Design and Development of the Mars-Oz Base - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Design and Development of the Mars-Oz Base


Design Processes: A Moon Base Habitat Concept Design For Students and Arm Chair Astronauts A teacher s guide for the study of Design Processes for high school ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Design and Development of the Mars-Oz Base

Design ProcessesA Moon Base Habitat Concept
Design For Students and Arm Chair AstronautsA
teachers guide for the study of Design
Processes for high school students and arm chair
astronauts using a moon base Hab design as
David Willson - NASA Ames/KISS institute of
Practical Robotics
Mark Gargano - Mars Society Australia, Education
Source Wiley J Larson and Linda K Pranke, Human
Space Flight, Mission analysis and design
  • Design Processes
  • Traditional Design Process and Concurrent
    Engineering Process
  • Concept Development Process Team work
  • Generation of Ideas
  • Design Example Design an Accommodation Hab for a
    Moon Base
  • Define the project aims, scope of work and
    technical specification
  • Define the Assumptions
  • Concept
  • Estimate the volume and define a geometry/shape
    Define the Structure
  • Estimate the supplies and equipment
  • Estimate the power needs.
  • Risk Assessment
  • - Concept Design

Design Processes
Develop a Rough Concept
Various Design disciplines
Finished Product
(1) Traditional (sequential) Design Process
Detailed Design process long time lots of
Various Design disciplines
Develop a Very Detailed Concept
Finished Product
War Room
Detailed Design process shorter time, less
(2) Concurrent (parallel) Engineering Design
Process (How the Japanese out-competed US and
European Car Manufacturers Kim B.Clark,
Takahiro Fujimoto Product Development
Performance Harvard Business School)
Concept Design Process Design Teams
Concept Design Process
Design Teams (1950s-60s Today)
Various Technical Specialists
Mission statement or general aim, Scope of work
and technical specifications/data
Aims - Specification
List Assumptions
Drawing Board
Develop Concept
Vendor Equipment
Marketing Information
Assess risks Check that Aims or general
specification are satisfied
Design Teams (1970s 80s)
Aims - Specification
Drawing Board
Technical Specialist(s) or Manager(s)
Detailed Concept Detailed Design
Vendor Equipment
Marketing Information
How do we generate new ideas?(Where do they come
  • Understand the core of the problem as best
  • before developing a new idea.
  • - One technique is to empty the mind of
  • pre-conceived notions and sketch out
  • thoughts and associations as they come
  • regardless of their impracticality. A new idea
  • can be generated from these thoughts.
  • Look at the work of artists and science
  • fiction writers. Their ideas may not be
  • workable but can inspire and generate
  • new ones.
  • Bounce ideas of others. Allow others to add
  • and change. Let the team develop the idea.
  • This requires good teamwork.
  • An individual cannot know more than the team.

Design Example Design a Moon Base Habitat (Hab)
NASA is to build a moon base to be visited
regularly during the moons daylight period. The
construction will start late in 2018. The moon
base will consist of an accommodation Hab, a
science laboratory Hab and large airlock for
rovers and moonwalkers. The accommodation Hab
will be the first to land on the Moon. You have
been given the contract to make the accommodation
Hab! Contract Provide an accommodation Hab that
is to be located on the moon and lived in during
the moons daylight period of 14 days. It must
be at Cape Canaveral on 1st July 2018 for
launching to the moon. The Hab is to
have - Provision for 6 people to sleep,
exercise and relax - The Hab must have
capacity to be independent from the moon
base - A 500 kg, 5m³ emergency airlock - A
walk through docking port in one location to
connect to other Habs - Supplies and
space for the 6 people suitable for a total of 30
days - Solar cell power generator that will be
erected on the moon by the first visiting
astronauts - The Hab must fit in the heavy
lift rocket payload space that is a
diameter of 7 metres and 20 metres long - 50
Year life with capacity to be modified.
Concept Design Process STEP 1 Define the
project aims, scope of work and technical
Concept Design Process
Mission statement or general aim NASA is to build
a moon base to be visited regularly during the
moons daylight period. The construction will
start late in 2018. The moon base will consist
of an accommodation Hab, a science laboratory Hab
and large airlock for rovers and moonwalkers.
Scope of work Provide an accommodation Hab that
is to be located on the moon and lived in during
the moons daylight period of 14 days. It must
be at Cape Canaveral on 1st July 2018 for
launching to the moon. Technical
specification The Hab is to have - Provision
for 6 people to sleep, exercise and relax - A
500 kg, 5m³ emergency airlock - A walk through
docking port in one location to connect to
other modules - Supplies and space for the 6
people for a total of 30 days - Solar cell
power generator that will be erected on the
moon by the first visiting astronauts - The
module must fit in the heavy lift rocket
payload space that is a diameter of 7
metres and 20 metres long - 50 year life with
capacity to be modified.
Mission statement or general aim, Scope of work
and technical specifications
List Assumptions
Develop Concept
Assess risks Check that Aims or general
specification are satisfied
Detailed Concept Detailed Design
Concept Design Process STEP 2 List Assumptions
  • Assumptions
  • The moon environment is
  • A vacuum and Habs must be pressurized
  • An average temperaturer of 253ºK during daytime.
  • Habs must have insulation and radiators to dump
    wast heat.
  • The module must be re-supplied with 14 days
  • when the crew arrive for their 14 day stay.
  • The emergency airlock can be used for other
    things as
  • it will be rarely used.
  • The module must have a shower, toilet and 6
  • -The solar cells can be cleaned by the
    astronauts in moonwalks
  • and are operational 90 of the time.

