Title: Where do I put this
1Where do I put this?
Presentation by Joyce A. Brannan, Technical
Services Librarian, Julia Tutwiler Library,
University of West Alabama, Livingston, Alabama.
2You should have already covered the Dewey Decimal
training materials. This presentation will cover
the many different locations we have for our
books. Spine labels may have locations in
addition to the Dewey numbers and the Cutters.
Dewey numbers classify the books by subject.
Cutters identify the individual book. Cutters
consist of a capital letter, numbers, and
frequently, some small letters.
Ala. Coll. 970.88 H33 RH
Ref. 370.907 C77g Indexes
3You must become familiar with all the locations
for the books. If a book that is supposed to be
in reference is shelved with the main collection,
it is in effect, lost. If a Juvenile collection
book is shelved in the main library, it is in
effect, lost.
Were lost!
Ill find you!
4List of locations in the main library
Microfiche including LAC, LEL, and other items
Microfilm Newspapers Periodicals Professional Ref
erence Reference Desk Reserve
Atlas stand Bindery CDs for Proquest EDs
(ERIC) Encyclopedias Interlibrary loan Indexes
Alabama Room Archives Fiction Main collection
Music Scores Records Oversize Paperbacks
6The Alabama Room In the Alabama Room, there are
several additional locations Biography De May
Childrens Literature Collection Ralph Hammond
Southern Literature Collection Reference Subject T
artt Collection Vault
7The DeMay Collection is a special collection of
award winning childrens literature. The books
have been donated by Dr. Patricia DeMay. The
collection is located in the vault. The books
in this collection may not be checked out by
anyone except Dr. DeMay and Dr. Snider. The
books can be used in the library under the
supervision of a librarian.
Dr. DeMay and Dr. Snider at the dedication of the
Julia S. Tutwiler quilt.
8Locations in the curriculum labThe curriculum
lab is located in Bibb Graves
Big books Biography Cataloging Easy
Fiction Juvenile
Manipulatives Multimedia
Reference Textbooks
Curriculum laboratory professional collection
10We want you to be able to find everything easily,
not feel like you are spinning in circles. That
is why we have prepared this presentation.
Normally, you will only have to shelve books in
either the main library or the curriculum lab,
not both. But you need to recognize the spine
labels for both places in case something is
returned to the wrong building.
11Our patrons may need help finding a book that has
been improperly shelved. Be sure to look in all
the different locations as well as the shelf area
around the proper location. Alabama Room books
will frequently be found with the general
12The first thing you must do is to acquaint
yourself with the main library and the curriculum
lab. You may take the Virtual Tour which is
available from our homepage, http\\www.library.uw
a.edu. We also encourage you to walk around and
actually visit all the places mentioned. It is
part of your job to know what we have and where
to find it so that you can better help patrons
find what they need.
13The spine labels have all the information you
need to shelve a book.
For example, this label tells us that the book is
part of the reference collection and belongs on
the atlas stand. Many atlases are extremely
large and must be placed on a special stand or
shelves to support them.
Ref 910 H88 Atlas Stand
14Ref 050 H76 Index
A very common mistake is to shelve an Index with
the regular reference books. Indexes are located
on the east wall of the Libraryto the far left
as you come in the front entrance.. .
15Examples of spine labels in the main library that
display locations
Ref 754.89 M88 V.1
Ala. Coll. 922.87 K89
Ref. Desk 754.89 M88
Reference Desk General Reference Alabama
Ala. Coll. 754.89 M88 R.H.
DeMay Coll. 754.89 M88
Ala. Coll. 754.89 M88 Tartt
Ralph Hammond DeMay Tartt
16Examples of spine labels in the curriculum lab
Textbook 754.89 PRE Gr.
E Author
FIC Author
754.89 Author
Juvenile Textbooks Easy Fiction
Biog Name (who the book is about) Name (who wrote
the book)
Curr. Prof. 754.89 M88
Biography Curriculum Professional
17Photo Credits
- Fort Francis Public Library, Ontario, Canada,
http//www.fort-frances.com/library/shutin.html. - Book Detective, Logan Primary School, Queensland,
Australia, http//www.teachers.ash.org.au/lsslib/b
ookdet.htm. - Taming Temper Tantrums, Bill Dodd, Childrens
Clinic of Southwest Louisiana, Lake Charles,
Louisiana, http//www.childrensclinicofswla.com/ki
dshealth20articles/Taming20Tantrums.htm. - 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13. University of West
Alabama, Julia Tutwiler Library,
188. Original writing, AS Guru English, BBCI,
British Broadcasting Corporation, England,
iginalwriting/index.shtml. 9. Chasing the Tail
of the Beast, David S. Linthicum, Software
Magazine, http//www.softwaremag.com/archive/2001f