Title: Interactive Systems Design
1Interactive Systems Design
- MSc in Communications, Computing and
- Human-Centred Systems
- Dr. Chris Baber
2 Human-Centred Systems
- Dr Chris Baber
- Room N313 Tel. ext. 43965
- Email c.baber_at_bham.ac.uk
- Introduce some basic concepts from Cognitive
Psychology - Demonstrate relationships between these concepts
and interactive systems design
- After completing this module, students will be
able to - Critique user interfaces through the application
of appropriate concepts from cognitive psychology - Offer guidelines on how to improve a design
- Select ANY mobile telephone user interface
- Critically evaluate the user interface in terms
of - layout
- use of colour
- Gestalt
- consistency
- support for navigation
- Explain how and why the user interface might
present problems to users - Consider the (non-computer) metaphor(s) that can
be related to the design - Explain what assumptions you believe that the
designers have made in terms of the way that
users interpret the user interface - Produce a redesign of the user interface that you
believe is superior to the current version and
explain why your redesign is better
6Marking Scheme
- Presentation of system image and screen-shots
(images and description) - up to 10 marks - Definition of a good user interface - up to 10
marks - Discussion of key topics from cognitive
psychology - up to 30 marks - Critique of selected user interface, in terms of
2 and 3 - up to 25 marks - Redesign (images and description) - up to 10
marks - Why is your redesign superior to the current
design? - up to 10 marks - Up to 5 additional marks for presentation of
7Useful References
- Ji, Y.G. et al., 2006, A usability checklist for
the usability evaluation of mobile phone user
interface, International Journal of
Human-Computer Interaction, 20 (3), pp. 207-231 - Bocker, M. and Suwita, A., 1999, The evaluation
of the Siemens C10 mobile phone usability
testing beyond quick and dirty, Proceedings of
the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and
Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica, CA HFES,
pp.379-383 - Ziefle, M., 2002, Usability of menu structures
and navigation keys in mobile phones a
comparison of the ease of use in three different
brands, Proceedings of the 6th International
Scientific Conference on Work with Display Units,
Berlin, pp.359-361 - Jokela, T. et al., 2006, Methods for Quantitative
Usability requirements a case study on the
development of the user interface of a mobile
phone, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 10 (6),
91. Introduction
10Design Principles
- Know your user
- Build on systems that are familiar to your user
- Display available functions
- Ensure Coherence and Consistency
- Visualise states and transitions
- Design shortcuts
- Design Help
- Tolerate user error
- Provide Context
- Manage Focus
- Display Grammar
11Varieties of Technology
- Technology mediates human action on the world in
ways that - Augment
- Correct
- Extend
- Modify
- Disrupt
- human performance and ability
12Augment / Correct / Extend
- Technologies augment human abilities
- SUBSTITUTION calculators
- REPRESENTATION shopping lists
- Technologies extend human abilities
- CORRECTION spectacles, hearing aids
- increasing RANGE telescope, telephone
- Technology changes
- Task sequence
- Required actions
- Information content
- Example
- Calculate 9 hours of work at 3.50 per hour.
What if you add another hour?
- Changes ways of working
- Requires new ways of thinking or acting
- Interferes with activities
- MicroSoft PaperClip
- PDA in meetings
- Mobile phones in lectures
15How different models of the user lead to
different assumptions on how to Minimise Human
16Instant Experts
- You get a new mobile telephone for Xmas, do you
- Read the manual from cover to cover and then
switch on the phone? - Switch on the phone and try to use it?
- Switch on the phone and read the manual when you
have problems?
17Using tools
- Physical appearance
- Knowledge of use
- Sequence of activity
- See handle
- Reach out hand
- Grasp handle
- Turn handle
- Pull door
19The Cooker Problem 1
Which control acts on which ring?
20The Cooker Problem 2
Which control acts on which ring?