Concept Design Process
Mission statement or general aim, Scope of work
and technical specifications
List Assumptions
Develop Concept
Assess risks Check that Aims or general
specification are satisfied
Detailed Concept Detailed Design
Concept Design Process STEP 3-1 Develop Concept
Estimate the volume and define a geometry/shape
- 1
Consider the graph above (NASA-STD-3000) It shows
the free space per person considered as
accepted over given time periods. If a person
has less than the accepted free space then it
is considered as intolerable for the
person. Remember the graph is for spacecraft in
orbit with crew in 0 G conditions where free
space is more easily usable. Our Hab is on the
moon. We are to design free space for 30 days
or 1 month. This translates to a minimum of 4 m³
but better with 10 m³ free space. We will use 10
m³ free space as our minimum bench mark. This is
not much a cube 2.15 metres per side!
Concept Design Process STEP 3-2 Develop Concept
Estimate the volume and define a geometry/shape
- 2
Now consider the graph above (NASA, 1995) It
shows the history of total space per person over
given time periods for various spacecraft.
Thisincludes space for free space and space
for equipment and supplies for time
durations. Again remember the graph is for
spacecraft in orbit with crew in 0 G conditions
where space is more easily usable. Our Hab is on
the moon. We are to design space 30 days or 1
month. This translates to a 20 m³ space per
person. This is still not much space!
Concept Design Process STEP 3-3 Develop Concept
Estimate the volume and define a geometry/shape
- 3
Volume and find a first pass mass
Estimate Volume The previous slide suggested we
use a total space of 20 m³ per person. Thus for 6
people, Volume 6 people x 20 m³/person 120
m³ First pass Mass Estimate Design
history of manned spacecraft show that the mass
of the spacecraft habitation space is a function
of Volume, Number of crew and Endurance time. We
use the algorithm Mass 592 x ( Volume (m) x
number of crew x Endurance (days))0.342 592
x (120 m³ x 6 crew x 14 days)0.342 13,850
Geometry and shapes
Note The shapes must have rounded corners to
minimize the bending stresses when pressurized.

Sphere Most mass efficient shape. Has the least
surface area for volume enclosed The walls can be
half as thick as a cylinder to carry the same
load. Volume 4/3 (PI) R³ Surface area 4 (PI)
Cylinder Is easy to move around and bury under
regolith. Nice shape to fit together. Volume
(PI) R²/2 x L Surface area 2x (PI) R²/2
(ends) (PI) x D x L

