Title: Random Number Generation
1Random Number Generation
2Random Numbers in Simulation
- Necessary basic ingredient in simulation of each
discrete systems - Most computer languages have their own random
number generator - Two main properties
- Independence
- Uniformity
- How to make sure that random numbers are truly
- What are some examples of dependent random
variables? - Output of an M/M/1 queuing system
- Draws from a bowl of N colored chips.
4- Each random number Ri is an independent sample
drawn from a continuous uniform distribution
between 0 and 1 - RiU(0,1)
f (x)
- Uniformity
- If the interval (0,1) is divided into n classes,
or subintervals of equal length, the expected
number of observations in each interval is N/n,
where N is the total number of observations. - Independence
- Probability of observing a value in a particular
interval is independent of the previous values
6Pseudo-Random Number Generation
- Why pseudo?
- The act of generating random numbers using a
known method removes the potential for true
randomness - Method known random numbers replicated
- Goal produce a sequence of random numbers
between 0 and 1 that imitates the ideal
properties of U(0,1)
7Deviations from True Randomness
- Generated numbers may not be uniformly
distributed - Generated numbers may be discrete-valued instead
of continuous valued - Mean of generated numbers may be too high or too
low - Variance of generated numbers may be too high or
too low - Dependence problems
- Auto-corrolation,
- Numbers successively higher than adjacent
numbers, - Several numbers above the mean followed by
several numbers below the mean)
8Deviations from True Randomness
9Important Considerations
- Routine should be fast
- Select a computationally efficient method
- Routine should be portable different computers
- Produce same results wherever executed
- Routine should have a sufficiently long cycle
- Random numbers should be replicable
- Necessary for debugging and system comparisons
- Random numbers should closely approximate the
properties of uniformity and independence
10Techniques for RN Generation
- Linear Congruential Generator (LCG)
- Combined Multiple Recursive Generator (CMRG)
- More sophisticated techniques also exist
11Linear Congruential Methods
- Produces a sequence of integers X1, X2, ..,
between 0 and m-1 according to the following
relationship - X0 seed
- a constant multiplier
- c increment
- m modulus
12Linear Congruential Methods
- When the increment c0, it is called
multiplicative congruential method. - When the increment c?0, it is called mixed
congruential method. - The choice of a, c, m, and X0 drastically affects
the statistical properties and cycle length - Exercise generate random numbers using linear
congruential method for X027, a17, c43, and
13Linear Congruential Methods
- Solution
- X0 27
- X1 (17.2743) mod 100 2
- R1 2/100 0.02
- X2 (17.243) mod 100 77
- R2 77/100 0.77
- X3 (17.7743) mod 100 52
- R3 52/100 0.52 ..
14Linear Congruential Methods
- How closely generated random numbers approximate
uniformity and independence? - What are the maximum density and maximum period ?
- How large are the gaps on the 0,1 interval?
(should not leave large gaps) - How long are the cycle periods? (should avoid the
recurrence of same sequence of generated numbers)
15Linear Congruential Methods
- Using multiplicative congruential method, find
period of the generator a13, m2664, and
X01,2,3, and 4
16Linear Congruential Methods
- Real LC random generators, take m to be at least
231-12,147,483,647 (about 2.1 billion) - The other parameters are carefully chosen to
achieve full or nearly full cycle length. - With a normal PC we can exhaust all these random
numbers in a matter of minutes. - So, for large application the cycle length might
not sufficient.
17Combined Multiple Recursive Generators (CMRG)
- For the simulation of real systems we usually
need much longer periods - A fruitful approach is to combine two or more
multiplicative congruential generators to have
good statistical properties and longer periods
18Combined Multiple Recursive Generators (CMRG)
19Combined Multiple Recursive Generators (CMRG)
- The parameters of the CMRG is carefully chosen to
generate the proper statistical properties of
random number - Uniformity
- Independence
- The cycle length is huge 3.11057
20Combined Multiple Recursive Generators (CMRG)
- The cycle length is huge 3.11057
- A normal PC can exhaust all these random numbers
in 2.781040 millennia. - Moores law The speed of computers double each
one and a half year. - It takes 216 years before a typical PC can
exhaust all CMRG random numbers in one year.
21Non-overlapping streams of RNs
- It is useful to separate the cycle of a RN
generator into adjacent non-overlapping streams
of RNs. - The Arena generator has facility for splitting
its cycle into 1. 81019 separate streams each
of length 7.61038. - There are sub-streams within each stream
22Random Variates
- Knowing how to
- generate random numbers that is uniformly
distributed between 0 and 1, - we now need to
- generate random number with other distribution
functions. - We want to transform samples from a uniform
distribution between 0 and 1 into draws from a
desired distribution. We refer to such draws as
variates from this distribution
24Continuous Distributions
- Uniform
- Exponential
- Gamma
- Weibull
- Normal
- Lognormal
- Beta
- Triangular
25Discrete Distributions
- Bernoulli
- Discrete Uniform
- Binomial
- Geometric
- Negative Binomial
- Possion
26Required Reading
- Read Appendix D of the text book
- Probability Distributions
- There will be question on the Midterm Exam
regarding the applications of these probability
27Exponential Distribution
- Exponential Distribution
- Inter-arrival times of customers to a system that
occurs at a constant rate - The only continuous distribution with memoryless
property - Mean equal to standard deviation
28Discrete Random Variates
- We show the technique through an example
- Consider the random variable X with the following
29Discrete Random Variates
First technique Dividing the 0,1 interval
X 0
X 3
30Discrete Random Variates
F(x )
Set X3
31Discrete Uniform Random Variables
- Suppose X takes on values 1,,n with equal
probability. In order to generate X based on U,
we let - if
- Hence, Xj if
- or
32Class Activity
- Generate A Random Permutation Suppose we are
interested in generating a permutation of numbers
1,2,,n, which has n! possible orderings with
equal probability - Each group cannot be more than two students (if
necessary only one group can be three) - 10 minutes
- Let Pj j be the initial permutation
- Set kn
- Let
- Interchange the value of PI and Pk
- Let kk-1, if kgt1 goto step 3
34Geometric Random Variables
- Suppose X is a geometric r.v. with parameter p,
i.e., P(Xi)pqi-1, q1-p - We can generate X by setting Xj if
- I.e.
35The Inverse Transform Algorithm
- Proposition Let U be a uniform (0,1) r.v. For
any continuous distribution function F, the r.v.
X defined by - XF-1(U)
- has distribution F.
- Proof.
- Since F is a monotone increasing function,
36Continuous Random Variates
- Inverse Transform Technique
- Most straight forward, but not most efficient
- Compute CDF of desired random variable X
- Set F(X)U on the range of X
- Solve the equation F(X)U
- Generate as needed uniform random numbers and
compute the desired random variates XiF-1(Ui)
37Exponential Random Variates
- Inverse Transform Technique (example)
- The exponential pdf and cdf
38Exponential Random Variates
- Inverse Transform Technique (example)
- What is the graphical presentation of this
39Triangular Random Variates
- Inverse Transform Technique (example)
- The Triangular pdf and cdf
40Class Activity
- Derive the random variate formula for the
triangular distribution - Each group cannot be more than two students (if
necessary only one group can be three) - 15 minutes