21Paul Fitts Spatial Compatibility
22Direction of motion Stereotypes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Clockwise increase Clockwise right Clockwise
away from control Clockwise increase on scale
23Clockwise to Increase?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- We have learned routines for how to use many
sorts of technology - We apply these routines automatically
- When the routines succeed, they are reinforced
- When the routines fail, we think about what were
25Expectations and Affordances
- People know how technology works
- Out of box experience
- Reading instructions
- Prior knowledge and expectations
- Norman and Shallice (1980)
- Fully automatic processing controlled by SCHEMATA
- Partially automatic processing controlled by
either Contention Scheduling - Supervisory Attentional System (SAS)
27Supervisory Attentional System Model
Supervisory Attentional System
Control schema
Trigger database
Perceptual System
Effector System
Contention scheduling
28Contention Scheduling
- Gear changing when driving involves many routine
activities but is performed automatically
without conscious awareness - When routines clash, relative importance is used
to determine which to perform Contention
Scheduling - e.g., right foot on brake or clutch
29SAS activation
- Driving on roundabouts in France
- Inhibit look right Activate look left
- SAS to over-ride habitual actions
- SAS active when
- Danger, Choice of response, Novelty etc.
30Know your user
- When designing any form of user interface, you
should ask - What am I trying to help the reader (or user) of
this display do? - How does the information I am presenting to them
help with their thinking or their activity?
31Seven Stage Action ModelNorman, 1990
32Routes from Intention to Action
- Route 1Automaticity
- Apply known routine
- Compatibility
- Affordance
- Route 2 Formulate plan
- Problem solving
- Situated actions
33Problem Solving
- A problem is something that doesnt solve easily
- A problem doesnt solve easily because
- you dont have the necessary knowledge or,
- you have misrepresented part of the problem
- If at first you dont succeed, try something else
- Tackle one part of the problem and other parts
may fall into place
34Problem Solving
- Representation affects strategy
- More than one possible solution
- Solution limited by boundary conditions
- Active involvement and testing
36Functional Fixedness
- Strategy developed in one version of the problem
- Strategy might be inefficient
- XIV X vs. XXXX X
- Convert numerals or just see 4
37Interacting with Products as Problem Solving
- User has a goal to achieve using the product
- The product offers functions to the user
- The user must select the best function to
progress towards the goal - The interaction can be thought of as movement
through a space of possible actions towards a
goal - Selection of the best action will be influenced
by available functions and their interpretation
38Situated Actions
- Plans imply a specified sequence of actions
- plans are representations of action
- but some actions are opportunistic, i.e.,
supported by the current context-of-use - Suchman (1992) terms these situated actions
- plans are resources for action
392. Fundamental of graphical user interface design
40Information Design can Influence Thinking
John Snow, 1854m Mapping death from cholera, in
London, showed clusters around water pump (and
not near brewery)
41Attributes affecting utility
Legibility Font design Contrast Illumination Lumin
Conspicuity Graphic design Spatial
coding Temporal coding Shape coding Colour coding
Readability Words Syntax
Mediating User attributes
Psychological process Extraction of
meaning Comprehension
42Gestalt Principles
43Density and Clutter
- Density is related to available screen space
- E.g 80 x 24 line display 1920 character spaces
- The proportion of filled spaces Density
- Density averages 25 but rarely exceeds 50
44Levels of Density
70 density 50 density 30
Shneiderman, 1992
45Reducing Density
Grouping / tabulating Reduce number of words
Reduce number of characters
- Understanding basic Gestalt principles helps
manage focus - Some objects on a display are more conspicuous
than others - Use highlighting sparingly
- Some objects form perceptual groups
- Use this to help design screen layout and to
minimise risk of confusion
473. Link and Layout Analysis
- Link Analysis
- Sequence in which objects are used, or attended
to, during a task - Data recorded from eye-movement or from
observation of product use - Layout Analysis
- Define relationship between objects in terms of
functional grouping and sequence of use
483. Link and Layout Analysis
49Eye-Movement Heat Maps
- Saccades and Fixations
- Anticipation and Inferences
- Interpretation
51Saccades and Fixations
52Reading from Computer Screens
- Reading Speed
- Computer 20 - 30 slower than paper
- BUT only when
- Refresh rate lt 60Hz
- Resolution lt 640x480 pixels
- Differences essentially related to character
discrimination - data-driven perception (see slide 27)
53Link Analysis Worked Examplescan of initial
Cassette door
Radio display
54Link Analysis Worked Examplerevised layout
Cassette door
Radio display
55Layout Analysis Worked Exampleinitial layout
56Layout Analysis Worked Examplefunctional
57Layout Analysis Worked Exampleredesign within
functional groupings
Radio display
- When presented with ambiguous stimuli our prior
knowledge of the world helps us to make sense of
- Knowledge of what you are looking at can aid
in interpretation - JA CKAN DJI
- Organisation of information is also useful
Gestalt also influences interpretation
- How do you know a chair is a chair?