Tuna Can More mass efficient shape Good as a
stable landing platform Volume (PI) R²/2 x
L Surface area 2x (PI) R²/2 (ends)
(PI) x D x L
Concept Design Process STEP 4 Develop Concept
Geometry and Structure
We choose a cylinder as our geometry as it is
more useful to for connecting to other HABs. -
Adopt 4.2 m diameter as it can be cheaply
manufactured and transported on Earth. - Adopt
9.5 m in length as this provides a volume of 120
m³ . Item Mass/m² Thickness Description Outer
shell 22 kg/m² 80 mm Double walled aluminum
shell including insulation Internal walls 8
kg/m² 50mm Double walled carbon composite incl
insulation Internal floors 15 kg/m 150mm Double
walled carbon composite incl insulation Item Ar
ea Mass Volume Monocoque structure Outer
shell 140 4,200 kg 120 m³ Isogrid
strucure Walls 70 560 kg 3.5
m³ Graphite/epoxy composites Floors 33 500 kg 4
m³ TOTAL 5260kg Note For spherical structures
use outer shell 17 kg/m
Concept Design Process STEP 5 Supply and
  • CO2 Removal
  • LiHO 4 Bed Molecular Oxygen
  • sieve (4-BMS) Storage
  • Mass 7kg/4p/day 30 kg/p 1 kg/p/d
  • Volume 0.005 m³/Cartridge 0.15m³/p 0.07m³/p
  • Power 12 W 0.3 kW/p -
  • 4-BMS 4 beds of synthetic zeolites or
    aluminum-silicate metal, two beds for CO2
    obsorption and another two for water vapor
    material. The beds are heated to expel the CO2
    overboard and water vapor collected.
  • The Russian Mir space station used KCLO4
    Potassium Perchlorate, where 1 kg KCLO4 provides
    0.46 kg/p/d.
  • A person requires nominally
  • 30 kg supplies/person/day
  • This consists of
  • 27kg water per day for drinking and washing.
  • 2 kg, food including 2/3 mass water per day.
  • 1 kg Oxygen per day
  • We can recycle 24 kg water via the air
    conditioning, filtering washwater and distilling

Number of Crew 6 Mass unit Mass kg Volumes unit Volume m3
Number of days 30 allowance   subtotal     subtotal
Consumables (/person, /day or /person per day) Consumables (/person, /day or /person per day)    
Food (including 2/3 water)   2.30 kg/p/d 414 0.008 m3/p/d 1.44
Water   2.86 kg/p/d 513.9 0.002855 m3/p/d 0.51
O2   0.84 kg/p/d 151.2 0.0007 m3/p/d 0.13
Gas leakage - water kg/day   0.05 kg/d 1.5 0.00005 m3/d 0.00
Gas leakage - O2 kg/day   1.2 kg/d 36 0.001 m3/d 0.03
Gas leakage - N2 kg/day   3.75 kg/d 112.5 0.0046296 m3/d 0.14
kitchen cleaning supplies   0.25 kg/d 7.5 0.0018 m3/d 0.054
cooking utensiles   5 kg/p 30 0.014 m3/p 0.084
Contingency fecal urine collection bags   0.23 kg/p/d 41.4 0.0008 m3/p/d 0.144
WCS suppies (toilet paper, cleaning, filters etc)   0.05 kg/p/d 9 0.0013 m3/p/d 0.234
Hygiene supplies   0.075 kg/p/d 13.5 0.0015 m3/p/d 0.27
Personal hygiene kit   1.8 kg/p 10.8 0.005 m3/p 0.03
Clothing   99 kg/p 594 0.336 m3/p 2.016
Personal stowage/closet space   50 kg/p 300 0.75 m3/p 4.5
Disposable wipes   0.1 kg/p/d 18 0.002 m3/p/d 0.36
Trash bags   0.05 kg/p/d 9 0.001 m3/p/d 0.18
Operational Supplies (diskettees,ziplocks,velcro,tape) Operational Supplies (diskettees,ziplocks,velcro,tape) 20 kg/p 120 0.002 m3/p 0.012
Sleep provisions   9 kg/p 54 0.1 m3/p 0.6
Subtotals     2436.3   10.73
 TOTAL 25 on mass50 volume   3045.4     16.10
Concept Design Process STEP 6-1 Develop Concept
Equipment and supplies
Number of Crew 4 Mass unit Mass kg Volumes unit Volume m3
Number of days 30 allowance   subtotal     subtotal
Fixed Resources          
Freezers   0 0 0 m3 0
Conventional oven   50 kg 50 0.25 m3 0.25
Microwave oven 2 ea   70 kg 70 0.3 m3 0.3
Sink, spigot for food hydration and Drinking water   15 kg 15 0.0135 m3 0.0135
Dishwasher   40 kg 40 0.56 m3 0.56
Waste collection system 2 off   90 kg 90 4.36 m3 4.36
Shower   75 kg 75 1.41 m3 1.41
Handwash/mouthwash faucet   8 kg 8 0.01 m3 0.01
Washing machine   100 kg 400 0.75 m3 0.75
Clothes dryer   60 kg 60 0.75 m3 0.75
Restraints and mobility aids   100 kg 100 0.54 m3 0.54
Vacuum (prine 2 spares)   13 kg 13 0.07 m3 0.07
Trash compactor/trash lock   150 kg 150 0.3 m3 0.3
Hand tools and accessories   300 kg 300 1 m3 1
Spare parts/equipment consumables   0 0 0 0
Test equipment (oscilloscopes, gauges etc)   100 kg 100 0.3 m3 0.3
Fixtures, large machine tools, Goveboxes, etc   250 kg 250 0 m3 0
Equipment (still vidio cameras, Lenses, etc)   120 kg 120 0.5 m3 0.5
Film (assume digital)   0 0    
Exercise equipment   145 kg 145 0.19 m3 0.19
Medical/surgical/dental suite   200 kg 200 0.8 m3 0.8
Medical/surgical/dental consumables   50 kg 50 0.25 m3 0.25
Fixed resources Subtotals 2236 12.35
Total incl 25 on mass50 volume 2795     18.53
Concept Design Process STEP 6-2 Develop Concept
Equipment and supplies
Total Mass and Volume, Consumables Fixed
5850 kg 34.5 m3
The Solar Generator Design Assumptions
Concept Design Process STEP 7 Power
i The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Space,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p137 ii
Clawson, AG-Pod The Integration of Existing
Technologies for Efficient, Affordable Space
Flight Agriculture. 29th International
Conference on Environmental Systems Denver,
Colorado July 12-15 ,1999.
We are using a solar cells power generator The
Moon has continuous sunlight for 14 days The
solar energy flux in Earth orbit/Moon 1370
kW/m² We can assume solar cell efficiency for
long term life 15 but can be higher Also
adopt and mass per Watt 55 Watts/kg Suggest
to allow an additional 50 to allow for the
twilight period. For the concept allow 3 kW per
person. This covers the environmental system
radiators, stoves fridges etc. As such we
require 27 kW mass 490 Kg solar panels
Concept Design Process STEP 7 Concept
  • Questions
  • Are the rooms placed well for
  • -dealing with sound?
  • dealing with dust if the airlock is used?
  • connecting to other moon base Habs?
  • Is the airlock practical in terms of entrance and

