Title: Automating Windows Applications with win32com
1Automating Windows Applications with win32com
- Roy H. Han
- Python Conference 2008
- Chicago
2Next thirty minutes Intro
- Why 3 min
- Setup your computer 3 min
- Icebreaker 7 min
- Applications via COM 15 min
- Overview tutorial projects 2 min
3Why access existing applications through Python?
- When your clients say,
- I wish (my application) could do
- I dont have time to learn (your application)
- I am more familiar using (my application)
People will use your work if it integrates
with applications with which they are comfortable
4Why access existing applications through Python?
- Usability
- People will use your work if it integrates with
- applications with which they are comfortable.
- Shoulders of Giants
- Combine features from multiple applications.
- Less Clicking and Typing
- Make a computer do it.
5Make your computer do it
- Create a report from a database
- Process email
- Extract data from an application file
- Populate a database
6Icebreaker Your expectations
- While you are setting up your laptops, lets go
around the room and introduce ourselves - (Thirty seconds each)
- Your name
- A little about yourself
- A problem you hope to solve using what you learn
from this tutorial
7Setup your computer
- Install win32com
- http//sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/
- Extract tutorial code package
- Launch IDLE
- import sys sys.path.append(ryourCodePath)
- import os os.chdir(ryourCodePath)
- Import win32com
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
8Which applications can we access through Python?
- Applications with COM interfaces
- using Mark Hammonds
- Python for Windows Extensions
- http//sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/
9What do we need to automate an application?
- ProgID
- To dispatch the application
- COM documentation
- To use methods from the application
10How do I know if my target application has a COM
- Find the ProgID corresponding to your target
application - Start gt Run gt regedit.exe gt Edit gt Find gt Excel
- Try connecting to your target application
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- Examine your target application using a COM
browser - /Python25/Lib/site-packages/win32com/client/combr
11How do I know if my target application has a COM
- Find the ProgID corresponding to your target
application - Start gt Run gt regedit.exe gt Edit gt Find gt Excel
- VersionIndependentProgID Excel.Application
- Try connecting to your target application
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- Dispatch(Excel.Application)
- Examine your target application using a COM
browser - /Python25/Lib/site-packages/win32com/client/combr
owse.py - Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library
12Which applications can we access through COM?
- Get a partial list of ProgIDs using WBEM
- Pros Fast
- Cons Partial
- Cycle through the registry and try to dispatch
each ProgID using a script - Pros Complete
- Cons Very Slow
13Get a partial list of ProgIDsusing WBEM
- Filename getProgIDsFromWBEM.py
- Dispatch WBEM
- Extract progIDs
- Record results
- Adapted from
- http//win32com.goermezer.de/content/view/154/18
14Get a partial list of ProgIDsusing WBEM
- Filename getProgIDsFromWBEM.py
- Dispatch WBEM
- wbem Dispatch('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator')
- wbemServer wbem.ConnectServer('.',
'root\cimv2') - Extract progIDs
- sql 'SELECT ProgID FROM Win32_ProgIDSpecificatio
n' - results wbemServer.ExecQuery(sql)
- progIDs x.ProgID for x in results
progIDs.sort() - Record results
- outputFile open('progIDs_partialFromWBEM.txt',
'wt') - outputFile.write('\n'.join(progIDs))
- outputFile.close()
15Cycle through the registry and try to dispatch
each ProgID
- Filename getProgIDsFromRegistry.py
- Import other modules
- Initialize list of keys of search
- While we have keysToSearch,
- Get key
- For each subkey,
- Extract progIDs
- Recurse children
- Print categories
- Sort progIDs
- Try to open each progID in a separate process
16Cycle through the registry and try to dispatch
each ProgID
- Filename getProgIDsFromRegistry.py
- Import other modules
- from _winreg import
- Initialize list of keys of search
- keysToSearch
- OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software'),
- OpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'Software'),
- categories set() progIDs set()
17Cycle through the registry and try to dispatch
each ProgID
- While we have keysToSearch,
- while keysToSearch
- Get key
- key keysToSearch.pop() count_subkeys
QueryInfoKey(key)0 - For each subkey,
- for index in xrange(count_subkeys)
- subkeyName EnumKey(key, index)
- try subkey OpenKey(key, subkeyName)
- except WindowsError print 'Could not
access registry key', subkeyName - subkeyNameLower subkeyName.lower()
- Extract progIDs
- if 'progid' in subkeyNameLower
- categories.add(subkeyNameLower)
- if 'open' in subkeyNameLower
- count_values QueryInfoKey(subkey
