
19Main Student Parking Lot
Student lot has unused space that could be used
to add parking spots
20 Main Student Parking Lot
21 Main Student Parking Lot
Wide lanes could provide room for additional
space with other lot modifications
22 Main Student Parking Lot
23 Main Student Parking Lot
24 Main Student Parking Lot
Restriping and changing traffic patterns could
add parking spaces
25Additional Improvements
11 styles of lighting across campus Plan
Consistent and attractive lighting
26Additional Improvements
Plan add security phones and lighting
27Additional Improvements
Security cameras added throughout campus
28Additional Improvements
Completed Furniture and lighting upgrades to
plaza Plan Pavers to replaced during construction
29Additional Improvements
Landscaping upgrades to continue
30Additional Improvements
Old signage
31Additional Improvements
New signage
32Long-Range Planning
- Assess needed improvements after short and medium
range improvements made. - Consider acquisition of property. Could be used
for both parking and to meet future growth needs
of the College. - Consider need for parking structure.
- Consider a shuttle service.
- Move administrative functions to space at other
campuses. - Partnering with other agencies.