A chair has four legsdoes it? A chair has a
seatdoes it?
62Mental models
- Craik
- Internal representation of external reality
- Every good monitor needs a model of the world it
is monitoring - Johnson-Laird
- Strategies of knowledge assimilation
63Mental Models
- Van Dijk and Kintsch (1983)
- Text processed to extract propositions, which are
held in working memory - When sufficient propositions in WM, then linking
performed - Relevance of propositions to linking proportional
to recall - Linking reveals gist
- Comprehension typically requires our active
involvement in order to supply information which
is not explicit in the text - 1. Mary heard the ice-cream van coming
- 2. She remembered her pocket money
- 3. She rushed into the house.
65Inference and Recall
- Thorndyke (1976) recall of sentences from Mary
story - 85 correct sentence
- 58 correct inference
- sentence not presented
- 6 incorrect inference
66Scripts, Schema and Frames
- Schema chunks of knowledge
- Slots for information fixed, default, optional
- Scripts action sequences
- Generalised event schema (Nelson, 1986)
- Frames knowledge about the properties of things
MIND, e.g., through the use of metaphor
Xerox Star
- Windows
- Icons
- Menus
- Pointing devices
69Metaphor - Pros
- WOZNY (1989)
- Metaphors allow users to compare knowledge of the
world with what is happening in the system, and
use analogy in initial reasoning with the system - MARCUS (1998)
- A familiar concept in an unfamiliar environment
can add appeal and when users are new to a topic
or application domain, seeing familiar references
can reduce tension, stress, boredom, confusion,
anxiety, and alienation, while increasing their
self-assurance, calm, interest, engagement and
dependence upon the user interface.
70Designing with Metaphors
71Smilowitz, Do metaphors make web browsers easier
to use?http//www.baddesigns.com/mswebcnf.ht
72Integral metaphor (library) Standard
browser interface (no metaphor)
73Integral metaphor (travel) Composite
metaphor (library travel)
74Metaphor - Cons
- Those who think that one should use metaphors in
design are destined to produce crappy designs.
- A metaphor cannot cover the whole domain of the
referent - And so limits functionality of the design
(HARRISON ET AL. 1998) - Once a person has learned the application, the
metaphor becomes redundant - HUDSON (2002)
- Metaphor can lead to inappropriate assumptions on
error recovery - COOPER (1995)
- Searching for the magic metaphor can be one of
the biggest mistakes an interface designer can
make - A Metaphor could offer a tiny boost to
learnability at first but eventually limits
functionality - There are not enough metaphors to go around
- Metaphors do not scale well
754. Use of Colour and Highlighting
76Contrast Effects
This text is quite easy to read because the
contrast between figure and ground is high
This text is more difficult to read because the
contrast between figure and ground is lower
This text is very hard to read because the
contrast between figure and ground is minimal
77Galitz, W.O., 1996, The Essential Guide to User
Interface Design
- Potential problems
- screen backgrounds being more attention grabbing
than screen data - overuse of colour as a code (the colour itself
meaning something to the screen viewer), which
forces the user to interpret a colours meaning
before the message it is communicating can be
reacted to.
78Galitz, W.O., 1996, The Essential Guide to User
Interface Design
- Use colour to assist in formatting a screen
- relate or tie elements into groupings
- break apart separate groupings of information
- associate information that is widely separated on
the screen - highlight or call attention to important
information by setting it off from other
79Tufte, E., 1989, Visual Design of the User
- The border of an active window should be light in
value (to avoid clutter with other windows), yet
deeply saturated (to provide a conspicuous
signal) - Yellow is the only colour jointly satisfying both
these conditions, and therefore proves valuable
for bordering windows - A good way to avoid colorjunk is to use colours
found in nature, particularly towards the lighter
side, such as blues, greys, yellows - Natures colour are familiar and have a widely
accepted harmony
80Apple Computer Inc., 1992, Macintosh Human
Interface Guidelines
- Use of Colour in Windows
- Distinguishes the active window from other
windows and enhances the appearance of user
controls on the window frame. - Scroll bars and title bars are gray
- User controls are coloured to make them more
apparent - Inactive window borders are gray to make them
recede into background and active windows black
border stands out. - User can change colours from colour control panel
- User chosen highlight colours will be used in
windows and dialog boxes. - Limit the number of Colours
- To maintain consistency with operating system,
use as few colours as possible. - Fewer colours results in less visual clutter on
the screen - Colours on Gray
- Colours look best against a background of neutral
gray - Colours will stand out more if the background and
surrounding areas are gray black, or white - Beware of Blue
- Light Blue is the colour most difficult to
distinguish. Avoided for text, thin lines, and
small shapes. - If you want things to be unobtrusive, thought,
light blue is the perfect colour.