)0 - for valueIndex in xrange(1,
count_values) - progIDs.add(EnumValue(subkey,
index)0) - else progIDs.add(EnumValue(subkey,
0)1) - Recurse children
18Cycle through the registry and try to dispatch
each ProgID
- Print categories
- print 'Categories ' ', '.join(categories)
- Sort progIDs
- progIDs list(progIDs)
- progIDs.sort()
- Try to open each progID in a separate process
- import killableprocess Courtesy of Peter
Astrand and Benjamin Smedberg - progIDs_dispatchable
- outputFile open('progIDs_completeFromRegistry.tx
t', 'wt') - for progID in progIDs
- print 'd/d s' (progIDs.index(progID),
len(progIDs), progID), - returnCode killableprocess.call('python
dispatch.py ' progID, timeout30) - if not returnCode
- print 'yes'
- outputFile.write(progID '\n')
- outputFile.flush()
- else print 'no'
19Cycle through the registry and try to dispatch
each ProgID
- Filename dispatch.py
- Import modules
- Try to dispatch the specified ProgID
- If we have an error, exit with a negative value
20Cycle through the registry and try to dispatch
each ProgID
- Filename dispatch.py
- Import modules
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- import sys, pywintypes
- Try to dispatch the specified ProgID
- try x Dispatch(sys.argv1) del x
- If we have an error, exit with a negative value
- except pywintypes.com_error sys.exit(-1)
21ProgIDs for some applications
- Skype4COM.Skype
- Excel.Application
- Word.Application
- Lotus.NotesSession
- MAPI.Session
- Outlook.Application
- Vim.Application
- Matlab.Application
- SAPI.SpVoice
- SAPI.SpSharedRecognizer
- Speech.VoiceCommand
- Python.Interpreter
- Access.Application
- GoogleEarth.ApplicationGE
- EsriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch
- AcroExch.App
- WMPlayer.OCX
- PowerPoint.Application
- Nero.Nero
- Visio.Application
- Eudora.EuApplication
- InternetExplorer.Application
- AutoCAD.Application
- WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
- WScript.Shell
- OmniPage14
- Intuit.Quicken
- Bloomberg.Data
22How do we know what methods and attributes are
- Find COM documentation for the target application
- Run makepy
- /Python25/Lib/site-packages/win32com/client/makep
y.py - See hints (CTRL-space in IDLE, Tab in IPython)
- You can use program constants
- Your COM interface runs a little faster
- Examine your target application using a COM
browser - /Python25/Lib/site-packages/win32com/client/combr
23Review What do we need to automate an
- ProgID
- To dispatch the application
- COM documentation
- To use methods from the application
24Mini Projects Tutorial Format
- My demo
- We pseudocode
- We code through IDLE
- Your demo
25Basics Mail Events Add-Ins More
- Make an Excel spreadsheet from a database
- Update a database using an Excel spreadsheet
- Make a Word document from a database
- Run Python commands through Vim
- Get contacts from Outlook
26Basics Mail Events Add-Ins More
- Update a database using Outlook
- Reply to email with Outlook
- Reply to email with Lotus Notes
27Basics Mail Events Add-Ins More
- Make a toolbar button in Excel
- Run Python commands from an Excel spreadsheet
- Update a database using an Excel spreadsheet in
28Basics Mail Events Add-Ins More
- Write an add-in for Excel
- Write an add-in for Word
- Write an add-in for Outlook
29Basics Mail Events Add-Ins More
- Speak using SpVoice
- Call using Skype
- Convert a document to PDF
- Do calculations in Matlab
- Clip images from shapefiles through ArcGIS
- Extract data from an Access database
- Move your mouse
30Next thirty minutes Basics
- Make an Excel spreadsheet from a database
10 min - Update a database using an Excel spreadsheet
5 min - Make a Word document from a database
5 min - Run Python commands through Vim
5 min - Get contacts from Outlook
5 min
31Make an Excel spreadsheet from a database
- Get results from database
- Dispatch Excel
- Put results into cells
- Format cells
- Release Excel to prevent hanging instances
32Make an Excel spreadsheet from a database
- Get results from database
- from model_database import Model
- database Model()
- results database.seeInvoices()
33Make an Excel spreadsheet from a database
- Dispatch Excel
- from win32com.client import Dispatch, constants
- excel Dispatch('Excel.Application')
- excel.Visible 1
- excel.WindowState constants.xlMaximized
- excel.Workbooks.Add()
34Make an Excel spreadsheet from a database
- Make shortcut
- sheet excel.ActiveSheet
- Add title
- cell sheet.Cells(1, 1)
- cell.Value 'Invoices'
- cell.Font.Size 20
- cell.Font.Bold True
35Make an Excel spreadsheet from a database
- Put results into cells
- def drawText(row, items, isBold False)
- column 1
- for item in items
- cell sheet.Cells(row, column)
- cell.Value item
- cell.Font.Bold isBold
- column 1
- return row 1
- row 3
- for x in results row drawText(row, x)
36Make an Excel spreadsheet from a database
- Put results into cells
- formulaString 'sum(cdcd)' (3, row - 1)
- items '', 'Total', formulaString
- row drawText(row, items, True)
