Description Logic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Description Logic


Description Logic 2 History Description Logic Handbook Chapter 1 Early knowledge representation work from 60 s Representing classes of objects Abstraction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Description Logic

Description Logic 2
Description Logic 2
  • Description Logic Handbook Chapter 1
  • Early knowledge representation work from 60s
  • Representing classes of objects
  • Abstraction Hierarchy
  • Properties of those objects
  • Constraints on the properties
  • Led to object oriented programming ideas
  • CommonLisp Object System (CLOS)
  • SmallTalk, C, Java
  • Networks of knowledge
  • Semantic Networks (Quillian 1967)
  • Frames (Minsky 1981)

Example of Network KR
  • Person, Female, etc are concepts
  • hasChild is a property of Person
  • hasChild relates Parent to Person
  • Nil means infinity. A Parent is a Person with
    between 1 and infinity children
  • Large arrows are IS-A links
  • A Mother is a (specialization of a) Parent

Networks and Logic systems were defined
  • First order logic can express most of the network
  • Predicates can be arity 1 or 2 (unary and binary)
  • Rules can be used for inheritance and some
  • Mother ISA Parent
  • ?X Mother(X) ?Parent(X)
  • All children of Parents are Persons
  • ?X,Y Parent(X) ? hasChild(X, Y) ? Person(Y)
  • Expect some inferences to be made
  • Inheritance All properties of a superclass
    should also be properties of its subclass
  • So all children of Mothers should be Persons
  • ?X,Y Mother(X) ? hasChild(X, Y) ? Person(Y)

Network and Logic Systems have advantages/disadvan
  • Networks considered more appealing and more
    practical than Logic
  • Some Network reasoners were ad hoc
  • Different reasoners give different results
  • Logic engines all produce the same conclusions
  • Clearly defined semantics
  • Logic engines at the time were very general
  • Not much known about special reasoners for these
  • General resolution-based theorem provers used
  • Generality meant reasoning procedures had high

Description Logic systems
  • Brachman and Levesque 1984 there is a tradeoff
    between the expressiveness of a representation
    language and the difficulty of reasoning over the
    representations built using that language.
  • The more expressive the language, the harder the
  • Schmidt-Schauss and Smolka 1991 specialized
    classical settings for deductive reasoning to the
    DL subsets of first-order logics,
  • Using tableau calculus
  • Best of both worlds
  • Unary predicates for names of classes
  • Binary predicates for properties
  • Conclusions based on inheritance
  • Derived from Logic but driven by an understanding
    of how much reasoning power is needed.

Description Logic
  • This lecture from DL Handbook Chapter 2
  • Description Logics
  • overcome the ambiguities of early semantic
    networks and frames
  • first realized in the system KL-One Brachman and
    Schmolze, 1985
  • Well-studied and decidable (most DL languages)
  • Tight coupling between theory and practice

TBox and ABox
  • TBox terminology
  • the vocabulary of an application domain
  • Concepts sets of individuals
  • Roles binary relationships between individuals.
  • Examples
  • Concepts Person, Female, Mother
  • Role hasChild, meaning that some person is the
    child of some other
  • ABox assertions
  • about named individuals in terms of this
  • Example
  • Elizabeth and Charles are Persons. We write this
    as Person(Elizabeth), and Person(Charles).
  • Individuals, like myCar, have attributes, like
    color, and those attributes have values, like
    red. When this happens we say that red is the
    colorOf attribute of myCar.We write this as
    colorOf(myCar, red).

Architecture of a DL System
  • Building blocks that allow complex descriptions
    of concepts and roles.
  • Example (well look at the syntax in more detail
  • A Woman is a Female Person
  • Woman Person u Female
  • A Mother is a Woman and she has a child
  • Mother Woman u 9 hasChild.T
  • The TBox can be used to assign names to complex
    descriptions. We will use the terms description
    and concept interchangably.

Reasoning Tasks
  • TBox reasoning Determine
  • whether a description is satisfiable (i.e.,
  • whether description A is more general than
    description B
  • A subsumes B if every individual of concept B is
    also of concept A
  • With Subsumption tests one can organize the
    concepts of a terminology into a hierarchy
    according to their generality.
  • ABox reasoning Determine
  • whether its set of assertions is consistent,
  • whether a particular individual is an instance of
    a given concept description.
  • A concept description can be a query, describing
    a set of objects
  • With instance tests one can retrieve the
    individuals that satisfy the query.
  • We will focus on the reasoning problem of TBox

Model Theory
  • Statements in the TBox and in the ABox can be
    identified with formulae in first-order logic and
    the logical semantics is defined by those formulas