81Factors that Affect Contrast and Visibility
Wickens et al., 1998, An Introduction to Human
Factors Engineering
82Data-driven perception
- Activation of neural structures of sensory
system by pattern of stimulation from environment
83Theory-driven perception
- Perception driven by memories and expectations
about incoming information.
i. X on outside front corner ii. X on
inside back corner
85Visual Illusions
Rabbit or duck?
Old Woman or Young girl?
- Perception limits are set by sensory / neural
mechanisms but beyond these limits, perception
can be cognitively controlled - Sensory experiences interpreted in a CONTEXT and
derive from a variety of sources
- Humans constantly seek patterns in the world
around them - and use these patterns to impose meaning on what
they see or hear. - Good design encourages this search for pattern
- bad design makes people see patterns when none
are intended.
885. Commands and Menus
89Commands and Icons
90Command Languages
- Advantages
- Fast
- Efficient
- Precise
- Concise
- Flexible
- User initiated
- Disadvantages
- Training
- Regular use
- High memory load
- Poor error handling
91Commands Languages
- Command languages rely on recall
- Draper (1985)
- UNIX users poor recall on written test, but
excellent recall when using computer - Black and Moran (1982)
- Learn 8 commands. Performance best for
infrequent, discriminating words, e.g., insert,
delete. Random words also good.
92Knowledge in the HeadKnowledge in the World
- Menus relieve users of the need to remember
command names, but not of the need to know what
functions can be performed by some commands - Mayes et al., 1988
- Knowledge held by users and recalled
- Knowledge prompted by objects in world
93Command Languages Guidelines
- Kidd (1982)
- Choose memorable, nonconfusable command word
- Use consistent command formats
- Keep command strings short
- Provide help
- Use natural syntax
- Place optional / least used commands at end of
list - Ensure useful defaults
- If errors frequent, then revert to computer
- Advantages
- Minimal typing
- Low memory load
- Defined structure
- Disadvantages
- Speed
- Screen space
- Poor for data entry
- Computer initiated
- Single menu
- Binary options
- Do you want instructions? Y / N
- Linear sequence
- Series of interdependent menus
- Sequence of forms for printing
- Tree structure
- Semantic network
- 8 items per menu x 2 levels for time and error
96Tree structure
- Menu Trees
- reduce error rate when compared with random
- Search faster over trees than alphabetic or
random - Semantic networks
97Menu Guidelines
- Task semantics
- Meaningful groupings
- Short cuts
- Items brief
- Consistent terminology
- Headings relevant
- Limit to 8 items
- Concrete vs. Abstract
- Reference and interpretation
- Verbal labels can speed response
99Icon design
- Marcus (1992)
- Lexical pixel shape, colour, blinking
- Synatatics lines, pattern, size, shape
- Semantics concrete, abstract, part
- Pragmatics legibility, utility, identification,
recognition - Dynamics highlighting, selection
100Icon Guidelines
- Represent object in familiar manner
- Limit number of different icons
- Make icon conspicuous
- Ensure selection made clear
- Ensure icons belong to families
101Working Memory Experiments
102Baddeleys (1986) Model of Working Memory
Central executive
Visual Cache
Inner scribe
Phonological store
Auditory word presentation
Visual word presentation
Articulatory control process
103Slave Systems
- Articulatory loop
- Memory Activation
- Rehearsal capacity
- Word length effect and Rehearsal speed
- Visual cache
- Visual patterns
- Complexity of pattern, number of elements etc
- Inner scribe
- Sequences of movement
- Complexity of movement
104Recognition vs Recall
- Recall
- Retrieve from memory
- Remembering print command
- Recognise
- To bring back into awareness through prompt
- Recognising print icon
- Recognising print item in menu
105Recognition vs Recall
- The boxer chewed the meat
- Recall who chewed the meat?
- Recognition did the boxer chew the meat?