- Insert header
- sheet.Rows(3).Insert(constants.xlDown)
- drawText(3, 'Invoice ', 'Date', 'Amount',
'City', 'Paid', True)
37Make an Excel spreadsheet from a database
- Format cells
- sheet.Columns(2).NumberFormat 'mmm d, yyyy'
- sheet.Columns(3).NumberFormat '0.00'
- sheet.Columns(5).NumberFormat '0.00'
- sheet.Columns(4).AutoFit()
- sheet.Rows(3).HorizontalAlignment
constants.xlCenter - Center title
- sheet.Range('A1E1').Merge()
- sheet.Rows(1).HorizontalAlignment
constants.xlCenter - sheet.Name 'Invoices
- Release Excel to prevent hanging instances
- del excel
38Update a databaseusing an Excel spreadsheet
- Dispatch Excel
- Load rows from spreadsheet
- Update entries in database
- Release Excel
39Update a databaseusing an Excel spreadsheet
- Dispatch Excel
- excel Dispatch(Excel.Application)
40Update a databaseusing an Excel spreadsheet
- Load line from spreadsheet
- line excel.ActiveSheet.Rows(7).Value05
- line list(line)
- Note that dates are returned as PyTime
- date line1
- date
- Convert PyTime to datetime
- import datetime
- line1 datetime.date.fromtimestamp(int(date))
41Update a databaseusing an Excel spreadsheet
- Update entries in database
- database.editInvoice(line)
- Get results from database
- invoiceNumber line0
- database.seeInvoice(invoiceNumber)
- Release Excel to prevent hanging instances
- del excel
42Make a Word documentfrom a database
- Dispatch Word
- Add cities to document
- Release Word
43Make a Word documentfrom a database
- Dispatch Word
- word Dispatch(Word.Application)
- word.Visible 1
- word.Documents.Add()
- document word.ActiveDocument
- Add cities to document
- cities list(set(x3 for x in results))
- cities.sort()
- for x in cities
- document.Content.InsertAfter(x \n)
- Release Word
- del word
44Run Python commands from Vim
- Connect to Vim
- Send keys to Vim
- Get current line from Vim
- Connect to Python
- Execute and evaluate line in Python
- Create Vim proxy using wxPython and wxGlade
45Run Python commands from Vim
- Connect to Vim
- vim Dispatch('Vim.Application')
- Send keys to Vim
- vim.SendKeys(ac 6)
- Get current line from Vim
- line vim.Eval(getline(1))
- Release Vim
- del vim
46Run Python commands from Vim
- Connect to Python
- python Dispatch('Python.Interpreter')
- Execute line
- python.Exec(line)
- Evaluate
- python.Eval(c)
- Release Python
- del python
- You can use wxPython wxGlade to
- build a Vim interface to Python
47Run Python commands from Vim with wxPython
- wx.EVT_CHAR(self.text_ctrl, self.onKey)
- def onKey(self, event)
- Get the most recent key
- recentKey chr(event.GetKeyCode())
- self.text_ctrl.SetValue(recentKey)
- Send key to Vim
- vim.SendKeys(recentKey)
48Run Python commands from Vim with wxPython
- def onClick(self, event)
- Get current line from Vim
- line vim.Eval('getline(".")')
- Send line to Python
- python.Exec(line)
49Run Python commands from Vim with wxPython
- import wx
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- vim Dispatch('Vim.Application')
- python Dispatch('Python.Interpreter')
50Run Python commands from Vim with wxPython
- class MyFrame(wx.Frame)
- def __init__(self, args, kwds)
- begin wxGlade MyFrame.__init__
- kwds"style" wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE
- wx.Frame.__init__(self, args, kwds)
- self.text_ctrl wx.TextCtrl(self, -1,
"", stylewx.TE_PROCESS_ENTERwx.TE_PROCESS_TAB) - self.button wx.Button(self, -1, "Run")
- self.__set_properties()
- self.__do_layout()
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.onClick,
self.button) - end wxGlade
- wx.EVT_CHAR(self.text_ctrl, self.onKey)
51Run Python commands from Vim with wxPython
- def __set_properties(self)
- begin wxGlade MyFrame.__set_properties
- self.SetTitle("Python from Vim")
- end wxGlade
- def __do_layout(self)
- begin wxGlade MyFrame.__do_layout
- sizer_1 wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
- sizer_1.Add(self.text_ctrl, 1, wx.EXPAND,
0) - sizer_1.Add(self.button, 0, 0, 0)
- self.SetSizer(sizer_1)
- sizer_1.Fit(self)
- self.Layout()
- end wxGlade
52Run Python commands from Vim with wxPython
- def onKey(self, event)
- Get the most recent key
- recentKey chr(event.GetKeyCode())
- self.text_ctrl.SetValue(recentKey)
- Send key to Vim
- vim.SendKeys(recentKey)
- def onClick(self, event)
- Get current line from Vim
- line vim.Eval('getline(".")')
- Send line to Python
- python.Exec(line)
53Run Python commands from Vim with wxPython
- if __name__ "__main__"
- app wx.PySimpleApp(0)
- wx.InitAllImageHandlers()
- frame_1 MyFrame(None, -1, "")
- app.SetTopWindow(frame_1)
- frame_1.Show()
- app.MainLoop()
54Get contacts from Outlook
- Connect to Outlook
- Open contacts folder
- Extract contacts
- Release Outlook
55Get contacts from Outlook
- Connect to Outlook
- outlook Dispatch(Outlook.Application)
- ns outlook.GetNamespace('MAPI')
- ns.Logon()
- Open contacts folder
- x constants.olFolderContacts
- folder ns.GetDefaultFolder(x)
56Get contacts from Outlook
- Extract contacts
- items folder.Items
