Title: Rover Concept of Operation
1Rover Concept of Operation
- Life in the Atacama 2004Science Technology
Workshop - David WettergreenThe Robotics InstituteCarnegie
Mellon University
2Operational Concept
- Our operational hypothesis is that planetary
astrobiology requires extensive mobility - Our operational concept is to conduct survey
science over long traverse - Some Implications
- Time at any individual location limited
- Sampling will not be exhaustive
- Some things will be missed
- More things will be encountered
3Operational Concept
- Some questions
- What distances and sampling strategy accomplish
the investigation? - What rover capabilities are both scientifically
productive and technically feasible? - How to use mobility as tool for investigation?
- How precisely to specify rover activities?
- How are survey and focused samples defined?
4Mobility Hypothesis
- Mobility is essential to investigation
- Conjecture that mobility is necessary for life
seeking - Prove (or disprove) this hypothesis by developing
rover capable of an investigation based on
mobility - Experiments quantify performance while measuring
distribution of life - Compare rover investigation to ground truth
- Conduct intensive ground truth to determine rover
accuracy - Compare traverse strategy to other rover field
5Operating Schedule
- Rover Science Team
- 0600 Wake up
- Wake up 0700 More analysis
- 0800 Specify survey traverse
- 0955 Finalize target selection
- Charged up / Plan / Downlink 1000 Uplink rover
traverse - Begin traverse 1100
- Subsurface sample option 1130
- Conclude traverse / hibernate 1700
- 2000 Review strategy
- Wake up for night observation 2100 Study prior
data - Subsurface sample option 2130
- Uplink science data 2200 Downlink / initial
analysis - Sleep (low power) 2300
6Science Traverse
Rover begins each day with satellite local
7Science Traverse
Scientists designate areas for detailed
8Science Traverse
Scientists designate site for subsurface sampling
9Science Traverse
Mission planner generates feasible path (1.3km)
10Science Traverse
Rover executes traverse collecting survey samples
11Science Traverse
Rover collects designated context imaging
12Science Traverse
Rover uplinks science data at end of traverse
13Science Traverse
Rover wakes up for stationary night sampling
14Science Traverse
Rover wakes up and downlinks the next traverse
15Sampling Metrics
16Sampling Approach
- Limit data volume to 100MB/cycle (day)
- Focus on data quality (rather than quantity)
- Expect low precision in sample designation
- Rover will not sample features smaller than its
gross mobility precision (10 cm) or error (5 of
distance traveled) - Achieve known correlation between data products
- Samples are not useful if all associated data
cannot be correlated (context image, details
images, spectra, microscopy). Ideally, sampling
of same target. - Unless otherwise specified all measurements
include calibration and spectral data
17Daily Data Products
18Total Data Products
- 2 full landing site panorama (1280x960) 2 x 40Mb,
1 per site, 2 sites - 10 full stereo panorama (320x240) 10 x 3Mb, end
of each day, 10 days - 30 forward stereo panoramas (320x240), 30 x 2Mb,
3 per day - 30 spectral panorama (18 samples?), 30 x 1.5Mb, 3
per day - 1000 survey measurements, 1 per 10m, 1000 x 57Kb
- 1000 chlorophyll?, 1000 low res images (640x480),
1000 spectra - 10 low-angle stereo panorama, 10 x 2.7Mb
- 10 subsurface science operations, 10 x 11Mb
- 20 high-resolution images, 20 fluorescence
procedures, 20 spectra - 10 night science operations, 10 x 16 Mb
- 10 quilts, 10 fluorescence procedures, 1010
spectra - 10 fluorescence microscopic investigations, (all
filters, all positions, DOF) - 1440 weather samples, 1 per 10 minutes, 10 x
300Kb - Temp, pressure, humidity, condensation, UV, wind
- Total 572Mb
- Landing
- Subsurface Science (Trench)
- Night Science
- Surface Fluorescence
- Focused Sampling (Farming)
- Survey Sampling
- Other
20Landing Data Products
- These measurements are taken once per landing
site - Data Products
- Total Data Volume 41.5 M
- Night before Landing Day 1700 take high-res pan
and send it. Sleep. (Skip night ops) - Landing Day rover receives commands at 1100,
21Subsurface Science
- Trench
- Scientist selected via DEM and other prior data
- Sample each sample location before and after
plowing (x2) - Total Data Volume 11 M
22Night Science
- Macro/Microscopic Fluorescence Sample
- Scientist selected (may be following subsurface
sample) - Full deployment of the low mag imaging system and
a microscopic quilt. - Data Products
- Quilt 100 macro or microscopic fluorescence
images 1m2 (developmental) Reduce data - Total Data Volume 16 M
23Surface Fluorescence
- Macro/Microscopic Fluorescence Sample
- Scientist selected (may be following subsurface
sample) - Full deployment of the low mag imaging system and
a quilt - Data Products
- Quilt 100 macro or microscopic fluorescence
images 1m2 (developmental) Reduce data - Total Data Volume 16 M
24Focused Sampling (Farming)
- For 25 m x 25 m area, scientists specify interval
and pattern - Each Focused Sample
25Survey Sampling
- Periodic or directed sampling of correlated
target - Need to be stationary
- Once every 10 m, corresponds to far-field
navigation - Data Volume Total 57 K
26Other possible detailed investigations
- Forward Panorama, 2 M
- Local Panorama, 2 M
- Low Angle Panorama, 2.5 M
- Low Resolution Panorama, 3 M
- Fluorescence Quilts, 1m2, 10 M