Wrapping your mind around model theory
  • Recall that a model provides a set of domain
    elements and a way to interpret each piece of
  • It just tells you what is meant by what you wrote
  • Example
  • you can interpret Father(Bruce) and
    hasChild(Bruce, Mary) when I tell you who Bruce
    is and who Mary is and what Father means (a set
    of individuals) and what hasChild means (a role,
    a binary relation)
  • Whether or not the statements are true depends on
    whether Bruce is a Father and on whether Bruces
    child is Mary in the world.
  • In model theory the weird thing we do is fix the
    formulas and let the interpretations vary.
  • We dont always have a specific world in mind
  • When a set of formulas is true is some world we
    say that the formulas are a model of that world.
  • They say something accurate about it, but dont
    tell you everything.
  • What makes this useful is that when you do some
    syntactic manipulation to generate new formulas
    from the model, we expect that the new thing we
    found is also true in the world

DL Semantics
  • Defined by standard Tarski-style interpretations
  • I (DI, I), where
  • DI is the domain (a non-empty set)
  • I is an interpretation function that maps
  • Concept (class) name A ! subset AI of DI
  • Role (property) name R ! binary relation RI over
  • Individual name i ! iI element of DI

The Basic Description Language AL
Negation can only be applied to atomic concepts
Syntax Semantic
gtI ?I (universal concept)
?I (bottom concept)
( A)I ?I \ AI (atomic negation)
(C u D)I CI u DI (intersection)
(8 R.C)I a 2 ?I 8 b.(a,b) 2 RI ! b 2 CI (value restriction)
(9 a 2 ?I 9 b.(a,b) 2 RI (limited exists quantification)
R RI µ ?I ?I (R is an atomic role)
A AI µ ?I (A is an atomic concept)
Only the top concept is allowed in the scope of
an existential quantification over a role
?The sublanguage FL is obtained by disallowing
atomic negation and FL0 is obtained by
disallowing limited existential quantification.
In predicate logic, concept C can be translated
into , C(x) with a free variable x.
,8hasChild.Female(x) 8y.hasChild(x,y) !
What does 8 R.C and 9 R.C mean?
  • A DogLover is someone whose pets are all dogs, in
    this case C
  • DogLover 8 hasPet.Dog
  • p 8 a, (p, a) 2 hasPet ! a 2 Dog
  • Also writen more simply as
  • p hasPet(p, a) ! Dog(a)
  • A DogLiker is someone who owns a dog, , in this
    case A, C
  • DogLiker 9 hasPet.Dog
  • p hasPet(p, a) Æ Dog(a)

hasPet hasPet
A Fido
A Fluffy
B Tabby
C Rover
C Flip
The Family of AL-Languages
  • U - union
  • (C t D) I CI DI
  • E - full existential quantification
  • (9 R.C)I a 2 ?I 9 b.(a,b) 2 RI Æ b 2 CI
  • N - number restrictions
  • at least (gt n R)I a 2 ?I b(a,b)2RI gt
  • at most (6 n R)I a 2 ?I b(a,b)2RI 6 n
  • Person u (6 1 hasChild t (gt 3 hasChild u 9
  • denotes those persons that have either not more
    than one child or at least three children, one of
    which is female.
  • C - full negation
  • CI ?I \ CI

DL as Fragments of Predicate Logic
  • Any concept D as unary predicate with one free
  • Any role R as primitive binary predicate
  • 9 R.C corresponds to 9 y.R(x,y) Æ C(y)
  • 8 R.C corresponds to 8 y.R(x,y) gt C(y)
  • nR corresponds to
  • 9 y1,...,yn. R(x,y1) Æ... Æ R(x,yn) Æ 8 iltj.
  • nR corresponds to
  • 8 y1,...,yn1. R(x, y1) Æ... Æ R(x,yn1) gt 9
    iltj. yiyj
  • Last two examples demonstrate advantage of
    variable free syntax

Knowledge Base in DL
  • A knowledge base K hT , Ai comprise two
  • TBOX T introduces terminology (vocabulary of an
    application domain)
  • ABOX A contains assertions about named
    individuals in terms of this vocabulary
  • The vocabulary consists of concepts and roles
  • concepts denote sets of individuals
  • roles denote binary relationships between

TBox and ABox
  • T (TBox) is a set of axioms of the form
  • C v D (concept inclusion)
  • C D (concept equivalence)
  • R v S (role inclusion)
  • - has_parent v has_ancestor
  • R S (role equivalence)
  • R v R (role transitivity)
  • - has_mother v has_ancestor
  • - 8has_ancestor.human applies to all successors
    of has_ancestor
  • A (ABox) is a set of axioms of the form
  • x 2 D (concept instantiation)
  • hx, yi 2 R (role instantiation)

An Example about Family Relationships
value restriction(v/r) (1, NIL)
a role defines a property of Parent
IS-A relationship defines a hierarchy over
Examples in ABox hasChild(MARY,
Examples in TBox Woman Person u Female Mother
Woman u 9 hasChild.Person
These are concepts
Name Symbols vs. Base Symbols
  • atomic concepts occurring in a TBox T can be
    divided into two sets, name symbols NT (or
    defined concepts) and base symbols BT (or
    primitive concepts, occur only on the right-hand
  • a base interpretation for T only interprets the
    base symbols.