- count Items.Count
- for index in xrange(1, count 1)
- item itemsindex
- value item.FullName, item.EmailAddress
- print s (s) value
- Release Outlook
- ns.Logoff()
- del outlook
57Explore handles
- import win32gui
- def callback(handle, results)
- klass win32gui.GetClassName(handle)
- title win32gui.GetWindowText(handle)
- results.append((title, klass))
- def showChildren(handle)
- results
- win32gui.EnumChildWindows(handle, callback,
results) - results.sort()
- for x in results print x
- showChildren(0)
58Explore dialog boxes
- klass '32770'
- title 'Microsoft Outlook'
- handle_dialog win32gui.FindWindow(klass, title)
- if handle_dialog showChildren(handle_dialog)
- else print The dialog is not open
59Interact with dialog boxes
- def clickHandle(handle)
- win32gui.SendMessage(handle,
win32con.WM_ACTIVATE, win32con.MA_ACTIVATE, 0) - win32gui.SendMessage(handle,
win32con.BM_CLICK, 0, 0) - h handle_dialog
- k 'Button
- t 'Allow access for'
- handle_button win32gui.FindWindowEx(h, 0, k, t)
- clickHandle(handle_button)
60Bypass the Outlook security dialog box
- Thanks to Samy http//www.lucidx.com/outsmart.tx
t - Thanks to Misha Verplak http//mail.python.org/p
ipermail/python-win32/2002-December/000635.html - import win32gui, win32con, win32api
- def clickHandle(h)
- win32gui.SendMessage(h, win32con.WM_ACTIVATE,
win32con.MA_ACTIVATE, 0) - win32gui.SendMessage(h, win32con.BM_CLICK, 0,
61Bypass the Outlook security dialog box
- def autoclick()
- Get h_dialog
- h_dialog win32gui.FindWindow('32770',
'Microsoft Outlook') - if not h_dialog return
- Click Allow
- h_button win32gui.FindWindowEx(h_dialog, 0,
'Button', 'Allow access for') - clickHandle(h_button)
62Bypass the Outlook security dialog box
- Select 10 minutes
- h_combobox win32gui.FindWindowEx(h_dialog,
0, 'ComboBox', '') - win32gui.SendMessage(h_combobox,
win32con.CB_SELECTSTRING, -1, '10 minutes') - Save mouse position
- x, y win32api.GetCursorPos()
63Bypass the Outlook security dialog box
- For security, Outlook ignores mouse events
- unless you click in the area of the dialog
- coords win32gui.GetWindowRect(h_dialog)
- x1, y1 coords2
- win32api.SetCursorPos((x1 10, y1 10))
- method win32api.mouse_event
- method(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,0,0,0,0)
- method(win32con.MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,0,0,0,0)
64Bypass the Outlook security dialog box
- Click Yes
- h_button_yes win32gui.FindWindowEx(h_dialog,
0, 'Button', 'Yes') - clickHandle(h_button_yes)
- Restore mouse position
- win32api.SetCursorPos(x, y)
65Bypass the Outlook security dialog box
- import threading, time
- class Autoclicker(threading.Thread)
- def run(self)
- while True
- time.sleep(1)
- try autoclick()
- except pass
- if __name__ '__main__'
- autoclicker Autoclicker()
- autoclicker.start()
66Catching COM errors
- import pywintypes
- try
- Your COM code
- pass
- except pywintypes.com_error
- Your COM error handling
- pass
67Next thirty minutes Mail
- Update a database using Outlook
10 min - Reply to email using Outlook
10 min - Reply to email using Lotus Notes
10 min
68Update a database using Outlook
- Connect to Outlook
- Open inbox folder
- Append inbox subfolders recursively
- For each folder,
- For each message,
- If the subject of the message matches,
- Update database
- Release Outlook
69Update a database using Outlook
- Connect to Outlook
- outlook Dispatch(Outlook.Application)
- ns outlook.GetNamespace('MAPI')
- ns.Logon()
70Update a database using Outlook
- Open inbox folder
- x constants.olFolderInbox
- inbox ns.GetDefaultFolder(x)
- Examine a message
- messages inbox.Items
- message messages1
- print message.SenderName
- print message.SentOn.Format()
71Update a database using Outlook
- Append inbox subfolders recursively
- def getSubFolders(parentFolder)
- count parentFolder.Folders.Count subFolders
- if count
- for whichFolder in xrange(1, count 1)
- subFolder folderwhichFolder
- subFolders.append(subFolder)
- subFolders.extend(getSubfolders(subFolder
)) - return subFolders
- Append inbox subfolders recursively
- folders inbox
- folders.extend(getSubFolders(inbox))
72Update a database using Outlook
- For each folder,
- for folder in folders
- For each message,
- message folder.Items.GetFirst()
- while message
- If the subject of the message matches,
- if message.Subject Add Me
- Update database
- database.addText(message.Body)
- Get next message
- message messages.GetNext()
- Release Outlook
- ns.Logoff() del outlook
73Reply to email with Outlook
- Connect to Outlook
- Open inbox folder
- For each message,
- Extract query terms from subject
- Execute query
- Write email with attachments
- Release Outlook
74Reply to email with Outlook
- Connect to Outlook
- outlook Dispatch(Outlook.Application)
- ns outlook.GetNamespace('MAPI')
- ns.Logon()
- Open inbox folder
- x constants.olFolderInbox
- inbox ns.GetDefaultFolder(x)
75Reply to email with Outlook
- Prepare regular expression
- import re pattern_query re.compile(\?(.))