- Recognition easier than recall
- More information retrieved under recognition than
106Long Term Memory as a Semantic Network
Has Skin Can move Eats Breathes
Can fly Has Wings Has feathers
Has fins Can swim Has gills
Is Yellow Can sing
107Levels and Reaction time
A canary can sing
A canary can fly
A canary has gills
A canary has skin
Collins Quillian, 1969
A canary is a canary
A canary is a bird
A canary is a fish
A canary is an animal
- Different times to verify the statements
- A canary is a bird
- A canary can fly
- A canary can sing
- Time proportional to movement through network
109Spreading Activation
- When searching semantic network, activate paths
for search - The active a node, the more easily information
can be obtained from it - Semantic Priming Effects
- Encoding failure
- Failure of consolidation
- Storage failure
- Disruption by new or existing information
- Associative interference
- Two responses associated with same stimulus
- Retrieval failure
1116. Navigation in User Interfaces
112Navigating Menus
- Bush (1945)
- Nelson (1963)
- Hyperlinks between objects in document
- Navigation
- Following links through the document
114Navigation Aids
115Searching the World Wide Web
116Choice of Aid x Search Style
Hammond and Allinson (1989)
117Information Foraging
- Priolli, P. ,2007, Information Foraging Theory
- information scent left on path of search by
users - More users on path means more scent
- Users attempt to predict what information will
obtained from following a given path
1186. Interaction Devices Entering Data
119Generic Forms of Interaction
- Select Object
- Drag Object
- Change Orientation of Object
- Enter Data
- Kevin Want to see that film?
- Brian the uh (500 ms) with the bloke from
that other um that prison thing, Shaw - Kevin The Shawshank Redemption
- Tim something married that bird with the
eyes - Brian Robbins
- (laughs) Yeah. 'The Green whatsit?
- Kevin OK. Theres one at uh ... (looks at
watch - 1.2 s) ... - 20 to?
121 Human Communication
- Units of analysis
- Proposition
- Lack of proper grammar
- Adjacency Pairs
- Question-answer
- Turn-taking
- Over-lapping
- Extralinguistic and Paralinguistic cues
- Back channels
- Gestures
122Turn Taking
- When it is your turn?
- Subtle cues from partner
- When they are finishing
- When they want to speak
- Unsubtle cues from machine
- Speak after beep
- Respond from list
123Asymmetrical Conversations
- Telephone
- Short phrases
- Task oriented
- Problem of silence
- Expert / naïve
- 90 of doctors turns are questions
- Negotiation of knowledge level
124Is speaking to machines natural?
- Turn taking
- Input / Feedback
- Turn taking cues
- Asymmetrical partners
- Domain / World Knowledge
- Goals
- Language abilities
- Interpretation of tokens
125Is speaking to machines natural?
- Politeness
- You dont say please to a machine
- Social Norms
- What happens when machine violates norms?
- Should synthesised speech sound human?
- What are the norms?
126Back channelling from machines
- MicroSoft Office Assistant
- Process Control training simulation
- Nodding ATM / TVM
127Breakdown and Repair
- Redundancy
- Shared knowledge / anticipation
- Focus signals
- Given/new
- Deixis
- Comprehension signals
- Communication signals
128Eye contact and gaze
- to convey interest
- signal comprehension and communication
- provide sense of engagement
- establish social presence
129Video tunnel
half- silvered mirror
1307. Interaction Devices Selecting Objects
- Pointing to things using
- words and gestures
- Please can I have that.
- Please can I have that tart.
- Please can I have that fruit tart.
- Please can I have that strawberry tart.
132Deixis in HCI
- Point
- Move cursor onto object
- Indicate object (highlighting)
- Select
- Click button
- Manipulate
- Click button
133Select Object
- Step One Indicate Object
- Enter Objects Name or I.D.
