Title: SumFrequency Generation SFG
1Sum-Frequency Generation (SFG)
- Chemistry at the Interface
- Jakoah Brgoch
- 11.29.2007
2Sum-Frequency Generation (SFG)
- Molecular Interfaces
- Development of SFG
- Theoretical Background
- Application
- Carbon monoxide binding and oxidation
3Molecular Interfaces
- The boundary separating and connecting any two
bulk phases - One to several molecular layers thick
- All chemical and physical processes involving
interactions and energy or mass transfer must
cross the interface - The interface has distinct and different
properties than the bulk material - Originate from the difference of chemical
compositions and asymmetry of the forces that
molecules and atoms experience at the interface
Wang, H. Gan, W. Lu, R. Rao, Y. Wu, B., Int.
Rev. in Phys. Chem. 2005, 24, 191-256.
4Problems with Studying the Interface
- Arises from interface regions existing in such a
small area - Makes it difficult to characterize by
conventional experimental methods - Very easily contaminated with small levels of
impurities - Surface and interfaces studies were completed on
the macroscopic level until the 1950s
5Problems with Studying the Interface
- New techniques rely on high-vacuum, laser,
sensitive and fast electronics - Uses scattering, absorption, or emission of
X-rays, neutrons, electrons, atoms and ions - Techniques can be applied to flat surfaces in a
high-vacuum environment - Limitation of microscopic study of surfaces under
high pressure and temperature - Material and biological systems
6Development of SFG
- Tunable IR laser and visible laser at fixed
frequency - Used to obtain the vibrational spectrum at the
sum frequency of the molecular groups at a
molecular interface - the vibrational spectrum originates mainly from
the interface
Dellwig, T. Rupperchter, G. Unterhalt, H.
Freund, H.-J. 2000, 85, 776-779.
7Development of SFG
- Two laser beams (?vis ?IR) co-linear
- The IR frequency coincides with a vibrational
frequency of an adsorbed molecule - The molecule absorbs an IR photon and a visible
photon excited to a high-energy virtual state ngt
Vidal, F. Tadjeddine, A. Rep. Prog. Phys. 2005,
68, 1095-1127.
8Development of SFG
- Second-order non-linear optical processes
- two photons of certain frequencies interact
simultaneously - produce a new photon with the sum of the two
frequencies - SFG vibrations must be both IR and Ramen active
- Ramen polarizability IR selection rules for the
normal mode - Coherent second-order optical processes are
symmetrically forbidden in media having a center
of inversion - The centrosymmetry is naturally broken at the
interface layer, but it is conserved for the
isotropic bulk - SFG becomes intrinsically interface specific
9Theoretical Background
- ?, ?1 and ?2 are the frequencies of the SF
signal, visible and IR laser beams respectively - nm (?i) is the refractive index of the bulk
medium m (m1,2,) at frequency ?i (?0,1,2) - Ăź is the incident or reflection angle from the
interface normal to the beam - I(?i) is the intensity of the SFG signal or the
input laser beams respectively - ĂŞ(?i) is the unit electric field vector for the
light beam at frequency - ?eff is the effective second-order nonlinear
susceptibility of the interface - Contributions from the interface and bulk phases
Vidal, F. Tadjeddine, A. Rep. Prog. Phys. 2005,
68, 1095-1127.
10Theoretical Background
- ?s(2)eff is a third rank tensor having 27
elements - 33 where three dimension of space (xyz) can vary
in three dimensions of the non-linear crystal
(ijk) - Most vanish due inversion symmetry
- Tensor a physical property which connects two
physical quantities.
11Theoretical Background
- A second-order process involving two input
lasers E(?1) and E(?2) - ?(2) is the second order nonlinear susceptibility
tensor of the medium and ?sfg ?1 ?2 - At the interface between two media with inversion
symmetry, centrosymmetry is broken - ?s(2)?0, where ?s is the nonlinear susceptibility
of the surface or interface
Vidal, F. Tadjeddine, A. Rep. Prog. Phys. 2005,
68, 1095-1127.
