Title: Microfoundations of Organizational Capabilities and Knowledge Processes
1Micro-foundations of Organizational Capabilities
and Knowledge Processes
Copenhagen Business School, 1-2 December 2005
- Nicolai J Foss
- Center for Strategic Management and Globalization
- Copenhagen Business School
2Motivating Observations
- Capabilities and its numerous aliases represent
dominant constructs for thinking about firm-level
heterogeneity and outcomes (SCA, innovation,
adaptation, etc.). - Definitional problems, problems of measurement
and operationalization. - Micro-foundation problem.
3Black Boxes (Arrows)
Individual action and interaction
Firm-level outcomes
Firm-level capabilities
And what is going on there??
What is going on here??
4Felin/Foss Conference Credo This conference is
based on the conviction that research and
practice in management and economics on
capabilities and knowledge in firms in general
will strongly benefit from an explicit discussion
of micro-foundations.
5Which Microfoundations?
6Discussion of Microfoundations in the Base
- Debates on methodological (and ontological and
political) individualism vs collectivism go back
a long time in social science particularly in
economics. -
7Discussion of Microfoundations in the Base
- Notion of MI coined by an economist Joseph
Schumpeter. - Part of the Methodenstreit.
- Old institutionalism vs the emerging
neoclassicism. - Macroeconomics and microeconomics and the need
to relate these. - Econ usually taken to be the quintessential
individualist social science
8Discussion of Microfoundations in the Base
- Sociology
- Durkheim
- Rational choice sociology/mathematical sociology
vs structuralist approaches. - Coleman.
- Giddens on agency/structure
9Discussion of Microfoundations in the base
- Philosophy of science
- Long debate on reductionism.
- Hayek, Popper, Watkins, Agassi, Elster, Kincaid,
etc. - Related to debate on modes of explanation.
- Much less explicit debate in management studies.
- Often echoes (apes?) discussion in base
disciplines. - Strong collectivist claims e.g., that
organizations are strong situations are
prevalent in management studies. - Constructs without clear micro-foundations such
as capabilities, competencies, etc. prevail.
11Why a Microfoundations Discussion in Management?
- Clarifying relations between levels of
analysis/link up with ongoing discussion of
multi-level analysis? - Identify mechanisms at lower level of analysis
a perennial ambition of all science? - Discuss usefulness of behavioral assumptions?
- Put collective constructs on a more secure
footing? - Advance managerial practice.
12Social Science Explanation
Social (macro) conditions
Social (macro) outcomes
Conditions of individual (micro) actions
Individual actions (micro)
James Coleman 1990 Foundations of Social Theory.
13Where is a micro-project relevant?
Social (macro) conditions
Social (macro) outcomes
Macro-foundations for micro?
How do individual actions aggregate to collective
outcomes? Nature of mechanism
Conditions of individual (micro) actions
Individual actions (micro)
What should we assume about motivation and
To what extent does conditions determine
14Some Discussion Issues
- If indeed we need micro-foundations, what do such
foundations look like? - Rational choice theory? Something more
behavioral? Or, is this really a false
oppostion? - Motivation and/or cognition where should we
begin? -
- Does management as an inherently pluralistic
discipline need to make a choice here? - How much discretion do we have in our search for
micro-foundations? Does anything go?
15Some Discussion Issues
- What are key processes of knowledge creation or
learning both at the individual and collective
levels? - How do we aggregate from individual to the
collective level knowledge? Can we make use of
invisible hand-explanations? - Wat are the points of overlap between social
theorists and organizational scholars with regard
to the micro-macro link? - What about the rationalist behaviorist debate
where does social theory stand? - No particular academic discipline has a monopoly
on the constructs of learning and knowledge
what are unique/new insights coming from our
respective disciplines in relation to others? Are
we simply recycling concepts and theory between