Symbolic dynamics and tilings of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Symbolic dynamics and tilings of


( c) shows 'key cuts' that force local finiteness. Examples ... The preceding picture shows a patch of Penrose tiling, but how do we know Penrose tilings exist? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Symbolic dynamics and tilings of

Symbolic dynamics and tilings of
E. Arthur Robinson, Jr. Department of
Mathematics George Washington UniversityWashingto
n, DC 20052
1. Introduction
  • Tilings tiling spaces
  • Tiling dynamical systems
  • Local matching rules
  • Decidability issues
  • Substitution tiling spaces
  • Topological dynamics
  • Repetitive tilings and minimality
  • Ergodic theory quasicrystals
  • Patch densities
  • Weak mixing

2. Tilings
  • is a tile if homeomorphic to B1
  • A tiling of is a collection of tiles that
  • pack (have disjoint interiors)
  • cover (union or support ).
  • if they are translates.
  • Prototile equivalence class.
  • T finite set of inequivalent prototiles.

Definition 2.1. The set XT of all tilings by
translates of tiles in T is called the full
tiling space.
Definition 2.2. We denote the action of
translation on XT by T.
  • A patch y is a finite set of tiles with supp(y)
    homeomorphic to B1.
  • The set of all patches is denoted T
  • The ntile patches are denoted T(n)

Definition 2.3. XT is locally finite if T(2) is
We always assume XT is locally finite.
(a) Shows edge-to edge squares. (b) shows a
continuous fault. (c) shows key cuts that force
local finiteness
(b) Rn The set of all tilings by n-rhombs.
(a) Sn The set of all tilings by squares with n
The tiling topology.
For a tiling x and compact let xK
be the smallest patch y in x with K ? supp(x).

Theorem 2.8. (Rudolph) If XT is locally finite
then XT is compact.
  • Sketch of proof
  • First, show that d is complete Given a Cauchy
    sequence xn,, let yn ? yn1be a sequence of
    patches slightly translated from xn. Then x?
  • Next, observe that local finiteness for XT is
    equivalent to XT being a totally bounded metric

The translation action T on XT is continuous.
3. Tiling dynamical systems
  • Let XT be a full tiling space. A tiling space is
    a closed and T-invariant subset X ? XT.
  • The pair (X,T) is called a tiling dynamical
  • Tiling dynamical systems as symbolic
  • TilesT ? the alphabet (i.e.,symbols)
  • Metric d ? the product topology
  • Translation T ? The shift

Finite type
Any tiling space X ? XT can be defined by
excluding a set F ? T of forbidden patches.
Definition 3.3. X ? XT is finite type if F is
  • When F? T(2) we usually think in terms of the
    allowed 2-patches Q(2)T(2)\F.
  • We call Q(2) a local matching rule.

Example 3.4. Penrose tiles
  • Here T is all rotations of the above tiles by
    multiples of 2?/10.
  • Q(2) is the local matching rule arrows on
    adjacent tiles must match.
  • Penrose tilings are x? X satisfying Q(2)

A patch of Penrose tiling
The tiling problem
The preceding picture shows a patch of Penrose
tiling, but how do we know Penrose tilings exist?
Tiling problem. Given forbidden patches F,is the
corresponding tiling space X nonempty?
Extension Theorem. (Wang) Let T be locally
finite. Let F?T. Let T?T be the patches with
no forbidden sub-patches. Then the tiling space
X is nonempty iff ? r ? y?T s.t. Br? supp(y).
Now assume F is finite.
  • Wangs conjecture
  • There is an algorithm to decide the tiling
  • If a finite type X ? ?, then ? a periodic x ? X.

Note Both of these are true for 1-dimensional
shifts of finite type.
  • Bergers Answer
  • The tiling problem is undecidable.
  • There exists X?? with no periodic tilings x.

  • A prototile set T with a local matching rule Q(2)
    such that X contains no periodic tilings is
    called an aperiodic prototile set.
  • We will show below that the Penrose tiles are
    aperiodic (but we still must show X ? ?!!)
  • Aperiodicity is strictly a higher dimensional
    phenomenon such examples do not exist in

4. Substitution tiling spaces
  • Let be expansive (an
  • , where M is an isometry is called
    a similarity.
  • Given T we define

We call C self-affine or self-similar according
to L
Some decompositions
  • A few self-similar polyomino decompositions

A mapping S LC is called a tiling substitution.
The chair tiling space
Substitution tiling spaces
  • Let S be a tiling substitution on T and D?T
  • Put x1D put xk Sxk-1.
  • Define F such that y in F if y in not a
    sub-patch of any xk.
  • Define a substitution tiling space X using F.

Lemma 4.6. X is nonempty.
Penrose decompositions
  • The rhombic Penrose decomposition
    (imperfectnote the overlap)

  • Can get self-similar decomposition using half

New tiling substitution induced on half-tiles
  • Iterate this substitutions (get triangular
    Penrose tilings).
  • Then erase all3- and 4-arrow lines.
  • The resulting tiles satisfy the Penrose matching
    rule and hence are Penrose tilings.