- Type
- Write
- Speak
- Position Selector on Object
- Direct touchscreen, stylus, pen
- Indirect cursor (using mouse, trackball,
joystick) - Step Two Confirm Selection
- Press key to confirm
- Press button to confirm
- Tap object to confirm
134Device Models
- Buxtons 3-state device model
State 2
State 1
State 0
Button up
Pen off
State 2
State 1
State 0
Pen on
Button down
Out of range
136Different pointing devices
1378. Multimodal Human Computer Interaction
138Divided Attention
- Dual tasks require people to divide attention
- Limited attentional resource that is shared
between tasks - Depends on tasks, e.g., talk and drive, sight
read music and shadow speech
139Allport et al. (1972)
- Participants presented with essay, either visual
and auditory - Recognition test far worse with auditory
Errors in Recognition ()
140Task Similarity
- Interference when use same stimulus modality
visual or auditory - Interference when use same stage of processing
input central output - Interference when use same memory codes verbal
or visual - Interference when use same response codes
spoken or manual
141Practice and Expertise
- Highly practised dual-task performance, e.g., 6
weeks read take dictation - Expert pianists can sight-read shadow expert
typists can touch-type shadow - Performance strategies
- Reduced demand
- Reduced resource load
142Contrasting Definitions
- Technological
- Computers can present information using different
display modes and can receive information from
different devices - Human
- Humans can receive information via different
senses and perform actions using different
- Modality
- Refers to human sensory modalities
- Sight
- Hearing
- Touch
- Smell , Taste
- and response modalities
- Speech
- Manual
- Multimodal system
- Supports HCI using more than one sensory and
response modality
144Types of Multimodal System
- Separate tasks, each with their own goals
- Performance on tasks interact
- Example
- Surveillance system with camera control
- Enter data control camera
- Data entry delayed by camera control
- Separate tasks with shared goals
- Performance on tasks interact
- Example
- Surveillance and target identification
- Control camera and zoom-in on targets
- Identify and report targets
- Separate tasks, each with their own goals
- Tasks do not affect each other
- Example
- Target identification with vehicle control
- Identify targets manoeuvre vehicle
- Separate tasks with shared goal
- Tasks do not affect each other
- Example
- Mark distance on map
- How far from here to here?
- Pen speech
149Put That There
Put that red triangle
- Spoken commands
- Manual gestures
- Bolt (1980)
150IBM OpenSpace
152Pointing and Speaking
- People do not interact multimodally with
multimodal interfaces - Speech and pointing is not dominant
- Around 20 of conversation, and 14 of multimodal
153Sequencing and Timing
- Not all actions are simultaneous
- 99 of pen speech has pen actions first
154Languages of Multimodal HCI
- Speech place a boat dock on the east, no, the
west end of Reward Lake - Pen draws rectangle add dock
155Future Multimodal HCI
- Development of future multimodal systems
depends on knowledge of the natural integration
patterns that typify peoples use of combined
input modes. - The design of multimodal systems that blend
modes synergistically depends on - properties of different modes
- the information they convey
- how multimodal input is synchronized
1569. Future Human Computer Interaction
157Weisers Scales of Interaction
- Inch, foot, yard
- Tab, pad, board
158Inch Pad
- ParcTAB
- Individual
- many
- networkable
159Foot pad
- Notebooks
- Tablet
- E-paper
- Individual
- several
160Yard board
- Smartboards
- Plasma displays
- Control mimics
- Public
- sharable
161Forms of interaction
- Implicit interaction devices
- Sensors
- Awareness
- Recognition technologies
- Natural
- Explicit interaction devices
- Keyboard, pointing
162WIMP considered fatal?
- Brad Rhodes
- The user has screen real-estate to burn
- too much information on screen
- The user has Fine motor control
- Eye-hand coordination
- Digital information is a primary task
- http//www.hitl.washington.edu/people/grof/VRAIS98
163Wearable WIMP
- Clear mapping between user action and goal
- Windows
- Multiple views for multiple functions
- Icons
- Presentation of graphical signs and symbols for
prompts and commands - Menus
- Presentation of restricted option set
- Pointing devices
- Object selection and manipulation
164Windows on Wearables
- Unclutter world
- Minimal information views
- Design display to augment world
- Emergent features
- Design display to support pattern recognition
- Integrate display
- Design display to interact with world
165WIMP considered fatal?