Concept Design Process STEP 7 Concept
We are using a solar cells power
generator Item Mass Volume Structural
Mass 4,200 kg 120 m³ Fixed resources 2,800
kg 18.5 m³ Expendable Supplies 3,050 kg 16.4
m³ Airlock 500 kg 5 m³ Solar Generator
Power 460 kg Margin (25) 2,750 kg
TOTAL 13,760 kg. Our original guess was 13,800
kg Free Volume 82 m³ This is 13.6 m³ per
person and is gt than our minimum 10m³/person
Concept Design Process STEP 8 Risk Assessment
Risk Likelihood Consequence Rank Solution
Return ship may fail and Astronauts may stay longer than 14 days E 5 M No solution Return ship cannot fail
Environmental system fails A 5 A Provide back up environmental system
Astronauts Become ill D 3 M Medical supplies and automated return ship
Solar Storm E 4 M Provide moon base with radiation shelter.
Structure punctured by meteorite E 5 M Retreat to airlock provide space suits in airlock.
Cosmic Rays A 1 M Cover base with regolith in long term

For the exercise you need to consider the risks
and select a matching Likelihood, Consequence
and Rank An acceptable rank is L or low to
M or medium. If it is not L or M then we
need a design or procedure solution in place
to make it L or M You need to consider the
solution or procedure and write it in the column
Exercise Undertake a Risk Assessment on
NASAs Proto- type Manned Luna Rover Forward
your answers to NASA!
  • Note the Port Suits. Astronauts climb into them
  • a door in the rear of the rover compartment.
  • Suggested Issues to Consider
  • How reliable do you think it would be in off road
  • compared to a Land Rover vehicle?
  • What happens if it collides with a boulder or
    drives into
  • a ditch?
  • - Do you think it will be stable with the moons
    low gravity?
  • Do you think it is safe to climb on and off the
    rover in
  • the suits?
  • - How much maintenance do you think would the
  • need compared to a Land Rover vehicle?
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