Title: Come On
1Come OnLets Blog!
- Lloyd Borrett
- www.borrett.id.auWednesday, 6th October 2004
- Whats a blog?
- Why blog?
- Building your blog
- Melb PC member blogs
- What is RSS?
- What are news aggregators?
- Summary
- Questions and answers
3Whats a blog?
Lloyd Borrettwww.borrett.id.au
4Whats a blog?
This is not a blog!
5Whats a blog?
This is also not a blog!
- weblog
- weblogs are frequently updated web pages
structured chronologically newest items usually
listed first often contain links to other web
sites along with personal commentary - blog
- short form of weblog sometimes used to
distinguish between the definition of a weblog as
a list of links and more personal blogs - blog, blogging
- v. to create, write, or publish a weblog or blog
- blogger
- person who blogs, a weblog editor
14Anatomy of a blog
15Anatomy of a blog 2
16Anatomy of a blog 3
17Types of blogs
23Why blog?
Lloyd Borrettwww.borrett.id.au
24Popular view of blogs
- Radically cool
- Unique to the Web
- Democratising/socially transformative
- Interlinked a blog is part of the Blogosphere
- Knowledge creating
- A spreading influential movement with an
illustrious future
25Blogs vs. e-mail
- A mailing-list is also a great place for
community discussion, but flames and noise can be
a problem - Spam is making e-mailless and less valuable
- E-mail can complement blogs
- Blogging via e-mail
- Mailing-list to weblog gateways
- Comment notification via e-mail
26Blogs vs. newsgroups
- Threaded newsgroups and web forums are a great
place for community discussions, but flames and
noise can drive people away - Blogs provide an opt-in model you only read,
subscribe and link to blogs you like - Forums can complement blogs a threaded forum
could be used for blog comments
27Blogs vs. web pages
- Project and group web pages always seem to grow
stale - Generally speaking, web pages are static and
difficult to update - This is true even in a web savvy group with great
web design/editing tools - Blogs are easy to keep up to date and require no
special publishing tools - Blogs replace home pages
28Blogs vs. Wikis
- Wikis provide
- A collaborative space for a community
- Anybody can edit or add any page via web
interface - Super simple syntax means no need for knowledge
of HTML - Wikis can function as blogs and can produce RSS
feeds - Wikis and blogs are easily integrated
29Blogging is cool
- Easy publishing
- Community formation
- Aggregation
30Blog as community
- Its this multitude of separate sites that
gives the weblog community model its strength.
Because a person has control over his own piece
of community landscape, he feels a powerful
ownership of his space thats lacking in
traditional community sites. - Design For Community, Derek Powazekhttp//www.pow
31Blogging is easy
- Building a blog is as easy assurfing the web
- You dont have to learn HTML
- An e-mail can become a web page
- And it is FREE!
So setup a blog as apersonal or business web
32Requirements to blog
- Access to the Internet
- Time to write
- Something to say?
33Building your blog
Lloyd Borrettwww.borrett.id.au
34What you need to blog?
- Hosted
- Blogger / Blogspot www.blogger.com
- Typepad www.typepad.com
- Desktop
- Radio UserLand radio.userland.com
- Server
- Moveable Type www.movabletype.org
- PHP Nuke phpnuke.org
- WordPress wordpress.org
35Hosted blog basic
36Setup your blog / web sitein 5 minutes using
38Create a Blogger account
39Name your blog
40Choose a template
41Creating your blog
42Your blog created!
43Create a blog post
44Basic blog example
47Hosted blog advanced
Web site index.htmlBlog blog.html
48Advanced blog setup
49Set up your own blog using Bloggerby Lloyd
- PrintPC Update, August 2004
- OnlinePC Update web site
- Download1.2 Mb Adobe PDF fileat
50Melb PC members Blogger based advanced blogs
Lloyd Borrettwww.borrett.id.au
57What is RSS?
- Lloyd Borrettwww.borrett.id.au
58RSS feeds
- Rich Site Summary orReally Simple Syndication
- Form of XML(eXtensible Markup Language)
- Looks like HTML
- Most blogs produce RSS feeds
- Other web sites can produce RSS also
59RSS as a communication tool
- A user that can read RSS-distributed content can
use the content on a different site - Syndicated content includes such data as
- news feeds, events listings, news stories,
headlines, project updates, excerpts from
discussion forums or even corporate information - Atom feeds are anewer version of RSS
60What to look for
Syndicate this Site
61What arenews aggregators?
Lloyd Borrettwww.borrett.id.au
62What are news aggregators?
- News aggregators read RSS site feeds
- Software
- Web based e.g. Bloglines
- Client based e.g. Awasu, NewsGator
- Subscribe to sites by adding feeds
- Saves time
- Content is syndicated into one place
- Runs in Microsoft Outlook
Consider becoming a blog publisher Do become a
blog reader
68BlogAddictionUp 376
- Atlanta, Georgia The Center for Disease Control
reports a sharp rise in the number of reported
blog addicts in 2004. - Symptoms include absenteeism, compulsive
posting, and a sense that life events are not
real unless blogged. In addition to new clinical
treatments you can consult your local Bloggers
69BloggerDivorceRates Higher
First we had blog marriages. Now the waveof
divorce. Time spent online taken away from
marital relationships. Less sex. Less
conversation. Less intimacy. Less romance.
70Wife Wins Joint Weblog In Divorce Court
- Lloyd Borrettwww.borrett.id.au
72Recommended Resources
- www.blogger.com
- PC Update How To Article
- August 2004 edition
- www.borrett.id.au
73Thank You
- Lloyd Borrettwww.borrett.id.au