Corollary 4.7. Penrose tilings exist.
More imperfect self-similar decompositions
  • The octagonal or Ammann-Beenker tiling

  • The binary decomposition (note the required 2?/20

The pinwheel tiling
Federation Square,Melbourne, Australia
A self-affine polynomial tiling substitution.
In this example (i.e. its non
5. Topological dynamics
  • A decomposition C is called invertible if it has
    a continuous inverse

We say the substitution SMC is invertible.
For let A be the
matrix where
One consequence of primitivity is that X is
independent of D.
Defintion 5.1. A tiling x is called repetitive if
for any patch y in x there is an rgt0 so that a
patch equivalent to y occurs in every r-ball in
A tiling is properly repetitive if it is
repetitivebut not periodic.
A (X,T) is minimal if there are no proper closed
T- invariant subspaces of X.
First a preliminary result
Proposition 5.6. A tiling x in a substitution
tiling space corresponding to an invertible
primitive substitution is non-periodic.
  • One first shows the Lemma.
  • x?X if and only if S-nx exists for all n.
  • Now suppose
  • Then
  • Choose n so large that
  • This contradicts ()

Now, the fundamental property of substitutions
Theorem 5.8. If X be a tiling substitution space
corresponding to a primitive tiling substitution
S, then any x?X is repetitive. Moreover, every
tile has dense orbit.
Corollary. Substitution tiling dynamical systems
are minimal and non-periodic.
Corollary 5.22. There are uncountably many
incongruent Penrose tilings.
Proof of Theorem 5.8.
  • Assume wolog Agt0.
  • Let x?X and y a patch in x.
  • Fix D?T. Choose k so large that y is a patch in
  • Then y is a patch in SkD for all D?T.
  • Now, there exists xk ? X s.t. Sk xkx.
  • Let x'kLk xk.

  • Proof (continued). Let s be the max diameter of
    LkD ? LkT r 2s.
  • For any D' equivalent to LkD, if t ? D ', then D
    ' is in the ball Brt.
  • Thus any r-ball in Rd contains a tile D' ? x'k,
  • ...the patch CkD' in x, with support D',
  • a sub-patch y.

Factors and isomorphisms.
  • Definition 5.9.
  • A continuous surjective mapping QX? Y such that
    TQQT is called a factor.
  • A factor is local Q(x)0 depends only on

  • We say Q(x) is locally derivable from x.
  • If Q is invertible, we say x and Q(x) are
    mutually locally derivable.

Example. The rhombic Penrose tilings are
mutually locally derivable from the triangular
Penrose tilings
Local mappings are analogous to sliding block
codes in symbolic dynamics.
Lemma 5.10. A mutual local equivalence between
tiling spaces is a topological conjugacy.
Caution. (Petersen Radin Sadun) Not every
factor/conjugacy is local (No Curtis-Lyndon-Hedlun
d Theorem).
Definition 5.12. A factor mapping is almost 11
if card(Q-1(y))1 for some y.
Earlier versions of similar results are due to
Mozes and Radin.
  • Observation. (de Bruijn) The octagonal tiles can
    be marked to achieve a matching rule that forces
    the octagonal tilings.
  • However, for a few tilings the markings are
    necessarily not unique.
  • The unmarked octagonal tilings are a strictly
    almost 11 factor of the marked octagonal tilings

Debruijn showed that the marked Penrose
tilingsare mutually locally derivable from the
unmarked ones.
6. Ergodic Theory
Now we will consider T-invariant measures on
tiling spaces X, and what they tell about the
tilings x.
  • Let U?,y be the open set of all x?X so that an ?
    - translation of y occurs in x.

A dynamical system (X,T) is called uniquely
ergodic if it has a unique T-invariant measure.
Theorem 6.1. If S is a primitive tiling
substitution then the corresponding tiling
dynamical system is uniquely ergodic.
Unique ergodicity has a natural interpretation in
terms of tilings.
Let P(x,y) be the set of all t so that Tty occurs
in x

This means every patch in every tiling has a well
defined frequency.
  • Theorem 6.1 follows from Theorem 6.3 by routine
    arguments in ergodic theory.
  • Theorem 6.3 follows from the Perron-Frobenius
    Theorem applied to A.

7. Eigenvalues and mixing
  • Quasicrystals are a new form of matter which
  • have enough order to have distinct spots in their
    X-ray diffraction pattern.
  • have a non-periodic atomic structure.

Quasicryatals can have symmetries forbidden to
ordinary crystals by the crystallographic
restriction e.g., Penrose tilings have 5-fold
rotational symmetry
  • A standard result in ergodic theory is that ? is
    a subgroup of .
  • The case where the eigenfunctions f span L2 is
    called pure point spectrum.

Eigenvalues essentially correspond to the spots
in the X-ray diffraction pattern.
  • Theorem. (Corollary 8.6.)
  • For the Penrose tilings ? is generated by the 5th
    roots of unity.
  • For the octagonal tilings ? is generated by the
    8th roots of unity
  • For the chair tilings ? is generated by the
    dyadic rational vectors All these examples
    have pure point spectrum.

Weak mixing
Defintion. A uniquely ergodic system (X,T) is
weakly mixing if the only eigenvalue is w 0.
  • Theorem 7.1. (Solomyak) Let ?d be the Perron-
    Frobenius eigenvalue for the matrix A associated
    with a self similar tiling substitution S
  • If ? is not a Pisot number then (X,T) is weakly

For the binary tiling
Binary tilings are weakly mixing.
Tilings in a weakly mixing system look more
disordered than in one with pure point
Penrose tiling v.s. binary tiling
Some additional comments.
  • Substitution tiling systems never have the
    strong mixing property.
  • Substitution tiling systems have entropy zero.
  • This means that (Q(n)) grows sub-exponentially
    in n.
  • Uniquely ergodic finite type tiling systems have
    entropy zero.

Thus these tilings are, at best, only weakly
ConclusionMethods for constructing examples
  • Entropy zero methods (quasicrystals)
  • Substitutions
  • Uniquely ergodic finite type
  • Quasiperiodic tilings (i.e., projections see the
  • Positive entropy (high temperature)
  • Zd shifts of finite type.
  • Random tilings (Gibbs measures)
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