- Prepare writeReply
- def writeReply(toWhom, subject)
- write(toWhom, Re subject, Hi)
- Prepare move
- def move(destinationFolder, message)
- message.Move(destinationFolder)
76Reply to email with Outlook
- def write(to, subj, body, attachments )
- x constants.olMailItem
- m outlook.CreateItem(x)
- m.To to m.Subject subj m.Body body
- for attachment in attachments
- p attachment, constants.olByValue, 1
- m.Attachments.Add(p)
- message.Send()
77Reply to email with Outlook
- For each message,
- messages inbox.Items
- m messages.GetFirst()
- while m
- Test the subject for a query
- match pattern_query.match(m.Subject)
- If we have a match, reply
- if match writeReply(m.SenderName, m.Subject)
- Get next message
- m messages.GetNext()
- ns.Logoff() del a Release Outlook
78Reply to email with Lotus Notes
- Connect to Lotus Notes
- Open inbox folder
- For each message,
- Extract query terms from subject
- Execute query
- Write email with attachments
- Release Lotus Notes
79Reply to email with Lotus Notes
- Connect to Lotus Notes
- import pywintypes
- notes Dispatch('Lotus.NotesSession')
- try
- notes.Initialize(dbPassword)
- notesDB notes.GetDatabase(dbHost, dbName)
- Open inbox folder
- inbox notesDB.GetView('(Inbox)')
- except pywintypes.com_error raise
80Reply to email with Lotus Notes
- def write(to, subj, htmlBody, attachments )
- notes.ConvertMime False Prevent rich text
- m notesDB.CreateDocument()
- m.ReplaceItemValue('SendTo', to)
- m.ReplaceItemValue('Subject', subj)
- stream notes.CreateStream()
- stream.WriteText(htmlBody)
- m_body m.CreateMIMEEntity()
- strHead 'text/html charsetutf-8
- parcel stream, strHead, constants.ENC_NONE
- m_body.SetContentFromText(parcel)
81Reply to email with Lotus Notes
- Add attachments
- for index in xrange(len(attachments))
- attach attachmentsindex
- if not attach continue
- strID 'attachmentd' index
- m_attach m.CreateRichTextItem(strID)
- x constants.EMBED_ATTACHMENT
- m_attach.EmbedObject(x, '', attach, None)
- message.Send(False)
- notes.ConvertMime True Restore setting
82Reply to email with Lotus Notes
- def move(destinationFolderName, message)
- message.PutInFolder(destinationFolderName)
- message.RemoveFromFolder('(Inbox)')
- Prepare writeReply
- def writeReply(toWhom, subject)
- html 'lthtmlgtltbodygtHeylt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
- write(toWhom, Re subject, html)
83Reply to email with Lotus Notes
- For each message,
- m inbox.GetFirstDocument()
- while m
- fromWhom m.GetItemValue('From')0.strip()
- subj m.GetItemValue('Subject')0.strip()
- Test the subject for a query
- match pattern_query.match(subj)
- If we have a match, reply
- if match writeReply(fromWhom, subj)
- Get next message
- m inbox.GetNextDocument(m)
84Next thirty minutes Events
- Make a toolbar button in Excel
10 min - Update a database
- from an Excel spreadsheet in real-time
10 min - Run Python commands from an Excel spreadsheet
10 min
85Make a toolbar button in Excel
- Dispatch Excel
- excel Dispatch(Excel.Application)
- Add a toolbar
- toolbar excel.CommandBars.Add(
- Name myToolbar',
- Position constants.msoBarTop,
- MenuBar constants.msoBarTypeNormal,
- Temporary True)
- toolbar.Visible True
86Make a toolbar button in Excel
- Define button handler
- class ButtonEvent(object)
- def OnClick(self, button, cancel)
- import win32ui
- import win32con
- win32ui.MessageBox('Welcome',
- 'Message', win32con.MB_OK)
- return cancel
87Make a toolbar button in Excel
- Add a button to the toolbar
- button toolbar.Controls.Add(1)
- button DispatchWithEvents(button,
- ButtonEvent)
- button.Width 34
- button.Caption Welcome
- button.Style constants.msoButtonCaption
88Debugging using win32traceutil
- import win32traceutil
- Run PythonWin
- gt Tools gt Trace Collector Debugging Tool
- before trying the next statement
- print welcome
89Update database from an Excel spreadsheet in
- Define event handler
- Dispatch Excel with event handler
- Listen for events
- If we have an event,
- Get row and update database using row
- Give feedback in a cell of the row
- Adapted from /Python25/Lib/site-packages/win32co
m/test/testMSOfficeEvents.py - Courtesy of Mark Hammond
90Update database from an Excel spreadsheet in
- Define event handler
- class EventManager(object)
- def OnSheetBeforeDoubleClick(self, sheet,
- target, cancel)
- print Updating database
- Update database here
- pass
91Update database from an Excel spreadsheet in
- Dispatch Excel with event handler
- from win32com.client import DispatchWithEvents
- excel DispatchWithEvents('Excel.Application',
EventManager) - excel.Visible 1
92Update database from an Excel spreadsheet in
- Listen for events
- import threading, pythoncom
- stopEvent threading.Event()
- while True
- pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages()
- Necessary so that python doesn't hog CPU
- stopEvent.wait(.2)
- if stopEvent.isSet()
- stopEvent.clear()
- break
93Run Python commandsfrom an Excel spreadsheet
- Import other modules
- Define event handler
- Dispatch Python
- Dispatch Excel with event handler
- Listen for events
- Prevent hanging references
94Run Python commandsfrom an Excel spreadsheet
- Import other modules
- from win32com.client import Dispatch,
DispatchWithEvents, constants - from pywintypes import com_error
- Define event handler