- Brad Rhodes
- The user has screen real-estate to burn
- too much information on screen
- The user has Fine motor control
- Eye-hand coordination
- Digital information is a primary task
- http//www.hitl.washington.edu/people/grof/VRAIS98
166Wearable WIMP
- Clear mapping between user action and goal
- Windows
- Multiple views for multiple functions
- Icons
- Presentation of graphical signs and symbols for
prompts and commands - Menus
- Presentation of restricted option set
- Pointing devices
- Object selection and manipulation
167Windows on Wearables
- Unclutter world
- Minimal information views
- Design display to augment world
- Emergent features
- Design display to support pattern recognition
- Integrate display
- Design display to interact with world
168Icons on Wearables
- Reduce text
- Reduce information load
169Text vs. Graphics
Mean Reaction Times Graphical Textual HMD
1.45s 1.85s VDU 1.0s 1.5s
Baber et al., 1999, Mobile Networks and
Applications 4
170Menus on Wearables
- Clarify options
- Restrict activity
- Access and enable through world activity
171Emergent Properties
Baber et al., 1999, Interact99
172Limited Options
Bristow, WECAPC
173Integrate with world
Baber et al., 2000, Interact00
174Pointing on Wearables
- Selection on display
- Selection in the world
175Selection in the World
Baber et al., 2000, Interact00
176Selection from Display
- Carnegie-Mellon
- Rotary dial selector
- Accelerometer for simple gestures
- Speech recognition
Bass et al., 1997, CHI97
177Augmenting the World
178Digital Desk
Real paper on desk is scanned by a camera,
computer images are projected onto the paper
179Graspable Objects
- Move blocks on table
- Change layout of room on displays
Fjeld 1999
- Hiroshi Ishii MIT
- Physical objects to manipulate map display
181Rekimotos InfoBoard
- Pick and place objects using pen
- Move objects between laptops or virtual storage
182Data Storage
- Data containers from Philips
183Data tiles
- Magnetic tiles linked to data
- Projection labels tiles
184Rekimotos Data Tiles
185Haptic VR
- Provide touch to virtual objects using
force-feedback devices
186Haptic Augmentation
- Use real objects to control virtual
187Handheld AR
- PDA used to provide views on world
- Views change with PDA movement
188Information Appliances
189Domestic Appliances
- Microprocessors in cars, dishwashers, washing
machines, televisions etc. - Domestic appliances as embedded systems
190Norman (1999)
- Information Appliance
- An appliance specializing in information
knowledge, facts, graphics, images, video, or
sound. An information appliance is designed to
perform a specific activity, such as music,
photography, or writing. A distinguishing feature
of information appliances is the ability to share
information among themselves.
D.A. Norman, 1999, The Invisible Computer, MIT
Press, p. 53
191Pervasive / Ubiquitous
- Invisible Computer
- Embedded Systems
- Networks
192Information Appliances
- Digital camera
- Capture image
- Immediate (shared) viewing of image
- Download image onto computer
- Edit image
- Email image
193Three Axioms
- Design Axiom 1 Simplicity
- The complexity of the appliance is that of the
task not the tool. The technology is invisible. - Design Axiom 2 Versatility
- Appliances are designed to allow and encourage
novel, creative interaction - Design Axiom 3 Pleasurability (fun)
- Products should be pleasurable, fun, enjoyable. A
joy to use, a joy to own.
D.A. Norman, 1999, The Invisible Computer, MIT
Press, p. 67
194Current Trends
- Device marriages
- digital camera telephone
- PDA telephone MP3 digital camera
- Problems
- Visibility
- Which device is currently on
- Accessibility
- How to switch devices / modes?
- Functionality
- What functions are actually used?
19511. Distributed Cognition
196Using an Abacus for Addition
Heaven beads 5 each
Earth beads 1 each
8 2 10
197Shopping Lists
- Construct list
- Using the process of writing the list to support
decision making - Remember to consult list
- Check the list during shopping
- Use the list to help navigate the store
- Reading and interpret list
- Make sure everything is bought
198Shopping Lists
- Memory aid
- Do we only buy whats on the list?
- Do we buy items not on the list?
- Additional tasks
- Does writing the list create a new task?
- Modified task
- Does using the list change the way we shop?
199Things that make us smart
- Cognitive Artefacts used to assist everyday
activity - Shopping List
- Knotted handkerchief
- Calculator
- Diary
200Using Lists
- Construct list
- Pre-computation Hutchins
- Remember to consult list
- Checklists in inspection
- Reading and interpret list
- Following checklists accurately
201Cognitive Artefacts
- Distribute actions across time
- Pre-computation
- Distribute actions across actors
- Distributed cognition
- Change actions required
202Artefacts Representation
- Surface representation
- Display and maintenance of symbols on a visible
surface - Internal representation
- Storage and organisation of symbols
- External representation
- Naturalness
- Related to directness of mapping
- Related to expertise / familiarity
- Appropriateness
- Information should be appropriate to the task
(neither more nor less)
204Distributed Cognition
- Share knowledge and information across people,
things, actions - Shopping lists
- Ed Hutchins on calculating ships speed
E. Hutchins, 1990, The technology of team
navigation, In Galegher et al. Intellectual
Teamwork, LEA
205Calculating Ships Speed
- DRT, (RD/T) using pencil and paper
- DRT, using calculator
- 3-minute rule
- 3-minutes 1/20 of an hour, and 100yds in 1/20
of a nautical mile - ? 1500 yds in 3 minutes 15nmph
206Calculating Ships Speed
4. Nautical Slide Rule
207Calculating Ships Speed
- Knowledge-in-the-head 1
- 2000 yds nautical mile
- 60 minutes in hour
- Transposition of equations
- Knowledge-in-the-head 2
- 3-minute rule schema for shortcut
208Calculating Ships Speed
- Knowledge-in-the-World
- Nautical slide rule
- Replace calculation with manipulation
- Colleagues
- Draw upon experience of others
- Teamwork
- Plotter
- Bearing taker
- Bearing timer-recorder
20912. Collaborative Working
210Traditional HCI
- One User
- One Computer
- One Location
- One Task?