Base symbols
Name Symbol
Unfolding Name Symbols
  • Acyclic TBox can be unfolded or expanded by
    eliminating all defined name symbols from the
    right-hand-side with only base symbols

Reasoning Services
  • Satisfiability whether the assertions in an TBox
    and ABox has a model
  • Subsumption whether one description is more
    general than another one
  • Equivalence whether two classes denote same set
  • Instantiation check if an individual is an
    instance of class C
  • Retrieval retrieve a set of individuals that
    instantiate C
  • ? Problems all reducible to satisfiability.

subsumes(C,D) ? sat ( C u D)
equiv(C,D) ? subsumes(C, D) Æ subsumes(D, C)
Concept Satisfiability
  • The concepts woman, mother, parent are
  • how about woman u mother?
  • The conjunct woman u mother can never be

ABox Satisfiability
  • All other inference services can be reduced to
    asat(A) where A is the axioms in TBox and ABox
  • instance checking
  • instance?(a, C, A) asat (A a C)
  • concept satisfiability
  • sat(C) asataC
  • concept subsumption
  • subsumes(C, D) sat(CuD) asat(aCuD)
  • Open world assumption
  • A andrewmale, (charles, andrew) has_child
  • Does instance?(charles, 8has_child.male, A) hold?

Open World Assumption
  • Can we prove that instance?(charles,
    8has_child.male, A) holds?
  • No!
  • Although the ABox contains only knowledge about
    one male child, it is always assumed that
    represented information is incomplete.
  • To make this statement hold, we could add
  • charles8has_child.male or
  • assert that information about a 2nd child will
    not be added in the future charles 9 6
    1has_child (not possible in ALC as we need number

Reasoner The Tableau Algorithm
  • contains a set of completion rules operating on
    constraint sets or tableaux
  • clash triggers
  • proof procedure
  • transform unfold the TBox
  • Transform all concepts into negation normal form
    (i.e. negation only occurs only in front of
    concept names)
  • (C u D) ! C t D
  • 9R.C ! 8 R.C
  • apply completion rules in arbitrary order as long
    as possible
  • stops when a clash is found
  • terminates if no completion rule is applicable
  • satisfiable iff a clash-free tableau can be

Completion Rules for the Logic ALC
Clash Trigger a A, a A µ A
Role Exists Restriction Rule if 1. a 9R.C 2 A,
and 2. 9b 2 O (a,b)R, bC µ A then A A
(a,b)R, bC with b fresh in A
Conjunction Rule if 1. a C u D 2 A, and 2.
aC, aD A then A A aC, aD
Role Value Restriction Rule if 1. a 8 R.C 2 A,
and 2. 9b 2 O (a,b)R 2 A and 3. bC
?A then A A bC
Disjunction Rule if 1. a C t D 2 A, and 2.
aC, aD Å A ? then A A aC or
A A aD
Proof for Concept Satisfiability
  • Does the concept woman subsume mother?
  • Is the concept woman u mother unsatisfiable?
  • Application of completion rules
  • woman u mother is unsatisfiable
  • ) the concept woman subsumes the concept mother

DL for the Semantic Web
  • Web Ontology Language (OWL) W3C Recommendation
    on 10 Feb 2004
  • builds on RDF and RDF Schema and adds more
    vocabulary for describing properties and
    classesExtends existing Web standards
  • has three increasingly-expressive sublanguages
    OWL Lite (based on DL SHIF (D)) , OWL DL (based
    on DL SHOIN(D)), and OWL Full (OWL DL RDF)
  • benefits from many years of DL research
  • Well defined semantics
  • Formal properties well understood (complexity,
  • Known reasoning algorithms
  • Implemented systems (highly optimised)
  • Example Ontology of Books

OWL Class Constructor
OWL Axioms
  • Axioms (mostly) reducible to inclusion (v)
  • e.g. C D iff both C v D and D v C

Concrete Abstract Syntax
  • Easier to read than OWL, much closer to logic
  • Prolog implementation of ALC reasoner using CAS
  • Currently only does TBox consistency
  • Working on this
  • Shows actions at various steps.
  • See http//
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