- class EventManager(object)
- User double-clicks a cell
- def OnSheetBeforeDoubleClick(self, sheet,
target, cancel) - inputCell excel.ActiveCell
- inputValue str(inputCell.Value)
- if inputValue
- outputCell excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(i
nputCell.Row, inputCell.Column 1) - Try executing it
- try python.Exec(inputValue)
- except com_error, err
outputCell.Value str(err)
95Run Python commandsfrom an Excel spreadsheet
- Dispatch Python
- python Dispatch('Python.Interpreter')
- Dispatch Excel with event handler
- excel DispatchWithEvents('Excel.Application',
EventManager) - excel.Visible 1
- excel.Workbooks.Add()
- excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value 'Commands'
- excel.ActiveSheet.Columns('A').ColumnWidth 20
- excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value 'Errors'
- excel.ActiveSheet.Columns('B').ColumnWidth 60
- excel.ActiveSheet.Columns('B').WrapText True
- excel.ActiveSheet.Columns('B').HorizontalAlignment
constants.xlLeft - excel.ActiveCell.Offset(2).Activate()
96Run Python commandsfrom an Excel spreadsheet
- Listen for events
- import threading, pythoncom
- stopEvent threading.Event()
- while True
- pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages()
- Necessary so that python doesn't hog CPU
- stopEvent.wait(.2)
- if stopEvent.isSet()
- stopEvent.clear()
- break
- Prevent hanging references
- del excel
- del python
97Next ten minutes Add-ins
- Write an add-in for Excel
8 min - Write an add-in for Word
1 min - Write an add-in for Outlook
1 min
98How to write an add-in
- Find a CLSID for your add-in
- Cut and paste the add-in class definition
- Define the behavior for your add-in by overriding
methods in the class definition - Register your add-in
99Write an add-in for Excel
- Bring COM modules into Python
- Define add-in class
- Register add-in
- Courtesy of Eric Koome
100Write an add-in for Excel
- Import other modules
- from win32com import universal
- from win32com.client import gencache,
DispatchWithEvents, constants - import pythoncom, sys
- Bring COM modules into Python
- gencache.EnsureModule('00020813-0000-0000-C000-00
0000000046', 0, 1, 3, bForDemandTrue) Excel 9 - gencache.EnsureModule('2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00
AA0044DE52', 0, 2, 1, bForDemandTrue) Office
9 - universal.RegisterInterfaces('AC0714F2-3D04-11D1-
AE7D-00A0C90F26F4', 0, 1, 0, '_IDTExtensibility2
101Write an add-in for Excel
- Define button handler
- class ButtonEvent(object)
- def OnClick(self, button, cancel)
- import win32ui, win32con
- win32ui.MessageBox('Welcome', 'Message',
win32con.MB_OK) - return cancel
- Define add-in class
- class Addin(object)
- _com_interfaces_ '_IDTExtensibility2'
- _public_methods_
- _reg_clsctx_ pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER
- _reg_clsid_ '2F1E606F-2A7B-46F9-AF6A-267C00
36C348' - _reg_progid_ 'Python.Test.Addin'
- _reg_policy_spec_ 'win32com.server.policy.Ev
entHandlerPolicy' - def __init__(self) import win32traceutil
self.application None
102Write an add-in for Excel
- def OnConnection(self, application, connectMode,
addin, custom) - print 'OnConnection', application,
connectMode, addin, custom - try
- self.application application
- myToolbar self.application.CommandBa
rs.Add(Name 'Run Toolbar', Position
constants.msoBarTop, MenuBar constants.msoBarTyp
eNormal, Temporary True) - myButton myToolbar.Controls.Add(1)
- self.myButton DispatchWithEvents(myB
utton, ButtonEvent) - self.myButton.Width '34'
- self.myButton.Caption 'Run'
- self.myButton.Style
constants.msoButtonCaption - myToolbar.Visible True
103Write an add-in for Excel
- except pythoncom.com_error, (hr, msg,
exc, arg) - print 'The Excel call failed with
code d s' (hr, msg) - if exc is None print 'There is no
extended error information' - else
- wcode, source, text, helpFile,
helpId, scode exc - print 'The source of the error
is', source - print 'The error message is',
text - print 'More info can be found in
s (idd)' (helpFile, helpId) - def OnDisconnection(self, mode, custom)
- print 'OnDisconnection'
- self.application.CommandBars('Run
Toolbar').Delete - del self.application
- def OnAddInsUpdate(self, custom) print
'OnAddInsUpdate', custom - def OnStartupComplete(self, custom) print
'OnStartupComplete', custom - def OnBeginShutdown(self, custom) print
'OnBeginShutdown', custom
104Write an add-in for Excel
- Register add-in
- def RegisterAddin(klass)
- import _winreg
- key _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_U
SER, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\Excel\\Addins')
- subkey _winreg.CreateKey(key,
klass._reg_progid_) - _winreg.SetValueEx(subkey, 'CommandLineSafe',
0, _winreg.REG_DWORD, 0) - _winreg.SetValueEx(subkey, 'LoadBehavior', 0,
_winreg.REG_DWORD, 3) - _winreg.SetValueEx(subkey, 'Description', 0,
_winreg.REG_SZ, 'Run Toolbar') - _winreg.SetValueEx(subkey, 'FriendlyName', 0,
_winreg.REG_SZ, 'Runs the contents of the cell in
105Write an add-in for Excel
- Unregister add-in
- def UnregisterAddin(klass)
- import _winreg
- try _winreg.DeleteKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_US
ER, 'Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\Excel\\Addins\\'
klass._reg_progid_) - except WindowsError pass
- if __name__ '__main__'
- import win32com.server.register