211Limitations of this view
- Task focus on computer AND on other artefacts,
e.g., paper, telephone, filing cabinet etc. - Other artefacts imply more than one location
- Office work often collaborative
- SO computer only part of the work domain and is
not designed to fit with other parts
212Personal Computers in the Office
- 1970s development of the desktop metaphor
- Objects on screen analogous to objects in world,
- e.g., folders, files etc.
- Manipulation of objects on screen analogous to
manipulation of objects in world, - e.g., open folders, put files into folders
- BUT no link between virtual and real objects
213Changing HCI
- Many Users
- Communication and Collaboration
- Multiple Access (WWW)
- Many Computing Devices
- Embedded Systems
- PDAs, cell-phones and beyond
- Many Locations
- Physical location (mobility)
- Virtual locations (WWW)
- Many Tasks
214Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
- Synchronous
- Speech telephone, videophone, videoconference
- Text SMS, chatrooms, instant messaging
- Asynchronous
- Speech voicemail, answerphone
- Text bulletin boards, newsgroups, computer
conferencing - Mixed with other tasks
- Electronic Meeting Room
216Shared Representations
- Shared Calendars
- Access appointments diary to view or edit
(depending on privileges) - Shared Awareness
- Shared Activities
217Shared Awareness
- Portholes Xerox 1992
- Low resolution images of people in their offices
- Overhearing / overseeing
218Shared Activities
- Work on same text
- Add comments
- Restructure
- Work on same drawing
- Modify
- Suggest alternatives
219Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs)
- Distributed VR systems
- Individuals collaborate in virtual landscapes to
share information and work together
- Meeting places
- Multiple representations
- Shared context
- Shared knowledge, environment, tasks, objects
- Awareness of others
- Communication
221Reading Virtual Control Room
Virtual Display Boards
Augmented Displays
To Virtual Plant
Virtual Monitors
222Interaction in Virtual Space
- With other actors
- With virtual objects
- With real objects?
MagicBook project
223Collaborating in real space
- Technology to bring the virtual world to the real
world - Shared representations on familiar surfaces
- Surfaces to support interaction
GMD-IPSI, Wiege, Wilkhahn
Source Carroll, p. 569
225Shared Awareness
- Portholes Xerox 1992
- Low resolution images of people in their offices
- Overhearing / overseeing
226Exercise .1
- 1. Apple 2. North 3. Charlie 4. Nickel 5. Red
- 6. Banana 7. South 8. Fred 9. Cent 10. Green
- 11. Pear 12. East 13. George 14. Dime 15. Yellow
- 16. Grape 17. Wayne 18. Dave 19. Penny 20. Blue
- Make a note of the word numbers and enter into
table - How many people wrote West or Orange?
- What pattern do you notice in the words?
227Exercise .2
- 1. Latch 2. Bream 3. Hot 4. Mayor 5. Jab
- 6. Busk 7. Else 8. Wage 9. Clog 10. Jowl
- 11. Chap 12. Big 13. Smug 14. Duck 15. Trout
- 16. Blot 17. Reek 18. Tape 19. List 20. Skirt
- Make a note of the word numbers and enter into
table - What pattern do you notice in the words?
- Did you do as well as with the first list?
228Exercise .3
- 1. Time 2. House 3. Mit 4. Stab 5. Solve
- 6. Draft 7. Say 8. Off 9. Boil 10. Court
- 11. Greet 12. Slot 13. Hand 14. Dirt 15. Clot
- 16. Stale 17. Out 18. Dumped 19. Stone 20. Dice
- Make a note of the word numbers and enter into
table - Did you do as well as with the other lists?