- Molecular adsorption isotherms can be obtained
- They reveal how the adsorbate structure changes
as a function of coverage that is pressure
dependent in equilibrium with the gas phase - To monitor the surface during catalytic reaction
- determine which of the species turn over and are
reaction intermediates and which are only
spectators - Weakly adsorbed species that are reaction
- Absent from the surface at low pressure
- The adsorption and oxidation of CO on a Pd(111)
14Experimental Setup
- Active mode-locked NdYAG laser
- 20 ps pulse _at_ 1064 nm, 20 Hz rate, 50 mJ
- Nonlinear optics
- Frequency doubled with a KDP nonlinear
crystal-532nm - IR generated with tunable optical parametric
generator amplifier - The lights are aligned and focused concentrically
on metal catalyst - UHV/Batch Reactor-vary the pressure
- Polarizer, filters and monochromator to remove
523 nm contribution
Somorjai, G. A. Rupprechter, G. J. Phys. Chem.
B, 1999, 103, 1623-1638.
15CO Adsorption and Surface Restructuring
- SFG studies of Co on a Pt(111) surface
- Peaks
- 10-7 torr
- 1845 cm-1 CO bridge
- 2095 cm-1 CO atop
- 1 torr
- 2105 cm-1 CO atop
- 11.5-150 torr
- 2105 cm-1 CO atop
- Higher pressures
- 2045 cm-1 terminal Pt-CO bond
16Atop Bridge Bonding
17CO Adsorption and Surface Restructuring
- SFG studies of Co on a Pt(111) surface
- Peaks
- 10-7 torr
- 1845 cm-1 CO bridge
- 2095 cm-1 CO atop
- 1 torr
- 2105 cm-1 CO atop
- 11.5-150 torr
- 2105 cm-1 CO atop
- Higher pressures
- 2045 cm-1 multiple CO-Pt bonds
18CO Adsorption and Surface Restructuring
- High Pressure
- Some of the Pt atoms are pulled
- out of the crystal lattice
- Form multiple bonded CO Pt
- complexes
- Ptm-(CO)n with n/m gt 1
- Low Pressure
- Repulsive interactions of CO ligands cause
complex to not be stable
19CO Adsorption and Surface Restructuring
- The increased pressure the interaction of the
CO-Pt surface overcame the CO-CO repulsion - A layer in lower symmetry locations became
occupied - Shown by the broad background at higher pressures
- Elevated CO pressure consistent with displacive
20CO oxidation on Pt(111) SurfaceExcess O2
- At low temp. lt600K
- 2095 cm-1 CO atop
- Low turn-over rate (TOR)
- Above ignition temp. gt600K
- CO atop peak lost
- High TOR
- 3 new peaks
- 2045 cm-1 multiple bonded CO-Pt clusters
- 2240 cm-1 CO2 species or Pt
- 2130 cm-1 CO stretch
21CO oxidation on Pt(111) SurfaceExcess O2
- At 600K the reaction becomes self-sustained
- Ignition temperature
- Increase temperature
- The atop CO intensity decreased due to thermal
desorption - Turn-over rate increases
22CO oxidation on Pt(111) SurfaceExcess CO
- 2095 cm-1 CO atop
- 2045 cm-1 multiple CO-Pt bonds
- CO atop peak lost
- T gt1000K
- Higher TOR at increased temp.
- Loss of peak at 2240 cm-1
- CO2 species or Pt
23CO oxidation on Pt(111) SurfaceExcess CO
- Top reaction rate vs atop CO coverage _at_ 590
- Bottom reaction rate vs new CO species _at_ 720
- Increased coverage of the atop decreased the rate
- The rate oxidation is proportional to the
concentration of the of new species (2045 cm-1)
24CO oxidation on Pt(111) Surface
- Decrease of atop CO coverage (2095 cm-1)
- Not an active intermediate in oxidation
- Reaction rate was proportional to the
concentration at 2045 cm-1 - Active species for oxidation to CO2
25Sum-Frequency Generation
- Advantages
- Allows detection of transition states
- Can monitor surfaces under ambient conditions
- Disadvantages
- Needs very uniform surface free from defects
- Would be very difficult for liquid/liquid or
liquid/gas interface
- Why is it possible to monitor reactions on the
surface with SFG? - Because the inversion symmetry is broken when the
sample is adsorbed onto the surface, allowing the
coupling of a photon.
28SHG SFG (summary slide)
- Second-order non-linear optical processes are
forbidden under the electric-dipole approximation - If inversion symmetry is present
- At the interface of centrosymmetric surfaces the
symmetry is broken - SHG and SFT are allowed on these surfaces
- The technique is interface specific and can be
used to study interfaces not accessible by light - Use of ultra-short laser pulses allow for
time-resolved studies of interfacial dynamics