- win32com.server.register.UseCommandLine(Addin)
- if '--unregister' in sys.argv
- UnregisterAddin(Addin)
- else RegisterAddin(Addin)
106Getting a CLSID for your add-in
- import pywintypes
- clsid pywintypes.CreateGuid()
- class Addin(object)
- _reg_clsid_ '2F1E606F-2A7B-46F9-AF6A-267C00
107Write an add-in for WordWrite an add-in for
- Register your add-in in the Word subdirectory
- 'Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\Word\\Addins
- And similarly for Outlook
- 'Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\Outlook\\Addins'
108Next thirty minutes More
- Speak using SpVoice
4 min - Call using Skype
5 min - Convert a document to PDF
5 min - Clip images from shapefiles through ArcGIS
5 min - Do calculations in Matlab
5 min - Extract data from an Access database
3 min - Move your mouse
3 min
109Speak using SpVoice
- Connect to SpVoice
- speech Dispatch('SAPI.SpVoice')
- Speak
- speech.Speak('hey')
110Call using Skype
- skype Dispatch('Skype4COM.Skype')
- skype.Client.Start()
- skype.PlaceCall(18004664411') 1 800 GOOG 411
- speech Dispatch('SAPI.SpVoice')
- import time time.sleep(5)
- speech.Speak(Chicago Illinois)
111Convert a document to PDF
- avdoc Dispatch('AcroExch.AVDoc')
- doc avdoc.Open(sourcePath, 'doc2pdf')
- pddoc avdoc.GetPDDoc()
- pddoc.Save(PDSAVEFULL, destinationPath)
- pddoc.Close() del pddoc
- avdoc.Close(NOSAVE) del avdoc
- Courtesy of Justin Ezequiel
112Do calculations in Matlab
- Dispatch Matlab
- matlab Dispatch(Matlab.Application)
- Execute commands
- matlab.Execute(a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
- real, imag matlab.GetFullMatrix('a', 'base')
- Import numpy
- array(real)
113Clip images from shapefiles using ArcGIS
- Dispatch ArcGIS
- gp Dispatch(EsriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch')
- rows gp.SearchCursor(path_points_shapefile)
- Prepare to clip
- import Image
- length_x_halved 10 length_y_halved 10
- def makeString_rectangle(x, y)
- return 's s s s' (x length_x_halved,
- y - length_y_halved, x length_x_halved,
- y length_y_halved)
114Clip images from shapefiles using ArcGIS
- Get row
- row rows.next()
- Get coordinates
- point row.shape.GetPart() x, y point.X,
point.Y - Make rectangle
- string_rectangle makeString_rectangle(x, y)
- Clip image around point
- try gp.Clip_management(path_image,
string_rectangle, - path_temporary)
- except pywintypes.com_error print
gp.GetMessages() - Open image
- image Image.open(path_temporary)
115Extract datafrom an Access database
- Use ADODB.Connection
- Refer to http//www.ecp.cc/
116Move your mouse
- import random, win32api
- def jiggle()
- Get random motion
- choices (1,0), (-1,0), (0,1), (0,-1)
- motion random.choice(choices)
- Get cursor position
- oldPosition win32api.GetCursorPos()
- Set cursor position
- newX oldPosition0 motion0
- newY oldPosition1 motion1
- win32api.SetCursorPos((newX, newY))
117Click (Simple)
- def click(x, y)
- win32api.SetCursorPos((x, y))
- win32api.mouse_event(DOWN,0,0,0,0)
- win32api.mouse_event(UP,0,0,0,0)
118Type (Simple)
- def type(vk, scan)
- win32api.keybd_event(vk, scan, 0, 0)
- Keycodes
- http//msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms64630
119Click and Type (Complex)
- Courtesy of Daniel F
- http//mail.python.org/pipermail/python-win32/20
05-April/003131.html - from ctypes import
- PUL POINTER(c_ulong)
- class KeyBdInput(Structure) _fields_ ('wVk',
c_ushort), ('wScan', c_ushort), ('dwFlags',
c_ulong), ('time', c_ulong), ('dwExtraInfo',
PUL) - class HardwareInput(Structure) _fields_
('uMsg', c_ulong), ('wParamL', c_short),
('wParamH', c_ushort) - class MouseInput(Structure) _fields_ ('dx',
c_long), ('dy', c_long), ('mouseData', c_ulong),
('dwFlags', c_ulong), ('time',c_ulong),
('dwExtraInfo', PUL) - class Input_I(Union) _fields_ ('ki',
KeyBdInput), ('mi', MouseInput), ('hi',
HardwareInput) - class Input(Structure) _fields_ ('type',
c_ulong), ('ii', Input_I) - class POINT(Structure) _fields_ ('x',
c_ulong), ('y', c_ulong)
120Click and Type (Complex)
- def Click(x, y)
- orig POINT()
- windll.user32.GetCursorPos(byref(orig))
- windll.user32.SetCursorPos(x,y)
- FInputs Input 2
- extra c_ulong(0)
- ii_ Input_I()
- ii_.mi MouseInput( 0, 0, 0, 2, 0,
pointer(extra) ) - ii2_ Input_I()
- ii2_.mi MouseInput( 0, 0, 0, 4, 0,
pointer(extra) ) - x FInputs( ( 0, ii_ ), ( 0, ii2_ ) )
- windll.user32.SendInput(2, pointer(x),
sizeof(x0)) - return orig.x, orig.y
121Click and Type (Complex)
- def Type(wVk, wScan)
- FInputs Input 1
- extra c_ulong(0)
- ii_ Input_I()
- ii_.ki KeyBdInput( wVk, wScan, 0, 0,
pointer(extra) ) - x FInputs( ( 1, ii_ ) )
- windll.user32.SendInput(1, pointer(x),
sizeof(x0)) - return windll.kernel32.GetLastError()
122Reference win32com
- Dispatch
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- Dispatch with event handling
- from win32com.client import DispatchWithEvents
- Catch COM errors
- from pywintypes import com_error
- try pass
- except com_error pass
- PythonWin gt Tools gt Trace Collector Debugging
Tool - import win32traceutil print hey
123Reference Microsoft Excel
- Connect
- excelApplication win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel
.Application') - Make it visible
- excelApplication.Visible 1
- Adjust the application window
- excelApplication.WindowState win32com.client.con
