Title: Snmek 1
1 what do we know?
- class 1 description
- real x nominal GDP, 3 ways to measure GDP
- deflator x CPI
- unemployment rate, participation rate
- class 2 AD goods and financial markets
- multiplicative effects of autonomous
components of demand its size depends on
how sensitive is the demand to income - role of progressive taxation (T depends on Y)
automatic stabilizers - money demand (transaction and liquidity
purposes, role of IR via opportunity cost) - alternatively quantity theory of money (with
constant velocity) - link between the supply of monetary base and
money supply money multiplier, says how
powerful the money creation process is
today continue with our study of fluctuations
ec210, class 3
Milan Lisicky
2economy in the short-run perspective how do
shocks to AD affect economy
- How do fluctuations happen?
- AD is major source of fluctuations, namely
fiscal policy and monetary policy
- What is AD?
- equilibrium output of final goods at each level
of P
what is level of output, Y, is demanded (and
produced) for given P and IR goods market
what level of nominal IR can exist for given P
and Y financial market
markets are interconnected
IR affects the level of output at the goods
market ltISgt
Y affects the level of IR at the financial
market ltLMgt
Milan Lisicky
ec210, class 2
3aggregate demand goods market derivation of the
IS curve
- Assumptions
- A1 Firms have free capacities gtgt demand, Z,
determines Y - A2 Demand depends on Y gtgt Z(Y)
- From definitions of GDP follows that the economy
must be in - expenditure ( production) income (45 line) gtgt
Z(Y) Y - The role of IR
- from our basic investment theory, I d0 d1Y
d2 IR - solving Z(Y) Y gives Y 1 / (1 - c1 - d1)
c0 - c1 Td0 - d2 IR G - IS curve depicts Y that prevails for a given
level of IR ?IR ... ?I ... ? Y
Q1, back
Milan Lisicky
ec210, class 2
4aggregate demand financial market derivation of
the LM curve
- Assumptions
- all wealth is held either in money or bonds, only
bonds bear IR - money is held either in cash or deposits Md c
Md (1-c) Md - Demand for money
- Md PY L(IR), or explicitly Md / P m0 m1
Y m2 IR - Supply of money (derived from the inter-bank
money market) - Ms Hs c ? (1-c)
- The role of Y
- from our money demand theory, Md / P m0 m1
Y m2 IR - solving Md Ms gives IR 1 / m2 (m0 m1 Y
M / P) - LM curve gives IR that prevails for a given level
of Y ?Y ... ?Md ... ?IR
Q2, back
Milan Lisicky
ec210, class 2
5economy in the short-run perspective how do
shocks to AD affect economy
Markets are interconnected fiscal and monetary
policy affect both IR and Y
- Transmission mechanism of fiscal policy (Q3, c)
- ?G...?Z...?Y...?Md...?IR...?I...?Z...?Y
- mult. m1-
d2- - note financial crowding out of private
- Transmission mechanism of monetary policy (Q3,
d) - ?Hs...?Ms... (?Bonds,?IR,?Md)...?I...?Z...?Y..
.(?Md,?IR) - MM
m2- d2
mult. m1-
Milan Lisicky
ec210, class 2