stants.xlNormal - excelApplication.WindowState win32com.client.con
stants.xlMinimized - excelApplication.WindowState win32com.client.con
stants.xlMaximized - Move the application window
- excelApplication.Application.Top 50
- excelApplication.Application.Left 50
- Resize the application window
- excelApplication.Application.Width 500
- excelApplication.Application.Height 500
- Set the number of sheets in a new workbook
- excelApplication.SheetsInNewWorkbook 1
- Add a workbook
- excelApplication.Workbooks.Add()
124Reference Microsoft Excel
- Write a value to a cell
- row 1 column 2 text 'Welcome'
- cell excelApplication.ActiveSheet.Cells(row,
column) - cell.Value text cell.Font.Size size
cell.Font.Bold isBold - Read a value from a cell
- print cell.Value
- Add a worksheet after the current worksheet
- excelApplication.Worksheets.Add(After
excelApplication.ActiveSheet) - Choosing rows and columns
- rowObject excelApplication.ActiveSheet.Rows(1)
- columnObject excelApplication.ActiveSheet.Column
s('A') - Merge cells in a range
- excelApplication.ActiveSheet.Range(A1B3).Merge(
) - Format dates
- cell.NumberFormat 'm/d/yyyy'
- Wrap text
- rowObject.WrapText True
- Autofit cells
- rowObject.AutoFit()
125Reference Microsoft Excel
- Align cells
- cell.VerticalAlignment win32com.client.constants
.xlVAlignTop - cell.HorizontalAlignment win32com.client.constan
ts.xlRight - Change page orientation
- sheet excelApplication.ActiveSheet
- sheet.PageSetup.Orientation xlLandscape
- sheet.PageSetup.PaperSize xlPaperLegal
- Change margins
- margin excelApplication.InchesToPoints(0.5)
- sheet.PageSetup.TopMargin margin
- Change headers
- sheet.PageSetup.RightHeader 'A\nD\nT\nPage
P/N' - Hide columns
- hiddenColumns 'A', 'D'
- for hiddenColumn in hiddenColumns
columns(hiddenColumn).Hidden True
126Reference Lotus Notes
- Import other modules
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- import pywintypes
- Interface for Lotus Notes
- class Store(object)
- Constructor
- def __init__(self, databaseHost,
databaseName, databasePassword) - Connect
- self.notesSession Dispatch('Lotus.NotesS
ession') - try
- self.notesSession.Initialize(databaseP
assword) - self.notesDatabase
databaseName) - self.inbox self.notesDatabase.GetVie
w('(Inbox)') - except pywintypes.com_error raise
ConnectionError - Set constants
- self.ENC_NONE win32com.client.constants.
127Reference Lotus Notes
- Write
- def write(self, toWhom, subject, body,
attachments ) - Don't convert MIME to rich text
- self.notesSession.ConvertMime False
- Prepare message
- message self.notesDatabase.CreateDocumen
t() - message.ReplaceItemValue('SendTo',
toWhom) - message.ReplaceItemValue('Subject',
subject) - stream self.notesSession.CreateStream()
- stream.WriteText(body)
- message_body message.CreateMIMEEntity()
- message_body.SetContentFromText(stream,
'text/html charsetutf-8', self.ENC_NONE) - Add attachments
- for index in xrange(len(attachments))
- attachment attachmentsindex
- if not attachment continue
- message_attachment
index) - message_attachment.EmbedObject(self.EM
BED_ATTACHMENT, '', attachment, None)
128Reference Lotus Notes
- Move
- def move(self, destinationFolderName,
document) - document.PutInFolder(destinationFolderName
) - document.RemoveFromFolder('(Inbox)')
- Queue
- def clearQueues(self)
- self.writes self.moves
- def queueWrite(self, parcel)
- self.writes.append(parcel)
- def queueMove(self, parcel)
- self.moves.append(parcel)
- def processQueues(self)
- for parcel in self.writes
129Reference Microsoft Outlook
- Connect to Microsoft Outlook using Dispatch
- from win32com.client import Dispatch, constants
- session win32com.client.Dispatch('Outlook.Applic
ation') - namespace session.GetNamespace('MAPI')
- namespace.Logon()
- Browse folders
- rootFolder namespace.Folders1.Folders
- count rootFolder.Count
- for whichFolder in xrange(1, count 1)
- folder rootFolderwhichFolder
- print folder.Name
- Read mail
- folder namespace.GetDefaultFolder(constants.olFo
lderInbox) - messages folder.Items
- message messagesmessageIndex
- print message.Subject
130Reference Microsoft Outlook
- def write(to, subj, body, attachments )
- x constants.olMailItem
- m outlook.CreateItem(x)
- m.To to m.Subject subj m.Body body
- for attachment in attachments
- p attachment, constants.olByValue, 1
- m.Attachments.Add(p)
- message.Send
- def move(destinationFolderName, message)
- message.Move(destinationFolderName)
131Reference Databases and dates
- import pyodbc
- When inserting records, SQL server
- only accepts dates in a certain format
- now datetime.date.today().strftime('m/d/Y')
- import sqlite3
- self.connection sqlite3.connect(databasePath,
detect_types sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES) - sql 'CREATE TABLE invoices (invoiceNumber
INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, invoiceDate DATE, amount
REAL, description TEXT, isPaid INTEGER)'
- Python!
- Mark Hammond for developing win32com
- Tutorial organizer Greg Lindstrom
- Eric Koome for code on the Excel add-in
- Python Conference 2008 organizers
- All Python developers for being so helpful and
willing to share what they have learned
- See if someone has already solved it.
- http//python.org/about/help
- You can also ask me!
- Roy H. Han
- starsareblueandfaraway at gmail.com
- (917) 566-7004